onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
Hi my name is Delaney and im in a group at my school called "Sources of Strength" and im in charge of Mental Heath week. We are focusing on suicide prevention and overall helping teenagers. I was wondering if you had any suggestions that would help you personally or anything that helped you to get happy. i really want to make this week great so everyone realizes that mental illnesses are real and not cool. if you have anything that would not help or trigger someone please let me know! thank you!
hello, I am aware this is probably too late but I would use doctors statistics and science. However do not include pictures but ensure that you show help available, such as anonymous hotlines and places you can go to like CAMHS.
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
I've never had a girlfriend or a boyfriends and I don't think anyone I've spoken to realises how much it sucks. I feel ugly and worthless because not once has a male called me pretty or said they liked me. I'm nearly 17. People round me are having sex for the first time and are all in relationships. I've never been in one & 4 once I just want to know what kissing feels like etc. I know I'm ugly and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm just so scared for the future bc what if I'm alone forever
Lets start this of by me telling you this much, you're beautiful ok and I know I haven't seen your face but I promise you that you're so so beautiful. You shouldn't feel bad about yourself because a boy/girl won't appreciate how great you are, they are blind if they don't because you really are great !! I hope you're ok. Just because all of your friends are having sex and what not does not mean that you should feel as if you have to be aswell. You're what? 17 years old, you're still so so lond and you will find someone who will love you. When you do find that someone you will be so glad that you didn't go and have sex when everyone else was because it will be a lot more precious and less childish for you when it comes round to it. You won't be alone forever, you're not even alone now really you just haven't realised yet.-em
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
hi i love your blog :) i am a lesbian and i although i have nothing against gay people whatsoever, i really hate being gay :( i hate that i won't be able to have my own biological children when i'm older and i feel like i am lying to anyone who doesn't know that i'm gay :( i have been clean for over a year now but i am more tempted than ever and everyday i have to resist the urge to pick up a blade. it sounds really stupid and i'll understand if you don't want to answer. thank you
hello !! it is ok to not be ok with what you are it is perfectly normal i want you to know that first of all!! a lot of people often find themself coming to terms with it all a lot more as they mature sexually !!!!! but don't worry buddy you can still have the baby yourself , if ur with ur partner u can simply be the carrier this means it is ur egg that goes into the baby therefore half of its dna is urs so it is biological it just probably mean that you are quite a loving motherly person u see! but don't worry about the future too much right now as it will just beat you up, think about the present, don't look back and don't look forward. I believe in you keeping clean I really do believe that you are able to do that. Whenever you feel like or even think about your blades send us a message ok because you're better then that amd you have been clean for so so long don't let all of that go to nothing ok !! You're doing so so so great and I love you dearly and I believe in you as a friend please don't stress and be strong in yourself ok. Also this wasn't silly or anything, honestly you could send us anything and we would answer it in the most loving helpful way we are able. I hope you come to terms with yourself soon !! -Em
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
hello I just feel like I need to vent. So basically I just started school no one used my new name and I forgot how bad it was to hear my old one and everything feels bad and I can't do anything right and my parents don't believe me and wont let me do anything about anything and none of this will make sense but thanks for being here
people who won't use your new name are v ignorant especially if u have made it clear that is the identify u wish to use!!! you can do lots of things right, for example venting is the right choice instead of keeping it bottled up!! see that is one thing right already and i bet there are hundreds more !!!! your parents need to understand that you are their child and they should try 2 understand you and be there for you instead of questioning you. if they cannot accept that then they aren't worth worrying about honey. and it makes perfect sense!!! you want to be known as a certain identity and people aren't adjusting to it the way u hoped and that is horrible and i am sorry for that but it's okay because all that matters is that you are comfortable with who you are !!!!!! thnx for being on earth w me today
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
i had made progress over the summer but it all went down the drain. i was 6 weeks clean and i relapsed. i dont exactly know anymore. i want to die and end this because i dont think it will ever get better for me. ever. everything hurts so much.
hello sweetie i'm sorry to hear you relapsed!! i've been there many many MANY times and i know exactly how disappointing it is when you've worked so hard but you know what? every road has it's bumps. in order to continue your journey to recovery you're going to need to look past those bumps and towards the end of the road, okay? you're gonna slip up, you're human and we all make mistakes AND you're also unwell and struggling with an addiction, so please don't be too harsh on yourself for something that is super difficult!! the fact you made it six weeks is incredible, focus on your achievement rather than the "failure" !! it will get better for you!! again i feel the same way as you a lot of the time but i have witnessed so many people who felt that way getting better and even happier than they ever expected to be, even before they were sick. take the pain you feel and put it into something good!!!! pain reminds us we are alive and that is incredible so use that pain to create and inspire and to teach others !!! we are all alive on this planet together and sometimes it gets tough for some of us but we are all here for each other !! good luck with your recovery and pls be kind to yourself !!!! you are wonderful and i am sorry u are so sad
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
I'm sorry this is a stupid question but what's camhs?
child and adolescent mental health service- it's a service for people under the age of 18 that provides mental health care for those in need of it 
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
do you have to go mk for camhs? bc you live in Northamptonshire I know that Northampton doesn't have a mental Heath thing (I go mk).
hello is it ok if u message me on my main abt this bc i dnt rlly want to publish things on here tht are more general chats i hope tht is ok u can stay on anon ok it is mxrguerite !! -em
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
wow u live in northamptonshire?
i dnt know if u meant to send this here bt i do yes gahh !!-em
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
thank u for the help,u guys r great!! ur right I'm gonna try n go back to CAMHS bc I won't know unless I try!thank u again for the advice n help,hope u r also doing well!!
you’re very welcome!!!! i’m proud of u, please let us know how it goes and your progress, we’d love to hear it :+) thank u pal, i’m doing ok !!!
i am so glad tht we helped u in anway i am doing great,, remember we will always be here !! -em
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
hello!!firstly I really admire what u guys do to help people n this blog is a great idea!! ok,I was referred to CAMHS after a suicide attempt and I lied to them and I got discharged?and she said I could go back whenever I wanted to and I'm still kinda sad a lot and I did consider doing it again but my family think I'm okay now and if I go back to CAMHS they will think I'm bad again and it upsets my mum and I just don't know what to do?like do I go back to them even though it'll upset people:((
you need to go back!!! lying about how you feel to protect others doesn't help yourself or even them, in fact they'd rather you told the truth and got better than suffer in silence!!! you need to take every opportunity you can to move yourself forward from this time in your life and i think camhs will give you the tools to do that!! i wish you luck and i hope you start to feel better because you really don't deserve any of this, and believe me i've been where you are and i'm still there, we can get through this together!!!
also, thank you!!!! we hope we can help people as much as possible :)
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
i am just here to say thank you for doing this you are all amazing i love you all
YOU'RE VERY WELCOME!!!! we appreciate the support so much and we love you too !!
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
sometimes i look at my ribs and all my bony bits and im like yeh i'm 2 skinny i need 2 gain weight but then i have these phases where i feel so fucking fat and i starve myself and want to die lol
i am so sorry that this is such a late reply myself and most of the girls have been in london all weekend with eachother at summer in the city !! but i promise you that you're beautiful and you need to remember always that what you see yourself as is never what anyone else sees you as !! so when you're thinking look too 'fat' or too 'slim' remember all the time myself and so many others think you're beautiful!! starving yourself is never the way forward because it can cause so many health problems !! it can cause you to not get your periods which then stops you from having children so it really isn't worth it and it makes you so ill and can kill you :(( instead when you're feeling 'fat' you should try reduce the ammount of fatty foods you eat or perhaps tell an irl friend so they can help you !! a friend of mine used to starve herself and it took 6 months of being friends with me for her to realise that i will eat healthy with her and exercise so she isn't starving but doesn't feel bad !! you should try find a friend like this and if not you can message me on my private and i will support you all the way !! again i am sorry for such a late reply and i hope you find a weight you're happy with, i love you lots!!-em
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
help with the fear of gaining weight?? i'm supposed to be weight restoring but it freaks me out so much heeelllppp
maybe if u increase ur portion sizes the concept will b less scary because you're not changing your diet so that isn't different you're just increasing the ammount u have or is there maybe something u enjoy to drink u would b happy to swap ?? also an idea so u trick urself into thinking ur not gaining weight if u have manual scales u can move the dial below zero so when u step on them u will think tht u are slimmer then what u are so nothing is changing as far as u need to know ?? i rlly dnt know i am so sorry i am bad with weight matters :((-em
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
Opinion on same sex marriage? I think it is wrong because of my parents but I am gay?
Personally, I fully support same sex marriage. I haven't been influenced otherwise by my parents or any religion. Sometimes your parents opinions can be forced on u as a child and as u grow older u just have to form ur own opinions. This can be small things such as music preferences to bigger things like opinions on same sex marriage. Parents are just people who have a right to have an opinion just like you. You have time to form ur own opinions. It's hard to change ur whole mindset on something so big, that's if u agree with it. I hope this helped, I'm sorry this probably didn't make any sense -meg
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
i want to die and i can't wait until i finally build up the guts to die
sweetie, dying doesn't solve anything!!!! Take it from someone who knows, I've been in hospital after a suicide attempt and I've also attempted in the past without hospital treatment afterwards, and it's not pleasant. When it doesn't work you're left throwing up and feeling dizzy and sick and constantly prodded with questions asking why and how and what and where and it's all very terrible. And if you do succeed, you end up passing on all of your sadness to your friends and family that you leave behind. They have to attend your funeral knowing that if they had helped you, you would still be alive. Your parents would blame themselves and your friends wouldn't be the same. I've had friends end their lives, and believe me when i say i still have nightmares about them, even after months and even years. Plus, there is so much to live for!!! There is so much of the world you have yet to experience and so many people you haven't met yet, heck tomorrow could be the day life starts looking up for you!!!! If you end your life you'll never have the opportunity to see how great the earth can be, and you'll never reach your full potential. Everything ends, including life, but yours shouldn't end until you've taken as much from the world as you possibly can, and i hope that will be many years in the future. Whenever you feel like death is the answer please talk to one of us, whether it's here, on twitter, or our main blogs!!!!! You will b ok-becki
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
i am so sad and angry at the world and i haven't scratched for like ages but I really feel like I need to I am driving myself crazy and the salf harm alternatives don't work for me personally and ahhh
i suggest you take a timeout, turn off everything you're using and just sit and look out your window for a few minutes, let everything bothering you run through your mind and cry, it is ok to cry and just sit there in the silence, i know silence can be scary but sometimes it is so worth being scared just to get everything clear, now if you're still feeling the need to scratch preoccupy yourself, do this by either making some food or even watching a film, if this still doesn't work is there anything you can hit which is soft such as a pillow if so, hit the pillow so hard give it all of your pain, throw it at things anything and then hopefully the pain and anger and sadness you're feeling you need to release will be gone because you have spent so long hitting a pillow that it has gone for now, i am so proud of you for coming this far, and i will always be here whether to skype you, to call you or anything i won't judge you ever if you need a friend to distract you
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onlinesupportgroup · 10 years
I just feel completely dumb but I am so scared about the future and I will never amount to anything because I am a failure and I thought I was doing better and I think i really was but now I'm not and everything is going wrong AGAIN just like it did before and many other times and I can't explain it all and I have noone to talk to and I just don't know
you're not dumb ok, and it is ok to be scared about the future you're allowed to be scared of the unknown ok, but maybe for now it is best to just not think about the future and keep your mind on the present because if you go too far into thought about the future you will become unhappy and that is never good, now you're not a failure ok, if you think you're doing better or that you was then you can get there again because quite simply if you keep on pushing to get better you will eventually, and not only that it is ok to have a few slip ups here and there, i am always here to talk to therefore you do have someone, but you really need to stop thinking of yourself in these negative ways because nothing you're telling me negative about yourself is true because you're so great and intelligent and you will go so far in life and you will get better and it will all be ok so stop telling yourself otherwise ok i love you lots, i am always here 
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