hallevwolf · 5 years
THURSDAY, JANUARY 9TH, 2020. → in DOWNTOWN WILMINGTON near her apartment complex.
                  She was certain she was going on hour ten of unpacking (even if it had only been three), which was why little huffs and groans were passing through her lips each time she hauled out another suitcase from the back of her car. With her luggage being delayed a day later, she was left to man the pick up over the remaining bags herself from the airport. Sophia held two more larger ones that practically blocked her vision in her arms as she moved up the curb and attempted to move toward her front porch, steering herself while blind. She wasn’t entirely sure how it happened, but soon enough, the suitcases were slipped from her grip and down at her feet, a couple of clothes fallen from the top and a stranger looking stunned. “I — wow, sorry. I didn’t see you there.“ Sophia breathed out, feeling the reddening in her cheeks. “I mean… hey, at least it wasn’t something embarrassing like bras and underwear or something.”
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“Soo... you’re saying that your bras and underwear are embarrassing?” The blonde rose a brow at that one then looked at the suitcases that had fallen. One of them had almost hit her and she was nearly about to say something about it but the comment had caught her off guard. Plus she found it too amusing. “Good lord though. How long is your visit? That’s a lot of baggage.” There was a pun in there somewhere, or maybe it was really obvious. Truthfully Halle shouldn’t be one to talk, she was one of the major offenders in the ‘I over pack club’ but she also had people to haul this shit around for her. It wasn’t like she was going to risk messing up a good manicure. “You don’t need help, do you?” She didn’t even care how she sounded. Instead Halle did look around. “We can grab one of those guys over there if so.”
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hallevwolf · 5 years
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hallevwolf · 5 years
“So tell me, is there anywhere actually fun where we can go around here?” The blonde asked as she pressed on the breaks as the light turned red. “I know I have a pretty car and agreed to take you on a ride, but I’m not in the mood to be an uber girl right now. So are we going somewhere or should I kick you out of my car?” Millie was blunt, she wasn’t in the mood and this was her very best attempt to still try and be nice.
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“I’m determined to find a male strip club,” Halle said with a last glance at her email before she tossed her phone back into her purse. Millie’s comments made her smirk, then shake her head. “You’re aware that taking someone on a ride is just that right?” The blonde pointed up ahead. “You can let me out up there. I’ve got a prettier car so that’s definitely not the reason I came along for the ride...” She was one hundred percent the type to fight fire with fire, she could be bitchy right back, but her time was precious and this unreasonable attitude directed at her was a waste of her time. “Let me know when you do find some fun, hun.”
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hallevwolf · 5 years
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hallevwolf · 5 years
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     It was anyone’s guess how Wesley managed to find ways to entertain himself. His appearance in Wrightsville Beach had been purposeful to grab a bite to eat, but beyond that and ending up on the pier and near the water just sort of happened. A meeting with one of Wilmington’s finest to discuss particulars of an investigation that may or may not end up in federal territory had been where he began, miles back, until the detective had to part and the blond was left to his own devices. Now he found himself in a casual back and forth, which wasn’t out of the norm for Wes. Pulling the lollipop free from his mouth, he set his sapphire gaze upon his company, “alright, if you could fight anyone, who would you fight?”  ( @wilmingtonstarters​ )
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“My ex husband.” Did she want to get into an actual fight with fists and swift kicks? Not really. But hypothetically, yeah, Halle would beat the shit out of him. “I feel like you were expecting that. “ The blonde publisher shrugged and kept up with their light bit of strolling. “Just because I said that don’t go putting him in some kind of protection or anything. I might fight you if you do that.” And she wasn’t even sure why she said that. The last thing she wanted was to see him or talk to him. But knowing that she couldn’t with certainty? It didn’t sit right with her. “Anyway, who would you fight?”
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hallevwolf · 5 years
FOR: @hallevwolf​
LOCATION: Chey’s house
TIME: Evening
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“Okay, I’m sorry, I couldn’t find any ice cream. I could’ve sworn I had some in the freezer— which means that Eren likely finished it off,” she said as she re-entered the living room where Halle had been waiting on her. They had plans to hang out and veg with some Netflix since Chey fully planned to take advantage of the time off she had before the next semester of classes started at the university. “Feel like taking a trip to the store or we can go to Kilwins and get fancy with waffles cones or even sundaes?” She figured Halle would be up for it so she went ahead and started for her jacket. It wasn’t all that cold out but the winter had a decent chill. “I’m actually leaning more towards waffle cones right now.”
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“You need to get a handle on that situation and fast,” the blonde stated as she munched down on the snack she’d brought with her. “See, my ex husband knew not to ever touch my ice cream or my cereal.” And most of the time he respected those boundaries, with the exception of a few times with the cereal that he also had made quick work to replace. “Let’s go to the shop, yeah. I didn’t really want a waffle cone until you mentioned it and now I can’t think of anything else.” Once the blonde shoved the last bite of her fruit into her mouth she got to her feet and grabbed for her purse. “Who’s driving? I have a feeling that should be you... just saying.” After a pause Halle quickly added, “not that I’ve been drinking or anything.”
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hallevwolf · 5 years
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     “Halle… babe,” Caleigh began and paused, unsure for a moment on exactly how to proceed. She had to stop that laughter that was bubbling up her throat though but she enjoyed the blonde’s bluntness so much. “I mean, I kind of figured it wasn’t me but… thanks for clarifying you turd.” Then, the baker did laugh, and shook her head. Her friend’s attitude and personality was refreshing in so many ways, mostly because the Raleigh girl loved that Halle was unapologetically herself at all times. So much so she wish she could be that way. “Is Janet a deeply religious person? Or incredibly gullible?” The baker bounced her leg absently as they sat and enjoyed their coffee. For some reason she was antsy, the holidays were rapidly approaching and all the gifts were under the tree but it felt like such a big year for Caleigh. She and Calvin were about to wake up Christmas morning together, in their loft, and open Christmas presents together. Caleigh was beside herself. “If you don’t really like her or care about her then just sign a nice card and call it a day. Maybe toss in a gift card if you really feel that obligated.” The baker shrugged her shoulders, it was what she would do if she were in that position.
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     “I’ve got to be careful these days. Everyone’s so damn sensitive and takes everything ultra personally.” It was incredibly annoying, more so now than in the past since she’d stopped giving a fuck after her divorce and tact seemed to go out the window. “You know what... she’s probably both. I don’t know, honestly. I don’t talk to her all that much but that was a gag anyway.” Janet worked in her office and was a good worker which was why Halle felt obligated to get her something but she didn’t really know her or have any kind of relationship with her. “Oh that’s actually a good idea. A card and gift card keep it simple and maybe keep a little distance too.” That was something the blonde had worried about a little, with Janet possibly getting the wrong idea about their working relationship over a gift and thinking they were actually friends or something. And it wasn’t that she didn’t think Janet was a good person, she clearly seemed to be, she was just a little annoying on a personal level to Halle. “Anyway, tell me about your Christmas plans.”
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hallevwolf · 5 years
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     “Y’know,” the blond Long Beach native began, “I don’t really believe ya when ya say you’re gonna behave tonight. I feel like I’m gonna be babysittin’ your drunk ass and carrying you out not long after the countdown is over.” Which technically wasn’t a bad thing, Halle was due a good time, but he had this brotherly need to look out for her. The publisher was gorgeous and wealthy, not to mention fiery, and also wounded. Her divorce may have been a few years ago at this point but she also had a relationship that failed last year that Michael was sure the double whammy of them both left her in a sensitive place. “I’ve been puked on enough in the last couple of months, I don’t need it on my adult night out…” Of course the retired Marine was smirking as he teased his long time friend and practical sister. He shuffled himself into a light jacket and glanced toward the cabinet where he had his favorite whiskey stored. “Think we should pregame at all?” ( @hallevwolf​ )
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     “Mike... don’t be ridiculous. If the night goes as well as I plan it then it’ll be some other strapping male that’ll be carrying my drunken ass out.” The blonde smirked knowing he’d hate having to listen to that given their brother/sister nature. “I plan to start twenty-twenty with a bang.” It was a bad pun but Halle couldn’t care less. In fact her smirk only doubled in intensity. “Wow so you wouldn’t let me puke on your shoes and you wouldn’t hold my hair back? And here I thought you were the champion of the nice guys. That’s grossly misleading, Mr Otis.” She plopped herself down on his sofa and waved her hand absently. “Hell yeah let’s get rolling on that. You any good at making a martini? I can’t really remember your bar skills. I want to say that they’re pretty decent... since you’re grossly pretty good at just about everything you do I’m inclined to think my shoddy memory is pretty on here.”
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hallevwolf · 5 years
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{ ♪ } Meet HALLE WOLF, who is TWENTY NINE years old and a PUBLISHER. She was born in WILMINGTON, NC and now calls FOREST HILLS her home. You might have heard that she can be COMPASSIONATE & CREATIVE, but also be CYNICAL & UNTRUSTING. This is HER story.
trigger warning: neglect.
Growing up in an idealistic seaside town such as Wilmington as the youngest and only daughter to wealthy parents, one would think life was grand and spoiled. Perhaps that was the experience for Halle’s older brother, Ethan. He was by far the favorite and mostly the only recognized child within the family. Halle wasn’t neglected as far as having a roof over her head and food in her stomach, in fact, she had plenty of nice things. What she didn’t have was a father that loved and adored her, one that doted on her and partook in some lovely father-daughter relationship. What Halle remembers most about growing up in her childhood home was the fights between her parents, her mother often being too upset in dealing with her own self esteem than to pay much attention to her daughter, her father wishing she didn’t exist, and an older brother that shielded her and protected her from as much of the bad he could. If it hadn’t been for Ethan, she likely wouldn’t have really known what familial love was at all.
It didn’t seem to matter what good Halle did or accomplished, it always went unnoticed and unpraised. Making a mistake, doing something bad, anything that would typically not be pleasing to a parent was just more ammo and fuel for her father to be disappointed and dismiss her completely. Halle doesn’t remember her father ever saying a single good word about her and that level of emotional abandonment only doubled when her savior and protector in the form of an older brother left for bigger and better things like university and a life away from Wilmington. She couldn’t and wouldn’t blame him, in fact, she was supportive and happy to see him off but it still hurt all the same. The loneliness, however, didn’t make her spiral out of control but it also didn’t keep her locked up. Before she was even of proper age, Halle was staying out and away from the house as often as was possible, spending the nights with friends or strangers. It didn’t really matter because there was no one to worry about her or care. With Ethan busy with his adult life and university, and oceans of space filling up between Halle and her family, their communication eventually dwindled down to nothing. She blamed herself but she couldn’t bring herself to care enough to change the outcome at the time.
It was during her teenage years that Halle had found art and how therapeutic painting was, and it had all started with a class in junior high school that spilled out into her putting fingers or brushes to canvas whenever she could. It was her only way to let out the pain that was in her chest, and after graduating high school, Halle had the idea to attend art school but she chickened out and attended UNCW instead. She double majored in journalism and communications, fearing she didn’t possess the natural talent herself to be a writer, she wanted to publish and promote those that did. Before her own ambitions could really get her anywhere, Halle was married to a man she met and fell in love with during her first year in university. He was a few years older but they related well and had a strong relationship. Graduation came and went with her degrees, internships and entry level jobs were completed, but five years later into her marriage it all came to a devastating end. Halle and her husband were on a two month celebration of their fifth anniversary, traveling around the world, and just two weeks shy of making it back home together he left her. When she got up that morning she had written him a love note and left it on her pillow beside his as he still slept, expressing how happy she was waking up that morning of their anniversary before she went for her usual morning run. When Halle returned, he was fully dressed and his bags were packed. He had been sitting writing a note but instead stood up and confessed to her that he’d had an affair and was leaving her.
Unsurprisingly, Halle fell into a bad relationship with a kind man she had met on her flight home. The stranger had taken up the vacant seat that would’ve and should’ve been her husband’s but they talked the entire flight home. She never mentioned her grief or what she was reeling from at the time but they kept in touch and he unfortunately became the rebound, a man that helped her get back onto her feet and pursue her life for real. They nearly got married and even almost had a child together but always during a fight he would point out that it seemed she had one foot out the door. It took Halle a long time to realize that he was right, but the journey to the truth of herself took her back to art roots. She kept her job with a top publishing house in New York City, Hachette Book Group, and opened her own branch and office in Wilmington. Choosing to reside in the neighborhood of Forest Hills, in a town that was home to her after the ups and downs of her romantic life took her too far away  from whom she really was. The town was purposeful, the job was a blessing, especially when going through the pain of a separation from her past and the truths she had believed for so long in her life.
This character is portrayed by MARGOT ROBBIE and penned by KAREN.
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hallevwolf · 5 years
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              “God, I am the worse at giving gifts…but usually those gag gifts I suppose?” Haley said as she thought over the kind of gift that she was explaining for someone else, “Miracle Spring Water…does Janet not show or something?” The brunette couldn’t help but to laugh at the mere thought then again there was those type of people who were all about nature and being one with the universe or some shit, Haley on the other hand enjoyed a good shower and freshly washed hair. “I think one year I gave my father those balls to hang behind his car as a joke…let’s say he wasn’t happy.” 
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     “See... I don’t even know what constitutes as a gag gift anymore.” Her eyes rolled, but at herself this time. It hadn’t been that she couldn’t buy proper and decent gifts, Halle was rather good at that, she just didn’t know how to do that whole business of obligation all that well. She’d been somewhat suckered into this one, convinced it was the right and proper thing to do. “No, she showers, she just needs a fuckin’ miracle. She wears knitted cat sweaters for god’s sake.” To a woman decked out in designer everything it was an atrocious offense, though... Janet was also annoying, personally, she was really good at her job so Halle kept her around. Now she was stuck in this having to get her something spot. “Oh my god,” the blonde laughed, “where the hell can I get those? I’ve seen a few of them around here and... they’d be perfect.”
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hallevwolf · 5 years
“What the hell is miracle spring water? is it a drink? or a face product? if it was me I would get the wine or chocolates or if you really wanna be on their good side, I would get them a voucher for something, that way they can choose what they want and you still look good in the process.” Tom said and picked up a box with a small bottle of wine and a glass full of chocolates. “ What about this?”
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     “You’re never heard of it?” Halle was actually a bit astonished by that one. It was the legendary televangelist con man Peter Popoff’s lastest scam. “It’s just some water you get in the mail, like a little fucking vial that’s supposed to help free you of your financial burdens yet Popoff just keeps asking you for more and more money.” The blonde dramatically rolled her eyes, it was hard to believe people fell for that shit. She was listening to his suggestions though as she looked around, directing her eyes at the box he held up when he questioned. “Would you wanna receive something like that?” Especially since most people knew she could afford to ship chocolates in from Switzerland and wine from the finest vineyards of Bordeaux. Though, maybe that was the friggin point. “Would a makeover voucher, certificate thingy be like... too offensive?”
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hallevwolf · 5 years
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Her unsparing honesty is both admirable and endlessly amusing; it makes Winnie splutter with helpless giggles, shaking his head at her with mock disapproval. “Well, you should get them something cheap, for starters. My parents used to give people socks if they didn’t like them – which I never understood. I mean, if you disliked someone, you’d want them to have cold feet, wouldn’t you?” He genuinely pauses to contemplate the politics of their decision, frowning softly. “You could always get Janet something that subtly drags her, you know? Like, if you think she dresses badly, get her a book about fashion. If she has bad breath, get her an electric toothbrush. It could take the sting out of having to spend money on her.”
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     “Cheap? Like go into a cheap store?” Was that a Walmart or Target? She could nearly feel her skin break out in hives just at the thought of stepping foot into one of those places, especially this time of year. “See, I kind of count that as your parents being nice. Mine would just forget about you entirely while you stand there and smile through the pain as you watched your brother open up his brand new Rolex.” Halle sighed, completely put out by the amount of thought she was already having to give this. Socks. It did seam a bit of a shit gift, more like a stocking stuffer than anything else. She did perk up as his next idea came rolling though, some amusement reflected in her expression. “Money isn’t an issue,” she stated, even if it likely had been obvious dripping in designer everything. “So you’re saying I should get her like a certificate to a full makeover or whatever, yeah? I mean her hair is more frazzled and frayed than my nerves were during my divorce.” Which meant it was pretty damn bad.
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hallevwolf · 5 years
plot twist: she’s a very freaky girl that you can bring home to momma
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hallevwolf · 5 years
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hallevwolf · 5 years
I don’t mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that’s how it comes out.
Bill Hicks 
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hallevwolf · 5 years
WHERE: Tbh anywhere WHO: Open TAGGING: @wilmingtonstarters​
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     “Alright, so...” How did she phrase this so it didn’t come off cheap and offensively? Normally, Halle wouldn’t care, but given the holiday season and for the sake of being in the spirit or whatever she tried. For a few short moments. “How do you go about... alright, what the hell do you gift someone that you don’t really give a shit about but you’re obligated to buy them a present?” The blonde had been doing a light amount of shopping and so far had really only picked up things mostly for herself. She needed to get something for one of the ladies in her office and also that dumbass prick in the copyright department. “Don’t worry... it’s not you,” she clarified, just in case. “I keep seeing this infomercial for this Miracle Spring Water... I know it’s full of shit but... Janet could really use it.”
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hallevwolf · 5 years
THE RIVERWALK 00:12:22 PM, 12/10/19.
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          “Jesus, you’d think they’d wait for the river to freeze over before they rimmed the safety barriers with tinsel and bells.” A muffled groan poured out from his own calloused hands, which briefly fell over his face. It was only the start of mid-December, and Elliot had just about had it with the holiday spirit that had infected seemingly every neighborhood in the state of North Carolina. On an average day, he might have been able to ignore it. What with him spending most of his time over seeing the gym. But the first day he’d had off in weeks had gone from what he’d expected to be a day filled of relaxation, to be one in which he couldn’t enter a bar or restaurant without some rendition of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas” blaring through the speakers. All of this wasn’t to say that he was some sort of modern day Grinch.
           In fact, Elliot rather enjoyed the holidays, seeing as it gave him reason to see his family in Maine. But he rather had an annoyance with the forced sudden nature of it all, and to avoid seeming inappropriately indifferent toward a beloved holiday, he sought it best to remove himself from the narrative–if only a few hours. The Riverwalk originally seemed like the best place to go. There, he figured he could get a few hours spent away from all the holly jolly that rested comfortably within the streets of Wilmington. Unbeknownst to him, even the smaller boutiques and hole in the walls had gotten in touch with the spirit of the season. 
          And after walking several blocks in the cold towards his destination, only to be met with the very views he’d hoped to avoid–he finally gave up, plopping down on one of many benches lining the trail and storefronts. It hadn’t dawned on him that his outburst would have garnered a response from anyone. But as the air shifted shortly after he spoke, and the light flickering between his fingertips faded away–he realized that intended or not, he’d manifested his own listening ear. Hands falling into his lap, he sat up instinctively, eyeing the person who now stood before him. “Sorry–I realize I’m of the more unpopular opinion. Happy Holidays, or somethin’ like that.”
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     While Halle hadn’t exactly been thinking those very same thoughts, it seemed the male blurted out her sentiments. Or at least he had the tone and exasperation just right. Not that the blonde had needed a sale, she was attracted nonetheless by all that was advertised for the holidays for gifts. She had started out to look for a few gifts and so far had really only purchased a few things for herself. It seemed just about everything she picked up either didn’t inspire a purchase or the item better suited her rather than the persons she was shopping around for. Halle actually envied those that could write a list of what to get for whom, she never could operate that way and thus shopping was never simple for her when it came to gift buying. 
     “I swear to god if they play this song one more fucking time…” The blonde mumbled, looking towards the speaker as she cursed and damned it and pretty much hated Mariah Carey. Halle loved Christmas music when it wasn’t played so heavily on repeat and killing the mood with it’s constant grinding into your ears. She also used to be a big fan of the holidays but the last few years it had been bittersweet to be alone and not really have someone to share them with. This year was going to be a little different with her brother Ethan and his wife visiting for a week, which meant she was falling into old traditions of decorating the house and putting up a tree again. And also putting gifts under it. Halle couldn’t help but to still be a bit bitter though.
     “No, no… shhh.” The blonde shook her head at his nonsense. “It’s actually kind of refreshing. Christmas has thrown up everywhere and I’m still transitioning from Halloween or something. Everyone’s fucking cheery and buying Susan that fleece sweater that she’ll never wear and stuff into the back of her closet.” Halle waved her hand, shooing him aside a little to make room for her to sit next to him. Once she sat she lifted her foot and admired her relatively new designer heels. “It’s my first time wearing these and they are not being all that nice to my feet right now. I swear to god, if they fuck up my pedicure then I’ll punch Jimmy in the face.” She rolled her ankle around a few times before setting her foot back down onto the ground. “Yeah yeah happy chrismahanukwanzakah.”
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