haleybrookewrites · 2 years
Helloooo everyone! The next part of Inlove With A Prankster will be up today 8pm EST
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haleybrookewrites · 3 years
In Love With A Prankster
Chapter Two: Secrets Don’t Make Friends.
Year 2: 1990
Eliza couldn’t handle a whole summer at home without her friends. Yes, she loved her family and they all had a great deal of fun on summer break. But this summer was just a bit different. She had gone to see Fred and George a few times, not as many as she would’ve liked. But Eliza and Fred still wrote to each other as much as they could.
Hope you are having a great deal of fun with your family. Mum is hoping we can all get together before the term starts over. Ron is still upset that we beat him in the degnoming the garden challenge we created. George and I have been practicing for quidditch try outs. I hope we make the team, we’ve worked so hard. I hope to see you soon.
Eliza chuckled thinking back to the challenge the made up to see how far they could throw the gnomes. “Mum, can we go to the Burrow before the start of the term? Molly was wondering.” Andromeda looked over to her and took a moment to respond but in the end of the silence Andromeda nodded her head. “Sure, darling just let Fred know to let Molly know when to expect us.” Eliza smiled widely and walked over to the table where all her letters from Fred were and she grabbed he parchment and began writing him back.
Summer Holiday has been a blast. Nymphadora and Dad went to begin shopping for the new term, I got her old books from her second year so I didn’t have to go. Mum says we will be there and to let your mum know that we will be there. Freddie, you don’t need to worry about making the team I know you and George will make it! See you soon.
When Fred got Eliza’s letter he smiled. “Mum, they said they will be here!” Molly smiled widely and clapped her hands together. “Good I can’t wait!”
“Neither can Fred.” Charlie teased his younger brother and earned a pillow to be thrown at him. “Fred! No magical pillow fights please! Last time that happened my living room was full of feathers from pillows.” The boys laughed as they looked over at their mother. Arthur rushed in after a day of work. “Hello Family!” He walked right over to Molly kissing on the head. “Ted says he and the girls are coming to the house. That will be loads fun.” He said sitting down picking Ginny up holding her on his lap. “Daddy, will Dora be coming? I like when her hair changes colors.” Arthur and Molly laughed and he nodded letting her down. “Of course Dora will be coming!”
Ginny got off her father’s lap and ran to her brother Charlie and he messed up her hair. George sat on the couch reading ‘Quidditch Through The Years.’ He was so ready for the tryouts. He knew he and Fred were ready. He heard a knock on the door and looked over to Fred. “Your girlfriend is here.” He teased Fred and he rolled his eyes. Molly opened the door to reveal the Tonks, and Eliza standing there. She ran in and right over to Fred and George.
“Oi! You two look taller!” She smiled looking at the twins really looking them over. “Eliza, dear would you and Fred mind going out to the garden and getting some carrots for the soup?” Molly asked and the two nodded their heads and headed outside. Fred began grabbing the carrots and throwing them in the bag that Eliza was holding. She had zoned out thinking about the new year at school, her classes, if she would finally make friends other than the twins, would anyone find out her secret? “E?” She lifted her head up as she heard Fred’s voice a bit louder. “Hm?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” He looked at her and chuckled. “Do you think there are enough carrots?” Eliza looked into the bag and laughed softly. “Yes, I think this is enough.” He looked at her. Fred wasn’t always aware of things but when it came to his friend he noticed something was off. “Eliza is everything okay?” Eliza shook off his question and smiled at him. “Of course everything is fine! We start school soon, I am thrilled, I am excited for you and George to try out for the quidditch team. This year will be so much fun!” She said as they walked back into the house, she handed the carrots over to Molly who smiled generously at the girl. “Thank you dear.”
Everyone entered the Great Hall, one by one. Eliza had sat down on the bench Fred next to her, George and Charlie across from her. Eliza was smiling and talking to the three until Oliver came up and sat down next to her. “Oi! Fred, George are you ready for tryouts?” He asked and the twins nodded their heads. “Eliza, Hello darling.” Hearing him call Eliza darling made a ping of jealousy hit Fred’s stomach. “Hey Ollie.” Fred scrunched up his nose. Since when did she give everyone a nickname? “I couldn’t talk you into joining the team could I?” He gave her a dashing smile.
Eliza chuckled softly and shook her head. “Oliver, absolutely not! I have far to much on my plate as is.” She smiled and George nodded his head. “Yeah she’s the only second year to have one extra class.” Fred smiled, he was proud of the girl of course she took her studies very serious and that had inspired him from the get-go. When classes had started the twins were paying loads of attention only because Eliza made them. (In which she received a letter from Molly thanking her. The only class Eliza had real problems in were Potions, with professor Severus Snape. “Eliza, if you don’t mind keeping those two quiet.” Eliza looked up and raised her eyebrow. “But professor, I can’t control them.”
“Twenty points from Gryffindor.” Eliza gasped softly and hit both Fred and George on the leg. He would always find something off about her work, even though she had it down right perfect. “Oh come off it Professor, Eliza had the best in the class you’re giving it to Notts for no reason his didn’t even have everything you were looking for!” Fred shouted which cost Gryffindor fifty points.
Eliza had her nose in her book as she heard Professor McGonagall asking for her. “Eliza, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office right away.” The twins looked at her with wide eyes, never did they think that Eliza would be brought into the Headmasters office before the two of them. Of course they had detention for setting off dungbombs in the Prefect bathroom that was truly no fun. Eliza walked along side professor McGonagall. “Professor if this is about Snapes class I swear I didn’t say anything, although my potion was perfect.” She said and she gave the girl a simple smile. “No dear, nothing like that.” When she was in the office she admired Faux, he had just been from the ashes. “Beautiful isn’t he?” Eliza nodded her head and looked over to Dumbledore. “Eliza, I asked for you to come to my office because I have somethings for you. They belonged to your parents.” Eliza’s smile fell quickly. Albus held up a quidditch robe. “This was your mothers, wonderful seeker she was.” Eliza smiled looking at the robe, she put her hands on it slowly. “She was a bright girl, with a bright future.” He said and then looked into the box again. “This belonged to your father.” He held up a leather jacket, it looked rather cool. Eliza grimaced at the thought of her father actually wearing this item of clothing. “Your father was also very bright. He was very strong and loved with all his might.”
Eliza gave Albus a look that gave the impression that she thought he was mental. “He killed people, Professor. I don’t think that counts as loving with all his might.” Eliza was four years old when she lost mother, and everyone associated with her mother. She had Sirius for only a few short months, after Marlene was murdered. “You should tell your friends about them. Especially your mother, they will see where you get your smile from.” Eliza shook her head out of confusion she was told her whole like to keep this a secret. “Secrets can only harm ones relationship with those around them.”
“I have been told my whole life not to mention this to anyone, cause if word got out about me I would be in danger.” She spoke as Andromeda told her. “Also once everyone finds out I am that monsters daughter, I will be ruined.” She whispered.
Albus took her into an embrace and held her tightly. “My dear, there are far worse men in this world than your father.”
“Alright how much trouble are you in?” George asked as soon as the girl walked into the common room, earning an elbow from his brother. “What? You were wondering the same thing, you haven’t stopped pacing for ages!” Eliza laughed softly and shook her head. This was the perfect opportunity to tell them, the two stared her down for what seemed like ever. “Dumbledore was just worried about my schedule is all, thinks I took on too much.” Fred stared at her, something was off about that but he let it go. “What’s that?” He asked about the leather jacket in her hand. Her eyes widened, she swore she left that in the office. “It belonged to Dora, I think it was dads before he left school.” Not a total lie, she reminded herself. Ted Tonks was her father in all the ways that mattered he was her father.
Time came for quidditch Try outs, that was the most nerve wracking for not the twins but for Eliza. She knew how badly they both wanted it, and she knew how badly she didn’t want them to be hurt. Of course, they made the team, they absolutely crushed it. Eliza couldn’t be any prouder of those two, except when they realized they could make their own fireworks, but they hadn’t perfected it yet. When the first game came around Fred was so nervous he could hardly stand it. “Freddie, would you calm down? You have been playing quidditch since you were born. You know what to do, and you will do it fantastic.” Eliza gave him a pat on the back. Charlie walked in the locker room he never really let anyone other than the team in but he made an exception for Eliza. “Alright Lads, listen up were going to go out there, and I don’t want anything else on your mind other than crushing Slytherin.” Everyone nodded. “You two, make sure I don’t get bloodied up to bad eh?” Charlie smiled at his younger brothers who now had smiles on their faces. Eliza ran to the stands and got to her seat.
The game started Charlie was zooming around following the snitch as well as Marcus Flint, a third year but he wasn’t much of a seeker but that’s all Slytherin had. Fred and George did amazing, Fred even almost wacked one player off their broom.
Christmas holiday was always one of Eliza’s favorite moments. Andromeda and Ted always made Christmas special for the girls. This time was no different except all the things Eliza had on her mind, she sat in her room with Sirius’s coat. Andromeda walked in and sat next to her. “I haven’t seen that thing since I gave it to him all those years ago. He wanted one so bad, but Walburga, your grandmother, refused any sort of muggle clothing.” Eliza smiled and looked at it as Andromeda held it up to her face taking in the scent. It smelled of smoke, and cologne. She smiled thinking about the boy she use to know, the man he had become, and then the man he was now. “He loved you, with all his being. You were his darling girl.” Andromeda said to her and placed her hands on the shoulders of the twelve-year-old. “Darling, we tell you not to tell the last name, not because we think you should be ashamed of it, but to protect you.” She said as she saw her husband walk into the room. “If Dumbledore thinks you should tell your friends then that is your choice and yours alone. No one will treat you any differently. I know we won’t and I know a couple of boys who will see you as their best friend until the end of time.” Ted spoke with his arm around her shoulders.
Now she had arrived at the platform to get onto the train just before it was time to board she pulled Molly aside. “Dear what has you so bothered you look a bit peaky.” Eliza loved Molly, she was gentle and kind, until it came to her twins, then she was ready to whack them with a magical spoon. “My mum and dad.” Molly glanced at Ted and Andromeda. “No, my real mum and dad. I was just wondering if I could get your advice on if I should…” Molly smiled at her in only a way a mother could. “I think the boys would be happy you told them. Fred and George see you as their best friend, and they will not treat you any certain way afterwards, I promise you.” Eliza smiled at her as she boarded the train and she listened to the twins go on and on about their vacation and how Charlie taught them a few things for the quidditch pitch.
“Lads, after practice, can we talk? I need to yell you something?” Eliza held some seriousness in her voice, the boy looked at her and nodded. “Of course, E.”
“We will come find you after.” George said as they both went off with the team to the pitch. Eliza waited for them in the common room, she finished her essay for Snape, her homework was all done and she had nothing else to do but wait. She had finally fallen asleep on the couch as she was shaken gently awake by Oliver Woods. “Darling why are you sleeping on the couch?” She looked around and sat up. “Oh I must’ve fallen asleep. Where are Fred and George?”
“They stayed back with Angelina and Katie to help clean up the locker room.” Her face fell and she let out a sigh. “Here let’s get you to bed yeah?”
Eliza had spent the rest of the time trying to get Fred and George’s attention, the boys were wrapped up in the new fame that came along with being on the Quidditch team. Her birthday was probably the worst she had to endure. “Happy Birthday, darling.” Oliver said sitting next to her at breakfast. Fred and George exchanged glances. How could they have forgotten their best friend’s birthday? They had dates that night, but still said they would be at her little get together. Charlie, Dora, Oliver, Percy, were all there but some how she felt a little crushed that the boys didn’t show up. They all talked and she sat with the group. “Eliza, I will talk to them.” Charlie said and kissed the top of her head. “Goodnight and Happy birthday.”
“Happy Birthday, Elizabeth.” Percy said as he began walking up the stairs along with Oliver and Charlie. Nymphadora walked out of the common room and glanced at the twins as they ran in. “E!” George shouted.
“Eliza we’re-” She shook her head and walked up the girls stairs and into her dorm.
The train ride home was full of apologizes and silence on her part. “Eliza, we are the worst friends in the world.” George said sitting next to her. “Please forgive us, we lost our heads this year.” Eliza sat quietly. “Please, please forgive us, Eliza.” Fred begged and moved from across from her to next to her. She put her bookmark in her book. “We are here.” She said and moved past the boys and off the platform. Charlie was already talking to their mother. Eliza gave her a warm smile, as she walked over to Ted and Andromeda. “I want to go home.”
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haleybrookewrites · 3 years
In Love With A Prankster Masterlist
Chapter One At First Sight.
Chapter 2
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haleybrookewrites · 3 years
Who I write for
Wizarding World
Please if you have a request send it in! Requests are OPEN
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Sirius Black (Marauders Era, & Post Azkaban)
Remus Lupin (Marauder Era & Professor)
James Potter
Newt Scammander
Theseus Scammander
(Honestly just send a request and I will get it done.)
Let me just say this I will only write of age characters with Sirius or Remus. I don't think I have to say that but just in case.
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haleybrookewrites · 3 years
In Love With A Prankster (A Fred Weasley Fanfic)
Chapter One: At First Sight
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Year One: 1989
Platform nine and three quarters. Watching the other children go through with their parents following behind, Eliza stood there staring at the wall. Her owl in the cage became a bit uneased. "Hush now, Pepper." She whispered as she stared at the wall moving a strand of hair out of her face.
"Come along boys. You mustn't be late." Eliza turned behind her seeing a sweet looking family rushing along. "Mum were not even late this year let us slow down." The older one spoke and smiled at their mother. She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave a quick smile. "Yes but I have to get back to your father, and I just simply can not leave him alone with Ron and Ginny for a long.." The woman stopped speaking and looked at the young girl, she took in her look, blonde hair, black strands of hair framing her face. The look in her eyes green eyes brought out the mothering in Molly. "Dear? Are you alright?"
Eliza realized she had been staring she  turned quickly but was quick to look behind her and then to the woman. "Oh, I, uh, yes." She finally spit out.
The woman walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you here alone dear?" With a nod of her head Eliza was quickly pulled to the group. "These are my sons. Bill, Charlie, Percy, and the twins. Fred." She pointed to one of the boys. "And George." Eliza waved shyly as she stood with the group. "He's not Fred! I am!" The first boy shouted.
"I am sorry George." Molly said quickly and her eyes looked back to Eliza. "What's your name dear?"
"Eliza." She said looking up to the woman, who gave her a kind smile and a pat on the shoulder. "Well dear, it's alright it is Fred and George's first time to Hogwarts as well." Eliza glanced over to the twins and they waved at her. "Oh you must get going, on you! Bill you first." Each child took their turn going through to the platform. "You alright Eliza?" She heard one of the twins ask her and she gave a quick nod. "Yes, I am perfectly fine." She said as they all got onto the train. Fred was curious about her, wanted to know all he could about her, something about the girl just fascinated him. George however was the one to ask her all the questions. "So Eliza, do you have a last name?"
"You aren't to tell anyone." Andromeda spoke softly and put a scarf onto the girl. "Your last name could make you some enemies at the school and that is the last thing I would want for you." Andromeda put her hands on the girls face. "You will do wonderful things, Eliza." Eliza smiled up to her guardian. "Nymphadora will be watching you of course, I am not worried about any of that."
"Dromeda, you have to let the girl go okay? You don't want anyone seeing us." Ted spoke softly and kissed Eliza on top of her head. "Our darling girl, you mustn't worry about what house you will be in. We will see you at Christmas." Andromeda kissed the girl on the head. "We love you. Both of you." Nymphadora smiled and walked onto the platform.
"I could ask you the same question." She countered and smiled at them earning a mischievous smile from the both of them. "Weasley." George spoke.
"What house are you hoping to get?" Fred asked from the other side of her.
Eliza took a moment to think about it. "As long as it isn't Slytherin I don't truly care." The two boys chuckled and nodded in agreement. "You two aren't questioning her to death, are you?" The twins looked up to Charlie, who had his arms folded and he chuckled as he stood next to Nymphadora. "Everything alright?" The two older ones stood there looking at the younger ones. "Yes, we just thought we would come check on everyone." Eliza gave Nymphadora a look and she nodded her head. Charlie knew? How? Dora told him?
All first years were instructed by a big man, named Hagrid to get on boats to get to Hogwarts. Eliza sat next to Fred, or maybe George? She wasn't sure which one it was. But she made it her mission to figure out which twin was which. "Fred." The boy next to her spoke softly earning a small smile from her. "I knew that."
"Sure you did." He chuckled softly as they got off the boat and walked into the castle. "Now, Professor McGonagall will be waiting for you all." They nod slowly as they walk up and are greeted by a woman with a big hat. "Before we start the feast you all must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." The group of kids all walk in and look around, Eliza's eyes found Tonks as she stood in the middle of the room. She began to worry when she heard the last names being called first. "Elizabeth." She heard her name being called everyone looked at the girl who slowly made her way to the top. The hat placed on her head.
"Another one of you, I see." Eliza's eyes widened. "Don't worry, no one can hear me except you, and me. Where should you be placed? Ravenclaw? You could do good things in Ravenclaw with a brain like yours. But Hufflepuff, your cousin, she could have a better watch on you."
I can't go to Slytherin.
"You can't? You are very ambitious have been since you were a girl. I made the mistake of not putting your father there I see."
Please no.
"Alright well, let's make it. GRYFFINDOR!" The group of Gryffindors stood to their feet and smiled widely clapping their hands. Eliza walked over and sat down. Later on down the line after the twins were called they were placed in the same house. "Bill is head boy." George pointed out. "Charlie is a prefect." He added on.
"We are totally getting away with everything." Fred laughed and looked at Eliza.
The common room was quiet, the first day of classes really made her head hurt. Snape with Potions, Professor Binns, Transfiguration, and Care for Magical Creatures. "Today was the most boring day, I think Filtch has it out for us."
"I wonder why? You two have caused nothing but a ruckus since you got here three days ago." Eliza pointed out earning a laugh from the other two. Eliza placed her book down and picked up the potions book. "Eliza you've been studying all night, why don't you come search the castle with us?" George nudged her book out of her hand quickly. She went to protest but was brought to her feet quickly. "Don't even try to say no, we all know you want to, Elizabeth." Eliza stood to her feet and glared at the two of them.
"One, it is Eliza." She glared at Fred. "And two, no I already think Snape hates me, so I need to be prepared for tomorrow."
Without a second thought the twins went out and explored the castle. They had been in classes for only a month and the twins had already had detention and Filtch has had to keep them in his office. "Mr. Weasley, I know you'd rather be blowing up a bathroom but if you don't mind getting in the group with Katie, and Eliza." George smirked and nodded his group.
"Eliza please!" Fred begged and she ignored him. "C'mon Liza, I need your help." He dropped to his knees in the common room. "Eliza I am begging you! I need your help with this paper!" Eliza simply rolled her eye and put her hand on his shoulder. "Fine, Fine! But only because it is sad that a twelve-year-old boy is crying at my feet." She slid her parchment in front of him and looked. "Don't copy it word for word."
Christmas holiday had finally come. The twins had been working on how to get a piece of bewitched parchment to reveal it's secrets, Eliza attempted to help while on the train and she got up and walked to the compartment where Nymphadora and Charlie were sitting. "Eliza, is everything okay?"
"Oh yeah everything is fine, but Fred and George are driving me nuts with that stupid parchment." Charlie laughed and nodded his head as Nymphadora looked at her. "It's just parchment." Eliza agreed with her and sighed. "Eliza it's Christmas you should be happy, excited even! It is an exciting time." Eliza smiled and looked over to Charlie. "I am excited! Trust me, I am thrilled to be going home."
Once at Kings Cross everyone said their goodbyes. "Eliza, write to us!" Eliza nodded her head as Fred gave her a quick hug before going off with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Once everyone was gone Nymphadora walked off the platform and saw Andromeda and Ted. Eliza ran over and hugged them quickly. "How was term?" Ted asked as Andromeda looked her over. "My darling girl, you look well, how is Gryffindor treating you?" Before Eliza had a chance to speak, they were back at their house.
"The Weasley Twins seem to have taken a liking to my dear sister." Nymphadora spoke looking to the young girl who had sat herself on the couch. "From what I hear she is top of her class already." Eliza smiled with a slight blush on her cheeks and nodded her head slowly. Ted looked thrilled at the two girls who he adored. Andromeda poured them all a cup of tea and nodded her head. "Molly's boys? I had a feeling they would." Andromeda had been friends with Molly for years, the two were close as could be. Of course it killed Andromeda to keep such a secret from her dear friend. "I should write Molly. It has been ages since we spoke." Ted chuckled and looked to his wife.
"Dear, you spoke to her just last Thursday." She hushed him quickly.
The Christmas vacation felt like a lifetime. Although, Eliza loved being in a home with her family. "Eliza you have a letter."
I hope you're doing well. I hope you have a Happy Christmas. George and I cracked the code on the parchment thanks to a certain Prongs. I will have to tell you when we get back to the school. Ya know secret things. Anyways, mum sends her love.
Ps. I don't know your last name, so I hope this stupid owl finds you.
Eliza smiled reading the letter and looked back to Andromeda who held a small smile, but behind that smile was a bit of worry. Now, she knew Molly and Arthur raised good boys, and they knew how to keep a secret. "Are you going to write him back?" Eliza smiled over to her. "Of course. I am."
Dear Fred,
Happy Christmas! I am doing well. I can't believe you two cracked the code! I can't wait to hear all about it! See you soon! Tell your mum I do hope to see her when we go to Kings Cross.
Once everyone had met at Kings Cross, Eliza ran right up to Fred and George. "I need to know how you did it!" She smiled at the two of them. George gave her a smirk and Fred smiled at her. "Of course! We will show you on the train." Eliza looked back and saw Andromeda and Ted talking to Arthur and Molly. "Wonder what that lot is talking about?" Eliza only shook her head and got onto the train going to their compartment. "Okay so to the normal person it is just a piece of parchment. But to those who know that password it is a map of Hogwarts. It shows everyone."
"Everyone?" The twins nodded. "Well? What is the password." That's where the boys gave a mischievous smile. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Fred said and the map revealed Hogwarts. "Oh my.." Eliza said softly and looked at the map. "There is Dumbledore, oh and Professor McGonagall!" She exclaimed and moved at sat closer to Fred to get a closer look. Fred looked over at her and gave a small awkward smile, and then looked to his brother. "And to close it you say Mischief managed." The map slowly started to disappear, and Eliza smiled widely. "Guys this is the coolest thing I have ever seen. I can't believe you got out of Flitches office with it!" George chuckled and shook her head. "He must've thought it was dangerous it was in a box marked danger. But I don't see how." Eliza raised her eyebrow and looked at the both of them. "Maybe if it fell into the wrong hands such as two trouble making twins."
Fred held his hand to his chest. "I am hurt."
"We do not cause trouble." George said next. Eliza simply rolled her eyes as they reached Hogwarts they all went to the Great Hall and sat down. "Oi! Fred, George. You two have to try out for the Quidditch team for next year. Charlie here was just talking about the game you all played over Christmas and he said you two bout killed your brother Ron." Oliver Woods spoke up and looked at the two of them. Oliver was in the same year as Percy he was probably the most talented on the team, other than Charlie. "Oh yeah, mate. We will be trying out next year. Dad was talking to us about it as well." Eliza sat in between the twins and Oliver discussing the game. Especially since they had a match against Hufflepuff. "Cedric is a bloody good seeker." Oliver said and looked over to Hufflepuff. "There's no one like him." Fred looked at Charlie who had a grimace on his face. "Other than you mate, you're the only one who gives him a run for his money." Charlie put his Care of Magical Creatures book down and joined in the conversation. "Well, of course I do. I am faster than him, I have better eyes than him, I can definitely catch the snitch way before he does." Everyone at the table nodded their heads in agreement, or maybe they were all just hopeful that he would catch the snitch before him.
Eliza sat in the stands with her jacket wrapped around her. "I can't believe you actually put a book down and joined us for a nice game of quidditch, E." Angelina said looking over at her. Eliza smiled and shook her head. "After the way Charlie was talking, I am hoping to see how long it takes him to catch the snitch."
"And he looked bloody good on a broom if you ask me." Katie Bell said with a small laugh causing the other girls to giggle. "Oi, he looks the same as all the rest of them." Fred spoke up looking at the group of girls. "Actually, he doesn't." Eliza pointed to her blonde hair. "He has great hair." Fred chuckled and looked at her. "So do I but I don't see any of you giving George and I googly eyes." Eliza patted her best friend on the shoulder. "No, no I will not be given a pity pat, it is fine. Women love the Weasleys." The girls all broke out into a fit of laughter and looked to them. "Yeah Freddie, that's it." Fred looked over to Eliza, it was the first time someone other than his family called him Freddie, and hearing it come from Eliza, just made his world round. As the match started the whole Gryffindor side were clapping vigorously cheering on the seeker. "C'mon Charlie!" The girls shouted followed by Fred and George. After thirty minutes of Cedric and Charlie fighting over the win, Charlie came out with the Snitch in his hand. "Gryffindor has won the House Cup!" Lee Jordan, a fellow first year announced loudly. Eliza hugged everyone, but when she came around to hugging Fred they hugged for a moment longer than the rest. Bill nudged Percy and the two stood there looking at his brother as the two of them pulled away quickly Fred's cheeks were red, of course he used the excuse that it was the cold weather that made them like that.
A year had come and gone just like that. The ride back to Kings Cross felt like it went by quicker this time. Eliza didn't want to say goodbye to her newly found friends. "Bill it is going to be so weird without you there next year." Eliza spoke and he chuckled and looked around. "Oh, but I will so be glad I don't have to take anymore tests."
Once at the platform everyone ran to their respective parents. "Eliza you will have to come visit us!"
"Yes E, You must!" George said in agreement with his brother. Eliza smiled and looked back to Andromeda, and Molly. "We can probably work something out." The both said together and the three kids hugged each other and went on with their families. "Did you enjoy your first year?" Ted asked her with a smile as they walked away from the Weasley family. "Yes! It was absolutely amazing! I can't wait to go back!" Andromeda smiled ear to ear hearing her talk about her first year. "Good, Hogwarts, was always my home away from home."
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