hailaya · 2 months
She's everything she has ever wanted.
She’s everything she has ever wanted. 
Beautiful, smart, bossy and strong. Sometimes, when she is sure that Katara isn’t paying attention to her, because she’s too focused on a medical book or the parchment bending she’s studying or whatever, Azula stares. 
Not long. No. She wouldn’t take the risk of being caught. Just enough to see her chewing her lower lips in a concentrated way, and frowning her eyebrow because she doesn’t understand something.
Katara is gorgeous, and she has been a fool for not noticing it for years. 
She looks away when the Avatar is approaching Katara behind her and puts a hand on her shoulders, smiling at her brightly.
She tried to focus on her own parchment and not on the laughed Katara shared with him, or the way she’s always, always, smiling gently to him. Azula holds her breath and her grip on her parchment tights. Even if she isn’t chasing him around the world and wants him dead, even if she understand now the importance of the Avatar in the balance of the world, even if (and it disgust her to admit it) Aang was nice with her, Azula would always fucking hate him.
Azula hears someone snorting behind her, and rolls her eyes with annoyment. Oh, no, not her. Toph, hands in the pocket of her pants, chewing a leaf, was smirking.
“Someone’s heart is beating fast right now,” she mocks.
“Probably the Avatar,” mumbled Azula and her eyes glanced quickly at the couple who were still talking.
Toph laughed again, amuse this time. “If you say.”
Azula bites the inside of her cheeks, and she jumps when she realizes that she is burning the parchment. Fuck. 
This time when she raises her eyes to Katara, the water bender is looking at her. She hates to admit that she forgot how to breathe when they eyes cross. 
“Everything, ok?” Asks the Avatar.
She barely notices him, she keeps eye contact with her. Always with her. 
Her heart is beating fast and she’s sure that her cheeks are pink now. Katara is everything she has ever wanted and she would never have her because she’s probably straight and enamore with the Avatar.
“Yeah,” she stands up abruptly and leaves them in the library. 
She walks furiously in the corridors, and stops when she finds her room. Close the door, lean against it, take her hands with her hand, mess her hair and scream.
Azula never has been loved, never has been in love, never really understands the feeling or why people are so obsessed with it.
But now. Everything is clear like water. Love is painful and unforbidden. Love is Katara.
Azula squeezes her eyes shut and breathes heavily. She thinks she might be in love with her.
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hailaya · 2 months
Yeah right, you'll find me crying in the bathtub....
There are only 539 azutara's fanfiction on Ao3. It's a shame really because they deserved so much love T^T !!!
Zutara  7,632 fanfiction!!! T^T
Azulee 1,687 fanfiction!!!! T^T
Azula and Katara are so perfect for each other, why can anyone see this? They have so much potential, so many beautiful stories could be written about them!
Why does my pairing never win?
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hailaya · 2 months
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Azula fell first, but Katara fell harder.
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hailaya · 2 months
There are only 539 azutara's fanfiction on Ao3. It's a shame really because they deserved so much love T^T !!!
Zutara  7,632 fanfiction!!! T^T
Azulee 1,687 fanfiction!!!! T^T
Azula and Katara are so perfect for each other, why can anyone see this? They have so much potential, so many beautiful stories could be written about them!
Why does my pairing never win?
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hailaya · 2 months
Making y’all see my vision: it’s Alicent’s graduation, and Rhaenyra just happily steals Alicent’s Ravenclaw jumper from her wardrobe cuz well, it’s not like she’ll be wearing this anymore, why can’t I steal my girlfriend’s clothes for a change?
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hailaya · 2 months
I'm in love!
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waiter! more tragic yuri please!
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hailaya · 2 months
Wow! I'm so curious about it!
the fun has ✨ started ✨
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hailaya · 2 months
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“Worthwhile things rarely come easily”
Art inspired by piesofrage’s fanfiction “a red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground”
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hailaya · 2 months
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hailaya · 2 months
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hailaya · 2 months
Pansy P.& Hermione G. fic rec
This is the best fanfiction that I have ever read in my life! Well, it's not totally true. I had read others really (like really!) good fanfiction, but this one...this one it's a masterpiece!
If you ever have loved Harry Potter in your life and be in love with Hermione Granger (like me but I didn't realized it at the time lol), if you love slow burn (the slow burn here is really something, I think I was going to die at each chapter), if you're dying for sapphic love story, if you adored enemies to lovers fics, if you want to have Pansy as a girlfriend (the Pansy of this fic is absolutely insufferably adorable) well this fic is for you.
This fic makes me blush just like I would do in front of my crush. This fic makes my heart pounding. This fic keep me wake up at night. This fic is everything.
Seriously, some people here are just born to be writers.
Well, now, I don't know what to do with my life since I finished it.
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hailaya · 2 months
Who wouldn't purr with Azula?
My silly headcanon of Azula is that when she is very relaxed, she makes a small snore similar to the purr of a cat
She always do that when she sleeps with Katara
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hailaya · 3 months
Azula and Katara fanfictions
Hi! This is the fanfiction I write on Ao3, hope you'll enjoy it.
Multi chapters :
Insomnia : modern au, chapter 11/12, almost finished
Katara has always considered Azula as a lot of things, annoying, disrespectful, arrogant, and the list is long...but as a lover? Never. So when Azula offers to have a night with her, Katara's world just falls apart.
(it was an excuse to write smutt at first, but well, I guess nobody really complain about it)
The crown : au but in the avatar world, chapter 6/?
The heir to the royal Fire Nation's family was born. Indeed, Katara gave birth to a princess. A fire princess. And everyone knew that princesses weren't made for the love of mothers but for the duty of the realm.
(one of my favorite because I loooove writing about fire royal family and complex motherhood)
Hurts so good : modern au, complete
It was a toxic relationship. They were not good for each other. Breaking up was hard. Trying to live like nothing never happened between them, worse. Azula and Katara came to Zuko's birthday party for him, just for him, and knowing that they were probably going to see each other was just a formality. Nothing more.
(Not my favorite, honestly would have rewrite it all, but too much energy, so I won't never do it, lol.)
To the moon and back : complete
She wasn't attracted to her. Not at all. How could she? Was she thinking about Katara all the freaking time? Yeah! And? It didn't mean anything. Azula was just bored. End of the discussion.
(My first multi chapter azutara, first baby, still love it, even if I would write it differently now.)
One shot
Madness : Fire is attraction. Fire is burning her. Fire is all she wants.
(First time I realized that Katara could have an obssession for fire and Azula's warmth)
Because we have to : "You..." and Azula took a deep breath before speaking "...have to be quiet." Katara looked at her straight in the eyes and nodded slowly. Azula released a sigh and cleared her throat. "It will stay between us, right?" Wordlessly, Katara nodded again.
(another excuse to write smutt)
The cabin: A magical, illogical snow storm started in the Earth Kingdom while they were running away from everyone. The cabin was the only safe place they found.
(I love this one)
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hailaya · 3 months
Need a divorce au while Azula and Katara are hating each other like hell and realized they fucked up because they actually can't live without each other!
Could be in the omegaverse?
Need painful, slowburn, drama lol
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hailaya · 3 months
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sept reunion
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hailaya · 3 months
it's just imperfectly perfect, I luv it so much!
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hailaya · 3 months
They are so imperfectly perfect for each other, it's insane really. Their love story should be a tragedy (but with a happy ending, lol). They have so many mommy and daddy issues, I'm sure they'll both wake up from a nightmare at night and could keep on each other to make the other feel good, because both of them know so, so much how the other feels!
I need more fanfiction where both of them understand how imperfectly perfect they are for each other because they share the same pain!
I need a Spotify playlist for them too! Omg, a tragic, sad, epic playlist!
If you have any music, fanfic rec, I'm taking it!
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