harrietvane · 4 months
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@preux-chevalier: the grief is a REAL grief, ugh.
@contra-band: the main pointers are the aforementioned Daim Blond and Cuir Amethyste, so i guess I'll keep buying euromillions tickets lol. Howeverrrrr, the one more middle of the road option mention was Rihanna's Rogue, which intrigues me, but it appears to have a big plum note focus, and well, I do have Olfactive Studio's Chambre Noire, which is the absolute pinnacle plum/soft leather combo imho. Frankinsence, jasmine, papyrus, prunes, violet leaf, leather, musk, patch, vanilla: like a plush leather sofa in a hotel room, and that room also has Alexander Siddig in it.
@annmcn: that's so kind of you to point me towards them! I shall have a gander at their website..
@wintersoldierfell: I know I HAVE tried Bowmakers, but i can't pull that scent memory from deep storage - I shall have to re-try! Violet Ends gets a point for having a pun quote name just this side of twee, and I'm intrigued by the note list. Also having a UK distributor AND doing a 10ml travel spray version puts them way ahead in the running, lol.
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(Not anon bc hi friend) fav dessert? Fav snacks? Fav candle scent?
hi friend!
Dessert: brownies. easy to make and i make them damn good. use the king arthur recipe and the good cocoa trust me
fav snacks: i dont snack very much but i do enjoy a good potato chip or cornichon. im a little weirdo who usually craves salt
fav candle scent: i dont usually use scented candles, either! if im not careful they give me the worst headaches. i enjoy milder, less noticable scents, and i like ones that are on the earthier side. i like frankinsence and copal incense, if that helps?
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
gonna have to figure out how to frankinsence and clense this blog soon
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themagician0801 · 2 years
Blue Amber
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Held with light behind it.  Blue amber, can pull pain out of someone as well.  Amber absorbs.  So you have to cleanse the stone like in a salt solution to clear it.  Smudge as well with frankinsence.  Recharge during waxing moon/full moon.  
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rhymingvine · 4 years
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Yule Herb Mix
If you want to make a tea just leave out the frankincense and pine!!
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drugusersbible · 4 years
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STICKY RESIN, INCENSE & MIND CONTROL Frankincense is another psychoactive which is in common use for other purposes, most frequently as incense. It is in fact a resin, obtained from trees of the genus boswellia, and according to Wikipedia has been "traded on the Arabian Peninsula for more than 6,000 years".
Its reputed properties as an analgesic, anxiolytic and tranquilliser are cited in a number of journals, and it is also known for a variety of uses in Chinese medicine. However, as I embarked upon the experiment I expected little, even though I had exerted quite a bit of effort obtaining what was allegedly a good quality supply.
Although it definitely delivered a degree of psychoactivity, what I found was indeed relatively unexciting. Chewing approximately 3g, I gradually became more relaxed and contented, as the sticky substance slowly disintegrated in my mouth. Later on I smoked repeatedly from a bong, which slightly intensified the experience for a while.
Overall it was quite a pleasant ride, but not enough for me to contemplate repeating the exercise on a regular basis. I will probably use the rest of my supply for its regular purpose.
Finally, this does raise an interesting question relating to the traditional use of frankincense incense in religious and other ceremonies: does prolonged and collective inhalation of apparently sub-threshold doses have a sub-conscious psychoactive effect? If so, is it being used or has it been used purposely as a means of cohesion, ultimately bestowing a measure of suggestive control? If there aren't any published papers considering these questions, perhaps there should be.
Refs: The Drug Users Bible [Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/099559368X]
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the-fae-folk · 4 years
Instead of a soul I have a patch of forest beneath the stars and surrounded on all sides with snow capped peaks. The smell of cinnamon and an occasional waft of frankincense drifts through the air, mixing with the smell of the trees and the earth. This place...it is mine...it is me.
Author of the-fae-folk Blog
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trueonenessdoctrine · 4 years
Birth and Childhood of Jesus (Part 04)
Coming of the Wise Men
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The bible mentions three scholars, learned men or as the bible calls them, “Wise Men” who arrived in Jerusalem from the far east after they witnessed and followed the path of a special star in the sky. They came in search of a king, which would eventually lead them to the infant Jesus. Now these men may have been learned in Science, Astronomy and Religion. Historians consider that they may have traveled from Persia, Arabia or Babylonia. 
Now when they first arrived in Jerusalem they head straight to the palace of Herod as they are expecting a king that was born in a palace. Now when Herod learns of this child, he was extremely disturbed as he believed that this future king could be trouble to him and because of his greed for power and lust to rule. He tasked the wise men of finding this child and to return and inform him, that he too may worship him. But Herod’s intention was to kill the child. 
The Wise men find Jesus and worship him presenting him with exotic and expensive gifts. God warns the wise men in dream not to go back to Herod and they travel back to their respective countries through another road. When Herod learns of this deception he is enraged and orders the death of all  male infants below the age of 02 years in an attempt to kill baby Jesus. But again Mary and Joseph are warned about Herod’s plot and flee with the child to Egypt. They stayed in Egypt till the death of Herod and then returned to the town of Nazareth in Galilee.        
(The Final Part of 05 Part Lesson Series on the Birth and Childhood of Jesus to be continued next week...)
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ancestralvoices · 5 years
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Are you paying attention to this? #energy #family #friends #home #house #changeyourenergychangeyourlife #energies #clearingenergy #cleanseyourhome #visit #visited #familyvisit #familyvisits #sensitivetoenergy #spirituality #sage #camphor #peppermint #copal #frankinsence #murr #palosanto https://www.instagram.com/p/B3AQocZDhsC/?igshid=68kl4tluv9qf
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ria1963 · 5 years
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I have a fantastic closed group to find out more about our products ... All Natural 💯 #Gluten and #Dairy #free #Vegan friendly #NonGmo #Cruelty #free ‼ From people to pets 💥 These have changed my life completely .. I am now #painfree .. ☯️ Head this way⏬⏬⏬⏬ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1274283779393360/?ref=group_header #riashippyhealth #naturalliving #skincareproducts #frankinsence #hemp #pets #people #animalsofinstagram #naturalmedicine #yourchoice #lifestyles #makeachangetoday https://www.instagram.com/p/B0rTMPiBrDJ/?igshid=mn2gulahwsat
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theladymorganlefay · 6 years
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Frankincense resin :)
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twootietarte · 6 years
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Take this to anime cons, it may just save you. Check out our all natural non aluminum deodorant made with fir needle and frankincense essential oil. Order some online or pick one up at a con coming soon to you! 
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kevlo75 · 3 years
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Christmas 🎄 tree 🎅 or #frankinsence #gift from the three #maggi #kings 👑? (à Al Alam Palace) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW5NxHGtYVu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Hello all beautiful beings!! Today Ill be delving into the realm of Candle Magick!! I’ve started by Preparing my Meditation zone for a Good Luck Candle Magick spell I’ve had brewing in my mind for a few days now! *I’ll be using an orange candle, for joy and success, which I have carved a 7 on, because to me that is a symbol that represents luck! *I’ll be Dressing my candle with Virgo oil, because it is something I use everyday and I feel it will help to bridge a nice connection between me and the candle. *I’ve also chosen a blend of spices and herbs including: Cinnamon, for luck and prosperity. Cumin, for peace and tranquility. Ginger, to lend strength and quickness to my mixture. Finally, Nutmeg, which can help promote social interaction and personal confidence. *I’ve written my own chant, only because I could find nothing out there already that really spoke to me. What I ended up with was this, “Oh Lady Luck, come to me Wave this air of Negativity I will find happiness and peace As I will, so it shall be”
I’ve also written my goal on a small piece of paper to be placed underneath my candle, “I will be met with positive energy”.
*I’ll be burning Palo Santo sticks as opposed to Sage to cleanse my area, as Palo Santo is great for Banishing negative energies and attracting positive energies while sage cleanses any and all energies for a fully fresh slate, from my understanding and experiences.
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incarnationsf · 4 years
Gentile Gifts for the Jewish Messiah
Gospel Reading
By the Rev. Darren Miner
Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Today, we officially celebrate the Second Sunday after Christmas Day and the tenth day of the Christmas season, and we unofficially celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. I say, “unofficially,” for while Wednesday is the actual feast day, the Gospel readings are, in fact, identical. So, in a way, today’s Gospel reading serves as a preview of coming attractions, like a movie trailer.
The Epiphany is an ancient Christian feast day, even older than Christmas. Like Christmas, it is a feast of the Incarnation. But the Epiphany differs from Christmas in that it has a narrower focus. While Christmas Day celebrates the coming of the Incarnate God into the world, the Epiphany celebrates the appearance of the Incarnate God to the Gentiles.
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The Gospel reading for today is that well-known story of the Magi. The story is too well-known, in fact, for we think that we know more than we really do! We think that there are precisely three Magi, despite the fact that the Bible never specifies their number. We think that the Magi are really foreign kings, despite there being no mention of this in the Scriptures. We think that we know their names—Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar—information St. Matthew never provides. And we even think that we know better than the Gospel about where the event took place. For the Gospel says that the Magi visited the Holy Family in a house, whereas every nativity scene in the world shows the Magi headed for a stable.
So what do we really, really know? Just this…some unknown number of Magi, Zoroastrian priests from Persia, travel in search of a great king whose birth has been foretold in the heavens. But astrology gets them only so far. When they get to Jerusalem, they must consult with Jewish religious scholars to determine what only divine revelation can tell them, the exact location of the Messiah’s birth.
Herod, who fears for his throne, hopes to dupe the Magi into revealing the Messiah, so that Herod can have him killed. So he has his priests and scribes assist the Magi by giving them the name of the town where the Messiah is to be born, Bethlehem of Judea. The Magi start out for Bethlehem, following that same miraculous star that first guided them to Jerusalem. (Now why they needed a star to lead them the last six miles to Bethlehem, I don’t know. But then again, I get lost driving across town without GPS!)
Now this wandering star has puzzled rational minds for the last couple of centuries. Scientists have tried to prove that the wandering star was really a comet or a planetary conjunction. But in my opinion, all such scientific speculation is in vain. For the Gospel is clearly talking about a miracle, not a natural event.
The Magi bring three gifts to the baby Jesus: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Odd gifts to bring a little baby, don’t you think? I would have thought that diapers, a warm blanket, and a proper crib would have been more useful. Now there are two possible explanations for these strange gifts: 1) men are notoriously bad shoppers, or 2) the gifts are the fulfilment of prophecy. The correct answer is #2: the gifts have a prophetic meaning. According to tradition, the gift of gold symbolized that the child would be a king; frankincense, that he would be a priest; and myrrh, which was a burial spice, that he was destined to die a prophet’s death.
While scientists debate about the wandering star, biblical scholars argue about whether any part of this story can possibly be historical fact. I will leave them to their debate. It matters little to me, one way or the other. For the point of this captivating story is to express a theological truth, not a historical one. And that theological truth is just this: the Jewish Messiah was sent to save non-Jews, as well as Jews. And for most of us here today, that is life-changing news indeed.
Let me conclude with a final thought about gifts. The Magi left their homeland and traveled a thousand miles to bring gifts to the Jewish Messiah. We don’t know exactly why. Perhaps they had somehow divined that, through the infant Jesus, salvation had been gifted to the nations of the world—for that is, in fact, what had happened! But one thing is clear: they responded to this salvific event with the most precious gifts that they could give in return. With this in mind, I leave you with two questions to ponder this New Year: How far are you willing to travel to honor the Savior of the Nations, Jesus Christ? And what precious gifts of gratitude will you bring him?
© 2021 by Darren Miner. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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vbizventures · 4 years
💜Wellness Roller Essential Oil Blend💜
In a 10ml roller bottle, fill it with:
🍋10 Drops of Young Living Lemon Essential Oil
🌿10 Drops of Young Living Thieves Essential Oil
🌱10 Drops of Young Living Frankincense Essential Oil
🧪Fill the rest of the bottle with Young Living V6 Oil
👌All of these oils are amazing for cleansing, purifying, and overall immune support. Roll it down to your spines and on your feet 2-3 times a day.
Blend it now and support your overall wellness, especially this season!💕
✔Just visit my 🌏 global YL site
@ https://www.myyl.com/vbizventures
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