hahsmari · 3 years
“Always show kindness and love to others. Your words might be filling the empty places in someone’s heart.”
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hahsmari · 3 years
“When you look upon another human being and feel great love toward them, or when you contemplate beauty in nature and something within you responds deeply to it, close your eyes for a moment and feel the essence of that love or that beauty within you, inseparable from who you are, your true nature. The outer form is a temporary reflection of what you are within, in your essence. That is why love and beauty can never leave you, although all outer forms will.”
— Eckhart Tolle (via vijara)
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hahsmari · 3 years
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hahsmari · 3 years
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A picture from Algeria 
“Dear brother. if you don’t have money don’t be shy; don’t leave your family without food,please take what you need for your children from the offered greens since My provision and your Provision is from Allah”
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hahsmari · 3 years
Next time you pray, slow down your recitation and take your time in ruku’ and sujood; you’ll see how much khushoo you have in that salah.
Improve your salah and your life will also be better.
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hahsmari · 3 years
Advice to my brothers and sisters; when something (small) happens to you, like you lost something, or you’re panicking looking for a solution. Always make istighfaar. Ask Allah for forgiveness. It may be that Allah puts you through something like that due to your sins and shortcomings. But when you seek forgiveness, it may be that He removes this test from you. It has happened to me many times, that I’d lose my keys, I’d be locked up somewhere, I’d be lost in some place unknown, I’d make istighfaar and Allah would immediately alleviate this test from me and solve it for me. Alhamdulillaah.
أستغفر الله العظيم وأتوب اليه
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hahsmari · 3 years
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hahsmari · 3 years
Mu'adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه advised
“Stay away from a companionship that does not benefit you with knowledge.”
‎ ‎~ Adab Sharʾiyyah 4/232
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hahsmari · 3 years
i can’t stress how important it is to know who you are as a person because people will literally try to project their insecurities + preconceived notions onto you.
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hahsmari · 3 years
fill your shelves with well read books, your windowsills with plants abundant, your home with love
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hahsmari · 3 years
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hahsmari · 3 years
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We are back in the stone age. We do not know what’s going on in the outside world. We don’t know what’s going on in other neighborhoods. This will have very dangerous consequences. Just like how Israel is creating settlements in Palestine, the same policy will be applied here too.
– Kashmiri student Asim Abbas, on the Hindutva Indian government’s annexation, invasion, and telecommunications blackout of Kashmir
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hahsmari · 3 years
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‘We Have Been in a Lockdown for Three Decades’ by Malik Sajad
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hahsmari · 3 years
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This is only a fraction of the issues the world is facing. This is not to say that Muslim’s are only facing hardship, I am simply trying to raise awareness about these specific countries. This post doesn’t cover all of it. Our brothers and sisters in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Albania, Kurdistan and so many more are still suffering. ⁣These are beautiful countries that are masked by war and famine.
All I hope from each of you is that you learn something new each day. If you’re reading this right now it is likely you come from a place of privilege. Use that privilege to educate yourself and stay informed on the issues this world is facing today. ⁣
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hahsmari · 3 years
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Plant diversity is important, and human diversity is too! 🌱 I’m glad we’re all different, and I hope all those differences are accepted and celebrated.
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hahsmari · 3 years
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They used to comfort each other upon facing calamities by saying : ”It is but a few days and Jannah is the promise …”
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hahsmari · 4 years
A mistake repeated twice is a decision
Making the same mistake twice, three, and a hundred times is human. Changing for ourselves is hard enough. Changing for someone else’s needs and desires is even harder.
People’s shortcomings aren’t as personal as they feel. Someone can hurt you again the same way over and over again and have the best intentions. It doesn’t mean they aren’t trying. It also doesn’t mean you need to stay.
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