haevlem · 4 years
i just had to watch the two hour presentation my uni gave about covid, and. their precautions are to give everyone hand sanitizer and one (1) cloth face mask (to wear “when social distancing is not possible”). sooo i guess in a month or two i’ll update with what covid is like :))))
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haevlem · 4 years
also had a friend who broke up with a girl, and then that girl went on to date that friend’s older sister. (once again: limited dating pool)
nothing quite like the experience of growing up on an island
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haevlem · 4 years
nothing made me feel better than realizing you can literally just reinvent yourself. i moved out for college, went to thrift stores, replaced my clothes, and curated the person i wanted to be. and then i just was them. it was that simple, and i feel so much more free now
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haevlem · 4 years
who decided :) was sarcastic/shady??? bc why!! it’s just a lil smile, ok?? who hurt you.
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haevlem · 4 years
just like a small dog, i too get nervous around vacuums
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haevlem · 4 years
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haevlem · 4 years
yes my posts are literally all just shit from my notes app.
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haevlem · 4 years
man i love those radio jingles that you hear once and forever trapped in your brain. like, someone came up with that. someone was paid to come up with that, and now they’ve influenced your life in a way you’ll likely never influence theirs. 
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haevlem · 4 years
i am unequivocally incapable of sounding sincere over text.
to rectify this problem, i use a lot of exclamation points, emoji, etc, to reach the vibe i’m trying to convey. however, this also turns me into a golden retriever.
please send help.
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haevlem · 4 years
i miss Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst® 
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haevlem · 4 years
unsettlingly organ-like
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haevlem · 4 years
no club will ever top “international foods club” - a club in which we cooked fine meals every week, and which also doubled as anime club. was it advertised as an anime club? no. you only got to find out after you joined.
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haevlem · 4 years
senior year i had a class with my best friend, and two of our mutual exes were also in it. welcome to island living.
nothing quite like the experience of growing up on an island
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haevlem · 4 years
do i use tags as intended? no
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haevlem · 4 years
tfw ppl are so convinced you’re dating your bff that even when you’re both in separate relationships, instead of thinking that you’re not together, they just think you’re polyamorous 
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haevlem · 4 years
i was once told by a friend that i “seem like someone who would end up with a tattoo” and i still don’t know what that means
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haevlem · 4 years
nothing quite like the experience of growing up on an island
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