hanlin98-blog · 7 years
DECO1800 Final RJ
Through learning this course, I found I did improve my communication and technical skills. I knew what was the best way I work in a team and how to separate a whole project equally. I knew how to use photoshop to design the images and how to build an API for the web application. Those are the kinds of stuff I learned in DECO1800. And rest of sentences that I want to say are all in my portfolio. 
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That is all the records I made for this course.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK-14 [DECO1800]
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In this week, I am building the basic structure of my own portfolio. I found several wonderful web structures online, however, I found those pretty websites are all using the bootstrap which was not allowed to be used in this assessment. So I give them up and use the similar structure with my DECO1400 assessment.
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Although I gave up using those pretty structures, I did learn something from those examples. Those websites could give me some excellent inspirations that I am going to use in mine portfolio.  
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK - 13 [DECO1800]
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This week we hold our trade show in the studio. I am pretty satisfied with our final product, this result was the best news for us that fought for it in these thirteen weeks. Besides, our final report is nearly finished. I am just going to write the design part. After finish, all of our projects, the only things that left is working my portfolio and reflective journal.
This is just unbelievable, this term has already been finished. I will regard the training in this course and this semester and never forget those harvest moments.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
This week, I finished the final project of DECO2300.
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In this prototype, I reserve the puzzle mode in the game.
But I did not test the puzzle mode in this testing.
That is because I had iterated the puzzle mode several times, and I never try the 3D component mode in my previous prototype.
So I planned to build a brand new mode for PUGO land.
The 3D component mode was one of my original ideas.
But for some reasons, I choose to build the puzzle mode in PUGO land.
As a dark horse design, I just want to add one more mode for this game.
Two or more modes could provide players with some different choices which will bring them a better experience with PUGO land.
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I am proud of my work which I have done in this semester.
Thanks to my tutor Steven and lector Lorna, they gave me a lot of help in this semester.
I wish I could get a great return in this course.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK - 12 [DECO1800]
Our game is getting closer and closer to the finish, it is already playable and what we were doing this week is make it looks prettier and more comfortable to use.
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Our leader has changed some of the images which were made by me. But I have to say, those new images tally with era figure compare with the previous pictures that I've chosen.
From now, our work is just adding some small features or some further click adventures and make sure it will give users the best experience.
Besides group work, the framework of my portfolio has built in this week.
I made two different plans.
The first one is the most simple one. One horizontal navigation bar and one main homepage.
The second plan is a neat and clean interface. One horizontal navigation at the top of the pages and four category bars below on the navigations.
Before the next week, I will make the decision and start to build the website.
I made two different plans.
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The first one is the most simple one. One horizontal navigation bar and one main homepage.
Just like the story website which I was built in DECO1400.
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The second plan is a neat and clean interface. One horizontal navigation at the top of the pages and four category bars below on the navigations.
Before next week, I will make the decision and start my portfolio work.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK - 12 [DECO2300]
When I was a child, I always play fist King of Fighters 97 in the arcade hall. It left me a deep childhood memory.
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Recently retry this game in the ps4, I could even found a lot of hidden tricks. I was not good at playing fighting games when I was a little. So when I was going to retry this game, I read the note in detail. I found that the game is not only a single move, but there are also even strokes. What if I use the same way to design the music robot and players. In fact, the design of a "movement password", so that the machine and the players remember this set of codes.
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The player makes a gesture, representing a note. And a continuous gesture, representing a syllable. And so on.
The approach is good, but there are several questions: First, the beat deviation rate is high. Music is a broad and profound discipline. Only a few musicians can control the sound and the beat. Outsiders are not familiar with the performance. It will lead to disorder to determine the machine.
Second, the player is not natural to quickly / skillfully remember the specified action.
Studies have shown that some people recall the memory of the action is hard than the memory of the text. So the player is familiar with the action at the same time also remember the detailed note, which for most people is difficult. It is causing the player to remember a song in a short period or even a piece of music. The above two issues led to the movement through the 3D movement to play music works is difficult to be promoted, and it is widely used.
                                                      Prototype process From this week, I started to prepare the last prototype of DECO2300.
Through this week's practical explanation, I learned that I had two ways to do my prototype this time.
If I get most of the positive feedback from the past testing, I need to develop some new features or test some of the new functions that the previous prototype does not involve.
If I get most of the negative feedback, I need to continue to do some of the work of the iterative design or redefine the concept.
Let me say that I received most of the negative feedback or positive. I think those previous prototype testing did not meet my expectations of the standard.
concept less coherence of background and rules and the purpose of the game is too singleness.
To make the game more interesting, more practical.
I decided to completely delete the puzzle project, replaced by the game's building blocks project.
This will be two single games, into a coherent game.
And it is more challenging and more challenging to bring together 3D objects than 2D puzzles.
The concept of the concept of memory to the single-sided blueprint, and rely on imagination and memory to complete the housing model construction.
Which makes the game challenging to increase the space, the direction and depth of training are also more significant.
The game is thus more meaningful and exciting.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK-11 [DECO1800]
In the whole PartC, I was only responsible for the graphical design.
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I knew this task is straightforward, but have to admit that interface for user experience is significant.
I am responsible for designing the vessel heading for the Australian background image and the rest of the clickable locations.
In this design I have always stressed the use of oil painting to do all the pictures, that is to give the audience a strong sense of substitution.
To give the audience a better user experience, when I ps all pictures and background as much as possible to ensure its natural.
As the picture is a grid up one by one, so inevitably there will be strange places.
To avoid this problem, I spent nearly 10 hours on trying to do seamlessly.
In fact, I started to use Microsoft's drawing tools to draw their own but later found that the drawing tool cannot bring a long scroll picture.
So I tried to find the right picture directly on Google, but did not find what I wanted, but found some of the images can be used in some parts.
I decided to use Photoshop to put together the background and place.
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The first make out of the picture is elegant, especially the edge part.
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The second time I think, since it can not splice, then use the superposition of the way to complete, looks much better.
I already had an initial frame plan, but I did not have a stereotype.
In the next week, I will re-plan the framework of the site.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK-10 [DECO1800]
This is a pretty hash week, and I think our group got into a bottleneck, problems started to come out, and the codes were just getting harder and harder.
But programming was not my duty for week 10. 
Consider that a lot of groups thought the interface of our website needs to be improved.
Our leader let another member and me to reacher some wonderful website or any other resources about convict life.
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Besides, our website still looked quite empty, it was still not as pretty as how we wanted before everything was started, and I strongly doubt we can finish our idea version on time.
I opened up the deco1400 practice example from last semester and tried to get some helpful ideas. I decided to use JavaScript to make the website looked better and made it more exciting feature for interacting.
I believe the hard time is just, for now, our project will be exceptional when we hand it in, and it will be quite close to the idea version in our heart.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK - 10 [DECO2300]
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I like eat ice cream while sitting on the street.
I can often see clerk rush to prepare the ice cream on ice cream shop in the city centre.
Customers across the wide ice cream cabinet, tell the clerks which taste and size that they want loudly.
In the case of a large number of customers at the same time, the clerks want to hear and repeat the order is a very difficult thing.
When the clerk repeats the customer demand, I noticed that they did not take the mask and that they were not isolated from the ice cream.
It means the clerk is likely to be in the process of talking saliva splashed on the ice cream basin.
That is unsanitary, and it is unqualified as a favourite dessert restaurant.
So I want to launch an ice cream vending machine.
This vending machine can be placed in any large traffic places.
Such as cinemas, airports, shopping malls etc.
The main selling point of this vending machine is fully automatic service and can meet the individual needs.
According to preferences, customers could choose their favourite ice cream tastes, size and even shape.
Given the dessert is a child's favourite, the machine can sell according to the size of the 3D print.
This also avoids artificially digging ice cream balls when creating deviations between each scoop.
This advent of ice cream vending machines will significantly reduce the presence of physical ice cream shop.
If the technical skills of this device can be reached(ice cream quality/insulation technology / 3D printing technology). Then within a few years to occupy the global ice cream market is satisfied.
Such as the promotion of this technology, and change people's awareness of the physical trafficking and the understanding of advanced technology.
                                                         Prototype process
Interactive Prototype II is going to due at the end of the weekend.
I used the template of my last statement of delivery to continue to write the SOD of interactive prototype II.
In this statement of delivery, I will detail the changes I made in this prototype and iterative design.
For example, the interface design and human design aspects of the changes made.
Introduce the iterative design, software and hardware aspects in detailed.
Including what it is, why and how to do it, explain these three points in detail.
The purpose of the prototype I have written before testing it so the test results will not have any questions.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK-9 [DECO1800]
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In last week, we had already done the project B and the presentation.
I do not think the final product as far along as I expected.
On the project C, our most important job is that keep doing the API stuff and build/improve our web pages' interface.
For example, many people do not like the interface design because too may click.
So we need to think about how to improve the interface of our website and use SLQ data as more as possible.
Since now we still did not start working on the final project because of the vocation.
But we will catch up on next week.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK - 9 [DECO2300]
If you want me to design this block, I will do like earrings like "listeners Siri".
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First, the material of this block needs to be plastic and reproducible.
Because the block can be pinched into a variety of shapes into the ear, so that "earphone Siri" can be different with the user's ear shape to make various changes in the elastic and at any time to restore.
One of the earpiece earrings is inserted into the ear to allow users to hear the phone and the message more to protect the user's privacy.
The other microphone earring is convenient for the user to communicate the message.
For example, let Siri make a trip or send text messages to someone
However, there is a problem. Not everyone has ear holes.
Then this product is not applicable to everyone so that I can design it as other convenient small ornaments, such as rings or wireless headphones and so on.
                                                         Prototype process
This week, I wrapped the LEGO house model with a layer of foil.
I almost split the whole Lego model once, each piece of building blocks are wrapped in a layer of tin foil.
And then one by one is reloaded once.
Especially the LEGO building blocks have raised a little bit, so that tin foil is perfect to wrap the building is very difficult.
Although the process is complicated, the effect of human-computer interaction is excellent.
I connect the ground on the makey makey to the LEGO model and connect the Click key to the tweezers.
Finally, makey makey connected with the computer.
This is a success!
So the part of the prototype hardware is completed.
In the next week, I will focus on the statement of delivery.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK - 8 [DECO1800]
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Leader split the big project into a few small parts before our team begun to build the whole project which I introduced in the reflective journal last week.
In this week, I started to create the website and report.
For me, I only need to do the click adventure part.
Other members are going to do the back-end stuff.
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Here are codes for the navigation bar and some of the click adventures.
The page may look a bit rough right now, but it will be improved in future.
The whole process seems pretty good so far, and I did not meet too many problems when I was coding it.
I have successfully made a menu page and a list for adding some texts.
The page did not look very high quality, but it is just fine for now.
And the first thing we need to be careful about is the presentation on next week.
I believe we are going to do a great job.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK - 8 [DECO2300]
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For Tetris, this game is the traditional interactive mode is up, down, left and the right key of the keyboard.
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And, Age of empires is controlled by the mouse.
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General digital games are controlled by the keyboard and mouse, and now many people are accustomed to using Communication Platform on the phone.
Young people are accustomed to the communication platform as a contact tool, so the communication platform interaction needs to use the phone's virtual keyboard.
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However, google drive/doc such software is some shared resources of the software, the user usually on the computer with the mouse to upload files.
On the DECO2300 to learn the interaction, I think it is human-computer interaction.
The first time I understand the concept of human-computer interaction is in the DECO2500 learned.
And in 2300 I learned more about practical knowledge.
In 2300 need to use is makey makey, and makey makey role is to connect physical stuff and computer.
Physical stuff is to liberate the user's dependence on the keyboard and increase the fun of human-computer interaction.
                                                       Prototype process
In the interactive prototype II, I will focus on the game hardware design.
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At present, my idea is to wrap the LEGO model on the foil, so that the entire house model and makey makey is connected to the state can be powered.
Before Friday, I will makey makey borrow, and then think about how to be with the tweezers and house model combination.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK-7 [DECO1800]
In this week, SHMEL drew up the MVP of our project.
The overview of the MVP was divided into four parts.
Load straight into click adventure (vessel selection)
Instead of image-based click adventure, can be list of items to be clicked on
Every time an image is clicked then reduce sentence length (incentive system)
When finished, takes user to quiz
Our leader Sean allotted several tasks to our, and I need to do front-end design and build.
I should do the Location View and Clickable Items View.
These two parts belonged to Click Adventure.
I need to use HTML to build all of the web pages.
For location view, Html list of all the different locations linking to the appropriate page. Incentive system displayed on the page.
In HTML, List of locations with hyperlinks links to specific location page with a back button.
For clickable items view, Html list of clickable items relevant to the location. The incentive system is shown on the page. 
In HTML, List of locations with hyperlinks links to specific location page with a back button.
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There are not javascript or PHP in my tasks, so I think it could be done by two weekends. 
And because of the timeframe was implemented, I believe our team can do better than the last project!
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK - 7 [DECO2300]
From the video prototype to the interactive prototype I, I made a lot of changes in the testing approach.
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                                                           { Video Prototype }
First, I only have a questionary in the video prototype, but I choose observation and survey this two way to collect data from volunteers in the interactive prototype I.
That is because of according to the purpose of this prototype testing, and I want to get both quantitative and qualitative those two kinds of data.
Through observing the real reflection of the volunteers, I could collect the most accurate quantitative data. Through closed type questionnaire survey will be better than an interview, because interview answer is less honest.  
So that quantitative and qualitative data, I finally analyse the results will be more objective and more correct.
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                                                      { Interactive Prototype I }
Secondly, I have done a lot of changes in the questionnaire survey.
On the video prototype, I gave the problem not very deep, and in the interactive prototype I I have targeted to ask questions.
From the video prototype of the six issues extended to the interactive prototype of the eight points, not just the number of changes, but also the depth of the problem made a study.
In the new questionnaires, I covered the interface design and the practicability of the game.
So I can listen to the user's proposal to do a better iteration design.
                                                         Prototype process
About the interactive prototype I, I've pretty much done all of scenes that I need.
Before the deadline for the interactive prototype I, I would like to improve the code, add some comment on the perfect.
On my statement of delivery, I added lots of stuff that I did not write in the last SOD.
For example, I added further analysis in the recap. I wrote the purpose in two aspects that the concept and the testing purpose.
To carefully use the data provided by volunteers, I also offered Informed Consent Form.
In the testing method, I prepared a Pro-Forma Test Plan before testing, which I expected in the player can be completed within a few seconds, whether successful, in the process of completing the error, and the number of help.
In the SOD, I also detailed description of why the use of two ways to get data.
Also, I joined the Proposed test session Protocol this part. This part is a detailed description of how I will test the specified process. So, the number of words and content of SOD will be far more than the last SOD report. I believe that the score will be much better than the last time.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK-6 [DECO1800]
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In this week, each group made a paper prototype for their unfinished website.
We tested paper prototypes which were made by other groups.
And other groups' member would test our team's prototype.
And they gave us some useful advice.
For example, give a tutorial for every step of user choices will be better than no instruction.
This advice is a significant suggestion.
Because of the site is an educational application.
Our website forces on youth children.
However, children might not have enough computer skills to understand how to use this web application.
So, we will apply this suggestion for sure.
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Our group prepare a questionnaire for volunteers before they tested our paper prototype.
We create a survey on google drive that everyone could analyse the summary of the questionnaire.
Near all of the volunteers gave us positive comments.
And we are going to absorb those advises which were provided by some of them.
Besides collecting suggestions from other groups.
I also tested around other groups' prototype.
I have to say, some of the prototypes were brilliant.
I mostly like the music website.
The interface was easy to navigate, and functions are multitudinous.
The interface of the musical website gave me lots of ideas about how to improve ours' better.
When I tested other group's prototype, I notice that there was a group have exactly the same idea with us!
But I believe we will do better than them.
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hanlin98-blog · 7 years
WEEK - 6 [DECO2300]
The second prototype will due in this week.
About My Concept:
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The most prominent progress of my concept is evident the goal of the game design.
I decided to evolve the ordinary game into a purposeful, clear directional high-end game.
“The final installation will be focused on the topic of the brain- hands coordination, an amusing game mash-up.”
This is the ultimate goal of my game.
In my statement of delivery not only joined the topic also joined the situation of concern and "one-sentence problem statement."
In this SOD, I will compare the last time with the different concepts, overview and evaluation.
The Story Of My Works:
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On Tuesday's prac, I asked Steven about the idea of Hangman I made.
I got a negative answer, and I needed to add more scenes to enrich my steps.
So I joined a model of the side of the house and cut a picture of Pikachu into the side of the model.
Although these scenes do not look very fine, it allows players to finish.
In the testing approach, I will set the user to complete the goal, respectively, from the fault tolerance, success rate, time and need to help determine the number of games and the function of the interface is good or bad.
I believe that the statement of delivery will be more detailed than the last time, the score will be better.
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