halocffect-blog · 6 years
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halocffect-blog · 7 years
- daniela was the nice old lady who let him take care of her in return for no rent, who actually DID die of natural causes. his kind gestures and company prompted her to leave her entire inheritance and home to him. not too much, but enough for his security.
- kit was one of the victims he still feels closest to, a severely depressed boy who wasn’t afraid of death. while beau usually likes the fear and pain, kit ascended beyond that. in kit’s eyes, beau was a hero giving him the death he longed for. they spent an entire night talking, getting to know each other and their lives. he was merciful with kit and held him while he died, the closest to romantic intimacy he’s ever been. still highly regarded.
- juliette was the psych major who wanted to get to know him. she lived the longest, 3 weeks in his basement. she wanted to know all about him and why he did the things he did, what he liked about killing, etc. she claimed to be extremely interested in him, the REAL him. beau was smart and knew what she was doing, but still entertained her. when things fell dry, he only waited until she tried to escape. her death was also quick, for the company she gave him.
- monica was his first girlfriend and first premeditated murder. he broke up with her and staged her taking her own life a day or two later. still regarded favorably. 
verse dependent cont. under cut ///
- vivienne ( vd ) was monica’s friend. she knew something was weird about her death, and poked and prodded at beau until her suspicions were !!!!!!! after she got too close, he threatened her into silence because he was smart enough not to try and kill her so quickly after monica’s death. much to his surprise, she didn’t tell anyone or start rumors or panic. in some verses, her acceptance of his nature prompts him to start dating and eventually marry her ( but that doesn’t go very well ). she’s one of the few people he doesn’t kill until their marriage is in shambles for the sake of his own curiosity and DISGUISE. it’s helpful that she knows who he is but also maintains his friendly, normal image. 
- helina ( vd ) is the most easiest explained as his awakening. isabeth found him in a bar, he intended on making her a victim but it didn’t work out. she did SOMETHING that made him go with her to the woods and to helina’s home. she showed him his true nature, established a bond that changed his life. he slept with isb // in return, she gave him the power of vampirism.
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halocffect-blog · 7 years
so it became your life-------- your PURPOSE. 
death had always been beautiful, your PASSION, and you were fortunate enough to maintain it in your life. it could be hectic as a student, job as assistant apartment complex manager, and RIVETING social life, but you were smart. you could manage. 
after all, who would believe that such a good-hearted, considerate, beautiful man could ever be a MONSTER ?
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halocffect-blog · 7 years
nobody ever thought you were that smart, a good-hearted JOCK with barely passing grades. nobody thought about it TOO hard when you aced all the placement tests for university. you were seen off with cheers and promise, friends and father alike missing you. 
campus life was a little too close knit for comfort, so you spent your days HUNTING. good thing too, seeing as you met the lonely little old lady who believed your heart was KIND. daniela let you stay with her in return for help around the house, but the sweet woman was losing her mind. she didn’t pay any ATTENTION when you came and left in odd hours of the night. it was a DANGEROUS game, learning your routine, but you loved the thrill of it. there were SO many lonely people who trusted your smile. too bad for them. 
it’s a miracle you were never caught, but PATIENCE proved beneficial. soon, daniela died of old age and left everything to you. it was AMAZING really, that even her FAMILY thanked you in the end. they just wanted her out of their hair. you’d forever wonder if you should have ended her life instead. 
in the months following, you FINALLY learned the perfect storm. to your friends, you were known as kind. loving. to the people you’d pick up at various bars across town, you were sweet and irresistible. once you’d get them HOME, into your clutches, it could be slow. keep them in the basement with sound proof walls. have your fun. the special ones were invited to your father’s country house, where he no longer lived. the canyon behind it was perfect for disposal. 
it should have been too EASY, but it wasn’t. the universe wanted you to be this way. the universe opened the right doors, assisted you in eluding suspicion. 
it was meant to be.
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halocffect-blog · 7 years
father made you go to THERAPY for years, like you were something to PITY. joke’s on him.
the therapist blamed your behavior on the loss of your mother and sister. she introduced you to TRAUMA, promised she’d do her best to need you. none of them understood--- you didn’t need HELP. she was the woman who taught you to PRETEND, inadvertently disguising a predator. you learned to SMILE and charm, wrap people around your finger. with the absence of HEART, you learned to be kind. mimic emotions. make people LOVE you. 
it worked. only a few people knew who you REALLY were ; the kids you made hit each other or eat frogs. nobody else asked questions. you were just a TRAUMATIZED little kid struggling to be better, right ?  how could you be evil with those beautiful blue eyes ?
by high school, your act was PERFECT. other kids flocked to you and you refused friendship with no one. their love gave you POWER. people started asking questions about dating, father pressing about girls, so you obliged. MONICA was a pretty little sophomore with a big heart and a big crush. everyone said you looked PERFECT together. basketball star and shy cheerleader, could you ask for more ?  monica did. she got too close, began to sense the sinister truth. 
she really didn’t take the break up that well. poor little monica KILLED HERSELF, hanging herself in her bedroom when her parents weren’t home. it left her ( ex ) boyfriend broken and traumatized after a THIRD death in his lifetime. 
that night would forever be the magical FIRST. margaret was an act of IMPULSE, but monica. . . to feel her life slip out of his fingers, to watch her struggle. . . like every first time, it was clumsy and SLOPPY but it would eternally be regarded with affection. 
maybe monica would look on from the afterlife and realize how she set his entire LIFE into motion. 
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halocffect-blog · 7 years
ANGELIC, they praised, from the day you were born. 
the most beautiful baby your mother had ever seen, she kept you wrapped up in her arms as long as she could. every day for years as you grew and grew, even as you learned to speak and walk without help. you remember the day she put you down. you remember that she never picked you up again. WHY? her stomach was getting bigger, bursting with another baby. you were just too heavy, too loud, too hindering. 
the thing that killed your mother was LITTLE MARGARET. father explained it to you, mother was sick and having that baby was the last thing she could ever do. so love her, your father insisted. love the perfect little baby margaret. 
sure, you loved her. whatever father wanted to hear when it came to his PRECIOUS baby girl. but see, he worked long hours and left you with babysitters. he never got to see how you REALLY felt. no one did, not until you took her out for a walk one day. the sun was hot and she kept CRYING about everything, the weather, the stones under her feet. she’d WEEP and WAIL and you couldn’t stand it.  really, it was her fault that she let you push her into the rattlesnake pit. it was her fault that she wasn’t strong enough before she was bitten, screaming for someone to help. 
no one heard her. when all was said and done, you went home. the babysitter kaylee was sleeping, no one had a clue until father came home. of course he had people searching tirelessly, day and night, day and night. you never said a word. not even when they found her. the story was, she got mad at you and ran away while you were playing. she fell in. not YOUR FAULT.  
good riddance. 
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halocffect-blog · 7 years
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