asktheravenclan · 1 day
💠 Is there a Headcanon about my muse you want to know more about? Ask away!
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asktheravenclan · 4 days
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asktheravenclan · 16 days
Villain or Hero Edition:
-“You’re going to save them and for what? They don’t appreciate you!”
-“You spill your blood for this city/village and for what? So they can never know the name of the man/woman who saved their miserable lives?”
-“How many times are you going to bleed for them?”
-“Aren’t you tired yet? Haven’t you had enough?”
-“Despair, misery, and chaos. It’s like air to me. But to watch them suffer is much more entertaining.”
-“Look at their miserable lives and tell me what you see. They’re just begging for you to end them.”
-“You’re conflicted I can see it. You don’t want to be the hero but you’re not evil enough to be the villain. So what are you?”
-“You can’t be nothing because you have to be something.”
-“You can’t be nobody you have to be somebody. They need you. Help them.”
-“You’ve shed enough blood. It’s time to stop. You’ve avenged their deaths enough.”
-“You’ve fought until your face was bloody, your ribs cracked, and your soul broken. How much more can you give to them!”
-“You won’t be satisfied until your dead.”
-“This city/village has torn you apart. They don’t deserve anymore saving.”
-“You’d give your soul to them? They won’t ever be satisfied until you’re dead.”
-“You give and you give and give when is it your turn to take?”
-“You’ll burn this city/village to the ground. Murder its people. And then will you be satisfied?”
-“I can’t watch you tear yourself apart anymore for these people.”
-“You’re cruel.”
-“You’ve been caught. There’s nothing more you can do so why are you still fighting?”
-“It’s over. It was a long war filled with countless bodies and bloodshed. So stop…it’s over.”
-“I know you. You aren’t this terrible person people see you as and made you become. There’s still some light within you. I see it…”
-“What has the world done to you to make you feel this broken that you feel the need to hurt other people?”
-“You hurt others because they hurt you.”
-“I can see the torment within you. I can especially tell by the way you mangle the bodies of your enemies.”
-“You don’t owe people anything else.”
-“You’re like the sun and moon. You can either be the light that guides peoples lives to a better world. Or you can be the moon and darken their world. Or- you can be an eclipse and be a little bit of both good and evil.”
-“What do YOU want to become?”
-“You’re the only one who can give others hope.”
-“If it wasn’t for you we’d all be dead.”
-“The histories will never know who really saved us because he/she didn’t want to be known as a hero.”
-“Don’t die for our selfish selves.”
-“You brought this upon yourself.”
-“You can either save lives or take them. So which is it? Who will you become?”
-“You say you’d burn the city/village to the ground. But what happens when you’re standing on a pile of ash and smoke with no subjects to rule?”
-“Your mentor molded you to be a monster.”
-“Your mentor molded you to be a beckon of hope for others.”
-“They will never bow to you.”
-“You’re nothing but a usurper from a foreign place to us. We will never call you King/Queen.”
-“You hide behind a mask all the time and I don’t mean the one upon your face.”
-“Of all the things to have happened to you are you still capable of love?”
-“You were born a villain but you will die a hero.”
-“You were born a hero but will die a villain.”
-“You’ve changed since we first met. You’re becoming something I don’t recognize anymore.”
-“You’re no longer a man. You’re a beast.”
-“Greatness was thrust upon you but you decided not to take it. Why?”
-“We don’t choose these roles they just happen.”
-“I won’t watch you die.”
-“What are you fighting for?”
-“Fates can be changed there’s still time.”
-“Your fate isn’t set in stone.”
-“There’s pain in my chest every time I see you in anguish.”
-“You never meant anything to them. So you turned into the thing they feared the most to leave an impression upon them.”
-“I wish you could see your worth.”
-“Your life is not worth the weight of gold they will pay you for helping them.”
-“I won’t watch you become someone I don’t recognize.”
-“I can’t even say who are you becoming because I don’t even know what you are anymore.
-“When they write of your history they will say it began on this day.”
-“Your scars are a reminder of who you were. So never forget who bled for this village/city. Who it was that saved the damned and the good. Who it was that almost died for them. Who it was that became a legend in their eyes. A legend to be remembered a thousand years from now.”
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asktheravenclan · 1 month
Send 'Soft gestures' + a number for my muses reaction to yours
Feel free to combine gestures as you see fit!
Brushing hair out of their face
Hugging them from behind
Kissing the nape of their neck
Tickling them
Whispering sweet nothings in their ear
Playing with their hair
Tracing patterns on their skin
Rubbing their back
Cuddling them
Wrap them up in a blanket
Put a scarf around their neck
Help them with a zipper, laces, ect.
Help them with their tie
Help them clasp a necklace around their neck
Trace their scars
Kiss their forehead
Rub their shoulders
Kiss their knuckles
Kiss their fingertips
Caress their face
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asktheravenclan · 1 month
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
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Questioning Sentences, Vol. 24
(Questioning sentences from various sources to ask all kinds of muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Do you honestly think that now is the right time for this conversation?"
"Don't you think I know what I sounded like today? Do you think I enjoy being humiliated and laughed at like that?"
"Are you mocking me?"
"Are you watching my house?"
"Do I sense the cold silence of disapproval?"
"If we identify a UFO, does that just mean it's an FO?"
"Do you believe there's something out there?"
"Do you know the difference between order and chaos?"
"What happened to your resolution to be more accepting?"
"You hate anyone who can't do what you do, don't you?"
"Do you still believe humanity can do better?"
"Is there really ever such a thing as an accident?"
"Where have you been all my life?"
"Why are you trying so hard to get rid of me?"
"How does it feel to know that you have failed?"
"You like fighting, don't you?"
"Do you want revenge? Is that what you're thinking right now?"
"You're a smart man. You could be anywhere doing anything. Why do you do this?"
"Hey, are you experiencing an ominous sense of foreboding?"
"Are you really going to pull that trigger?"
"They all hate me. You don't hate me, do you?"
"What am I afraid of? I think the better question is what are you afraid of?"
"Have you any idea how much I've missed you?"
"How much longer are you going to drag your heels before you tell her how you feel?"
"How did they manage to get so many snobs in one place?"
"Have you thought about what you're going to do when you retire?"
"Do you think he'll be jealous?"
"Do you ever wish there was another way?"
"You're a pretty smart kid, you know that?"
"Do I strike you as someone who can't speak for herself?"
"Is there a Greek god of disappointment?"
"Aren't you a little young to be getting married?"
"Why would you say something like that?"
"When exactly was the last time you had a psych evaluation?"
"Can I ask you a personal question?"
"Do you remember the last time we danced?"
"If you can't trust your own mind, then what have you got?"
"I never knew so many books even existed. Have you read them all?"
"You'd use your gun on my mother?"
"So, how did you become a hostage?"
"We've never met before, right?"
"What are you doing here, apart from trying to avoid me?"
"What? You telling me you've never had a thing for bad boys?"
"They say you're a genius. Are you?"
"How come you always have to lead?"
"Do you enjoy threatening people?"
"Did you have a happy childhood?"
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
Angst Starters
"After all this time? This is how you repay my trust in you?!"
"I thought I could do this. But I can't anymore. You've become the monster I always feared you'd be."
"You don't understand what they did to me! What they made me do!"
"Everything I've worked to achieve... it's all gone."
"Perhaps the next life will be kinder to us."
"Where did you go? Why did you flee to somewhere I can't follow?"
"I can't stand the sight of you anymore! I hate you!"
"Why won't you leave me alone?"
"For years I had to put up with you! It's the worst torture imaginable."
"You and I? Whatever we had, we're through."
"Have I just made myself like this? Dissatisfied with everything?"
"I was hoping you could save me, even though I realize you can't."
"No, no, no! You can't do this to me! I won't allow it!"
"You aren't allowed to die! Not yet!"
"It's too soon. It's all too soon."
"The most painful thing in my life is looking at you. Remember everything."
"I'm always sabotaging myself like this."
"It's the world that must pay for my pain. My torment."
"Maybe in the shadows is where I belong. Where nothing can hurt me anymore."
"You just had to let me down one last time."
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
❛  i can't stop thinking about you even when i try.  ❜ ❛  every time i see you, it's like my heart skips a beat.  ❜ ❛  i never realized how much i needed you until you weren't there.  ❜ ❛  do you ever feel like there's something missing ... like a piece of your heart is somewhere else?  ❜ ❛  i wish i had the courage to tell you how i feel.  ❜ ❛  if only you knew how much you truly mean to me.  ❜ ❛  do you ever wonder what it would be like if things were different between us?  ❜ ❛  sometimes i wonder if you ever think about me the way i think about you.  ❜ ❛  i had a lot of dreams about you recently.  ❜ ❛  somehow, you're always on my mind.  ❜ ❛  i think i've been in love with you since the day we met - scratch that, i know i've been in love with you since the day we met.  ❜ ❛  my biggest wish is to hold you close and never let you go.  ❜ ❛  all my life i've felt like a part of me was missing, but with you i've finally found it.  ❜ ❛  you deserve better than who i am right now, but i'm gonna keep trying to become someone you do deserve.  ❜ ❛  every time you smile at me, i get this flutter in my chest.  ❜ ❛  do you think i'll ever be worthy of your love?  ❜ ❛  i want to be the person to make you happy. the one person you can always come to with whatever you need.  ❜ ❛  will we ever get another chance together?  ❜ ❛  you were the best thing that's ever happened to me.  ❜ ❛  my biggest regret is ever letting you go.  ❜ ❛  i'm still in love with you ... and i honestly never stopped.  ❜ ❛  when i wake up in the morning, you're the first person i want to see.  ❜ ❛  every time i wake up, i check if you wrote me another message.  ❜ ❛  i wish i could be as important to you as you are to me.  ❜ ❛  it hurts when you don't talk to me like you used to.  ❜ ❛  i miss everything about you, your touch, your laugh, your smile. i wish i could have that back.  ❜ ❛  i want to fall asleep wrapped in your arms.  ❜ ❛  hold me closer; i always feel safer when you're with me.  ❜ ❛  there's so much i wish i was able to tell you.  ❜ ❛  i know things aren't easy right now, but i want to remain a fixture in your life. after all, you're one in mine.  ❜ ❛  i miss the way you always made me smile.  ❜ ❛  you're the reason i keep holding on.  ❜ ❛  maybe we're supposed so to remain a case of 'right person, wrong time' forever.  ❜ ❛  if only you knew how i feel about you.  ❜ ❛  i'm yearning to hold your hand in mine.  ❜ ❛  i think you are the one for me, and i hope one day i'll be the one for you, too.  ❜ ❛  do you think i'll ever become more than a friend to you?  ❜ ❛  my heart belongs to you, always and forever.  ❜ ❛  my first instinct is to protect you, no matter the cost.  ❜ ❛  i've been thinking about us a lot lately.  ❜
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
Send “What happened!?” for your muse to see mine injured.
alternatively send “Its nothing.” for the reverse. 
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
Send "Grasp" to grasp my muse's jaw and force them to look your muse in the eye
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
❝ we can’t go to the cops with all this information. ❞
❝ if we go to the cops they’re going to think we had something to do with it.  ❞
❝ this is a lot of information, we can’t just hide it from the cops. people are dying. ❞
❝ ahh, it’s just you… and, your infamous murder board. ❞
❝ i wish had a single clue as to what you do over there at that murder board. ❞
❝ so what did you find? any new leads? ❞
❝ it’s a long shot but i think i might have found something. ❞
❝ so, you think this is the person doing all these killings? ❞
❝ look, i just have a bad feeling about this person to not look into it, at least. ❞
❝ well, so far you’ve been right, so let’s hear what you’ve got. ❞
❝ the only thing we’re missing now is a motive. ❞
❝ what’s wrong with you? you can’t go around accusing innocent people! ❞
❝ okay, say i’m wrong, but i know i’m right about this.  ❞
❝ you did all that and came up with nothing at all? ❞
❝ i don’t think we’re ever going to track this killer down. ❞
❝ this person, or thing even, whatever, is really good at what they do. ❞
❝ we’re breaking laws to track this killer down now? ❞
❝ i’m just saying, go back through the file and look closer. ❞
❝ maybe we were right all along but overlooked something. something small. ❞
❝ okay, so we meet back here at night and find what’s in that cabinet. ❞
❝ we’re in too deep to give up now. we’re close, i can feel it. ❞
❝ let’s split up, meet back here in ten. ❞
❝ how come every time something goes down, you arrive late? ❞
❝ okay, so this is the killer, now how do we catch them? ❞
❝ not exactly what we’re expecting to find but we definitely need to call the cops. ❞
❝ we can’t do this all on our own anymore, we have to go to the police. ❞
❝ i think we may have just found the killer’s next target. ❞
❝ there’s a place i found out about, i think we should check it out. ❞
❝ the only surviving victim is hospitalized and unable to actually speak about it.  ❞
❝ all we keep coming up with our dead ends, maybe we should just give up. ❞
❝ you think that i’m the one doing all these killings? ❞
❝ tell me again why you think this killer is after me of all people? ❞
❝ if we don’t do something now, more bodies are just going to keep piling up. ❞
❝ so, we’ve narrowed it down to these two people now. ❞
❝ look, i get your concerned and scared, i am too, but let the police handle it. ❞
❝ if we can hack into the system, we can find out everyone who got this text. ❞
❝ no, no. i think this killer is someone close to us, maybe closer than we think. ❞
❝ i don’t know if i can continue doing this. ❞
❝ we need to get everyone together and come up with a plan. ❞
❝ if this plan doesn’t work, we go straight into plan b. ❞
❝ i think we should really start making a plan c, maybe even plan d. ❞
❝ this plan officially sucks and is getting us nowhere. we’re sitting ducks. ❞
❝ i think i might have found a pattern within these killings. ❞
❝ all the killings happened in the place, around the same time. ❞
❝ wow, you all are almost better than the cops. ❞
❝ it’s like a jigsaw puzzle, there’s too many missing pieces. ❞
❝ my suspicion is usually always right, even more so than my gut.  ❞
❝ we’re doing this tonight and if we’re lucky, we’ll catch the killer. finally. ❞
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
send  STARTER!    for  a  random  starter  
send  PLOT!    to  discuss  potential  threads
send  MEMES!    to  request  the  receiver  to  send  meme  options
send  IC  ASKS!    to  request  the  receiver  to  send  ic  ask  prompts
send  DYNAMICS!  to  discuss  potential  dynamic  types
send SHIP! to discuss potential ship types
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
🍎 。:*• ─ WEREWOLF PLOTS.    ›   ( a compilation of plot ideas involving werewolves, suitable for both modern days and past eras/AUs. )
1. The cure — muse A is a scientist who, having had a bad experience with werewolves in the past ( maybe they barely escaped from an attack ?  maybe they’ve seen a loved one being attacked/kidnapped by werewolves ?  maybe they’re the descendant of a deceased wolf-hunter ? ), has dedicated their whole life to find a cure for lycanthropy. One day they find and kidnap muse B, a werewolf, to keep in their lab and learn more about their condition, maybe even do some testing and experimenting on them. How will their relationship develop ? Will A learn that there’s more to werewolves than meets the eye ?  Could they make peace with the past and accept B for what they are ?  Or will they forcefully cure them ?  Will B turn against their captor ? Try to escape or punish them by turning them into what they most despise ?
2. The hunt — muse A and muse B come from an old, renowned clan of werewolf hunters ( they could be siblings, cousins, a couple or just friends ) . They’re considered the best, but during a particularly difficult hunt, muse A makes a mistake and gets attacked by the werewolf, who escapes unharmed. Now they both know it’s only a matter of time before A also turns into one of the creatures they’ve hunt all of their lives. Will B put their old beliefs and traditions above all and abandon A ?  Maybe even try to kill them ?  Will both of them return to their clan and pretend nothing happened for as long as they can, while trying to look for a cure ? Will this give them and their clan a whole new perspective on werewolves, or will everything remain the same ?  And what if they end up face to face with the werewolf that bit A ?  Will they still want revenge, try to learn more about A’s condition, become friends with the wolf ?  ( As an alternative, muse B can be the werewolf, instead of muse’s A hunting partner. )
3. The prophecy — muse A and muse B are two werewolves born on the same night ( maybe they’re twins, or just belong to the same pack ?  maybe different packs ? ), fitting the exact description of an ancient prophecy that says that one of them is destined to bring peace, while the other is fated to start a pack war. As they grew up, have they always known about this prophecy ?  How has it affected them and/or their relationship with each other ?  Is it apparent which of them will bring peace and who will bring war ?  Do they even believe the prophecy or will do anything in their power to prove it wrong ? And what if, in their efforts to escape their fate, they end up fulfilling it ?  Could a pack war be necessary to ultimately achieve peace ?
4. The willing victim — muse A has never been popular  ( maybe they were considered the “weird kid” at school and suffered bullying growing up ?  maybe they’ve moved a lot and never made friends ? ), struggling with lack of confidence and never being taken seriously by their co-workers and/or love interests. With little to no social life, they had plenty of time to dedicate to something that has always fascinated them — werewolves !  Having watched all the movies and read all the books, muse A knows all the lore about werewolves, so when they meet muse B ( a new roommate/neighbor/co-worker ?  someone they met at a bar or just passing by ? ) it doesn’t take them long to notice some signs and recognize them for what they truly are. Will A confront B with this ?  Will B try to deny the truth ?  Will A see this as an opportunity to be more than what they’ve always been and beg B to turn them into a werewolf as well ?  Maybe even blackmail them into it ?  Will B give in ?  And if yes, would they try to take care of the new wolf, teaching them all they know ?  Would A try to impress the people in their life with their new powers, maybe even take revenge ?  How would the relationship between A and B develop ?
5. The new pup — muse A had a one night stand with a stranger and ends up pregnant, but something isn’t quite right, as they tend to sleepwalk and have a peculiar craving for raw meet, especially when there’s a full moon. Muse B is taking care of them ( they could be a friend, a family member, a house keeper, etc… ) and, secretly being a werewolf, knows exactly what is wrong with muse A. Will they tell A ?  Will they assist them in birthing and raising a baby werewolf ?   ( Alternatively, if muse A is male, they could have had a one night stand with a stranger and, nine months later, a baby is left at their door. Muse B is a friend / partner / family member / roommate living with them and, being a werewolf, knows exactly why this baby isn’t like any other they’ve seen before. )
6. Tale as old as time — muse A is a werewolf, muse B is a vampire. Ignoring the centuries-old war between the two species, they love each other. Will they be able to conceal this relationship from their clans ?  Pretend to hate and fight each other in the presence of others, while secretly meeting afterwards ?  What if they were discovered ?  Would they run away together, fueling the war even more ?  Would their familial bonds speak louder than love ?  Or could love be the answer and the beginning of a truce ?  What if an hybrid child had been conceived ?  And what if muse A is betrothed to the alpha of their wolf pack ?  Would they end up fulfilling their duty and abandon their vampire lover, in order to protect them ?  ( As an alternative, muse B can be the alpha to whom A is promised. How would they react to the news that their betrothed had been with a vampire ?  Could they look past it and still accept A ?  Could A learn to love B ? ) 
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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asktheravenclan · 2 months
Doesn’t matter if we’ve never interacted, if we’ve interacted once, or a BILLION times. Doesn’t matter if we have zero threads or FIVE BILLION. 
ALWAYS feel free to spam my ask box with in character asks, questions, or starters. 
ALWAYS feel free to spam my inbox with ask box memes!
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in memes.
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in quizzes. 
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in posts you want me to see!
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in posts that remind you of me/my muse.
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in stuff, period! 
ALWAYS feel free to start an interaction with my muse!
ALWAYS feel free to suggest a plot for our muses. 
ALWAYS feel free to send me an OOC message in DMs or in Asks.
I LOVE that stuff. YOU’RE NOT BEING ANNOYING. IT MAKES MY DAY. Talk to me! I love it! :D 
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