hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
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hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
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hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
Prevrnem očima i produžim dalje.
(via mislim-dakle-pisem)
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hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
Zaželim, pa požalim…
(via mislim-dakle-pisem)
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hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
Kaži za koga čuvaš mjesto u srcu svom?
(via mislim-dakle-pisem)
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hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
Bezosjećajni osjećaju duplo.
- M.W. (via mislim-dakle-pisem)
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hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
~ Hajde malo ~
Hajde malo da ti se sviđam, da mi se sviđaš. Hajde malo da sam ti lijepa, da me gledaš stalno. Hajde malo da mi se smiješiš, da me jedva čekaš vidjeti. Hajde malo da se raspituješ o meni, da me bolje upoznaš. Hajde malo da tražiš priliku da si pored mene, da si mi blizu. Hajde malo da spontano dobiješ moj broj, da mi se javiš. Hajde malo da izađemo sami, da vidiš u meni sve. Hajde malo da se zaljubiš u mene, da se zaljubim u tebe. Hajde malo, bit će nam dobro.
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hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
Stvarno si me imao.
@idi-ako-hoces (via idi-ako-hoces)
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hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
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شيئان يحددان من انت  !
Two things show how you really are  !
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hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
Prophet Ibrahim sacrificed and he was given the Ka'bah. Prophet Musa struggled with Firawn and he was given the splitting of the sea. Prophet Yusuf persevered with slaveship and he was given rule. Prophet Ya'qub was patient with separation and was given reunion. Sayyiduna Zakariyyah was tested with old age and was granted a child who was a Prophet. Sayyiduna Sulayman was grateful so he was granted dominion. Sayyidah Maryam had full convinction in Allah and she was granted a child who spoke in the cradle. عليهم السلام The solution to every one of your problems is with Allah. So many of us are going through a million problems. We’ve got pain, anxiety, obstacles and indescribable worries in our way. I promise you that Allah is in control of every single going on in your life. Will you adopt the characteristics of the Prophets and be rewarded beyond measure or will you be like the devil whose haste caused him to be rejected?
Shaykh Mohammad Aslam (via islamicrays)
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hannahhoodgrier · 7 years
‏ما دام الله معك لا يهمك شخصاً آذاك. As long as Allah is with you, don’t worry about those who hurt you. ما دام الله يحفظك لا تحزن على أحد أهملك As long as Allah is protecting you, don’t become sad over someone who dominates you. وما دام الله يريد لك شيئاً فلن يقف في وجهك شيء أبداً. As long as Allah wants something for you, nothing will ever stand in your way.
(via fromafricatoarabia)
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hannahhoodgrier · 8 years
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892 notes · View notes
hannahhoodgrier · 8 years
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hannahhoodgrier · 9 years
someone: *swears*
me: why don't you fucking stop who the fuck do you think you are asshole
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hannahhoodgrier · 9 years
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hannahhoodgrier · 9 years
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Scott Kalvert, The Basketball Diaries, 1995
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hannahhoodgrier · 9 years
Jbgguhubuojyctgtgjkkojyexrv F I N A L L Y
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