halsteadshailey · 3 years
i cant function
From the Beginning - Chapter 8
Summary: When an injury at work leaves Hailey with retrograde amnesia, she has no recollection of Jay or their relationship. It’s up to Jay to remind her who he is and help her fall in love with him all over again.
Read on AO3 and Fanfiction
AN: No real notes today. Just another BIG thank you for reading! I really like this chapter so I hope you do too 😊
Tagging: @mashleighh @onechicago-upsteadrhekker @anna-justice @morganupstead @carissalizz @thetwit @lissethsrojas @cpd5777 @cpdfan231 @thelittlepterophyllum (hit my up in the comments if you want to be added to the tag list for future chapters!) 
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halsteadshailey · 3 years
From the Beginning - Chapter 7
Summary: When an injury at work leaves Hailey with retrograde amnesia, she has no recollection of Jay or their relationship. It’s up to Jay to remind her who he is and help her fall in love with him all over again.
Read on Fanfiction and AO3
AN: Thanks all for your continued support of this fic! Sorry for the emotional pain caused by chapter 6. Let’s see how chapter 7 goes. Hope you enjoy!
Tagging: @mashleighh @onechicago-upsteadrhekker @anna-justice @morganupstead @carissalizz @thetwit @lissethsrojas @cpd5777 @cpdfan231 (hit me up if you want to be added to the tag list for future chapters!)
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
@anniesardors @fromiftowhen me and one of my twitter moots talking abt from the beginning and yhbothl BASICALLY WE LOVE YOU GUYS NEVER STOP DOING WHAT YOURE DOING
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
Minefields: Chapter 4
Summary: After a young woman is kidnapped, Hailey becomes emotionally involved and in an effort to find her, she goes undercover. But at what cost?
Here’s chapter 4! (AO3) 
Jay isn’t too keen on Hailey securing the undercover intro. Will their relationship get in the way of getting the job done?
Chapter || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4
Tags: @mashleighh​ @anniesardors @morganupstead​ @carissalizz @agent-bash​ @number2chicagopdfan @thatoneblog3467 @thelittlepterophyllum
The blonde had returned from meeting with her CI, making her way back up the steps to the bullpen. Everyone was working away at their desks, but she could see Jay anxiously awaiting her return, staring at her over his computer screen.
Hank saw the blonde detective come in, allowing for him to update the rest of the team on their latest lead.
“Good, you’re back,” he nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Okay listen up, Hailey’s CI mentioned this crew runs part of their business using a motel as a front on the south side. We don’t know where, but narrow down the motels in that area. Any neighborhoods that might have connections with these guys. Hailey’s got a possible in with one of the associates from this crew tonight at 7 at Garfield Park. She’ll be intro’d from the angle of looking for work, similar to Mia. In the meantime I want everyone to do some research. Create a surveillance plan. Even get in contact with your CI’s to find out what they know about this crew and activity at motels down in the south side. We need every possible edge we can get. Let’s go to work,”
Hailey glanced over at Jay, who seemed to be lost in his thoughts. She knew he’d been worried about her the whole day and now the idea of her going undercover must be sending him into overdrive.
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
From the Beginning - Chapter 6
Summary: When an injury at work leaves Hailey with retrograde amnesia, she has no recollection of Jay or their relationship. It’s up to Jay to remind her who he is and help her fall in love with him all over again.
Read on Fanfiction and AO3
AN: As always, many thanks for all your kind words and support for this fic. They’re so greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoy Chapter 6. We’re starting to get somewhere good!
Tagging: @mashleighh @onechicago-upsteadrhekker @anna-justice @morganupstead @carissalizz @thetwit @lissethsrojas @cpd5777 @cpdfan231 (Hit my up in the comments if you want to be added to the tag list!) 
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
read read read i love this sm
Stepping Stones
short little one-shot (under 1k words) re-write of 5x04 for Rhi <3
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
omg i love this so much
Girls’ Night In
Hailey, Stella and Nat have a girls’ night in at Hailey’s, discussing their relationships and their guys.
SO much more could have been discussed but then it would be a 72 chapter story and not a one-shot. But i’m happy with how it turned out!
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
master list
(of only two fics bcos i like never post the shit i write lol)
so you are seeing someone? - Hailey meets someone while working with the FBI in New York but when she comes home to her partner, her best friend, how long will that relationship last? oneshot - tumblr ao3 wattpad
a little too much fun - Upstead, Mancel and Stellaride at Molly’s oneshot - tumblr ao3 wattpad
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
A little too much fun
Upstead, Mancel and Stellaride at Molly’s oneshot
Set sometime after last week’s eps (all of them are pre-established)
*slight language*
can also be read on ao3 and wattpad
“Are you coming?” Hailey called up the stairs to Jay who was taking an abnormally long time to grab his shoes.
The couple had moved in together just over a month into dating, anyone on the outside may think that they were moving too fast, but to them, they’d waited long enough. So over the past few weeks Jay had slowly been moving his things into Hailey’s apartment and now that they had finally sold his place, it was official.
“Yeah I’m ready, sorry” Jay replied as he came down the stairs.
“What took you so long?” his partner questioned.
“I couldn’t find my shoes” he said honestly “I guess I’m still getting used to living here”
“We’ll get used to it, I don’t plan on letting you leave anytime soon” Hailey responded with a light chuckle and placed a soft kiss on Jay’s lips.
“Oh, don’t worry, wouldn’t have it any other way” Jay said as he reached for Hailey’s hips to pull her closer and kissed her again.
After a moment they broke apart and Hailey checked her phone for the time.
“Come on, we gotta go, the others are probably already there” she stated as she laced her fingers between Jay’s and pulled them both through the door, locking it behind her.
Stella was just waking up from a nap when she got a message from Hailey.
‘Sorry we might be a little late, but we’re on our way, see you in a bit’
“Shit” the firefighter whispered under her breath as she nudged her sleeping boyfriend awake. “Kelly, we gotta get up, we said we’d meet Hailey and the others at Molly’s”
The pair had been on shift the previous day and got home from one of the longest nights of their life that morning. Call after call they couldn’t seem to catch a break so, naturally, when they got home they slept.
Luckily they had both already showered so all they needed to do was get changed and go, they also happened to live a lot closer to the bar than Jay and Hailey did so time was on their side.
Once they were both changed and Stella had put a little bit of make up on they were out the door and on their way, due to the location of their apartment, they would actually be on time.
Natalie and Crockett made it to Molly’s first out of the three couples but they weren’t there long before Stella and Kelly showed up, closely followed by Hailey and Jay.
Nat had told Crockett about Hailey’s invitation to meet her and the other first responders at Molly’s last week and at first he was hesitant, simply because he still felt like the new guy but he quickly accepted when Nat talked some sense into him saying something along the lines of ‘Well the best way to change that is to get out and spend time with your friends, otherwise everyone will see you as the new guy forever’. He knows that he’s not technically new anymore anyway, but because of the pandemic it had been hard to be social. This meant he had made few friends outside of the hospital and despite being there a whole year before the pandemic hit, back then he was actually the new guy meaning he was just trying to get settled and wasn’t too focussed on making friends.
The group of six however had grown fairly close after spending a few long nights at Molly’s together. Stella and Hailey had become friends very quickly after Hailey helped the firefighter out when she got a bad feeling on a call and together they found the abducted kids.
This naturally lead Kelly and Jay to spend some time with each other once the detectives’ relationship was out in the open. Natalie and Crockett seemed to fit perfectly into the group, Nat being good friends with the girls already and as for Crockett, he fell into conversation easily with Jay and Kelly, all three guys having a similar sense of humour and a shared love of sports.
This was the first night that they had actually planned that all six of them would spend together and it was an idea that Hailey and Nat had when the police officer brought a victim into Med.
“Hey guys, sorry we’re late” Hailey said as her and Jay made their way to the table where their friends were sitting.
“It’s all good, nice to see you guys” Crockett replied.
Jay smiled and offered to buy the first round.
The six of them sat together at the table for the better part of an hour, sharing stories, laughing, talking about anything but work. It was like a breath of fresh air that none of them knew they needed.
Eventually the guys split off from their partners as the game started and made their way to the bar to watch it on the TV.
The girls remained at the table, looking over at their boyfriends occasionally and not being able to help but smile.
“So how are you and Jay doing?” Stella asked Hailey “ya know, with living together and being out in the open and all”.
Jay and Hailey has revealed their relationship to their colleagues just a few weeks before they started to move Jay’s stuff in. They figured it was time to tell everyone (if they didn’t already know) and they knew there was no way they’d be able to hide it once they lived together anyway.
They went to Voight first, he told them he’d known for a while but as long as it wasn’t affecting how they worked, which it wasn’t, he didn’t plan on saying anything until they did. They signed all the HR forms that they needed to and Voight told them he was glad to see them both happy and that they deserved it after everything. The partners were very relieved and grateful towards their boss and how he reacted to this new level of their relationship.
Like Voight, the rest of the unit were very congratulatory towards the partners when they were told the news, and they all payed up when Kevin reminded them that he had guessed the closest therefore won the bet. The team had had a bet on when the detectives would get together since Jay got kidnapped and shot trying to help Angela, they knew it was only a matter of time until the detectives admitted their feelings that everyone else could see were there but seemingly they had no idea about.
“It’s going great” Hailey responded “living together has been really fun and our relationship has never been a problem at work” she finished with a smile and a quick glance at her boyfriend who was now on the edge of his seat which she assumed had everything to do with the game they were watching.
“How about you? How are you guys doing?” Hailey added referring to the slight mishap that Stella and Kelly had made it through.
“Yeah is that all over now?” the doctor at the table questioned.
“Yeah yeah, we’re doing fine. You know, Kelly’s Kelly and I wouldn’t change him for anyone, but sometimes he can be a real piece of work” Stella said.
“I hear that” Natalie responded receiving a laugh from her friends.
“And what about you Nat? How’s your hot surgeon boyfriend?” Stella asked in a teasing tone with a chuckle.
“Ahh he’s good” she replied with a smile “funniest guy i know” she added receiving an ‘aww’ from both Hailey and Stella.
The three girls carried on chatting, often gazing over at their boyfriends when they celebrated something in the game or when one of them said something causing the other two to laugh loud. All three were beyond happy right where they were in that moment.
About half an hour later the game was over and the guys made their way back over to the table.
“Hey guys, how was the game?” Nat asked no one in particular as her boyfriend took a seat next to her and she leant against his side.
“Great! We won” Kelly said as he placed his hand on Stella’s neck and sat down beside her.
“We could tell” she replied, referring to the loud cheers that came from the bar when the game finished.
Jay took a seat next to Hailey and put his arm over her shoulders with his hand hanging down by her side, the perfect place for her to play with his fingers. This was something she did very often when they were eating or drinking together, whether it was across the table or leant against his side it still sent a spark through his arm to his heart.
As it got later and later the bar started to empty and eventually the group decided to call it a night. They all grabbed their jackets off the back of their chairs and made their way outside once they’d thanked Herrman who had been serving them all night.
Once they were outside they all parted ways. Kelly had his arm around Stella as she was attempting to keep him steady since he’d maybe had one too many to drink. Seeing as she still felt pretty beat from their last shift she, on the other hand, hadn’t had much to drink so was still able to drive.
Differently, neither Natalie or Crockett had held back on the drinking since they were both coming off a week being on call and not being able to drink at all so after Nat and Hailey hugged goodbye, Crockett grabbed his girlfriend’s hand and helped her into the cab he’d called.
Hailey and Jay were also probably ok to drive but decided against it based on the fact that they didn’t actually live that far away and it would definitely be safer to walk.
It was a cold evening so Hailey was hugged closely into Jay’s side as they started walking, one of her hands in her pocket and one around his back, his in a similar way but due to their height difference his non-pocketed hand was over her shoulders not around her back.
‘Tonight was really fun, thanks for inviting us all Hailey’ Nat sent to the group chat with Hailey and Stella that they had made one evening for a reason they can’t remember as her and Crockett made it back into her apartment.
“Hey, thanks for making me go tonight, I really do love spending time with the guys” Crockett expressed to his girlfriend as he took his shoes off and hung up their jackets.
“Is it only the guys you wanted to spend time with?” Nat responded in a flirty tone.
Crockett smiled and decided to play along “Yeah, well, there is this one girl that I wanted to see”
“Oh yeah, who would that be?” Nat said as she looped her arms around his shoulders.
“She’s a doctor at Med actually” he continued the joke “brunette, really pretty, funny too” the surgeon continued as he placed his hands on Natalie’s hips.
“Hmm, she sounds great”
“Oh, she is”
And with that, the couple connected lips and he lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Their kiss deepening as they made their way into the bedroom.
Stella and Kelly’s arrival to their apartment was a different story. Stella parked her truck outside and they steadily made it up the stairs to their door. Keeping Kelly close to her side, she unlocked it and made her way straight towards their bedroom where she lay her already half-asleep boyfriend down.
She attempted to keep him awake long enough to get him changed but she very quickly gave in to just removing his shoes and his jacket then laying down next to him after getting herself changed and falling asleep too.
“Hails?” Jay called from their bed as he heard the shower turn off.
“What’s up?” his girlfriend responded as she walked out of the bathroom towel drying her hair.
“Your phone’s been going off, Nat and Stella saying thanks” he explained, handing her her phone.
“You reading my messages huh?” Hailey prodded playfully as she folded the towel up and put it down, climbing in to bed next to Jay and taking her phone from him.
He couldn’t think of anything witty to say in response so instead he gave her a quick kiss on the lips and pulled her close to him.
On their walk home they had both admitted that they weirdly weren’t that tired so Jay decided to find something for them to watch on TV while she checked her phone as they lay side by side, his arm behind her head and their legs tangled together under the bed sheets.
Hailey let out a quiet laugh as she opened the group chat and saw a picture of Kelly passed out in bed that Stella had sent followed by a message saying, ‘some of us maybe had too much fun’.
Her laugh caused Jay to turn to look at her phone too, the picture making him chuckle. “I’m honestly not sure how Kelly had so much more to drink than me or Crockett” he said, causing Hailey to laugh.
She put down her phone and hugged closer into Jay’s side, placing her head on his chest. He placed a kiss in her hair and they both turned their attention to the TV and fell asleep pretty quickly, clearly a little more tired than they had originally thought.
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
perfection once again
Healing - Upstead Oneshot
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Summary: “So, you won’t be needing a kiss to make it feel better.” AKA just some flirty missing scenes from 8x09 after Cooper punches Jay 
Read on Fanfiction and AO3
AN: I could not resist writing a little drabble post 8x09 because those upstead crumbs were TOO GOOD. There’s no plot. This is fluff. This is flirting. This is upstead acting like idiots because I really am hungry for more than crumbs. Anyway, hope you enjoy! 
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
so cute !!
Kiss Me Because
An Upstead Oneshot for the @upsteadofficial Saint Patrick’s Day Challenge
Prompt: Kiss Me, I’m Irish
Can also read on Fanfiction and AO3
“I’m sorry, what is she wearing?”
“Hello to you too, Jay.”
“Hi.” Jay says impatiently, before repeating himself.“What is she wearing?”
Hailey sighs from her spot in the kitchen, glancing over to the little girl in question who is happily playing on the floor in the living room. Jay had a court case on the docket that day that ended up taking longer than he expected. He left that morning while Hailey was still sleeping and never even made it into the district that day, getting home almost an hour after her. Now that he is finally walking in the door, a smile growing on his face when he sees his girls, he is finally seeing what Hailey dressed their eighteen-month-old daughter, Olivia, in for the day.
“Jay, it’s just a Saint Patrick’s Day shirt,” Hailey explains, putting down the rag she was using to clean the tray of Olivia’s high chair. “Kim got it for her the other week.
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
go ! read !
From the Beginning - Chapter 4
Summary: When an injury at work leaves Hailey with retrograde amnesia, she has no recollection of Jay or their relationship. It’s up to Jay to remind her who he is and tell her the story of how they fell in love.
Read on Fanfiction and AO3
AN: Thank you all for your continued support with this fic! It makes my heart so happy! This chapter is a fun one 😊 It has been one of my favorites to write, so I hope you enjoy it too! See you for chapter 5!
Tagging: @mashleighh @onechicago-upsteadrhekker @anna-justice @morganupstead @carissalizz @thetwit @lissethsrojas (let me know in the comments if you want a tag for future chapters!) 
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
yes yes yes to all of this i agree
I petition the CPD writers to give us more badass tact teams led by Jay.
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
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do you believe you’re capable, worthy … right ?
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
go read this now , you will deffo not be disappointed
Rely on You - Part 2
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Summary: When you love someone, you worry about them. It’s part of the deal (AKA missing scenes from 8x06 and 8x07 where Hailey worries about Jay)
Read Part 1 here 
Read on Fanfiction and AO3
AN: Thanks for all who read part one and left such sweet messages! The prompt for part 2 was left by Fanfiction user TixaS! Thanks friend! Hope you all enjoy! 
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
omg so good
A bleeding Heart
Warnings: SO MUCH ANGST!!! Enjoy
Waking up from his deep slumber, he knew immediately where he was. He was home at his place, a sigh left his lips as memories flood his mind. Getting kidnapped, telling Angela the truth, her shooting him, waking up in the hospital.... the place he hated the most. Hailey though... seeing her first thing when he woke up was incredible. If only he could wake up with her like that... maybe not holding his hand by a hospital bed, but in bed with him together cuddling.
Deciding it was time to get out of bed, he finally sat up; it was too fast of a move though. He winced as pain shot through him. It’s always fun being 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵 He opens his phone, making a face as he saw all his teammates left a ton of messages. He knows everyone’s worried but he doesn’t need them to be; this was his fault. He deserved it.
A knock is coming from his front door, he slowly makes his way there. Soon as he opened it he saw it was Hailey. So many questions cross his mind. What was she doing here? What happened to work? Why did she have to look so beautiful? It was more painful to bare than his physical pain; not able to kiss her, hold her. She’s your partner Jay.
He snaps out of his train of thoughts as he stood there looking at her, finally finding his voice. “Hey.” He smiles as she said hey back. “What’s in the bag?” She laughed with a shrug. “Don’t laugh okay? But I thought since you can’t do much, I figured homemade pizza would be nice.”
He smiled more as he let her in. He closed the door and led her to the table. “Homemade pizza? I didn’t know you cooked. You didn’t burn the place down did you?” She glared at him playfully. “Ha, ha. You think you’re so funny.” She playfully rolled her eyes reaching into the bag.
He goes to get plates down from his cabinet but she shook her head. She pulled out paper plates and cups. “I’d like to think so.” He held his hand out for the plate as he answered her. She sets a nice warm pizza on his plate then put one on hers.
“How’s the arm?” She pulled out a few cans of soda, she feels ridiculous now she brought cups but oh well, cans work too. “Sore, stiff too. I hate laying on my back.” He admitted as they both go to the living room and sit on the couch with their food and drinks. “It’s going to take awhile before you can rest on your side again, but hey free homemade Upton pizza.”
She chews on her bite of pizza and smiled at him. He’s laughing as he takes a bite too. “I thought you’d charge me there for a second.” He takes another bite as the greasy, cheesy and pepperoni pizza filled his mouth and blasted his tastebuds. It didn’t taste that bad, he didn’t think it would. He had no doubt in his mind she wasn’t a good cook.
“That’s a great idea, the soda and pizza will be fifty dollars now.” Her voice is full of teasing. He purposely choked on his pizza. “What?!” He looks at her surprised but he knew she was joking. “You heard me.” She’s chewing as if she didn’t just ask for an arm and leg handout.
“Yeah, I’ll get on that soon as I finish my slice... actually might go for another.” He’s smirking as he finished his first then grabbed another out of the box she had in the bag. “That’ll be hundred now.” She’s giggling as he’s glaring at her. He takes a bite out of it humming. “I know how to count. I don’t need you doing it for me.”
She’s drinking her soda finding this so amusing as they eat. “But it’s fun watching you make those faces.” He’s rolling his eyes now as he sips his soda. She’s grabbing another slice and he can tell she’s getting serious as she gets so quiet and pondering whatever is on her mind.
“What is it?” He’s taking another bite as he leans back on the couch, watching her. “How are you feeling?” He sighs as she asked that, he looks at his half eaten second slice of pizza. “You don’t need to ask that. Don’t ask that.” She frowns as she’s looking at him.
“Why not Jay?” She can tell he’s shutting her out. She set the plate on the coffee table and rested her hand on his knee. It makes him frown more. “Because I don’t .... I don’t deserve it. I did this to myself... it’s my fault Hailey... he’s dead because of me.” He sets his plate down without looking at her.
“Jay, hey. Listen to me. We all make mistakes, you’re human. It’s okay to hurt over that mistake that happened. It doesn’t mean you’re the worst person to ever be alive.” He shakes his head and stands up. “I put an innocent man in cook county. He died Hailey! Because of me! He was innocent, he kept telling me he didn’t do it... but I wouldn’t listen.”
He feels tears welling up in his eyes. He can’t cry... not now! Not in front of her. She stands up seeing how much he’s hurting and walks over, she hugs him gently since his arms in a sling. “I killed Marcus West.” He mumbled the name as it left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“I don’t need sympathy, I don’t need comfort either. I deserve whatever I get coming my way.” She hurts for him and can feel his pain. Even when he growled those sentences out she still hugged him and he finally broke down. He cries in her arms as she holds him.
He feels his chest sobbing hard as more tears came out. He holds onto her tight with his arm that’s not injured. He isn’t sure how she’s not running away from him, telling him he’s a monster or calling him names. It’s not like she has before but some reason he expects it.
Except it never comes and Jay cried all he could cry out till he couldn’t anymore. “You don’t deserve anything bad coming your way Jay. Don’t say that. It’s okay to hurt and to feel pain like you’ve never felt before. What matters is you have people who love and care about you. I’m not going anywhere Jay.”
He keeps his eyes closed as he listened to her. It felt good to be held and comforted, but apart of him still thinks he doesn’t deserve it. She’s too good to him, he deserved to be shot... he deserves to die.
“You deserve all the good Jay, no matter how many mistakes you do. You’re a good man and I know your heart. I’m not going anywhere.” He squeezes her tighter to him, his heart breaking more as she says that. The agony, the pain is so unbearable it doesn’t compare to his arm though, but as they go back to the couch and she still held him.
He felt better, but his heart still so heavy. She wipes his tears away and he’s looking at her as his head rests on her chest. She’s crying too, she hurts when he hurts and he can tell this is effecting her as much as it is him. He wipes her tears away too, she leaned into his touch as he does. This felt good, too good. He didn’t want to move from this spot. “You’ll always be a good man in my eyes, Jay. Nothing can ever change that.”
He slowly nodded his head, he couldn’t say much more, how could he? She left him speechless. This feels so intimate and yet he doesn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. he understood her because with her. He feels the same way. Nothing can ever change how he sees Hailey; with that last thought and his meds working from taking them earlier before letting her in. He drifts off into her arms, feeling safe and secure.
She held him like that while he slept. He looked so peaceful. She didn’t plan for them to end up like this but here they are and she’s drifting off with him, a smile on her lips as they held onto each other.
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
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Tim + his amused Lucy expression
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