veejime · 9 years
Uploadable Knowledge? Not quite, but per
Uploadable Knowledge? Not quite, but per
Uploadable Knowledge? Not quite, but perhaps someday. This appears to be more like an enhanced simulation technique. However, if this was possible…. what would you learn first? An expert skill such as – How to fly a plane? Jeopardy trivia? A language? http://ow.ly/Z7fMS
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veejime · 9 years
Will this be the big break for Artificia
Will this be the big break for Artificia
Will this be the big break for Artificial Intelligence? Time will tell, this could simply be a step in the journey http://sco.lt/4vky1Z
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veejime · 9 years
[Reshare] a primary interest of mine- th
[Reshare] a primary interest of mine- th
[Reshare] a primary interest of mine- the need for Socialization in High Performance What is your Knowledge Quotient? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20141204014539-115285160-what-is-your-knowledge-quotient
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veejime · 9 years
RT @VictorThCleaner "Come join us Frida
RT @VictorThCleaner “Come join us Frida
RT @VictorThCleaner “Come join us Friday AM on June 26 for a discussion on “How to Make Your Community of Practice a Success” RSVP@ http://ow.ly/OEpld
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veejime · 10 years
Checkout Mark Stephen Meadows' insight on the next stage of challenges in getting humans and machines talking! Sci-fi fans will love this!
This article by Mark Stephen Meadowsprovides an interesting look at the next stage of challenges in designing better ways for humans and machines to communicate. Sci-fi fans who are interested in the future of Artificial Intelligence may want to read more about Mr. Meadow’s insights. I’ve found the topic to provide great inspiration for ideas on what the future may hold and perhaps, how we should…
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veejime · 10 years
Cyberpunk, Artificial Intelligence, and Remembering the Reasons I Love Science Fiction. Thanks Wired Magazine!
Cyberpunk 2020: A role playing game (RPG), I enjoyed with friends in the early 1990’s, that explored the “what-ifs” related to a future world where technology was not just part of society, but was part of the human condition, part of the typical person’s body itself. What-if you could have a data chip in your head to apply memory and learn skills (think Neo from the matrix)? What if you could replace limbs and other body parts with machine parts that fit seamlessly with your own body and functioned better, faster, stronger? Then, the fun part of the game, what-if body implants (or replacements) were so commonplace that most everyone had one (or multiple)? How would society be different? How would life be different? How would the valuation on life or “human-ness” be different? These are the typical science fiction fan musings and which led me to my fascination with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The possibilities of what-if are being applied here and talked about endlessly in the social spaces of today’s creative technology labs, universities, and of course online. What-if, we get so good at making “smart” technologies that one day the pace of change and learning that the inventions can perform outpaces our own? You do not have to look far for good discussion on this topic. If, like me, you want more on the subject, I suggest your first stop to be referencing Ray Kurzweil. For a good list of publications by Mr. Kurzweil checkout: http://www.kurzweilai.net/books/books-by-ray-kurzweil Wired Magazine’s article, Wearing Your Intelligence: How to Apply Artificial Intelligence in Wearables and IoT by Scott Amyx provides many ideas to start a creative mind thinking on the future of AI. Check it out for a solid foundation of terms, contrasting opinions by thought leaders, and applications of AI for our future. If you are like me, you will enjoy the read and perhaps also the reminder of the reasons why you became interested in science fiction in the first place.
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veejime · 10 years
Why Wearables Are the New Gateways to Human Knowledge -- Campus Technology
See on Scoop.it - Ideas from and for MAKERS
The use of Google Glass and other wearable devices in higher education is still experimental, but the technology is opening up exciting new possibilities for teaching and learning.
Victor Jimenez's insight:
Wearable technology will allow us to be connected more throughout the day. Putting the security discussion aside....a great benefit to being "on" all day is we can have more data being collected about our usage of tech. This feedback will allow us to tailor our apps to support greater usage of knowledge resources in daily repetitive tasks. What will be important is how we each qualify the apps and tools and the quality of the knowledge stores we draw upon. So many possibilities, it is exciting to think about!
See on campustechnology.com
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veejime · 10 years
Brand New Isaac Asimov Essay Mulls the Origins of Creativity
See on Scoop.it - Ideas from and for MAKERS
In 1959 Issac Asimov wrote an essay on where new ideas come from. It wasn't found until fifty-five years later, when Arthur Obermayer, scientist and friend of Asimov, cleaned out some of his old files. It is as illuminating now as it was then.
Victor Jimenez's insight:
If only...
If only we could try to find the value in any idea that someone shared with us instead of automatically applying a yes/no classification to it... If only we could fund a project, then give the project team an honest and final deadline that does not hedge for risk and move up the delivery of an output so that the project planner has time to waste if things go wrong... If only we could just ask someone to do something, they agree, then we leave the issue alone unless help is requested instead of constantly checking in for status... If only we could trust others to be as responsible with something you care about as they would be with something they care about... If only we could not take every comment that we overhear someone say as being personally directed at ourselves or offensive when we do not have the full meaning or context in which they said it... If only we valued those who dedicated their life to enabling or spreading knowledge to others so that people have the ability to make good decisions for themselves (teachers and educators) as much as we valued those who tell us only what we want to hear, when we want to hear it (politicians or mass marketers)... If only we could do these things without worrying how we think each decision we make will put us either ahead of or behind someone else...
If only we could step outside ourselves to allow real creativity to happen... If only then... what do you think we could make happen? 
See on io9.com
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veejime · 10 years
Powerful quantum computers move a step closer to reality
See on Scoop.it - Ideas from and for MAKERS
A research team from Australia has pushed quantum computers closer to fruition, but a former NSA director warns that the technology could break encryption. By Alex Hern
See on theguardian.com
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veejime · 10 years
Microsoft's Project Spark game creator comes to Xbox One and PC
See on Scoop.it - Ideas from and for MAKERS
If you enjoy the creative part of building games but not so much the coding, Microsoft's Project Spark is now available for Xbox One and PC (Windows 8.1
Victor Jimenez's insight:
A perfect next step for the gaming industry and led by Microsoft! The idea: Make it easy to design and make game design part of the game. This has been done before by makers of popular PC games but now it is moved off the PC and your games can be wherever you play them now (PC, console, mobile device).
 No doubt you will see players who will build a brand on this community and become known for creating fun and increasingly complex games out of the box. Creativity will be on display for those stepping into this world of play-by-design (or maybe we should say "play-through-design").
See on engadget.com
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veejime · 10 years
A 12 point model for Knowledge Management | LinkedIn
See on Scoop.it - Knowledge Nuggets
Victor Jimenez's insight:
Good tips on the value of KM from David Griffiths, PhD. I especially see #12 as critical to KM success in any organization. The realization that sharing of information is a business need among all areas of the organization is not something that comes naturally to most. Yet those who can step outside their domain and see the greater context have a better chance of making the best decisions for their mission the first time around.
See on linkedin.com
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veejime · 10 years
How Network Theory Is Revealing Previously Unknown Patterns in Sport | MIT Technology Review
See on Scoop.it - Knowledge Nuggets
Analysing the network of passes between soccer players reveals that one of the world’s most successful teams plays an entirely different type of football to every other soccer team on the planet.
Victor Jimenez's insight:
Explore your data! Learning through Discovery! You never know what insights await you! 
See on technologyreview.com
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veejime · 10 years
Facebook launches an open source organization and releases new routing tech
See on Scoop.it - Ideas from and for MAKERS
Facebook is upping the ante in the open source world, announcing on Monday a new open source technology for routing data across server caches, and also a new open organization (along with other big-name companies) to help foster open source efforts.
See on gigaom.com
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veejime · 10 years
P2P Foundation:About - P2P Foundation
See on Scoop.it - Knowledge Nuggets
Victor Jimenez's insight:
An inspiring vision, a worthwhile goal.
 The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Foundation provides much to think on and inspiration to get more involved in the making of the future.
A description of the basic set of hypotheses of the P2P Foundation provided from the words of one of it's founders, Michel Bauwens:
That peer to peer-based technology reflects a change of consciousness towards participation, and in turn, strengthens it.That the ‘distributed network’ format, expressed in the specific manner of peer to peer relations, is a new form of political organising and subjectivity, and an alternative for the current political/economic order, ie I believe that peer to peer allows for ‘permission-less’ self-organisation to create common value, in a way that is more productive than both the state and private for-profit alternatives. People can now engage in peer production that creates very complex ‘products’ that can achieve higher quality standards than pure corporate competitors."
  They say that part of the cycle of learning involves teaching (or sharing) to others to internalize your concepts...
 Have questions on what you/your ideas can do if you could better connect to like-minded people?
Ready to explore what share and learn can do for you?
 If you want to Read-in and Participate or just Bookmark and Follow along, 
 the rabbit hole starts here....
See on p2pfoundation.net
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veejime · 10 years
The Social Leadership Handbook has landed!
See on Scoop.it - Knowledge Nuggets
Our UK office is on the third floor, a choice i regret when carrying a thousand books up the back stairs. Today, the Social Leadership Handbook has arrived from the printers in Latvia. Latvia? Yes,...
Victor Jimenez's insight:
If you have not been following Julian Stodd's blog on Social Learning (http://julianstodd.wordpress.com/) you may want to bookmark it now or pick up a copy of the Social Leadership Handbook. I started following his blog close to a year ago now and am glad I found it. Mr. Stodd provides plenty of musings and thought provoking content useful to dig deeper into how social tools can be beneficially used in the workplace or in life in general.
 Congrats Mr. Stodd and to the team at Sea Salt Learning (http://seasaltlearning.com/)! I'll be looking to order a copy soon!
See on julianstodd.wordpress.com
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veejime · 10 years
Atomically thin material opens door for integrated nanophotonic circuits
See on Scoop.it - Ideas from and for MAKERS
A new combination of materials can efficiently guide electricity and light along the same tiny wire, a finding that could be a step towards building computer chips capable of transporting digital information at the speed of light.
Victor Jimenez's insight:
From the article...
 "Photonic devices can be much faster than electronic ones, but they are bulkier because devices that focus light cannot be miniaturized nearly as well as electronic circuits, said Goodfellow. The new results hold promise for guiding the transmission of light, and maintaining the intensity of the signal, in very small dimensions." Smaller, faster, stronger!
See on phys.org
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veejime · 10 years
Filipino Inventors Created An Open Source Micro-Factory That 3D Prints Solar Panels In 15 Seconds
See on Scoop.it - Ideas from and for MAKERS
Their initial Kickstarter campaign was quickly fully funded and they're still going...
Victor Jimenez's insight:
Perfect! Hopefully these will roll out soon. It'd be awesome to deck out your own garden with your own solar projects!
See on linkis.com
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