hangulday6-blog · 7 years
Fell in love with Stray Kids 잘 하고 있어 especially those parts :’)
잠시 뒤처지면 조금 쉬어가면 돼 너는 잘 하고 있어 너 잠시 힘들 때 내가 같이 뛰어줄게 걱정 접고 일어나 팔을 걷어 올려 포기 따윈 접어 넌 잘 하고 있어 oh 넌 잘 하고 있어 yeah 힘내 좀 참으면 돼 내가 곁에 있을게 
Even if you fall behind for a while, it’s okay to rest for a little You’re doing well, when you’re having a hard time I’ll run together with you, don’t worry Stand up, pull your arms up, don’t give up You’re doing well oh You’re doing well yeah Bear with the hardships for a while more I’ll be by your side
끝은 네가 정하는 거야 네가 정한 끝은 뭐야 꿈을 향해 달려가는 너의 모습 그 자체가  충분히 잘 하고 있어 넌 분명 잘 하고 있어 
You decide on the ending, you decide on what the ending is like Your image running towards your dream, all of it All of that is enough to say that you’re doing well, you’re definitely doing well
내가 아는 너의 모습 분명 최선을 다하고 있어 그거면 됐어 그렇게 계속 너만의 pace를 유지해가  불안해하지 말고 너 자신을 자신하고 의지해봐 힘들어지고 지쳐도 포기하지 마
The image of you that I know is that you’re definitely doing your best That’s enough, just continue on at your own pace, keep it up Don’t doubt yourself, try trusting your confidence Even when it’s hard, even when you’re tired, don’t give up
*might have errors in trans bc i suck but i try*
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
Korean Idioms
호랑이 굴에 잡혀가도 정신만 차리면 산다 = Even if you are caught by a tiger, you will survive if you keep your cool. 
하늘이 무너져도 솟아날 구멍이 있다 = Even if the sky falls, there is a hole to escape. I.e there is always a solution to problems. 
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
Baskin Robbins Flavours
사빠딸- strawberry in love
[사-사랑에(love), 빠- 빠진 (fall for something), 딸- 딸기(strawberry)]
러브미- love me
러브포션31- love potion 31
봉쥬르, 마카롱- bonjour, macaron
하니치즈트랩- honey cheese trap
보스톤 크림파이- boston cream pie
바나나몬스터- banana monster
럭키 카라멜터틀- lucky caramel turtle (direct trans) but well known as caramel turtle truffle
바람과 함께 사라진다- gone with the wind
[바람- wind ~과- with 함께- together 사라진다- disappear/vanish/go(away)]
엄마는 외계인- my mom is an alien
[외계인- alien]
이상한 나라의 솜사탕- cotton candy wonderland
[이상한- something which is strange, 나라의- a country, 솜사탕- cotton candy]
쿠키 앤 크림- cookie and cream
초코나무 숲- chocolate forest
[초코- choco 나무- tree, wood 숲- forest]
31요거트- 31 yogurt
마이레몬트리- my lemon tree
피스타치오 아몬드- pistachio almond
월넛- walnut
아몬드 봉봉- almond bon bon
베리베리 스트로베리- very berry strawberry
민트초콜릿칩- mint chocolate chip
바닐라스카이- vanilla sky
슈팅스타- shooting star
레인보우 샤베트- rainbow sherbet
만고탠고- mango tango
바닐라- vanilla
초콜릿- chocolate
뉴욕 치즈케이크- new york cheesecake
그린티- green tea
자모카 아몬드 훠지- Jamoca Almond Fudge
체리쥬빌레- cherry jubilee
초콜릿무스- chocolate mousse
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
hi!!! what's the difference between 는/은, 가, and 이?
는 and 은 are topic marking particles, while 가 and 이 are subject marking particles. 
Here are lessons I did so you can learn more about them:
Subject Marking Particles
Topic Marking Particles
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
some vocab from an article about terrorism in syria
학살자 killer
점령지 occupied territory
특파원 correspondent
색안경 sunglasses
손수 with one’s hands
운전대 steering wheel
탈환하다 recapture
반군 rebel forces
생지옥이 되다 to become hell on earth
궤변을 늘어놓다 use sophistry
반격 counterattack
잔당 insurgents
장악하다 take over, take hold of
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
Hi! Love your blog, it's very helpful. My question is: How could I say "what is your favorite song?" "My favorite song is so and so." 😊😊
Hello Thank you💖You can ask 어떤 노래를 좋아하세요? or 제일 좋아하는 노래를 뭐예요?And then for an answer 저는 (artist)의 (song)를/을 좋아해요 or 제가 제일 좋아하는 노래는 (artist)의 (song)이에요/예요 
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
Week 3 of the Korean Challenge for Beginners
This is the final week of the challenge. Congratulations for making it this far! This week be will a mix of lessons and vocabulary. The daily vocabulary has increased to 15 words. 
Day One: Today’s goal to to learn more verbs. There are 35 verbs in the Quizlet set. If that is too many for you, aim to learn at least 20. If you need to, go back to review how to conjugate verbs. There will be no daily vocabulary today.
Here are the resources for today’s lesson:
Verbs on Quizlet
My lesson for verb conjugation
Day Two: Today’s lesson is to learn about location marking particles. In addition to that, you will learn today’s vocabulary.
Here are the resources for today’s lesson:
Daily vocabulary on Quizlet
Lesson by Talk to Me in Korean
Video by GO! Billy Korean
Day Three: Today’s lesson will teach you different ways to say “and.”  You will also learn today’s vocabulary.
Here are the resources for today’s lesson:
Daily vocabulary on Quizlet
Lesson by Talk to Me in Korean
Video by GO! Billy Korean
Day Four: Today’s goal is to learn some adjectives. Like verbs, Korean adjectives are normally conjugated. There is no daily vocabulary today.
Here are the resources for today’s lesson:
Adjectives on Quizlet
Video by KoreanClass101. Some of the adjectives will be different, but I thought it was good to include so you can hear the pronunciation.
Day Five: Today’s lesson will teach you how to say you “can” or you “cannot.” In addition to the lesson you will also learn today’s vocabulary.
Here are the resources for today’s lesson:
Daily vocabulary on Quizlet
My lesson
Video by GO! Billy Korean
Lesson by Talk to Me in Korean
Day Six: Today’s lesson will explain the different ways to say “very”, “really”, “not really,” etc… You will also learn today’s vocabulary.
Here are the resources for today’s lesson:
Daily vocabulary on Quizlet
My lesson
Day Seven: Today is the last day of the challenge! The last lesson will be to learn how to say “want” You will also learn some conjunctions which will help you build sentences. With the things you’ve learned this week, practice making sentences. There will be no daily vocabulary today.
Here are the resources for today’s lesson:
Lesson by Talk to Me in Korean
Video by GO! Billy Korean
My vocabulary list for conjunctions
Quizlet set for conjunctions 
Where to go from here: I may make a continuation of this challenge in the future, but for now, here is a list I compiled of more lessons and videos to help you continue learning. Also, this is my masterlist which has more vocabulary, lessons, and resources.
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
~[verb-noun]음에도 불구하고 = although, despite, though
Recently I stumbled on this sentence that I found pretty interesting and good for those in the intermediate/advanced range:
“내 자신을 일으켜 세우려 노력했음에도 불구하고 나는 일어날 수 없었다”
Although I tried to pick myself up, I couldn’t (get up)
This sentence could be written just as: 내 자신을 일으키려 노력했지만 일어날 수 없었다 and it basically has the same translation: I tried to pick myself up but I couldn’t (get up). However, this sentence uses an advanced grammar structure.
So let’s just get into it:
~[verb-noun]음에도 불구하고 = although, despite, though
~음/ㅁ converts verbs into nouns. It’s used mainly to sound formal/literary, more objective, sometimes more emphasis. So 아님 (no) = 아니다 + ~음/ㅁ
~에도 불구하고 despite….., though…….
* Also note: ~려 노력하다 is the same as ~려고 노력하다
If we tried doing a more literal translation: “Despite the act of trying to pick myself up, I couldn’t get up”
Lately, I have some more time on my hands so I’ll probably be posting more often these days. Also I’ve started reading a Korean novel and I’m seeing a lot of useful stuff for you guys!
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
NEW: Drama Dictionary
Sooo I’ve been watching a ton of kdrama to keep my Korean on point (shameless). When you spend at least a couple hours a day watching anything and everything, you start to notice commonly used language. Thought I’d try something new and share some of my favorite words and phrases! 
This week’s word:
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pronounced: eu-weh (n.)
the unexpected
a surprise
e.g. 정말 의외다! = That’s so unexpected!         의외인데! = What a surprise!
Sometimes interpreted as a subtle (but funny) diss, 의외 is used to express surprise at learning something unexpected. Like when your friend reveals she secretly dreams of becoming a rap star…
Eulachacha Waikiki: Episode 3
힘들면 내가 어떻게하든 언니 도와 줄 테니까 말 해봐. No matter how difficult it is, I’ll do whatever it takes to help you (achieve your dream), so tell me (what you want to be). 
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왜? 이상해? Why? Is that weird?
이상한게 아니라… 그냥 좀 의외라… 언니 랩은 좀 해? No it’s not weird… I guess it was just unexpected… so you can rap?
조금. 한번 해 볼까? A little. Can I show you?
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정말 의외입니다… ㅋ ㅋ
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
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Veggie Vocab - 야채 어휘
버섯 - mushroom
당근 - carrot
감자 - potato
양파 - onion
고구마 - sweet potato (very popular snack in Korea, especially in winter!)
마늘 - garlic
무 - radish
완두공 - peas
호박 - pumpkin
오이 - cucumber
상추 - lettuce
양배추 - cabbage
피망 - bell pepper
토마토 - tomato
브로콜리 - broccoli
셀러리 - celery
Example Sentences:
고구마 (좀) 더 주세요. - Please give me (more) sweet potato.
버섯을 좋아하세요? - Do you like mushrooms?
당근은 맛있어요! - Carrot is delicious!
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
NOUN + 다운 = [NOUN]-ish/[NOUN]-like
소녀다운 girlish
여자다운 womanlike
군인다운 soldierly
오빠다운 말이죠 It’s older brother like words/sayings.
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
Word of the Day
냄새 - Smell, Odor
이거 무슨 냄새예요? - What is this smell?
이상한 냄새 - Weird smell
이 냄새는 어디에서 나는 거죠? - Where is the smell coming from?
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
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Chinese Swearwords #2
牛屄 :  niúbī - cow pussy / means “fucking awesome”
装逼 :zhuāngbī - pretent to be  niúbī / pretend to be a badass or being a poser
骚逼 :sāobī - slutty cunt / slut, whore
去你妈的 :qùnǐmāde - actually qu ni ma de bi / go back to your mothers pussy
你二啊 : nǐ èr a ! - you are stupid ! 二 is a slang in north chinese for stupid
二百五 :èrbǎiwǔ - two hundred fifty / very common insult for “dummy, moron, idiot”
Do you want more ? Tell us !
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hangulday6-blog · 7 years
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Dowoon, a classic comedian
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