hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Friendship and love create hope, and hope is the need of life.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
If the beginning of your life was full of joy and day, look for lights and shelter for the evenings. And if the beginning was full of suffering and darkness, light a lamp of hope in yourself, because the dawn of happiness is near.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
A strong person gives hope and happiness to others even during the battle.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
In the dark heart of failure, the light of hope flickers, a light that, if we believe it, will soon become the shining sun of our lives.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Killing human hope is no less than a crime.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Always hope for a better and more honorable life. Never deny your power. Love yourself and strive for well-being.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
The wounded, the doors of his dreams, always get smaller and smaller, except with hope, which changes our lives.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Depressed and despairing, he has forgotten the value of his strength and power. He must be helped to regain himself and recover his ideal.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Another name for migration is hope.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
In the darkest nights of oppression, the brightest stars of liberation will born.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
The great ideal is always the source of hope.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Patience is the best shield in difficult and unstable days.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Patience is not for everyone. Those who are patient will reign.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
A capable person does not break even in the worst conditions. With patience and effort, he will sweeten the bitter wheels of the times.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
No lever, such as patience and hope, can overcome the difficulties of our lives.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
If you believe in flight, you will get wings.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
The world is not a place of despair.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Loneliness is valuable for the young and annoying for the old.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
The wounded mind in loneliness, becomes infectious and dangerous. Must enter active and happy social groups.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Do not fall in love with your dreams. Life belongs to the conscious and awake who have come out of loneliness and joined together for progress.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
You double the burden of remembering sorrows alone. Go among the people and accompany them in their joy. The smiles and dances of people fertilize the flowers of hope in your heart.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
How many jealous people I saw who considered themselves free of it.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Only by sacrificing for others can one become immortal.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
To reach the height of generosity, you must overcome the greed of your being.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
The one who has not forgiveness inside, only bears the name of human.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Seek the most refreshing spring water of life in generosity and self-sacrifice.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
People always listen to the call of the givers.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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If people knew how great generosity is, they would never have shunned it.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Rain is the kindness of sky, like the merciful and gracious people who rain, for the happiness of all.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Forgiveness is a dance of kindness in the human psyche.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
The most generous people are those who sow the seeds of hope in the hearts of the desperate.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
The benefactors are the rulers without a throne among the people.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Health is the best reason to be.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Do not seek happiness in the home of the sorrow lovers.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Do not be sad, because happiness can be born from the most bitter days of your life.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Wretched is he who cannot correct his iniquity.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Happy is a man who never forgets his potential and possessions. Because, constantly thinking about what we dont have makes us sad and isolated.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Life is not suffering, it is a gift to be happy. mother nature does not put a cup of poison in her baby's mouth. she Nurtures for well-being and happiness.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
One of the greatest joys is working harder for people.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Happiness is rare in the land of the unkind.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Many bitter life events are the courier of happiness.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Blessed is the man whose glass of life is always full of joy.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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The eagle of happiness will not sit on your shoulder, unless you have a shoulder the width of a mountain.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Our face and actions can also be a sign of our luck.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
The wise man is happy because he knows that happiness is in truth and purity.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Blessed is he who is not ashamed of himself.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Luck sings like a bird in our ears and pulls us to a side.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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History proves that stupidity, ignorance and playfulness have been important enemies of health.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Smart people find health in life and wise behavior.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Health is provided by a greater knowledge and understanding of the actions of the universe. To protect ourselves from the onslaught of disease, our only shield is medical knowledge.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Kind nurses and doctors should be praised.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Public health is born of awareness, companionship and social order.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
In order to fly, do not leave your body alone.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Health is for mental awakening. to open the gates of victory.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Striving for public health is one of the most important tasks of bureaucrats.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Getting caught up in everyday life is a silent scourge of healthcare.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Kind and compassionate nurses are the song of a happy new life.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
The doctor is a symbol of politeness and hope, and what a higher reward than this ...
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Exercise is a tool for well-being, not a poison cup for death.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Exercise recreates our lost strength and power.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
A kind and benevolent athlete is beloved by the people.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Many championship sports do not involve wisdom. Exercise is for health and overdoing it is ruinous.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Health is the reward of good living.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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A friend, just a friend who defends your name and memory, is better than a hundred thousand acquaintances lost in the dust ... who only claim friendship when they reach you.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Stay away from stubborn and irregular people, the swamp of their behavior ... will swallow you.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
A disorderly person has a short life.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
The orderly people have a prosperous, happy and beautiful land.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
People who are not in order are caught in chaos, insecurity and corruption.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Order makes simple words a lasting hymn and various notes a pleasant melody. Order is what can be used to create masterpieces.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Order must be evident in all matters of our lives.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Order is the most important characteristic of the great universe. Great people have been the most orderly human beings.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Silence in the face of others slandering your friends is a form of hostility.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Excessive friendship, like enmity, is scary.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
People who always complain are not good friends for us.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Having lots of friends for a young person is not a sign of success in life, but a sign of wasting time on a large scale.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Good neighbors are sometimes our best supporters. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Our best neighbors are those who always have a smile on their face. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani A good neighbor is praiseworthy because it is a source of security and peace. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Do not spy on the lives of your neighbors. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Do not withhold kindness from your neighbors. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani be sympathizer and beside your neighbors. But not so much that the wall of politeness collapses. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The only way to maintain any friendly connection is kindness. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani In order for our friendships to last, it is better to always have a distance between us. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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hakimorodbozorg · 3 years
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Do not rush to choose a child's name, be calm and choose the most beautiful name by researching.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
Both the sound and the melody between the children's names are good. But this is not an excuse to choose a bad name for our new child.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
To choose the name of the child, constantly consult with your spouse and do not act arbitrarily.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
I learned from the passage of time that we should not name our living children after the dead.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
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