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DOTERRA OILS : help for alot of things i put lavender and frankincense on my kids and it help them calm down and helps them sleep . 
if you mixed lemon and lavender and lotion and rub your hands and put it on children feet before their bedtime like less than 3min they will start to fall sleep 
frankincense and cardamom i mixed thoes two together and put it on my 1month old baby daughter back and heart and feet  and helps with calming and anxiety and  heart problems it does well .
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doterra oils
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please go to this website 
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best way to dye hair
first :gloves
second:put a towel on over your shoulder
third :put a kool-aid packages in a bowl with hot water and shampoo 
fourth:stir good 
fifth:put your hair into 2 piggytails 
sixth:dipped your hair into the kool-aid
seven:wrap your hair that your dye into aluminum foil 
eighth: all done 
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they help you from getting sick 
thanks for reading this link  you guys :)
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doterra oils guide
today the day to buy 2 bottels of breath if you buy one it only cost 24.00
for 2 bottels of breath it cost  $48.00 with free shipping 
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this is my favorite song please like if you love this song 
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