haikyuu-vobaca · 8 years
Hello! Can you please explain how 'guts' works? As in, when one has to have 2 or 3 or ____ guts to perform a skill, do they discard those cards from beneath the card they are using guts for? Or do you just have to have that many 'guts' and could thus potentially use those guts cards repeatedly for each card you place requiring guts? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Hello hello!
So in general, “guts” are the cards below the top card. Since in this game, you place cards on top of previous cards that has already been used, you can accumulate guts that way!
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When you see this icon, it means that you have to EJECT the amount of cards that’s listed on the effect to pay the cost. So yes, it’s taking some cards from your guts and put them into your drop area.
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When you see this icon, it means that the cost of the effect is paid through the amount of guts you have below the top card. So in this case, it fulfills a condition for an effect to activate.
I hope this helps a bit! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
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haikyuu-vobaca · 8 years
what's the difference between HV collections and HVD collections? :o
One of them is for cards in the actual booster sets and the other is for cards in the trial deck!
Most of the cards from the trial deck you can get from the booster but that’s the only difference between the two labels.
Hope that answers your question!
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haikyuu-vobaca · 8 years
Hello! Did you guys see the VoBaCa 2 year anniversary event? It looked like a lot of fun, though I wasn't able to make it to Tokyo... But it looks like they're going on tour! I've only done two tournaments and a few fan meets so far, so I'm looking forward to it! Gotta play stronger people in order to get stronger!
I saw a lot of hype on it (more like announcements on it on twitter) but of course none of us live in Japan so we couldn’t see what’s up! ;A;
And that we’ve been busy with other things so we’ve been out of touch with Vobaca, especially with tumblr’s coding/layout change, it’s been hard to get everything to look like as it is before on the dash.
But thank you for keeping us updated on it! Hope you can get some more info and get stronger!!! FOR US!!! FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT!!!
—Teru [ Chikushi ]
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haikyuu-vobaca · 8 years
Hi! I just notice of this website and it's absolutely great! I am from Spain and I just want to star playing this game. I saw that there are a lot of expansions, but I just want de starter deck. There are more than one? I saw 1 only of karasuno and then the versus ones. Wich I have to buy? Can I play 1vs 1 with only on2 deck? 20 cards vs 20 cards? Thanks for the answer!!!
Well, we only translated the first trial deck cause what is time and commitment?
But if you go on to their official website, you can see that there’s quite a few of them. There is a second trial deck solely based on Karasuno.
It’s rather hard to obtain so your chances of playing might be low but you can find them at amiami mostly (though usually sold out, much to our dismay)! There might be some on yesAsia or cdJapan but as of right now, I’m not entirely sure.
If you’re willing to put forth money for a proxy, you can get them from Amazon Japan.
As for your last question, it was mentioned in the tutorial for how to play the game, which I’ll give you a link to here. It’s also in extreme detail which I hope can answer your questions.
But if you want to split a trial deck and play with one other person, then yes, 20-20 cards, given that you have not modified it yet.
You can buy any one you want really. It just the matter of if you want to play it or not or whatever ya kno?
Each team has a distinct tactic or skill sets, which aren’t entirely unique to them but becomes a centerfold of the team’s strategies. Or if you got a team you like then go for it. Like…….
Just pick whichever one you want.
I hope this helps.
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haikyuu-vobaca · 8 years
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Haikyū!! x Karaoke no Tetsujin
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
Hey so I found out that they recently uploaded a video a month ago (about) and I’m in the process of translating it because it’s pretty lengthy for a good reason!
So I’ll post the link here so that you guys can watch it ahead of time to see what’s going on while I take a while to translate bits of it lol
Sorry for the lack of updates! We had too much life obligations to get to
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
Ohh thanks for the reply! It just makes me kinda sad that the hinagarasu cards are not shown in the official website, so there's no official pictures of them anywhere. I could only find a few user pictures, and the hunt is really not that easy haha :'D Thanks for the info though!
No prob! Yeah I can only assume it’s hard lol
I only have a handful of them myself and even then I’m not entirely sure it’s all of them. If our translations ever get anywhere near set 3, we’ll be posting up whatever parallels we have alongside the card! (:
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
Hello! Thank you for this wonderful blog! I just found out about Hinagarasu versions of some cards, and while it seems there's no stat difference, they look super adorable! ;v; Can you talk a bit more about these Hinagarasu cards?
Hello!! I actually introduced this a long while back: http://haikyuu-vobaca.tumblr.com/post/100944096222/
So after set 1, they came out with cards with interesting ideas such as two cards form an image and duo/group cards which can stand in for any character of your choosing listed on the card, just to list a few examples.
In set 3 (man we need to pick up our slack and start translating again lol), there are hinagarasu parallel cards. If you check our “Vobaca Spotlight” tag, you can find one more post that had more parallel cards!
It’s basically that there are the normal cards and a hinagarasu parody parallel of some select regular cards. One of my favorite ones is the Asahi parallel.
I found a good handful of them but I don’t think that’s all of them. There really isn’t anything special about them aside from the fact that some of the cards are funny and it’s adorable to see the hinagarasu!
Speaking of which, I should go and post some things I got from some other sets when I got to buy a bunch in Hong Kong… When I have the time and remember to do it…
Thank you for liking the blog! Hope you can find all the Hinagarasu!
Hope this answers your question.
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
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Haikyuu!! stand in front of the Haikyuu!! Vobaca game area
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
Hello! Me again :P Just a heads up that my friend said we can sell to anyone as long as they're willing to pay for the shipping costs. You can see more in the post I mentioned (: Assuming shipping is about $20, I calculated that we would sell expansion packs around $10-50 cheaper than what I've seen on ebay (: Even then, I think AUSPOST's cheapest shipping goes down to like $7ish. So the bulk of the shipping cost is up to whatever the buyer wants.
domestic shipping is deffs under 30. for me to send a small packet internationally it’s been about 15 depending on the weight. which was half a box of cards so ur probs looking up from 20 to get whole boxes or other merch overseas
But for Aussies in need of cards its deffs cheaper than online c:
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
Hi! Quick question. My friend and I have been wanting to get into the game, but not sure how to actually build a deck. I have some tcg background from Weiss, VG, Wixoss, etc , but I'm not sure how Vobaca works orz. Any ideas on how to build a Aoba Johsai deck? Is this game the same like any cards games where you can only have 4 copies of the same name?
Hello hello!
We’ve actually answered your last question here. Due to cards having different effects but the same name, there is no limitation on how many copies of the same name card you can have. But it doesn’t benefit from having too many because you can’t play the same name card consecutively after each other.
Well, you’re going to have to test this out when you can because I have only played it a bit casually and have built a Aobajousai deck but only from stuff up to about set 3 if I remember right.
I explained it here how many cards should be in a deck and I think that’ll help guide you a little better.
Since I cannot say which cards are the absolute best cards to have, I’ll probably guide you in a general sense and toss in suggestions but also give people some insight on deck building.
You can find the whole list of Aobajousai cards on their site.
From what I can see, each team can be broken down in a few different ways, gameplay wise just to list what I can glimpse through. It’s not an exhaustive analysis of each team and it’s not all the teams. It can change as we continue to translate the sets.
Karasuno = Well Balanced, more focus on offense, but has strong points in defense and receiving. The easiest team to use to get into the game.
Seijou = Strategy based, more focus on sabotaging your opponent using various methods. One method is limitations and decrease of certain state inflicted to your opponent. They have a good overall offense and defense. Oikawa is one of their centerpieces because he’s the one with the sabotage + power up effects; everyone else is still strong in their own way.
Datekou = Strongest at blocking and has decent offense.
Nekoma = Average offense and defense but strongest at working with each other, a lot of set up requires Kenma but everyone can act on their own. It’s about their connection.
Fukurodani = Strong base stats (fitting to what position they’re in), has been noted that Akaashi has a lot of effects that helps Bokuto and it seems that the team has effects that benefit from having a Bokuto around (or that the effects really benefit Bokuto).
Just to list a few teams generally. I haven’t seen what Shiratorizawa can do yet.
Now in that case, if you can read Japanese or somewhat understand it. I highly suggest building a deck centered around sabotaging your opponent.
Many cards have a “your opponent will lose x amount of attack/block/recieve points when—” and “your opponent cannot put out a card with less than 4 receive points,” just to list a few examples.
You should utilize them to the best of your abilities. Some cards I find quite useful to have would be having some Oikawa cards:
Those are the only two I can call off the top of my head.
But keep in mind that some of the effects requires a high cost so it’s best not to use it too often.
This card: http://haikyuu-vobaca.tumblr.com/post/101951274921/hv-01-033-kindaichi-yuutarou
Is also quite useful as well...
i don’t think I can give you any useful hints because I haven’t played the game as much as I’d like to and that I don’t have a lot of cards that I would like to have more of. And I haven’t taken a look at all of the cards every set yet either.
I hope that this helps just a little bit on how you want to make your deck. The rest depends on how you want to run it.
They also have some sample deck recipes on the official twitter too but you may need to look for them.
Just don’t forget to add some regular cards with no effects in them either because it’ll definitely help as nice back up and support.
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
Hi! Just wanted to say how thankful I am to all the translations & explanations you guys do for Vobaca (: I also wanted to let you know that I'm gonna be taking orders for Vobaca cards as my friend will be able to buy them while on holiday in Japan. Unfortuantely we're only buying for Australian fans but if you know anyone who might be interested, just thought you might wanna let them know! You can see it on my post 137550900795 (:
you’re most welcome!!
a little heads up for any fellow aussie vobaca players in need of some cards!!
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
@pantsuoni: I have received your questions and tried to answer them but sadly the shitty net I had during my trip has caused the post to get lost somewhere in the void and as I have said that to keep the reblogs (with comments) to long/media posts to a minimum, I highly suggest to not reblog things for any of us to answer them.
And I really mean it cause it gets pretty cluttered if we continued to toss back and forth long posts and ask posts (since it’s not really pretty to see the same ask 10x). And in order to facilitate activity on this blog, I highly suggest the ask box and submits (which I’m sure I have opened them but I’ll double check.)
Just for future reference please keep that in mind! It’s not that we won’t answer your reblog + added comments, it’s just that we don’t always see them so it is always better to shoot us an ask anyways!
Without further ado, here’s a transcript of your post!
This is really interesting to me. So when you use ‘guts’, you don’t have to discard the cards below the character? Do they just not bother in this demo game, or is it more of a threshold than a paid cost? Additionally, if you don’t reset the cards in play at the end of each point, then the guts value becomes meaningless after like 3 rallies?
Also, nobody ever seems to block. Isn’t it super advantageous to block? If a rally is about outlasting your opponent, you can only draw 1 card per turn, and since it takes at least 3 cards to mount an attack, it seems likely that the player who forces more cards out of their opponent’s hand faster would win. The easiest way to do that seems to be blocking things you can stuff with just 1 or 2 blockers, and even in HVD-01, there seems to be a fair amount of 2 and 3 point blockers.
Also, I’m super interested in seeing the other card types? Crowd cards? Sidelines? It’s got a lot of design space, and I’d like to learn as much as you have time to translate. Thanks!
I have mentioned it before in a previous post about the Hinata card that comes with buying the guidebook, it is a NEW mechanic. It is like you have mentioned, it is a “threshold” to get the effect off. It is essentially the stacking cards thing with a lightning bolt instead of the eject icon. It most likely won’t be in the demo because the demo uses the first trial deck. At the time, this mechanic and way of paying the cost of effects hasn’t existed.
The guts value doesn’t become meaningless per se but different cards uses the guts differently. In that case, the new mechanic is reliant on how many cards are below the top card (basically guts) and some cards uses the guts as the cost for an effect (so basically taking the cards and putting them in to the drop area). This, to me as a CFV player, reminds me of the soul and how effects are either reliant on how many cards are in there or if it will be used as a payment for an effect.
Now, in terms of blocking… 
I am merely speaking about this from a standpoint that I have played it before with my lil bro (well tried to but likewise we sucked and he doesn’t know any of the effects so it took a while to really play) and somewhat understand the idea of blocking. Though this also draws from the fact that I play a defensive deck in CFV so anything I say is merely a matter of opinion shaped by MY experience.
Blocking can be VERY advantageous, however, it can REALLY drain your hand if you block. When you declare a block, you can put down up to 3 cards from your hand. The attacks normally do not get any higher than maybe 3-5 without effects so in that sense, dropping cards to block isn’t a bad idea. Normally you may get some surplus of cards at one point so you can probably sacrifice a few extra cards likewise.
But what about your opponent?
When you block, you cannot draw cards to add in to your hand so you have to be prepared to make sure that you’ll have enough to survive till the next turn. It is advantageous to block when you are certain that your opponent cannot make a good comeback in a way that gives you the upper hand. Blocking constantly or often is not a good tactic. As you seem to realize in your explanation, but you also forget about things like the effects of other cards that can easily add cards to your hand which may not be so draining to an opponent’s hand if done right.
There is also the off chance that the opponent has a VERY STRONG attack where even blocking might not even stand a chance against that. There’s also the backlash where if you cannot complete a successful block, your opponent will win the set.
In the video, it could really be that Kaito and Ayumu forgot that they could block or didn’t see the need to do so since I have no idea what was in their hand, which could be why you’re somewhat questioning it. I do not have the answer for that myself. They have done it on occasion in the earlier videos I posted up.
I would say that blocking is a matter of timing and given the circumstances, it may be a good or bad idea to do it. I would time my blocks and maybe put a bit of pressure on to my opponent by doing it at random when I can. It’s really something that you can be the judge of.
So isn’t blocking advantageous?
Yes it can be, but, at the same time, no. Theoretically, what you’re saying is true and it does work that way but in an actual game, will you have the opportunity to really use blocking in such a way?
Who knows. 
But that is a good tactic you can use to your advantage. I may even suggest that you can build a Datekou deck if you can since I think that may work with your line of thinking, if that is your thing.
It’s not always about outlasting your opponents since there are effects that boost your attack/toss points or, like Seijou, sabotage your opponents to give you the upper hand and much more. It can be a fight for power or if you have good defenses, lasting longer than your opponent…
Kinda like a volleyball game in a sense doesn’t it?
Finally, those cards… From what I have seen, I don’t think they have a huge advantage in the field since it didn’t really seem to do anything for them as they played the match so it may just be there as a matter of looking cool.
I mean the effects are literally like, “When this card is in the assistance area (I think I might call it the viewers area) during game play (as in something you need to place down before the game starts), you will become energized” or something.
Like they literally do nothing but ya know, they are kinda funny and cute though so maybe it can give you a more realistic feeling or something towards the imaginative and psychological side of the game.
You might even think, “Shit… I can feel them admiring the opponent more than me…” OR “Ah.. It feels nice to have someone cheer me on…”
So if you got some specific cards you want us to translate, just shoot us an ask, but otherwise, it’ll take a while before we even get there at all and with all this hassle with tumblr changing their layout, I’m not entirely sure if we can even get our layout to be how it was originally anymore. We may have to change it or cooperate with people to make a wikia page for all of this.
It’s a really long post and I apologize for that haha
Please do ask more questions if you’re curious or just have questions you need to be answered.
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
hey, i'm wondering what measurements the cards have, i'm thinking of buying some but i also want protection sleeves for them but there is no indication on the measurements (what i can see) thank u!
I think I went to measure it once but I forgot the exact size.
But I do remember that they are about the size of Weiss Schwarz cards which are actually the standard trading card size that are not YuGiOh and Cardfight!! Vanguard size.
But if you hop on to the official site, the measurements for their official sleeves are 66×91mm, which if I remember right, are called the Standard Sized Sleeves… but I could be wrong about the card sizing but I did remember thinking to myself, “I got a use for these extra Weiss Schwarz sleeves,” when I had the opportunity to measure them with sleeves/other trading cards.
The Mini Sized are for YuGiOh and CFV sized cards (and I play Cardfight Vanguard so if anyone plays, please say hi to me @senshaku).
Please do correct me if I am wrong on the sizing relative to other trading cards but I can say for sure that it will be 66x91mm sized sleeves as given by their site.
They also never seem to have any of those sleeves in stock every time I check and that pisses me off a little.
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
Oh dear
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
Sorry it’s so late! I got like really tired and stuff to continue on.
This short segment is on card recommendations!
There was a part in the beginning where Vobagarasu (the guy in the funny looking hat with a feather like cape?) asked him about how he felt about losing to Karasuno in the previous video. I just loosely translated it cause I’m tired and hungry right now lol I think I might’ve got some parts wrong but I believe that the conversation was more or less like that.
He said, “Karasuno winning was pretty exciting though, wasn’t it?”
Ayumu was like, “Eh? What’s up with that?” Since normally people wouldn’t say that if they lost.
Then Kaito was like, “Well that’s just for the sake of work. Personally speaking, it was a shame that Fukurodani didn’t win.”
To which Ayumu playfully slaps him on the cheek. (OK HONESTLY I CAn’T WITH THEM)
Ayumu and Kaito pick the top 3 cards they would recommend to use.
Kaito “judges” Ayumu for his #1 card tho LOL!! 
Here are the cards they picked! In reverse order (so #1 on here is #3 and so on)
“Hey you two stop making a bodhisattva face!!”
“Hop on!” [I think that’s how it’s translated]
“Villager B can fight too!”
Ushijima Wakatoshi They talked about how scary he looked and dropped a reference or impersonation of some sort but it was pretty funny lol
Yamaguchi Tadashi [*weird voice* TSUKKIIIIIIIIII]
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Translations of the card will be provided upon request haha.
But Ayumu’s #1 card comment is basically just Kaito going, “I thought you’d pick Hinata! Like the one right over there,” gestures to the big board of this card.
He’s like, “He’s already there so I didn’t have to do it [pick a Hinata card].”
Well, that’s all I have for you guys today!
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haikyuu-vobaca · 9 years
Hello! Just wanted to say how helpful this blog is! My Japanese is decent but slow, and so this has been very useful for quick reference! I'll hopefully be playing a game or two this weekend at Jump Festa (and possibly other tournaments throughout the year), so thanks for convincing me to really get started!
Omg!!! Don’t mention it! I’m so happy this got you to start playing.
Also update us if you ever get to go to any of the tourneys!
It would be awesome to get some info from those since we live outside of Japan!
I wish you luck and don’t forget to use your guts!
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