hallelujah-gloriana · 6 years
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#the softest father-daughter duo
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
'In the face of overwhelming odds, I'm only left with one option: I'm gonna have to science the shit out of this.'
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
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Look at my beautiful gay son. Look at my son. Pride is definitely the word im looking for.
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
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Lord Splendid and Mr Sublime
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day to these two love birds ♥‿♥
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
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[Image description:
Text - a text post from @ dateagirlwhosuggestion “date a girl who will drag you outside at 3 am to look at the starts” / A response from @ jordynslefteyebrow “If anyone and I mean anyone, even Jesus Christ himself, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life”
Victoria wakes up, smiling and refreshed whilst Albert stares off into the distance looking grumpy and tired
End of image description]
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
sTaY tUnEd FoR WiLhElMiNa BeInG BI. We ageeeeee💞
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I have a complete disrespect for both fictional canon and historical accuracy so here’s bffs Lord Alfred and Wilhelmina arriving at fugckign Gay Ball where they’re going to dance with their sweethearts. Stay tuned for Wil being bi.
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
Ah yes, yes, that would be lovely!
“Alfred is engaged-”
Yes to his soulmate Drummond and then Willamina will bring her new girlfriend Nancy to the wedding and it will all be beautiful.
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
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Look at these beauties. Now, don't be mad, but we still haven't seen the Christmas special (shame on us, we know), but we're gonna tomorrow! So yeah, we'll probably post something about that :))
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
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Robin you little ****. Tell us who's actually right (me), I'd live to prove her wrong. Also, if you're wondering, we will watch the Victoria Christmas special this Saturday so we will update about that after then. Love you guys
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
wHaT iS thIS pure gold??? holy crickets 💞
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Semi-AU in which Dash inadvertently causes these two to realise how gay they are for each other
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
get you a man that can design helmets as well as a bulletproof parasol
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This on the other hand is an armoured parasol. I have designed it myself. The chain mail runs all the way along the lining which means that if you are fired at, you are protected.
(Requested by anonymous)
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
One of us says 'jif' (me) and the other one 'gif', but she is wrong, obviously.
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[Image: Victoria and Albert sit at the piano together. A text box below Albert says “[on the first date] uhh… heh… (sweats) umm… so uh do you say ‘gif’ or ‘jif’ hahah”]
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
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are you prince albert af? | insp
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
Just something to make y'all smile :) Goodnight 😘
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So this
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
This interview is gold, we really recommend watching it
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the problems of filming skinny dipping scenes in freezing cold North Yorkshire ponds
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hallelujah-gloriana · 7 years
Okay, so a season three is confirmed and here is what we predict:
- mOrE bAbYs. Victoria had 9 children, and all before she turned 40, so we can definitely expect some more baby’s.
- maybe (MAYBE) Albert dies. I mean, that would be 1861 and we already have seen the Irish famine, and that lasted from 1845 till 1850. Since we have seen an indication that this has ended in the series, season 3 will probably take place in the ‘50. And if Goodwin wants to end this on a dramatic note, we would end with Albert’s death…
- A marriage for Ernest…? If I’m not wrong, he married in 1842… So if they are planning on making this historically accurate, he must marry… And unfortunately, that won’t be Harriet. Although we might get some secret meetings between the two…
- The Crimean War (1853-1856), in which Brittain took part, had an enormous influence on the country as well as the Queen. We might definitely see Florence Nightingale too, since she played an important part in this War
And hopefully we see more badass Victoria, strong Skerrett and we want Alfred to smile. That’s all. Just a smile.
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