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"While I am perfectly capable of 'coming up with' another story, there's no need to, since I'm not the one running around turning Gryffs purple, am I?" Baran snaps back at her. So far he really did not like this Wendy Harris girl, and judging by the way she was still squawking at him, that opinion wasn't likely to change.
Baran liked to pride himself on being on of the few Slytherins that didn't easily lose their temper, but now he was really getting pissed off. That bastard Hayes had left him to take the blame for his ridiculous antics, he was being yelled at by a vertically challenged Puff, and she was threatening to give him detention with Professor Smith, the pathetic waste of a teacher?!
"How about a third option, love," Baran replies, not willing to just stand their and be falsely accused of anything so ridiculous, especially by some little Hufflepuff trollop. "I walk away since I'm not the one you should be punishing, and you move along and pretend that you're not an incompetent and ill-bred little twit. Sound fair?"
No, you may not Slyther-in... // Wendy & Baran
Her breed? He better not have been referencing her blood status, she’d had enough of those pureblood, Slytherin elitists to last her a lifetime. For the sake of keeping her temper, the prefect decided to just take it as some more of the usual Hufflepuff hate and shrug it off. Every new ‘puff had to get used to the teasing.
"It’s Wendy. Wendy Harris," She replied, glaring up at him, "And why should I believe that? I mean really, the best you could come up with is, ‘It wasn’t me?’ I get first years in Ravenclaw coming up with better stories than that," The larger Slytherin was quickly getting down to her last nerve. Who the hell did he think he was calling her incompetent? If anything, he was the incompetent one for getting caught!
"I’m thinking maybe a couple of detentions, maybe with Professor Smith if you’re lucky, I’m sure you two would get along famously," She wasn’t sure why, but the sixth year felt that detention with the Muggle Studies professor would be perfect for a Slytherin, though she did feel a little bad for Professor Smith, "Or maybe I should talk to Professor da Costa about getting some points taken away?"
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"Unicorn blood?" Baran repeated with a hint of surprise. Unicorns were known to have very particular uses when it came to magic, but he hadn't expected the young boy to need something that was both difficult and risky to obtain and speaking honestly, Damian just didn't look like the kind of person who could easily take the life of a unicorn.
Baran could, of course. Unicorns, at the end of the day, were just as disposable as every other beast inhabiting their worlds. He'd never been foolish enough to drink unicorn blood, but he wouldn't pretend that he hadn't killed one before. Though looking back on that now, he had to admit that he'd been disappointed with the results of that personal project.
"That sounds like some very dark magic you might be attempting, Damian," Baran spoke up again as they stepped out onto the courtyard and wordlessly crossed it to head towards the paths on the other side. So far so good, but Baran knew that he couldn't let his guard down until they got to the forest, and when they did, he'd definitely have to be on his toes. He didn't really fancy the idea of being mauled by a damn werewolf. "Just how do you plan on getting this blood, eh?"
Sin With Me (Baran & Damian)
Damian kept a watchful eye out as well, taking in every detail of their trip to watch for professors or to map a route back if should end up coming back alone. Baran seemed to know his way around the school at night, so he didn’t expect any problems but for his purpose, he tried to keep himself as sharp as possible “ A good wizard never looses a level head…” The words of his grandfather were repeated over and over again. They were a motto to live by but one Damian couldn’t seem to get no matter how hard he tried. 
Which is precisely why Baran’s question took him off guard. And he didn’t know which answer to give him honestly. Baran was coming with him so he’d see what Damian was doing but at the same time, Damian almost didn’t want him to know. “… Unicorn blood…” He said softly. Unlike most of his family, bloodthirstiness didn’t come natural to the young Al’Ghul. He could fake it well enough but killing innocent animals wasn’t truthfully something he enjoyed doing.  Not to mention that it had deadly consequences. Killing a unicorn was something only the darkest of wizards and witches could do and drinking one’s blood would leave you with a half-life, cursing you. But it was Al’Ghul tradition and Damian’s time frame was closing quickly, He just hoped that Baran wasn’t as concerned with breaking wizarding code or Damian’s health. 
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"As you wish then," Baran replies, stepping around the scowling boy and leading him away from the bedrooms. He doesn't miss the sudden flush on the boy's face, but he chooses to ignore it for now. Yes, he's definitely more than a little curious about it, but as Damian said, this was a risky task that should be gotten over and done with as soon as possible.
"I know better than to assume that you've got my back, just as you should know that I'm not guaranteed to have yours," Baran assures the younger boy with a small wave of his hand, keeping a watchful eye over his shoulder as he leads Damian through the corridors of the dungeon. He's not overly concerned about being found by another Slytherin; everyone in their house would simply let the two of them pass out of fear or indifference.
Still, it was a good walk between here and the trails past the courtyard that would take them down towards the Forbidden Forest. Baran and his memory-modifying spells could deal with any prefects that might have been out at this late hour, but being discovered by a professor would be another matter entirely. But Damian seemed like a competent companion, or at least competent enough for a third-year.
"So tell me then, little love," Baran speaks up again as they step out of the dungeons and into the main corridor of the first floor. "What exactly are you hoping to get from the forest during this little expedition?"
Sin With Me (Baran & Damian)
Damian knew that Baran called people by those ridiculous nicnames but hearing it still caused more goosebumps on the boy than even the cold weather could. A light dust of pink spread across his cheeks but still he scowled still. “Yes, I want to get this over with as quickly as possible. The last thing I want is to get caught and expelled this early…” He said, part of him worrying about the fate he’d suffer if caught and the tiniest part of him worrying about what would happen if something in the forest caught him first. Yet Damian had truly been trained by the best and he learned long ago to keep that worry far from he should be a level head. 
"You do know that I’m not responsible for any harm that may come to you though.. I will not go out of my way to stop you from being maimed because you are doing me a favor.." He warned, hand constantly floating over the cool silver metal pressed to his thigh. A wand was in his other hand but in honesty, the knife was a more welcomed weapon. Killing things had come second nature to Damian from childhood, anything and everything from animals to people occasionally. It was a family thing and something Damian could not escape. But this far from his mother and grandfather, no one had to know about the murderer that they had raised.  His footsteps were silent as he took a couple away from the door. “Lead the way…”
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Over the course of the six years he'd been at Hogwarts, Baran had been asked for many favors from his fellow Slytherins, and with most of them he had happily obliged. Not because he liked assisting other people with their trivial problems, but simply because he enjoyed the feeling of someone being in his debt. They never knew when Baran would come to cash in on the favors they owed him, and they could never predict what he would ask of them, but that just added to the fun Baran had with someone being indebted to him.
Still, serving as an escort to the Forbidden Forest was definitely a first. The boy - Damian, he believed his name was - had approached him at dinner with the request, and with it being a simple enough task, Baran had agreed. He sat in his room now, stuck listening to his roommates snoring like bears while waiting for Damian's arrival. Luckily the boy had arrived right on schedule, a few minutes before midnight, and Baran swung the door open before Damian had even finished his third knock.
"Nice to finally see someone with some semblance of punctuality around here," Baran remarks quietly as he steps out of his room and into the hallway, pausing for a moment to examine the little third-year standing in front of him. "Are you ready to go then, little love?"
Sin With Me (Baran & Damian)
The full moon sat in the sky like it had been raised on a pedestal and the stars were brighter than little, flickering flames. It was a gorgeous evening, brought together with the chill of nightfall but Damian could hardly feel it on his skin. Instead, he was breathing it in, filling his lungs with the brisk air and allowing it to keep his mind clear. He needed to do this. There was no other way. Unicorns had a very unique property, the availability to save any doomed life. But it was also cursed the moment it touched said person’s lips and to kill a unicorn was damning as well as a crime. Though Damian had no intentions of doing such. Just a scrape, that was all he needed. He had his reasons after all.  Luckily, he also had an accomplice, someone that promised him a way into the Forbidden Forest just off Hogwarts ground. So he fastened his deep, emerald green cloak and pulled the hood above his head, silver dagger fastened to his thigh and knocked three times upon Baran’s door. Tonight had to go smoothly. It just had to.
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don’t take it too seriously, it’s just a joke
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"Go away? But I thought we were bonding, Kane," Baran chuckles, making no effort into moving away from the squirming blonde. He half wonders if he's the only thing keeping her up at this point. He did admit that he was a little disappointed to learn than Bette was still too much of a pacifist to use brute force in a situation like this. But at least he now knew that nothing had changed in that respect. When it came to combating potential enemies, even the slightest detail was crucial.
"There now love, you see?" Baran purrs in her ear again when she finally mutters her submission. "No matter what situation you find yourself in, things always go smoothly once you give in and cooperate." He lets his body linger against her for another moment before he finally steps away, though he keeps the grip he has on her wrists. She's still shivering so he doubts that she'll do anything at this point, but by now she must have come to the obvious conclusion; they're still out in the open, and there's only so much that Baran can do in a place like this.
"Your gentle ways are going to get you killed one of these days, Kane," he remarks, stepping back before twisting her body around so that she was facing him. "So I'll give you a tip, love; embrace the hatred that you feel towards me. You can hold a grudge until your dying breath, but it'll do you no good if you can't channel it into something else. If not, well then, you're going to continue to be a pawn, and eventually every pawn is knocked away."
Still smirking, Baran releases the hold he has on Bette's wrists, though he keeps his guard up as well. Everything had it's breaking point, and he didn't know just how far he could push the blonde girl, but better safe than sorry.
the business of misery || baran & bette
She’d only gotten a few steps before he’d caught up with her, gripped her wrists, and pinned her again the cold stone wall. The blonde squeaked in surprise, instantly trying to squirm away from the taller sixth year. This was the beginning of a bad dream, like one of the nightmares she could never escape… Even though Bette knew he couldn’t really do anything to her within the walls of the castle, she couldn’t help but tremble in panic at his closeness.
"Go away…" She barely manages to get out, her voice threatening to crack.  His lanky body presses against hers, and she prays that she doesn’t pass out, as her knees threaten to give out any minute now. The blonde inhaled sharply in fear as Baran’s face grazed against hers, leaning away as far as she could. She hated him, hated how terrified she was of him. The sound of his smug voice, his breath against her ear… everything about Flinders was so repulsive to Bette.
His grip around her hands were so tight, it was hurting her. Bette took in deep breath, before looking to her abuser without emotion. “I understand.” 
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House Slogans
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He manages to withhold the sudden laughter than flares up in his chest when Bette suddenly pushes him away from her, but he doesn't stop himself from grinning. Bette had finally issued a real challenge to him and now the hunt was on.
With a few quick strides he easily catches up to the blonde girl and he grabs her by the wrists, turning them both and roughly pushing her up against the wall. She was small compared to him, and it was easy enough to pin her from behind. Kids these days, always dropping their guard so easily..
For a few long moments Baran just stands there, pushing Bette's body against the wall with his own and feeling the faint trembling in her arms. He lets out a quiet chuckle, relishing the feeling of her shaking under his touch, before ducking his head down and brushing the side of his face against hers.
"Word of advice, Kane; Don't ever utter the words 'or else' to a Slytherin unless you know you can deliver," he purrs into her ear before tightening the grip he has on her wrists. "Tread on a snake and you will get bitten, love, and believe me, you don't want to make too many enemies this year. Understand?"
the business of misery || baran & bette
Bette stared back at the Slytherin, dawning upon the realization that he was enjoying this, enjoying her pitiful attempt to stand up for herself. He was like a wolf, covered by his ‘charming’ sheepskin that kept the professors in the school believing that he was ‘harmless’. But in reality, he was singling out the weaker lambs, taking pleasure out of watching them limp away, before pouncing and killing them off.
I will not be a lamb. I will not let myself become the victim of his abuses any longer.
She hated him. More than anything. She hated the way his lips curled up into a sneer, when he looked down and pretended to be sympathetic. She hated how easily he stepped away from her, believing that she wouldn’t run due to risk of further injury. Maybe it was time she changed things.
"I am not a toy, and I’m tired of… of you and everything you do." The blonde stood up a little straighter, pushing him backwards and taking a few strides back to the Great Hall. "Leave me alone Flinders, or… or else!"
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♕ The British and Irish Quidditch League was established in 1674. Due to the need to maintain anti-Muggle security, the professional League was formed of the thirteen best teams at the time, and all others were asked to disband.
inspired by [x]
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Baran frowned as the prefect spoke to him, and for a few moments he wondered why he hadn't just stepped around the girl and been on his way. Judging by her accusing tone and what she was saying, she was blaming the purple Gryffindor on him. Frankly, he was insulted. He always considered himself more creative than that.
But at least now he had a legitimate excuse to knock some sense into William Hayes. He doubted that Hayes was clever enough to have planned out the act of making Baran his scapegoat, but the bastard had bolted nonetheless, leaving him to be snapped at by this obnoxiously short girl. Merlin's Beard, did he hate all these damn Hufflepuffs..
"Let's just tone the shrieking down a bit, shall we?" Baran sighs. Why did all the females in this damn school have such grating voices? "First of all, my 'excuses' for what is always a well deserved action don't need any justification, especially not towards your breed. And secondly, that purple Gryff was not my doing,. The credit goes to William Hayes, who, as fate would have it, bolted off about five seconds before you finally stumbled your incompetent self down this corridor. With that said, I believe our business is concluded miss.. whatever your name is, so will you kindly get out of the way?"
No, you may not Slyther-in... // Wendy & Baran
Wendy sighed to herself as she saw the seventh year at the end of the hall, exactly where the trail of victims lead her. It was always a Slytherin causing problems, never a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff. At least they’d be reasonable when she confronted them, maybe play nice in hopes of getting off without detention, but no. It had to be another run of the mill Slytherin that would just glare at her all broody and ask the oh-so-clever, ‘What are you going to do about it?’ It just never got old for them.
"Baran Flinders," She called out as she approached, ignoring the small shiver his eyes sent down her spine. She’d heard a few horror stories from a couple of the other girls, never anything to bad, but enough to put her on edge around him, "Why am entirely not surprised to find you here?"
As near as she could tell, if you wanted to talk about stereotypical tall, dumb, and ugly, Baran was the total package. What he told girls to trick them into bed with him, she would never know.
"Alright, let’s hear it. What’s the excuse this time? Wait, let me guess, they were asking for it? Or wait, wait, maybe this time you’ll go with it seemed like fun?"
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Though he doesn't move his arms, Baran draws his head back when Bette suddenly spits on him, several emotions rushing through his mind at once. On one hand, he was shocked that someone like Bette had actually stood up to him, even for just a second. But on the other hand, he was more exhilarated than before. Now he knew that Bette could struggle if she had to, and oh, how he loved it when they struggled.
Sighing, he just wiped the small spatter of saliva off of his cheek with the sleeve of his robes. Any one of his roommates would've just punched the blonde girl in retaliation, but Baran considered his methods too delicate for such brutality. Well that, and he was inconveniently the scrawniest of the bunch. 
"I'm afraid you can't really learn to be a player, love," Baran replies with mock sympathy. He doesn't bother leaning his arm back against the wall, knowing that Bette wouldn't try running away. She feared retaliation more than she wanted freedom right now.
"A pawn like you can't change their fate, they can only accept it. My advice to you, Kane, is to accept and learn to live with your status as a toy," he advises coolly, "I'd also be a bit more grateful if I were you - Imagine yourself in this situation, but instead of me, you're facing down a Terror twin, or William Hayes. Trust me, they like their games as much as I do, but they don't always play nice, especially with a Puff."
the business of misery || baran & bette
Her heart was racing so fast, she swore that it was going to burst out from her chest. Being this close to Flinders made her want to fall to the floor and cry. She was a lamb caught in the lion’s den, when she thought that she was safe in favorite field.
When he placed his arms on both sides of her, to keep her from escaping, Bette couldn’t help but stutter over her words, “Y-You and I already know w-what y-you are, n-no use in d-denying it.” The desire to kick him in the stomach was intense, but there was no way that Bette would try such a thing. The likelihood of her even being able to get away was so low, and she knew that if she did, there’d be consequences. There were always consequences…
But, even as she was terrified, a very small, small amount of courage was building inside of her. What if she did stand up to him?
And so, doing something very stupid, she spit in his face. “So, how do I become a player, you fucking ass…?”
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Of all the people in this school that had been cursed to have complete and utter idiots for companions, Baran felt that he'd received the wrath of that curse in particular. With today's classes finally over he'd been looking forward to a well-earned meal and then slinking around for an hour or two before retiring for the night, but instead he was now stuck trying to keep up with William Hayes, who was once again running amok and harassing some of the other students who were all on their way to the Great Hall.
Normally, Baran wouldn't have given the slightest damn about what Hayes was doing; every Slytherin was entitled to their fair share of self-entertaining after all. But this year was different. Things had to run smoothly inside the castle walls, which meant that Baran and many others, including Hayes, were supposed to keep their heads down for now. So of course instead of actually doing that, Hayes had just turned the complexion of some random Gryffindor boy purple, and Baran couldn't stop himself from letting out an exasperating sigh.
"Morons and fools, left and right," he muttered to himself as he retrieved his wand from his pocket to to administer a counter curse, but the Gryffindor had already stormed off, purple skin and all. Scowling, Baran turned around to remind William that he was supposed to be behaving, but now William was gone as well, probably to chase after another target.
Baran just sighed again and pocketed his wand, suddenly aware of footsteps clacking behind him. Turning, he was surprised to see one of the Ravenclaw prefects approaching him. He'd seen her around before.. What was her name again? Wilma? Whitney? Oh well..
"Well now love, your presence would've been useful about five minutes ago," Baran remarked as the prefect came to a stop in front of him, "But unfortunately for me, punctuality doesn't seem to be your strong suit, if you have one at all."
No, you may not Slyther-in... // Wendy & Baran
Things had been going pretty well for the day so far. Classes had gone by quickly, and the problem that had required her attention was a minor altercation between a couple of Gryffindors and a Slytherin. Passing by a group of first years who’s hair seemed to be tied together, the prefect paid them no attention as she continued on her path to the dining hall. All she had left to do for the night was a short essay for Charms, and her rounds, and then she could just relax.
A young Ravenclaw sat off to the side, crying as tiny paper airplanes continuously prodded her in the side of the head, causing the Hufflepuff to pause briefly on her journey before continuing on. The girl would need to learn to stand up for herself, it wasn’t a prefect’s job to fight every battle for the students, that usually tended to get them picked on even more.
When the sixth year passed by an angry looking Gryffindor whose entire skin had been turned a most vibrant shade of purple, that was when she started to get worried. Most likely, it was just a poltergeist, or one of the house ghosts, but if it was another student, technically she should be stepping in at this point. Gazing longingly at the entrance to the dining hall, the dark-haired witch cursed under breath as she turned off to follow the same hallway the violet Gryffindor had just exited.
When she found whoever had caused all this, and most importantly, ruined her easy day, she was going to make sure their head of house handed them a weeks worth of detentions.
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He hadn't been expecting Bette to push his hand away, but he'd be lying if he said it didn't excite him just a little. He'd learned early on that prey that fought back was always a little more fun than those that just accepted it.
"A monster, eh?" Baran chuckled before turning his body and bracing his arms on both sides of her, trapping her back against the wall. He knew he didn't have to rush this with most of the school still in the Great Hall, but one never knew when someone could wander out of the library. Now would be a troublesome time to get caught..
"You know Kane, you should be a bit more careful about throwing that word around. Call someone a monster and eventually they'll start to believe it, and once someone's embraced that title, they'll never let it go." Still smirking, Baran gripped her chin again and tilted her head back once more, taking care to not knock her skull against the brick wall behind her.
"Everyone is a source of entertainment for me, love," he tells her quietly, "You just have to decide early on if you're going to be a pawn or a player, and judging by what I'm seeing right now, Kane, you're still just a pawn."
the business of misery || baran & bette
She took another step backwards, but realized now she was backed up against the stone wall of the castle. Fuck. She couldn’t run now, and there wasn’t anyone around… everyone was still at dinner. “I don’t want to know you or what you did this summer, you’re sick.” The hufflepuff managed to utter, a sinking feeling settling in her stomach. She wished she was safe in her common room, with a book and a cup of tea…
When he grabbed her chin, she whimpered, as he forced her look up and into his eyes. She despised him, but was equally petrified by him. His eyes were dead inside, as though there was nothing in this world that scared him, or that he cared about. How could a person be so twisted, so horrible?
"I’m not your entertainment, I’m a human being. And you’re a monster." Bette pushed his hand away, being more forceful than she ever had before. Shaking, she took in a breath, "Leave me alone."
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once you’ve become a snake, you’re one of ours—one of the e l i t e.
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"Me? Do awful things?" Baran repeated with mock insult, chuckling as he took a small step towards the short girl. "What exactly do you think I did over the summer? Attacked a few lowlife muggle-borns and maybe got a cheap fuck or two afterwards? I'm hurt, love.. It's like you don't know me at all.."
He could see Bette's hands shaking now, and she wasn't even looking him in the eye anymore. So, she finally admitted out loud that she hated him? This was just too perfect.. He let out another quiet chuckle and reached out towards Bette, gripping her chin lightly and tilting her head back so she was looking up at him.
"Why would I leave you alone when you provide me with so much free entertainment?" he asked, dropping his voice to a low whisper. He could feel her trembling beneath his touch again and it made him grin. "And I'm sure a smart little Puff like you can guess how dangerous a bored Slytherin can become.."
the business of misery || baran & bette
As Baran cut her off, Bette found herself falling back into the routine that she so desperately wanted to forget. She took a step back, her lower lip quivering ever so slightly, and gulped. “No, I don’t want to know about your summer, you probably did awful things and I don’t want to hear about it, or anything you have to say. We are not friends. Please leave me alone…” Her voice has started out stable, but by the end, as he straightened up, she felt like her knees were going to give out from underneath her.
Year after year, Bette found herself in this position; being tormented by this sadistic, terrifying excuse for a human being. He’d never physically hurt her, but the threat of pain and violence had always been there. It’d kept the blonde in line, but this was the first time that she’d ever attempted to talk back. 
"I hate you so much…" She muttered, keeping her eyes on the ground. "Why can’t you just leave me alone?"
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