halfacupofmilk · 18 hours
joyous well pay the man wednesday to my friends and followers
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halfacupofmilk · 18 hours
Actually girlhood is being obsessed with a specific historical tragedy when you were like 9
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halfacupofmilk · 18 hours
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halfacupofmilk · 19 hours
“One of the most solid pieces of writing advice I know is in fact intended for dancers – you can find it in the choreographer Martha Graham’s biography. But it relaxes me in front of my laptop the same way I imagine it might induce a young dancer to breathe deeply and wiggle their fingers and toes. Graham writes: ‘There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.’”
— Zadie Smith (via campaignagainstcliche)
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halfacupofmilk · 19 hours
"childs is the thing!" "no macready is the thing" LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER THE CREDITS CLEARLY SAY JOHN CARPENTER'S THE THING
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halfacupofmilk · 19 hours
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Steve Tomasin of the U.S. and Rodrigo Isgro of Argentina swap shorts after their Rugby Sevens match at the Paris 2024 Olympics in Saint-Denis, France, July 27, 2024
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halfacupofmilk · 19 hours
i'm not interested in casual dating or other inane conventional social rituals who's going to fit into me like a hook* into an eye**
(*a fish hook)
(**an open eye)
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halfacupofmilk · 20 hours
my new favourite way to fuck with my coworkers is by responding to any minor injuries they get by asking them if the offending object bit them. burned by a hot drink? aw, did it bite you? cut your hand on a sharp edge? oh no, did it bite you? bumped into a table and bruised their shins? guess you got bitten. they know to expect it now but it still gets them every time.
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halfacupofmilk · 20 hours
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Beocenter 2800 (Denmark, 1978)
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halfacupofmilk · 20 hours
"do it scared" ok but I would like to do something some other way occasionally. Like at least once. For a change.
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halfacupofmilk · 20 hours
have you tried to use youtube without an adblocker recently? i guarantee you’ll be leaving bombs and spraying question marks around the city like the riddler
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halfacupofmilk · 20 hours
do not go to therapy. enough people went to grant us all herd immunity. we are all fine and we will all be fine God bless
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halfacupofmilk · 20 hours
"terminally ill people should be allowed to choose to die if they feel it is the best decision for them" and "euthanasia can easily become eugenics" and "we should provide support for depressed and suicidal people" are statements that can come into conflict but should all be respected
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halfacupofmilk · 20 hours
this was so distressing
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halfacupofmilk · 20 hours
i hate it when customers get mad about policy and go “well i’ve always thought it worked differently” like ok. when i was a kid i thought the drains in sinks and bathtubs lead to Hell and i would pour things down them for the dead people. it turns out that you can think things that aren’t true
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halfacupofmilk · 21 hours
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halfacupofmilk · 21 hours
"i hate it when GIRLS die" really was a formative landmark game changer for me like it's not even a tweet anymore it's a profound truth about the universe. i never want the context for it i understand completely.
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