hanamuranobuyuki · 6 months
Hello everyone! I am happy to announce the beginning of Jiroshi Week 2024!! Please tag me in all the submissions so I can see and share them, and I hope everyone has a lovely time during this week! I might release some Behind the Fics for my own contributions, so please look out for them!
With love,
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hanamuranobuyuki · 6 months
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Hello, Hi, Hana here to share that the collection for Jiroshi Week 2024 is now open(?) I have no clue how collections work on A03, but I think you should just be able to post your works through the collection tab on your fic upload. The collection has my own contributions to Jiroshi 2024, which is the reason why there are works in the collection already. The reason why I already have my contributions is because I used Miya's Birthday Celebration as my inspiration to actually announce it to the world. I might add more to the collection during the time of the event, but I have a lot I need to work on that I don't think fits...? But I will try!
I seriously am lost with this but basically, if you can add the fic to the collection, I think things are okay?? I will try to work on it tho.
With love
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hanamuranobuyuki · 6 months
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Hello everyone! I am here to announce my very first event: Jiroshi Week 2024!! If you would like to participate, I would love to see your submissions! If you would like to share them here on tumblr, please use the hashtag jiroshiweek2024 for everyone to see! I look forward to seeing everyone's submissions for the event, if there's anyone interested! If you have any questions, leave them here, my instagram, or my discord! Thank you for reading!
With love,
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hanamuranobuyuki · 7 months
It has been a hot minute, but I am still looking for mutuals to help figure the logistics out for Jiroshi Week 2024! If you follow me on Insta you might've seen me work on a secret project that I have been teasing waaaaay too much but... it's something! I am in search of ideas for layouts and dates appropriate for the Week to be held. I would like all responses to be sent to me here, through my discord, or through Insta @/hanamura_nobuyuki. I am thankful for anything I get during this time, but man... this grind I have gone through is.. wow. XD
With love,
I'm currently searching for Jiroshi mutuals I can talk to in hopes of arranging a Jiroshi Week in 2024. If there's anyone interested in talking about Jiroshi, I'd love to talk!!!
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hanamuranobuyuki · 1 year
I'm currently searching for Jiroshi mutuals I can talk to in hopes of arranging a Jiroshi Week in 2024. If there's anyone interested in talking about Jiroshi, I'd love to talk!!!
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hanamuranobuyuki · 1 year
This is ARB Hana talking here, thinking about ARB while I'm writing. I just thought about something... and I'm wondering if this is gonna track in all honesty. The event preview for the next event happening tomorrow night(?) is Dice, Hitoya, Rei. This is a pattern that mirrors the basketball game with Jiro, Gentarou, and Rosho. These are liner specific events. After seeing the Fling Posse event with a first, second, and third liner, and then two third liners and a second liner... you might not believe it.
But in actuality, because the event pattern after the balancing out was skewed because of 2 first liners and a second liner... and a double appearance on top of that...
The liner appearances turn into this:
Samatoki, Kuko, Ramuda
Jiro, Jyuto, Gentarou, Hifumi, Rosho
Sabuchan, Rio, (soon to be) Dice, Doppo, (soon to be) Rei, (soon to be) Hitoya
As I'm writing this, I don't even know if my prediction is still valid because I forgot Sasara has been MIA but... I first thought that perhaps it was going to be Ichiro, Jakurai, and jyushi(?) but now... I don't know .... Jyuto kinda skewed the balance again. It's frustrating. I'm trying to think about event equality and future events... but there's gotta be an overlap BECAUSE Sasara was missing and Jyuto came out twice.
I'll still hope for Jyushi in the next event at the very least. I'd like to hear your thoughts?
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hanamuranobuyuki · 1 year
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CHAPTER UPDATE: Terms and Conditions, Chapter 13 is now uploaded for readers of this long running fic! I apologize for the wait!! If you'd like to read it, you can read it here! Please leave me your thoughts about this chapter, or your thoughts for the next chapters!
Thank you so much for your patience and support! Until next time, with love,
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hanamuranobuyuki · 1 year
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Heyyyy so I thought about it and I decided I would like to find more fellow Jiroshi friends to talk to! I've been alone for a while, and I can't tell if I'll ever find new comrades, but I'm definitely gonna try my damn best to make that happen!
If you would like to join, by all means join! I intend on making this hypmi in general, with jiroshi, and whatever I'm into at the moment for general talks and chaos. Since I really can't make servers, I don't know what else to do but I would love the company and the comradeship! Jiroshi friends, let us join our hands to summon official content for us XD
With love
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hanamuranobuyuki · 1 year
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Sharing a little something for WIP Wednesday. If people are readers of Terms and Conditions... this might be something you're interested in...? It's been about half a year since I actually contributed anything new to it because I felt like I was dying in my own WIP stash. But I've been thinking a lot about it because of visual reminders of Jyushi looking good in a skirt and honestly? Sakakihara Yuki (Jyushi's CV) voicing a Touken Danshi didn't help me either. In any case, I hope to get back into the groove of things for this series, and I hope you look forward to the chaos!
With love
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hanamuranobuyuki · 1 year
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Title: I Just... (Let Me Do As I Like)
Pairing: fem!Jiro/fem!Jyushi with an overarching relationship of Original Male Character/fem!Jyushi
Rating: M for sexual tension and language most likely
Special Notes: This is a songfic that was heavily inspired by HachioujiPxGigaP's GimmexGimme feat. Kagamine Rin/Hatsune Miku. As such, this revolved around the idea that one is unfaithful in a relationship to indulge in something. For my fic, the OC Male cheats on Jyushi-chan. The events that happen in this fic is Jyushi-chan's way of retaliating, while also embracing her closeted preference of the fairer sex.
Hana's Notes: I've died for this for who knows how long. I've always found myself attracted to the idea of women being so close to the point that their eyelashes brush up against each other, how they just want to do as they like while they're together. I've wanted to do this sort of au for many fandoms, but this was the first one I was able to actually do one for. I hope you could take the time to appreciate this song, at the very least. If you are willing to listen to this while reading it, I think you would be in a place that's similar to mine as I wrote this, since I listened to it on repeat for the entire duration of writing this fic. If you do happen to read it, I would love to hear your thoughts! If not on the fic itself, here is also fine.
I'm going through a lot of thoughts in my mind, and I'm hoping to reach Jiroshi fans so I don't feel so quite alone as I do these days. If you somehow find this fellow Jiroshi fan... I'd love to say hi to you!
Also, I think I'm returning to Terms and Conditions, if there's any fans waiting for that. But until next time, when I actually have a plan on what my brain can or cannot write, with love
PS: You can read the fic here:
I hope you enjoy!
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hanamuranobuyuki · 1 year
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So as people may or may not know, I am a fan of Touken Ranbu. I play it on and off, depending on if I remember or if I'm actively trying to get a Touken Danshi. Well- rewind about 8ish hours ago, I discovered Sakakihara Yuki (cv for Jyushi) voiced the new Touken Danshi that was going to drop. And so I have essentially brainrotted for 8ish hours and did this thing.
The sketch is only like... a 3ish hour sketch? I had to do family things and grind for hypnosis mic, but I am at a place where I am happy with this so I'm going to share this on my social medias. I'm hoping that I wasn't the only one who thought of this... but I hope that people appreciate the raw potential Jyushi has TTuTT. Likes and comments are greatly appreciated, or however it works here ahah.
Just wanted to yeet this before I crashed after all that internal screaming that led to this XD
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hanamuranobuyuki · 1 year
Behind the Fic: The Life Pouring From Your Lips
Earlier in the week, I uploaded a new fic called The Life Pouring From Your Lips. If you would like to read this, you can read it here. This is the post where I will discuss some of the things that inspired this bittersweet yet beautiful story.
1. Jiro's Hanahaki Situation.
As readers already know, Jiro has passed away from Hanahaki Disease. This was an interesting take on the disease I love and hate with all my being, one I never considered because I didn't think it to be plausible(?) but I still tried it regardless. The idea of loving everything to the point of dying for it is something you see quite often, and not just for Hanahaki. So I considered that as my core basis for Jiro's Hanahaki.
Hanahaki is usually (at least as far as I know) only directed towards one individual, or possibly many in a poly relationship. But when one individual loves everything they come in contact with, it's hard to identify the actual individual or concept they cherish. I kind of thought Jiro would be the one that would be able to bear this circumstance of Hanahaki because in a way, it's unfair. It's unfair, and his brothers would have a hard time trying to accept the circumstances of his passing. But Jiro is a kind man, loving everything that he had the privilege of meeting, and he was up to the very end of his death.
Jiro's Hanahaki is born from the idea that he loves and appreciates the here and now. Because of his illness, he was able to accept the fleeting beauty of life in the present, as it burns brightly before fading away in its death. That is the reason why a lot of his images were blurry, capturing the madness that is the everyday life.
2. Jiro's Flower
Jiro's flower is the simple red rose. I am not well-versed in Hanakotoba, or flower languages or otherwise. To make things easier, I decided to give Jiro the red rose. It is a red rose to portray his love, passion, and desire for life itself.
His love for life itself branches out throughout the mundaneness of everyday life. From the flowers in bloom to new families being born, the normal happenings of everyday life is what he cherishes the most.
His passion for life was born from all the things he enjoyed because he knew that he was going to die young. He never stopped himself from loving the things he liked to do, like playing soccer or eating all types of food. If he didn't live life to the fullest, what purpose would his life have?
His desire for life was more the sake of his family rather than himself. He lived his entire life to its fullest so he could share it with his brothers. He knew that in the background, his brothers were searching the deep abyss in the digital and real world just so then he could live. He knew that they were sacrificing everything they had in order for him to live. He knew it was pointless for his case, because even doctors didn't know if they could medically treat him. They advised that he get the surgery because that would be the way to cure any Hanahaki patient. However, because his Hanahaki was born from his adoration of life, Jiro feared that he wouldn't ever be the same when he woke up. He didn't want to live as a shell of his former self, and he didn't want his family to suffer because he wasn't the Jiro they knew for all these years. So instead, he lived life to the fullest, and prayed that the life he lived touched the lives he came into contact with. And when he passes away... he desires that Ichiro and Saburo find their own way to push forward in life.
While writing Jiro's final letter, I was reminded of Ichiro's special quote. "You'll never see a rainbow if you're always looking down," or something similar of the sort. I wanted Jiro to give Ichiro these inspiring words, because there's always a rainbow there... you just have to stop and see it for yourself. As inspirational as it is though, losing someone close is always a hard topic, and not something I feel like can be eloquently described. If this small sentiment could be inspirational for anyone... I would be eternally grateful. I wanted to give this story a small sliver of hope through this, and the view or perspective of a better tomorrow. While things may be gloomy one day... another day is waiting to light your day up.
3. Jyushi's Hanahaki Situation and Flower
As a resident Jiroshi shipper, I wanted to make this Jiroshi without really being Jiroshi at the same time. This was supposed to be more like, how Ichiro and Saburo begin their mourning process and appreciate the lingering traces of Jiro within life itself. And then Jyushi was supposed to be that one that sent Jiro's final message and hopes to Ichiro and Saburo. Because of this, I never really explained Jyushi's Hanahaki diagnosis.
Jyushi is 23/24 like Jiro was. He was diagnosed with Hanahaki at around 15/16, with the passing of his beloved grandmother. His flower, the white lily, is inspired by Jiro and by Jyushi's personality in itself.
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In ARB's 2nd year anniversary, I had obsessed with their flowers, and thought that Jiro had red lilies with the Tsubaki for the Buster Bros' team flower. Not sure if I really clarified any of that but I managed to think about the lilies and deemed them... worthy for Jyushi. The white lily is supposed to represent virginity and innocence, which is representative of Jyushi's naïveté that was stolen from him because of his bullying incidents and the loss of his grandmother. However, when a white flower is stained red with blood, it turns a flower red to represent desire and passion as well.
Jyushi hated this implication of his flower, even when he found out that he was coughing up the flower his grandmother loved the most in the world. It was like the entire world was mocking him, telling him that he is weak and it showed all too much when he couldn't do anything to save his grandmother. In retrospect, however, this innocence was not directed towards him, but his view of life itself.
Jyushi still believed in the good of the world, even though bad people stole his grandmother away from him. His faith in humanity was not corrupted because he managed to find a certain someone who brought justice down on the people who did harm. As a result, he suffered from Hanahaki because of those who performed justice and made their world a little bit safer.
While Jiro suffered because he loved the here and now, Jyushi loved the life he had because he knew how cruel life could be. Death could approach someone in the blink of an eye, and steal someone away without warning. And because he knew the injustice that came with the end, he cherished all he could before the end would take him away as well.
4. The Jiroshi Implications
The Jiroshi dynamic only lasted for some days because Jiro's illness. They only shared one kiss, before Jiro set out on his final journey to the hospital. But they enjoyed everything that life could be in essence, and they had no qualms with their lives because they were doing everything that they could do before they couldn't anymore.
The entire basis of this fic was based on one picture alone, and I thank ARB for the pain once again.
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For this card series, the sunset is cruelly beautiful. And somehow, when I saw this card art, I knew I needed to write something about this in Jiro's perspective. Originally, this was only supposed to be five minutes of socializing and sharing their love and mortality as the sun sets... but I think it was even more beautiful that they spent a few days confiding in the one other person who knew what it felt like having this Hanahaki that was incurable.
Even though their ship dynamic was nonexistent in preference of writing this in Ichiro and Saburo's POVs, I thought this was important enough to show his brothers that Jiro found someone he was able to love unabashedly that wasn't his family.
Loving someone at the expense of your health... Jiro did that constantly. But he wanted to show that a world without love is a terrible world to live in. And he hopes with all his heart that his brothers (as well as everyone else) can love people a little bit to brighten up their world.
I think that this is the end of what I need to write for this fic. It was an emotional ride, and I'm honored that I was able to do it for the ship that has made my day for 2+ years. Thank you for reading this all the way to the end.
If you would like, you can join me on discord where I'm trying to spread Hypmi shenanigans and Jiroshi love, or you could say hi to me on Insta- hanamura_nobuyuki. It's been so long since I've done this I don't think any of this is the same as it used to be but as long as I managed to get the blog up, I'm happy TTuTT
Until next time, with love
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hanamuranobuyuki · 1 year
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Hello everyone! I'm here to drop a new Jiroshi fic out of the cursed WIP Vault! I hope you'd give it a read and your thoughts!
Quick reminder that this is a genderbend fic, so it is with female Jiro and female Jyushi. Hope you enjoy!
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hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
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WIP Wednesday since why not?
I’ve been working on a fem!Jiroshi zombie apocalypse au fic for a few months, and I was motivated to try and draw them in this world even for a little bit in my limited ways. If you like this I would ask you to look forward to the fic, but idk when I’ll be able to finish it XD
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hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
Thank you for your patience everyone! Today I bring you all an update on my ongoing Hypmi Madoka parody fic, Destroy and Restart! If you would like to read it, you can here.
This chapter is focused on the secrets of the hypnosis mic, and how it all works out to Chuohku’s plan. I hope it all makes sense to you guys because this is one thing to look at that’s for sure XD
If you read this, please tell me your thoughts on this! If there’s questions, I’ll answer all I can to the capacity I can without spoiling future chapters OuO
Hope you enjoy!
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hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
Happy new year, everyone! I had decided in the last month to make an instagram account for this archive. Part of it is because that is my primary form of social media, and part of it was because tumble didn’t save my drafts and I kinda lost motivation to rewrite what I had written at that moment. I’m trying to make that a fic update account with art and other things, so if you’re interested in that, please check it out on insta! My handle for it is hanamura_nobuyuki. I’d appreciate it if you came over there and said hi!
I’ll try to use my tumblr as well, but my quarter for this school term is a lot heavier than I expected, so if I forget to, please forgive me Q.Q
On the other hand, I’m also drowning in the amount of wips I have in the works lol. If you’d like to know what I’m trying to work on behind the scenes, let me know as well !
But I wish you all a wonderful new year, and I hope to see you all in whatever I manage to finish TTuTT
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hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
I have gotten my stuff together and worked on one that I think will be a focus for all of October. Its a dark twisted story, so I figured it would be perfect for this time of year. First chapter is Jiro (love) and Jyushi (abandonment). In due time, I will probably(?) do some blog post that explains the reasons why I chose these particular traits and witches from Madoka magica XD. but for now I hope you can enjoy this!
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