halliwellauto · 3 hours
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Oh heck yeah. I'd ship them too. I think they would make such a cute pair with banter, long talks and just being there for each other. I would love to ship clint and aiden with you. She would definitely give him all the attention he deserved and the boops! (he he)
I would love to further plot something with you about them. Because I can honestly see them being a happy (sometimes angsty) couple together.
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halliwellauto · 4 hours
There was a great amount of people who thought she was crazy to marry the mayor. it wasn't a secret of the things he did to others if they were to cross him. To everyone, he was this evil person. To her, he was the most caring, loving husband and father she could ask for. Their three kids were protected and loved. They were kept in the dark from everything that happened. That was enough for her. She didn't know how this man didn't realize she was married. Everyone at the bar knew to leave her alone. Only friends she invited with her were allowed near her.
"Alright, my darling. I'll be waiting." she didn't ask questions, just returned his kiss and watched walk out the door. she knew that the man was going to regret what he did. She hummed in thought as she sat down to read her book again. she tuned out the whispering voices and the eyes on her. She didn't see the point in reacting to others. They were going to think what they want. she was happy, her kids were happy and that was because of Oliver. That was enough for her.
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When he came back into the bar, she smiled up at him, closing her book in the process. "I'm good with going to our reservation. You're the only one aside from our children that I'll stop reading for." She wanted a quiet date night since it was the first one they had in a long while. Not since the birth of their second son. She made sure to leave a great tip for the staff as she linked arms with her husband. "Its okay if you're late. I do have a good book to keep me company. I just wish that people would leave me alone. I'm just starting to wonder if I should just reserve the vip room to read when I need to wait."
she started leading them to the door with a wide smile on her face. "Did you take care of the problem?"
Everyone in Star City knew that the Mayor's wife was off limits, or so Oliver had thought. His latest meeting had run longer than he'd intended, but he'd been sure that Aiden would be safe enough waiting for him at the bar - the bartenders all had instructions to make sure she always had whatever she needed, unless they suddenly wanted to find themselves with an arrow through their shoulder, or worse. The bartenders also knew to contact him if there was ever any trouble, and one of them had done just that when they'd seen man follow him from one end of the bar to the other. Oliver had immediately cut his meeting short, arriving at the bar a few minutes later.
"Love, give me a minute, and I'll take care of everything." Oliver murmured before pressing a kiss to his wife's lips and guiding her back to a quieter area of the bar; the utter adoration in his eyes changed to blazing fury the moment he turned away from his wife to look at the piece of shit who'd been bothering her. Without another word, he grabbed the man by the back of his jacket and manhandled him out of the bar, pushing him a few steps ahead before letting go.
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"C'mon! I was just hittin' on a pretty girl! I didn't do nothin' wrong!"
Oliver looked eerily calm as he pulled the knife out that he kept in his boot, lashing out with the blade so quickly that he could have put The Flash to shame. The man screamed and clutched at his eyes, stumbling to the ground as The Green Arrow, Mayor of Star City bent down close to him. "You will never look at another woman for the rest of your pathetic life! and especially not MY WIFE!" Handing the bloodied knife off to Diggle, Oliver straightened his own tie and calmly walked back inside the bar to his wife.
"I'm sorry my meeting ran late, sweetheart, but I did get us a dinner reservation at Table Salt - unless you'd rather read your book?"
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halliwellauto · 7 hours
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Aiden hated this. She often tried to respect his decisions on his change. She never pushed to be close, always made sure to stay safe indoors. If it meant that they could stay together, she was going to do whatever he wanted. Though it didn't stop her from worrying over the person coming to take over the job she failed. She wasn't sure if it would be someone in her family or a stranger. Though she knew the Elders wouldn't be dumb enough to send her family. They stayed together through anything. There have been a fair share of relationships where one of them was involved with a witch, a vampire or even a ghost. she knew why the elders had wanted him gone. But unlike demons and the like that killed for pleasure or just because. her boyfriend seemed to have great remorse over what he did to the point where he felt he didn't deserve anyone.
She continued to run, trying to follow any sound that might help her find him. She didn't know what she was going to do if she was wrong. She knew that she'd have to move quickly. but at this moment, she wasn't worried about her safety. she was more worried about his. Her ears perked when she heard a faint growl and heavy footsteps in the grass. She ran in that direction, hoping she wasn't too late. it felt like the blood pumping in her veins were causing her to fly towards them. She could hear noises become louder and she was relieved that she found them. She saw the stranger aim their weapon at him which caused her to fling her hands at them. "Leave him alone!" she screamed, sending them flying to a tree. Though she was surprised when they quickly got back to their feet.
She tried to keep a distance between her and his wolf. she knew he would attack without hesitation. Which would give the other more reason to hurt him. "You need to leave. You are only making things worse. You need to get out of here and tell the Elders that this is pointless. I will fight whoever comes here to harm him." She will be damned if she let anyone take the man she loved away.
She kept her eyes locked on the stranger who let out a humorless chuckle. "He's a monster. He deserves..." "No he fucking doesn't." She flung her hands again to try to blast the weapon away. only this time it didn't work."
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He had warned her, wanting to keep her safe from what he was entirely capable of and he knew that was nothing but harm and pain. It had been originally why he wanted to keep her away, stay at arm's length, but not everything went according to plan. It never did. And feelings had gotten involved, making her incapable of doing her job. He'd been warned that there would be someone else that might come after him now that she was here protecting him. Still, it didn't stop him from wanting her kept at a distance on the night of a full moon. The reason being because he couldn't trust himself around her, not when he had no control over himself. Even if his father locked him away, it wasn't always guaranteed that he would stay locked up. Tonight? Well, it seemed it be one that saw him escape.
Charging out into the moonlit night, all traces of humanity gone, the wolf went deep into the forest. Senses taking in everything around him as he looked for something to satisfy the beast. An animal or two started the night, tearing into deer as their blood dropped from fangs and claws. But then he hears a twig break, head snapping in the direction of the source only to then see an unfamiliar face. Then again, everyone would look unfamiliar to him at this point. Golden eyes locked onto the figure, body turning now to face them as tongue licked at blood soaked lips and fangs. It wasn't long before he was charging at the other, expecting to receive not much of a fight but then feeling a searing pain in his shoulder as the other then dodged. Brows furrow as he looks at the crimson liquid spill from a wound that wasn't closing.
There's a whimper that leaves him followed by a howl, one done on reflex. Though he expected no one to come to his aid, being on his own in the beast's mind, he thought it would cause enough attention to get them away. Maybe cause enough attention to bring others close or other wolves to give him the back up he needed. Still, a growl then follows as claws extend as he once more charges at the figure in both self defense and in the need to tear something limb from limb.
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halliwellauto · 8 hours
We love shipping in this house. 😍 Reblog if it's okay for partners to ask for a pre-established ship with your muse(s)!
Doesn't mean you have to accept, but you're totally down to discuss it!
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halliwellauto · 10 hours
Aiden wished that time could have changed most of her classmates. But some were still as entitled if not more now. She knew that it was probably a poor choice to come here. But she had hoped to have a good time with Alec before they called it a night. Did she really want those people to win? They would probably have great pleasure watching her go.
"I don't mind being here either as long as I have you. I just didn't want people to keep interrupting us. I mean, they tried to convince you to leave me. I knew you wouldn't. But the fact that they even tried has me floored." She hated it. She hated that they thought that she wasn't good enough for her own boyfriend who they never met. It was crazy. She could only imagine how things truly were at home. She doubt they were as happy as she was.
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"I think its so they can gloat about their lives or for underdogs like me can show off how good their life became. I mean, a lot of them thought I'd end up a criminal because of my drag racing days when I was sixteen." She remembered the jokes and the teasing she'd get about it. Especially when the school kept such a close eye on her. If it hadn't been for her parents fighting for her to stay in auto class, she would have been miserable. She laughed, loving the idea already. "Well, I did hear some of them mention going to a popular one. I recognized the name because the head chef/owner is a good friend of my mom's. I think getting a little payback like that would be nice. He always told me I'm welcome to a free meal there with a plus one since I helped fix up a car for his son."
She thought about it for a moment before placing a kiss on Alec's hand. "Let's go to the fancy restaurant. I didn't get dolled up for nothing. I'm not going to have them ruin this night for us."
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Finding this all so amusing, Alec expected Aiden to feel out of place. It's fine. All Alec cares is making sure Aiden is comfortable at a place like this. Even if it's riddled with humans who think highly of themselves. Self beings. Humans who think they're of high society when they barely have the money to buy the things they want while Alec truly had the money to buy whatever he pleased.
Looking to Aiden with a wide smile. "I don't mind being here and I don't care much for these people, anyway. If you feel like leavin' we can." On another time; Alec will have to further his investigation of the lawyer another time. It raises suspicion why someone like that works with criminals. A thought quickly came to the time he worked for his older brother. Lawyers would line up just to have the opportunity to work with Brenden.
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"I never understood why humans make events like these? If you find this all too embarrassing, then why make them?" From the movies and books he's read and seen, these types of events cater more to the rich individuals. Why? Aiden doesn't need to prove she is of a higher class. The line of work she does is a great profession. What Alec does is of higher status but, he never thought too much of it. "Any place in mind you want to go to? Maybe we can go a fancy restaurant and show these people just how classy we can be?"
A faint chuckle passes his parted lips. Leaning over to place a sweet kiss to Aiden's cheek. "Or we can hit up that fast-food joint you like so much." A chill evening for the both of them? Whatever Aiden decides, Alec will make sure to make it comfortable for his girl.
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halliwellauto · 1 day
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"I would greatly appreciate it. I feel like I'm missing a lot of information about this city." She wanted to learn what she could about it. That way she could further prepare herself for what could come. "That is true. Funny thing is I don't find all bad people to be bad. People tell me I'm too hopeful sometimes." She shrugged her shoulders as she started to walk to the bunker. "Thank you. You're quite unique and good. Thanks for looking out for me and Daisy. I don't think I would have stuck around this long if it wasn't for you."
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"And I may tell you." Harley said. There was a lot about her life before she fell for the Joker that she didn't like telling people, but just maybe it would be okay. "That's just not what happens in the world. Bad is going to do what it's going to do." She said. Her own bat in her hands. "I'm glad to have met you too. You're a pretty good person."
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halliwellauto · 1 day
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Aiden was starting to feel more and more anxious with the man next to her. he didn't seem to take no for an answer. Daisy was starting to growl at this point. Though both of them were surprised when another man came to her defense. she was so relieved to have someone come to her aid. The other man looked surprised. she let out a gasp when he threw a punch at her savior. She immediately went to his side, linking her arm with his. "You came just in the right time, baby." she told him without hesitation.
The man looked between the two before finally leaving, shouting curses at them. Once he was further away, she let out a breath. Daisy wagged her tail, happy for the new visitor. she was nudging his hand while Aiden instantly looked up at his face. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Thank you so much for coming to my rescue. that guy would not leave me alone." She wrapped her arms around him, giving him a hug. She was still anxious over the whole thing.
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It was never like Nathaniel to be physical, but it was like him to be a gentleman and stand up for someone who seemed to need assistance. He was taking his dog for a walk, enjoying the sun as he noticed a woman and man sitting on a blanket who she seemed to be uncomfortable. Patting Dodger on top of her head he walked over and put his hand firmly on the male to look at him. ❝ Look, she said she isn't interested in a conversation so I think it's best for you both if you leave her alone. ❞
He spoke firmly to him with a tight grip on his shoulder to pull him backwards. ❝ Plus that is my girlfriend you are talking to. ❞ He stated as it got the guy to stand up and shove Nate before he got punched in the face cutting his lip and all he could do was accept it as he shoved the guy back. ❝ Leave. ❞ He spoke firmly to watch him flee.
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halliwellauto · 1 day
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she wondered who had told him about her and her family. Though she supposed it shouldn't be a surprise anymore. The Charmed Ones were well known and slowly their children were starting to get that fame as well. At least her older brothers were. She tend to stay in the shadows so to speak. Focusing more on her whitelighter duties. But that didn't stop her from using her witchy side. "you would be correct. We should be able to help you locate them. Either through scrying or a spell. Depends on how strong their own spell is." if they were only hiding their scent, then she might be able to get passed everything else. she let out a chuckle before motioning for him to follow her. "You have come to the right place. We are known to help locate lost loved ones. do you have something of his that I can use to scry? We can try that first to see if we can find him that way. Why is he running from you if you don't mind me asking?"
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A compliment that is often heard. His mother raised Randel with good morals and to respect others. What his mother didn't teach him is the flirtatious personality when meeting good-looking women. And men. Cheeks rosy with a giant smile. "Oh. The pleasure is all mine, my lady." Chuckling softly. "I have been told by many pretty birdies that you and your family can help me track down a sibling of mine. Or at least can somewhat help me get on the right path." Derek, his older brother. Has been running from Randel for some time and the young wolf believed the main reason. "I have an older brother. He's been missing or rather, has been slipping away from my hands for a while now and I usually have a great way to track him down but, my brother is a werewitch and he may have used a spell to cover his scent from me. So, I thought, why not enlist the help of some great and powerful witches to help me track my brother down?"
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halliwellauto · 2 days
@stillbelievexinheroes sent: stop it. you're having a party. it's nonnegotiable From Sam!
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"Did a certain blonde mutual friend of ours tell you this as well?" she asked, looking up from the couch. For days, she had told both her fiance and her dearest friend that she didn't need a baby shower. That they were already having to pay for so much given that they were having twins. Which had been a huge surprise to everyone. But she couldn't help but find it adorable that they wanted to do this so badly. "Darling, I can barely stand on my feet for too long. I doubt we'd be able to put a couch wherever we hold this party." The doctor had already t old her to stop working at the shop. Which had been an adjustment for her.
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halliwellauto · 2 days
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anyone want a starter? size may vary.
these will be queued. Just a heads up.
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halliwellauto · 2 days
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He knew that they had a deal. No strings attached sex. It had worked for them for so long. But he couldn't deny the feelings he had for her. As much as he tried to keep them at bay, it was getting harder and harder. At the time, it was enough that they only seemed to hook up with each other. But when he saw her with someone else, his jealously was becoming more and more apparent.
He watched the pair go upstairs as he tried to keep himself busy with someone else. But she wasn't Indiana. Was he really going to stop her having fun? Was he really going to risk screwing up his friendship with her? He took another drink, standing there for a moment. then he rushed up the stairs and into the room they were. "Hey, get off her." he grabbed the man and punched him right in the face.
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With how much that Indiana worked, dedicating her life to the hospital she found it hard to maintain any sort of relationship so hook ups were the best for her. With a great arrangement with her good friend they would sleep together with no stings attached. It was the person solution to blow off some steam with each other in the bedroom when they needed someone.
Agreeing to the party and heading there with Julio, she had about one too many drinks, dancing, playing beer pong, grinding up on someone and when the suggestion arose to go upstairs she wasn't about to say no as she laughed and smiled heading up with her hand in his. She walked into the room and sat on the bad, pulling him toward her to get what her body was craving. Sex.
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halliwellauto · 2 days
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Aiden let out a 'oof' when she got pulled to the couch. she wrapped her arms around Sharon, giving her a hug. She gave her stomach a pat before letting out a small laugh. "Pretty soon. If I convince my fiance and Bucky to help me. You know how much they love you and steve. So I think with their help, we'll have this party up and running in two days." She knew that Sam would do anything to help her out if she asked nicely. "I do know that. I love you a lot too. You helped me find my way to Sam. if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be engaged to one of the best men in this world."
@halliwellauto x
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The two women had been friends for years now and Sharon was still touched by Aiden’s constant generosity. Especially that she would do something like this with such short notice. It made it impossible to say no. “Fine,” Sharon agreed. “Come here, you!” She pulled Aiden down onto the couch into a big hug. Well, as big a hug as she could manage at this point. More of a side hug but it was the thought that counted. “How soon do you think we can get it up and running? I love you a lot, you know that?”
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halliwellauto · 3 days
it was such a sexy sight to see him on his knees in front of her. The way he gave her so much attention. Nothing was left untouched and her body always seemed to crave more. Breathy curses left her lips at how good everything felt. he worked magic with that tongue of his. Her thighs twitched between his head as she carefully put her legs over his shoulders. She was eager to please him after this, wanting to show much she appreciated every inch of him.
She whimpered in pleasure he started to kiss along her thighs. she ran her fingers through his hair. she let out a load moan when he dipped into her. Fuck, it felt like every part of him was magic. With the way he made her tremble and begging for more. "Only for you. I don't think anyone has me cum as much as you have. You leave me a mess every time. I can't help how my body reacts to your touch every time." she moaned out his name, moving her hips to meet his fingers. She was going to have to wipe the counter good when they were done.
"Keep going. Don't stop." she pleaded feeling herself on that cusp of an orgasm.
When he moved his head back, Aiden trailed nibbles and kisses up and down his neck. She sucked on a sensitive spot, wanting to hear more of his beautiful groans. They were like music to her ears, loving the way he reacted to her every time. She would always be grateful to meeting him at the bar. if she had known that her shitty relationship would lead to this, she would happily go through it every time.
She would have to thank her shitty ex for that one day.
“That they are. Always willing to cover for me,” she agreed, whimpering into his mouth. She leaned her body back to give him more space. She moaned happily when he gave her breasts extra attention. Her pussy was begging for attention, her body humming with pleasure. “I won’t bother wearing lingerie if that’s the case. That way you can easily have your way with me. Maybe if you give me a heads up, I’ll just wait for you, naked in my office.” she breathed. the thought of him fucking her in her office only seemed to excite her even more.
The anticipation grew in her stomach over what was going to happen. She was looking forward to it as she always did. He never left a single part of her untouched. She always felt spent after and it made for a great workout as well. Watching him take off her panties made her bite down on her bottom lip. he looked incredibly sexy on his knees in front of her. She couldn’t wait to return the favor later. At this rate, every part of her apartment is going to be fucked on. Which she loved the thought of. She moved her legs to drape over his shoulders, her fingers playing with his hair.
“I know you will. I want you to make me scream your name over and over again,” she whispered. She didn’t care if her neighbors complained. She wanted the neighborhood to know how satisfied she was. she let out a loud moan when his mouth met her wet pussy. She tilted her head against the cabinet, her eyes fluttering close. “Fuck.”
He hummed against her core, gratified at the sound of her pleasure. And he’d barely gotten started. After that breathy demand and gentle hands carding through his hair, it wasn’t hard for Indy to dive headfirst, so to speak, in eating Aiden out. Flat laps of his tongue against her hole, quick flicks of the tip against her clit, and wet, sucking kisses against her whole pussy had him throbbing harder in his pants as her taste came over him.
Indy moaned louder and moved to kiss and mouth at her pale thighs, hot breaths ghosting over her vulnerable body. “I love the way you taste,” he murmured. Fingers trailed across her wetness and dipped into her, rubbing at her slick walls. “And you’re so wet. Fuck, you’re always so wet and ready for me,” Indy growled, pushing a second finger inside Aiden to stretch her further as he thrust the digits in and out, slick, filthy sounds echoing throughout the kitchen.
“So perfect…so fucking good,” Indy muttered his praises as he continued to lavish her with attention.
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halliwellauto · 3 days
Aiden was glad that she was able to help Callum through the process. she knew it was a lot to deal with. She knew that with time that maybe he would open up about what happened. it was enough for her to see him as okay as he could be. She just hoped that with time, he could heal from all this. "That is true. Sometimes its good to have the mind busy with things." No sense in dwelling on things that couldn't be changed. "yes, that way you can have background noise or get a break from reality. You know if you need any help with fixing things, I can do that. I learned a lot from my father as a kid."
Callum knew the people in his life had a lot of questions about the divorce, that they wanted to know what had happened, if he was okay. Getting his own apartment, that made everything feel pretty final. That now there really was no going back, that they were never going to fix their marriage, and it hurt. That's why he couldn't take the ring off yet. "Well at least it's a project for me to keep busy." Callum pointed out with a smile as he placed a few boxes down for the time being. He couldn't face opening them al up just yet. "That's a good point, I should get the TV set up, that's always the most important part of moving. That and making sure the beds built."
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halliwellauto · 3 days
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Aiden had seen a lot of things in her life. she was constantly involved in something. Her family often joked that she seemed to be a magnet to someone in need or someone in trouble. this was no different. she could only hope that her efforts to save this man would not go in vain. she wanted to be sure that he would make it out of there alive.
"Well, if he's good or bad, I hope they can solve it." As much as she believed in justice, she didn't think killing was always the answer. she wasn't in the place to judge what was happening. she didn't know all the answers.
She couldn't help the panic that she felt. she hoped that they would be able to get there in time. She was doing all that she could to keep him breathing. she managed to stop the bleeding but she wasn't sure how much longer he could hold on. When she saw the EMTs, she breathed a sigh of relief.
Without another word, she got up and stepped away from the man. She looked down at herself, realizing she was covered in blood. She looked over at Sadie. "Can I go change or do I have to stay like this? I don't know how this all works."
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Sadie had to learn to keep her emotions about a victim in check. It wasn't easy, as she was fairly empathetic, and sometimes she failed. She felt bad until a more experienced agent admitted all of them did at times. They wouldn't be human if they didn't. Still, it was best if she remained as objective as possible.
"Maybe. That'll probably be for the local police to figure out." Sadie had no idea who would have jurisdiction of this case, but she doubted it would be the FBI, unless this guy was involved in something big. She was just focused on trying to keep him alive.
She picked her head up. The sirens were almost on top of them. She checked the man out. "He's still breathing, but he needs medical help very soon" she said, alarm in her voice. It was about that time the first ambulance rounded the corner. She waved them up close and greeted the EMTs.
"Sadie Sawyer, FBI" she said, holding up her badge. It would help a little bit with not being treated like a complete idiot. "This is...a civilian. I assume the police are on their way. Aiden, you can step back now."
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halliwellauto · 4 days
@apocketfullofmuses sent: crown of ink ((Felicity & Julio)) ( sender meets the receiver for the first time after they are joined in an arranged marriage.)
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Julio had been pacing up and down the library, waiting for his new wife. When it had been brought up by his parents, he had been in a panic. Even though they had reassured him that the King and Queen (his good friends) had found him a great match. He was still a bit skeptical given that he knew how some of the royals were. But he had to good faith in them that they wouldn't let him down.
He was still so lost in his thoughts when he heard the door open. It had made him jump and he tried his best to calm himself. Though the moment his eyes locked on her. He was lost in her beauty. He was going to have to remember to thank the Queen later.
"Hi...I'm Julio. Its a pleasure to meet you, mi'lady." he said, bowing towards her.
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halliwellauto · 4 days
Send me “💙 “ if you would ship our muses!
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