halfpersent · 10 years
week has been pretty chaotic. this account will be on semi-hiatus until the end of the month. threads shall wait for a few days, and sorry in advance. 
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halfpersent · 10 years
Doppio:List two of your dream travel locations and why.
South Africa; I’ve been interested in the wild. And I think it’ll be a great muse for my future portfolio.
Amsterdam; I’ve always been curious about their culture and traditions. 
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halfpersent · 10 years
It must be so nice to be loved.
Daul Kim  (via givingblowjobs)
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halfpersent · 10 years
"This seems familiar."
▌ what is familiar about this situation?  it was the initial thought that comes into the demigod’s mind as he scuffle both figure and dives it into the darkness of the thin alleyway, deliberately hiding from the sea of thugs that he stumble upon earlier. lungs petrified for seconds to prevent any sound, hands resting onto the woman’s shoulder whilst blocking her mouth for further speak. shh. to drag her in such mess was a irresponsible for the young man however finding her in the midst of a run entertained confusion to his action thus pulling her along into his hiding. he should have think clearer before that. “have you been in this kind of mess before?” he whispers like a hush, glances at the female standing to close to him now. 
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halfpersent · 10 years
Reblog if you’d roleplay with anyone despite their face claim. 
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halfpersent · 10 years
“I'm honestly jealous of you.”
▌bewilderment from too many aspects. the sudden appearance first came rolling; a man who sen doesn’t know pops up out of nowhere, residing just beside him. next comes his declaration; was it dedicated for him or was this stranger talking to himself. perplexity dominating the demigod’s features whilst stares at him. “uhㅡ excuse me. are you talking to me?”
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halfpersent · 10 years
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halfpersent · 10 years
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Sen x2
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halfpersent · 10 years
"Please don't be angry."
▌he pins a stare at her. both of his hands lifted in the mid air, refusing to stay in contact with his messed up shirt. all his stuffs were lying on the ground. his left feet was once screaming in sore. senㅡ the demigod wanted to laugh, sarcastically of course but with all this mixed mishap, all his emotions were conveniently rolled. “ㅡshould I praise and love you instead? Miss, you ruined my day” 
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halfpersent · 10 years
"Somebody's in a bad mood."
▌perfect nose crease lightly, pair of eyes twitches and now squinted as it looks at the person standing beside the demigod. hands now tuck to one another whilst crossed and against his chest, lips pursing strongly and not amused. “stating the obvious will make it worst” he nonchalantly exposed his aggravated tainted voice, rolling his gaze from the annoying view in front of him. 
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halfpersent · 10 years
▌ laughters are contagious, he knows that and with her exploding into a short hilarity, sen couldn't help but to be contaminated as well. he laughs soft, and quick that his dimples shows off once again. "Well, if you'll help me get away of this partly without my college mates knowing, I would treat you for a coffee dateㅡ call?"
- ☯ ; She unclasped her hands and ran her fingers down her hair before looking at him. She peered at him with a soft expression. Never had she ever met a man who hated going to parties but then again she knew it was wrong to judge. Quickly dismissing the thought out of her head, she smiled at his response. Genuine. The first word to pop into her mind as he continued, genuine and precise to be exact. She looked at the scene before her as it became quite a nuisance to her. She knew it was going to be like this: grinding, drinking, and smoking but that was her scene. She was always surrounded by it but then again, she does tend to go on breaks. 
She turned her attention towards him before settling with a soft smile, “Then let’s go on a coffee date one day, unless, you don’t want to of course.” She lets out a light laugh as she sighed and stretched her arms above her head before trailing her index finger around the rim of the shot glass with her gaze on him.
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halfpersent · 10 years
▌evidence of  a longer conversation with the forthcoming storm at their backs, sen was thorn with a series of emotions involving him and the young woman. it became clear to him that she has no home, and questioning he reason behind that tragic event would only cause them melancholy whilst shutting his inquisitive mouth for a moment, inhaling the already polluted cold breeze floating between them.  she was cheerful even with the reality slapping her cheeks. sen was confuse to sat into her positivism lies or wake her up into senses. time is running out.                         { the rain is coming ... ㅡ } " you have a nice place. the trees are bright and happy, look ㅡ now they're dancing in glee " he paused, glances at the blown trees, inclining far away from the light, the hush of the storm wind brushing their hairs apart. shiver. he could sense the shiver running through himㅡ a cold quiver.             {  how would you survive this weak winter? }                                                  " Minah, rightㅡ? "   he gazes at her, concern reflecting into his eyes. lips none curl instead ironed into a straight, serious line. his jaw rested with the short silence, his lungs leaps for air. his hands trembling above his lap.               " since you invited me in your place,                              how about I'd invite you in my house? "                                                { come on, let's run }
She felt all sorts of vulnerable knowing that this stranger who spoke with such nonchalance knew her ‘secret’ - not that she was so set on hiding it in the first place. Minah knew that after it was out, that she would either be judged or well, there was never an or. People always judged her. They didn’t bother to figure out how she ended up homeless or what she did to try to get ahead in life. She was just this dirty human that was beneath them. And e v e n t u a l l y,
                          — she began to start believing just that.
"Trespassing?" She questioned with a small laugh that hid her nervousness. 
"No such thing," she waved him off, "I enjoy having guests." Making jokes was a sure way of making the tension surrounding her chest disappear. It was a way to cope with the harsh reality of everything. She was homeless but she could still feel joy, even if the emotion was fleeting. 
"Ah, it doesn’t have a roof?" She questioned, an eyebrow raised in false confusion. 
She gasped lightly, her eyes widening. “Oh, I never noticed.”
"I’m gonna have to report this to the agent that sold me the house."
Her face turned a subtle shade of red, “The rain won’t bother me much, though.” She told him simply, her voice wavering. She hoped he wouldn’t be able to tell she was lying from the tone of her voice. she would be fine, even if her and all of her stuff got drenched in the rain storm. She lasted this long. Minah would be fine.
"When you have the leaves as a roof over your head, you tend to appreciate the little things in life." She grinned over at Sen momentarily, before looking away in the opposite direction. "Like small talk with a stranger."
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halfpersent · 10 years
▌too late. his comrade had already entered the main hallㅡ (so much to his ungratefulness) and it'll be difficult for sen to pull him away. frustrated, he couldn't hide a loud grunt exhaling his features only to gather glances with the other body guards. he dispatch the suspicion right away by shrugging his shoulders and act all sophisticatedly arrogant whilst standing behind the main door. unknown to him the next plan, sen stayed there for a while, pondering if he should sneak another routine or wait for an opportunity to get inside. there's a lot of high class people in that meeting, and it would be a ruckus if he's caught in the act. perplexed by such involvement, sen lowered his head and sigh. it is when a member of the main security asked him to  post inside that he found a brighter light. "Alas" 
Best friend kidnappings || Sen + Seunghwan
              × — Seunghwan sighed softly as he was escorted to the elevators and up the flight of floors to where the meeting rooms were— he really disliked this place, it was just so… dull and empty for the heir ( though the placed was bustling about, making sure everything was in tip-top shape so they wouldn’t get in trouble by the CEO and founder of the corporation ). And soon, he was stepping inside the meeting room, and brought over to his place on the table, as various people— cheif of staff, managers, and other important businessmen were slowly entering the room, greeting the young man. The heir just gave a polite smile, one that was very superficial and painted on to those men— the only reason why they even bothered to acknowledge him was because he was the son of their boss and it was just… formality to greet him.
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halfpersent · 10 years
▌ it didn't bothered him that the stranger purposely ignored his earlier question thinking that there's no point of answering an already obvious one. he just spoke those inquiry to form an introduction, and possibly offer a small comfort or courtesy, in the end, sen bothered not to budge much. and like the other, he kept his  smile on his face, slowly turning timid as time passed. he scrutinized the map with all eyes, deciphering every detail of the neighborhood whilst tangling it with the details he know. after a few minutes of silence, the demigod twist to his side, and grasp his backpack that was sitting there wet the entire night; fortunate that the downpour failed to penetrate the insides of his backpack. he pulled his small notebook and began scribbling the bus schedules and details he knew, and then pass it to the stranger nonchalantly along with a smile. "these are the regular schedules of the bus from 7 in the morning until the last trip which is around 4 in the morning. there are few bus stops scattered around your place but the nearest and I think is the most accommodating is this one" he explains, points at the small part of the map. "as for your office place, this bus stop can cater you, however they only have limited trips because it's not a famous routine. if you are eager to come home early, you have to walk this way up to this way which is a very long routine, but the buses are active there" 
Has he considered getting sick? Well, he didn’t even consider getting wet in the first place so if he bothered answering that rather obvious question the answer would be ‘no’. But he didn’t bother answering, and just dipped his head into a slight nod; perhaps he didn’t want to reply in a rude manner to the other or he simply just didn’t feel like using his voice more than he had to.
He forced a subtle and friendly smile upon his lips once the other male moved closer to take help him with his map, he pointed at a red circle on the map he drew with a marker earlier that day. “Well, this is where I live.” His index finger moved to point at a blue circle not too far away from the red one. “And this is where I work. But I don’t know where the bus-stops are located and what bus I need to take to get where in the city.”
He laughed softly, it probably seemed really strange to the other that he had to ask these things. Back in Ulsan there wasn’t really any need for him to use public transport; his parents hired a family driver because of him but that honestly is the most embarrassing thing when you were 25 years old but with his epilepsy he couldn’t get a driver’s license himself.
Rubbing the back of his neck, he felt the need to share a short statement and let out a laugh. “I’ve never really used public transport and I can’t drive either.”
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halfpersent · 10 years
▌ the vast skyㅡ beautiful and mystic, watching them from afar; along with the twinkling stars at night, or the bright rays of sunshine in the morning, most occupied with the cheerful puff of cloud, thinking about that dissolves the lingering emotion of loneliness, and aloof. it was a wise choice to look up in the sky for once. soon the throbbing agony that has been violating his skull had vanished so mysteriously albeit it has already given up before the demigod does nevertheless, he was glad. finally, he had the chance to steal good air, filling up his lungs, resting his already exhausted matter. he looks at her again; the strange woman who's never been expecting love. pondering question arouses the young man however, silence had dominate them apart.  the muttering words of alert pulled the demigod's gaze away from her, and now stutter it around the place. his offspring of early romance all vanished into dustㅡ as predicted.                  he could only sigh.                                " the show has ended now ㅡ "               " tomorrow we'll see if cupid can tore your heart apart "
  She brought her eyes down from the sky and looked to the man sitting next to her with a small smile. The other had his eyes turned towards the sky so she too the time to just watch him. They were nothing more than strangers that just started a conversation on love but something about him drew HyoJoo in, something about him that didn’t really seem so human. She couldn’t shake the feeling but she also couldn’t smell anything different about him, he was just like a regular human being.
   ” Well with that logic then I should have already been hit by cupid’s arrow, because I’m never expecting love.
 She let out a small laugh before returning her eyes towards the sky. She continued to watch the clouds for several minutes before letting out a sigh and turning her eyes towards the many couples that milled around them. Her lips turned down in a small frown as she realized that their were less couples then there where when she first arrived.
   ” I think something happened while we were talking, almost everyone is gone now…
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halfpersent · 10 years
▌ he's not sure if he should poke into her past, but he failed to control his sudden curiosity. "bad past?" he was swift to chew his lips, abiding to shut the topic up whilst to be considerate. "ㅡeveryone in my contacts are special" 
{ `tilts her head, tapping her finger on the table as she nods slowly } Perhaps I do. I have a bad past- { `the words slipped off from cissy’s lips, but she chose to fake a cough and grins, in hopes that sen would choose to ignore them } Oh really? I feel so special now. 
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halfpersent · 10 years
▌it became a personal show for the male to watch the foreign woman as she devour another glass of cognac. the bitterness and the aftereffects of the liquors seems to be no match to him. it was impressive for the demigod, albeit was also concern as well. "hmm" he pause for a moment to humbly hum and thinks. "the opposite of parties? casual, relaxing music. coffees and tea instead of beer and vodka" he pauses, lips pressed together, and the tip of his tongue sneaks across to wet the already dry part of his chops. "good conversationㅡ brave ones; far from the influence of alcohol. those things turn me on" 
- ☯ ; She nodded in understanding as she took another shot. The burning, bitter taste became a soothing, sweet sensation as she let out a light sigh in disappointment. Her high tolerance for alcohol was a bit of a bummer when she couldn’t get to a high. Not wanting to be rude, she let the glass go on the table and clasped her hands together. “Ah, so parties aren’t your thing. Gotcha.” She kept a mental note for later as she crossed her legs and pulled her fitted white dress down in manner before returning her attention to him. She couldn’t help but let out a light laugh as he looked disgusted at the scene before them. Shaking her head, she leaned her chin into her hand, “So, what does turn you on? Since parties turn you off, that is.” She was being completely honest as she asked him the question. 
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