I’m trapped between shades of black and grey and white and h e is the blinding swirling c o l o r
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“Date someone who is interested in you. I don’t mean someone who thinks you’re cute or funny. I mean someone who wants to know every insignificant detail about you. Someone who wants to read every word you write. Someone who wants hear every note of your favourite song, and watch every scene of your favourite movie. Someone wants to find every scar upon your body, and learn where each one came from. Someone who wants to know your favourite brand of toothpaste, and which quotes resonate deep inside your bones when you hear them. There is a difference between attraction and interest. Find the person who wants to learn every aspect of who you are.”
Anonymous (via hopeless-hugger)
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h i m
H e is c o l o r And b u t t e r f l i e s And h o n e y And l i f e And h a p p i n e s s And every Single Cliché I Could Possibly Spin My Words Into H e is S u n s h i n e That breaks through the clouds After a storm H e is The l a s t l e a f to fall During the winter H e is The r a i n b o w That shines Through a piece of glass Landing on Our empty wooden floors. H e is C h a o s But h e ‘ s W o n d e r f u l Wonderful won/der/ful /ˈwəndərfəl/ Adjective inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration; extremely good; marvelous. Yes. H E I S W O N D E R F U L
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i want nothing more than to hold you in my arms until both our problems disappear and the only thing left is our rhythmic breathing.
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crazy how one person can change your whole mood.
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Can I tell you a secret? I’m a romantic. I have a soft spot for the people I love. I care too much and love recklessly. I am whipped and will forever continue to be. I’ll drown you in love and there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for you.
Even if it means leaving (via rhapsodies-of-the-heart)
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so many stars in the sky and I don't know why they always have to fall on me
- frnkireo andthe cellabration
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“I need someone to hold me, I need someone that needs me, I need someone that loves me.”
— Get It Together (feat. Black Coffee & Jorja Smith) - Drake
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fall in love with ordinary. fall in love with the everyday. fall in love with brown eyes and small towns and a hand full of dandelions. discover. discover the crevices. read the books that aren’t so popular, by little known authors who have a lot to offer. listen to music that makes you think. choose art that is buried in the corner of galleries, or on the street.
teach yourself to love the small things. the special but unnoticed things.
teach yourself how the ordinary is not so ordinary after all.
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a downpour hits the ceiling
I sit underneath the flickering fluorescent lights
of a lonely crowded room
and the sound of the raindrops
gives me an aching in my chest
for something that I can’t explain
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“Sometimes, I feel the past and the future pressing so hard on either side that there’s no room for the present at all.”
— Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited
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