hannahxclark · 7 years
it’s been over a year since i got on this blog.. isn’t it crazy how you can suddenly remember an account and you login, and it takes you back and you realize how much you missed it. and the people you used to rp with... wow
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hannahxclark · 8 years
so the internet at my apartment has broken down which is why i’ve not been able to be on. so i’m currently stuck on my phone, using the wifi at work. but i’ll be back on as soon as my internet returns :////////
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hannahxclark · 8 years
Craving his touch, she let out a big and long breath as his fingers skimmed over the sensitive skin that covered her boobs. Arching her back once more, unintentionally from the pleasure- Hannah turned her head to the side and lifted her arms up above her head. Letting him work his magic, she closed her eyes and only focused on his touch. A slightly louder moan left her mouth as she felt the warmth of his tongue connect with her nipples. A rush of something that felt like fire, went through her body as she looked down at him before she let her head fall back in pleasure again. 
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hannahxclark · 8 years
Hannah wasn’t just saying it because she felt like something needed to be said. Cause it didn’t. In this moment, the silence was bigger than words. But she so desperately wanted to say it, because it was true. She felt enormously lucky to have him in her life. She was never the one to go out and look for a relationship. Never one to crave it or even long for it. But Oli still made her feel like she had. He made her realize that something like this was exactly what she wanted and had waited for, without even knowing it. Nodding softly, she closed her eyes as their lips connected once again. Keeping her hand on the back of his head, Hannah kept him close. Never could she imagine that their morning would turn in to something like this. But she for one, was not complaining. And from what it seemed like, neither was Oli.
Oli was really just a soft touch. He had his beliefs, his opinions, his own thoughts but he was an artist to the core and it made him a little soft. It was maybe a little strange he was so honest, but he felt that it was key in his art, but more importantly in life. That said, he didn’t always follow that rule but that was for another time. His eyelids fluttered a little as he’d reached her chin, but looked up to her as she spoke for the first time in a little while. His smile remained, but became a little more humbled. He scrunched up his nose in the way he always did and let his thumb rest on her forehead and draw small circles across her hairline. “We’re so lucky to have each other, okay?” His fingers tangled in with her hair before he leaned in for another pretty solid performance, genuine and passionate kiss. It was honestly a miracle he wasn’t crippling off the bed with lust at this point, but he wanted everything to be just right, and so he kept that knot in his stomach held firm a while longer.
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hannahxclark · 8 years
She knew what had shaped Oli in to the human he was today. What made him act and be the way he was. The fact that they trusted each other so much, was the main key in what made them work out. Hannah had never felt so free with anyone before. She had always felt like things were held back and there was no real honesty. But it wasn’t like that with Oli. She trusted him 100% in everything he did. In everything he said. Just the fact that he has always been so honest with her, made him so important to her. She chuckled softly as pretty much all of her hair fell over her face as he took off the shirt. She kept her hands above her head and just looked up at him. Raising one hand, she cupped his cheek softly and continued to look him in the eyes, fondly. “I am so lucky to have you.”
Oli had always respected women, he felt like their strength was so deeply founded and impressive and unspoken, that it would be wrong to disrespect that. The fact that he also had a short period where he felt like he completely took advantage of several women, also knocked him back in line and made his perspective clearer again. If he could have read her mind, he would have been so glad, just happy that she felt that way. That she trusted him that much. There were just some situations were something didn’t feel like pressure at all, and this would have been one of those. He flickered his eyes open, smiling a little before he kneeled again and gently pulled her bed shirt over her body and off over her head. Oli felt his heart skip a beat there- drinking her in once more. Not to an extent were it was weird or uncomfortable, just a few moments before he tried to help with the mane of hair that had spread everywhere. The feeling of skin on skin was so much more intense, he felt goosebumps rise all up his arms in almost a matter of seconds, but he stayed chill enough to patter kisses from her forehead down to her chin with a smile on his face.
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hannahxclark · 8 years
Hannah nodded at his words. It almost surprised her how much respect he had for her. In previous relationships she had never experiences anything like it. He always made sure she was okay with whatever he was doing, and it made her heart melt just a little bit more. Even though Hannah had only been in one serious relationship, she had still been with other guys. But never had she experienced anything like when she was with Oli- and the way he treated her. She made her feel so safe and so at ease. Something she couldn’t quite explain- and never be able to thank him for. Unlocking her arms from around his neck, Hannah nodded slowly. Disconnecting her lips from his for a moment, she lifted up her arms so he could pull off her top.
“Well that is a relief. But yes, I think I can agree with that. A solid team, nobody can beat us.” It was nice to be healthy with someone the way they were with each other. To a degree, it was probably one of the things about Hannah that made him so happy- nothing felt wrong. He was so used to things being not right in his past, in his family, with the people he loved, but with her, everything was just the way it was supposed to be. And she opened his mind up to a different dimension and took it away from his past. He didn’t think about his future, it terrified him, but the more time he spent with her, the more positive he felt himself become as a whole. Even in the moment, he was surprisingly relaxed. He hadn’t even expected that from himself, but it felt natural and comfortable for them both. The new year might have helped. He smirked at the moan that escaped her- admittedly it wasn’t what he’d anticipated, but it was sort of better. He swiftly moved his lips down to focus on her lower one, dragging it out a little between his teeth, but being careful to be light. Oli managed to hold it for a few more seconds before leaning forward again and pecking her lips in quick kisses. His hands trailed up her legs again, and both slipped either side of her upper body, beneath her shirt. He didn’t want to go too confidently, so he stopped his hands around her ribcage, kissing her slowly still and humming in an ask for permission.
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hannahxclark · 8 years
“I can live with it though. I mean we pretty much drive each other nuts from time to time. Still like you though, at the end of the day. We make a good team.” Hannah smiled. It was one of the main reasons why Hannah felt nothing but positivity in her relationship with Oli. They worked so well together. To call them some sort of power couple was pretty much an understatement. What she had with Oli was so different to anything she had experienced before. They didn’t rush anything. And the fact that they knew each other so well, before labeling themselves and boyfriend and girlfriend- was a large part of what helped them. Hannah almost felt the urge to laugh. Not in a bad way. Just that, she had imagined what this sort of interaction with Oli would be like. And it seemed to be the one thing that she never really could get a clear image of. One thing was sure though, it was even better than she could imagine. Feeling like she could crumble under his touch, Hannah closed her eyes again. The heat from his exposed skin made her feel even warmer than previously, if possible. Feeling the small tickle of his finger, made a soft and unexpected moan travel from the back of her throat to her lips again. 
“I’ve driven more people crazy before too. I’d say it’s a talent but it’s probably more like a curse. I know, babe.” He chuckled. There was a certain ease and just relaxed feeling that Oli got from spending time with Hannah, which he adored. Usually the only thing that kept him sane was his art, but now he didn’t have to put so much pressure on that, which was somewhat of a luxury. It was one of those being in a relationship with your best friend scenarios, and in all honesty it was the first time he was doing it this way. But he was very glad. Oli’s shape was essentially that of a cuddly toy, so he knew he was good at hugs, he was sure of it. He wasn’t particularly ticklish, definitely not like Hannah was, but his skin was still sensitive around his tummy, so when her fingers ran up his body he twitched a little, crinkling his nose as he hadn’t planned for that. He lowered back down carefully as she tugged him closer to her, and smiled into the kiss. Her skin was beautiful and soft and amazing to kiss and touch, but it just couldn’t compare to the touch of her lips. He let his hand travel back down to her leg, since it was surprisingly not too awkward to get to whilst attentively kissing her. He had ulterior motives that would very soon be disclosed, but for almost a whole minute of patience, he rubbed his thumb on her outer thigh, eventually sliding his fingers to the back and almost maliciously, giving it a quick tickle- just to see how she’d react.
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hannahxclark · 8 years
“At least you drive someone else insane and not just me then. This is very comforting you know. I was starting to get worried. I’m only joking.” Even though there were times they probably did drive each other insane, it always had some sort of positive outcome. Hannah enjoyed it though. Being able to joke around and tease with him. In all honesty, she felt like she had never laughed as much ever, as she had done during this time of knowing Oli. Hannah’s previous relationship had scarred her forever, to say the least. There had been times when she had been more worried about ever getting over what happened- than finding someone new. Hannah never went out looking for a relationship. Cause she had doubted if she could even deal with one. But somehow, Oli had just helped her push all those thoughts aside. He made her forget all of it- and he didn’t even know it. He was something new. Like a fresh start for her. When his hands disconnected from her body, her eyes opened up immediately. A small smirk appeared on her face as he took off his shirt. Hannah loved that Oli wasn’t super ripped. She had never been in to that. He was strongly built, and toned just enough. Reaching her hands out, she traced her fingers alongside his stomach and worked them up to around his neck once more- before gently pulling him down, and in for another kiss.
“I would for a while but y’know, I’ve got experience in talking to myself too and it does happen that I drive myself insane. But sometimes it would be nice to just watch in silent beauty, I must admit.” He scrunched up his nose, his lips quirking up in a cheeky smile. Oli had been in a few relationships in the past, and as much as he had enjoyed them at the time, he’d never been able to be himself. To be so honest, so playful and just content as he was and felt with Hannah. He couldn’t name just one thing that made her so special to him, and it was cheesy and gross and he’d never say that out loud, but it was true. As Oli had been tracing down her neck, he’d hit her artery for a few kisses and he had vaguely noticed her pulse, but it hadn’t been his focus this time. Maybe it had subconsciously put him more at ease. His lips quirked up into a smile at the quiet sound of her laughter, which had nudged his abdomen a little as it left her stomach. He stroked her back, down her spine in one slow movement before he pulled it away and kneeled upright for a second, pulling his shirt off- the heat was getting to him a little, even if it was pretty much entirely self inflicted. He wasn’t ripped, there was a little bit of tum there, but overall Oli was pretty decently built- strong shoulders at least. 
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hannahxclark · 8 years
“Oh please. You’d love a bit of me being silent. Like you get to speak without me always being against you. And no teasing whatsoever. Me just sitting there- not saying a word. You’d enjoy it too much. I know it.” It seemed like Hannah was always speaking against herself in some way. At the same time she knew she could because Oli understood it. The sarcasm was something they had begun to build their relationship on. It’s what at first connected them, the first time the spoke at the bar. No matter how weird that was- it was true. The constant bickering and teasing was some part of what kept them going strong. Keeping her eyes closed, she followed the sensation of his touch. The feeling of it being more than enough for her to visualize it all in her mind. Hannah was almost able to feel his heartbeat against her. She was however sure of the fact that by now, he could hear the raising pace of her own pulse. A soft smirk, followed by a chuckle escaped her swollen lips as he spoke. Normally Hannah was one to always just shake off compliments. But it was different coming from him. She had learnt his voice. Learnt that he truly meant it. And there was never a time when he didn’t. It always made her heart skip a beat. Something she hadn’t quite gotten used to yet. And quite frankly, probably never would.
“Mhm, yeah me too. I mean I’d probably love you writing on a piece of paper for like an hour but I have a feeling it’d make communicating a challenge. Thank you, I appreciate that. Alright, I’ll take your word. I’m more a bath person for thought, maybe that’s why I don’t get it.” For some reason, he was being much less argumentative than usual. Maybe it was the fact that he was just in a good mood. Honestly, he couldn’t tell, but he was glad- he felt content and oddly at peace. Oli chuckled softly as she seemed to respond with another layer of sarcasm- something that always impressed him. He didn’t know many people that matched his, let alone surpass it. As time moved on, Oli was coming to realise that Hannah really relished in neck kisses, which was definitely a handy thing to know for the future. He smiled against the skin by her collarbones, where he’d managed to work himself down to by this point, as she arched her back. He let his hand slip to support her lower back, letting his abdomen rest against her stomach as he started working progressively down her body. He savoured every part of her- unable to help himself. The female body - the curves the shapes the softness, had always fascinated him. A lot of the time it’s where his art focused. Once his lips had reached the v-line of her t-shirt, he stopped for a moment, principally to calm down. He was calm but his heart always had a way of racing irrationally. He simply paused, still holding her the way he had been for the past minute or so, and just breathed against the pampered skin. He leaned his nose against her, his eyelashes flickering by her collarbones, mumbling into her skin: “You’re so beautiful.”
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hannahxclark · 8 years
“I feel like your vocal chords would probably need a rest after that amount of time too. They’re important things, whether you can sing or not. But good, I don’t want your ears bleeding, I’d panic. I don’t understand how that’s physically possible, but whatever you say, babe.” Oli was a bit more of a bath kid. His mother used to run them in an attempt to save water for years when he and Oli were little kids. Eventually it became a little more complicated to explain so he would get his own bath, but one luxury he had as a kid was toys to play with in the water. It was only small, but still one of the very few childhood memories he had.·“Wonderful- it’s like we were matched for that exact reason or something!” His tone was sarcastic, it was bound to be eventually. He refrained himself from kissing every inch of her face for a few moments and pulled himself up so he could meet her eyes. A small, vaguely satisfied looking, smirk drew to his lips and he pressed a kiss to hers for a few elongated moments.·“M’glad to hear it.” The words slurred off his tongue a little as he realised that his lips had swollen from all the kissing. Not that that was going to stop him. Oli’s hand now felt a little more at ease as he leaned back to her neck, sprinkling kisses down the side, mixing in some deeper ones, sucking on the skin a little but never enough to leave a hickey. All this whilst his hand that had previously been on zee booty traveled down her leg in a first instance, before reaching back up to her hip and following the natural curve of her body.
“That is true. I could never put them through so much drama. I quite like having a voice and being able to speak. I’ll try not to make it happen. Can’t gurantee anything. But I’ll try. It is babe. Stand there long enough and let your mind travel. Then once you’re thrown back in to reality- that’s when you realize how cold it is.” Hannah shrugged. She often let her mind wonder. Probably for far too long. Her mind seemed to always be clogged up with various thoughts and things. And it seemed like whilst being in the shower, was her only way to clear her mind.·“Oh my god. Totally. It makes so much sense!” Hannah’s voice was overly sarcastic, matching Oli’s in that case. If not even more·excessive than his was. Looking up at him, her own lips couldn’t help but to pull up in to a soft smile. Some sort of nerves were shooting through her body. Not nervous exactly, more so exciting. Like lightning or fire. She knew it wouldn’t take him long to come to the conclusion that neck kissing was one of her bigger weaknesses. Biting down on her bottom lip, her back arched up a few millimeters from the mattress- caused by the pleasure of his lips against her soft skin. Closing her eyes, Hannah leaned her head, facing away from him- so he could somewhat get access to a larger part of her neck.
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hannahxclark · 8 years
“Well I don’t actually sing for a full 60 minutes. By the time I reach 30, I would be making my own ears bleed. So don’t worry, you didn’t miss much actually. That is true. Sometimes I stand in there so long that I don’t even realize the water’s gone cold.” She had always been fond of long showers. When she was younger, it was one of her ways to escape reality. To just lock herself in the bathroom, away from all the drama. And either just think and let her thoughts flow, or not thing at all, and clear her head. “It’s like the awkward tension just fills the room up. But thankfully neither have I never gotten anything thrown in my face.” Hannah opened her eyes as their lips parted, and took a few deep breaths. Intwining her finger in the back of her hair, she nodded slowly. “I will. But right now- I don’t think there’s anything you can do that I won’t like.” Hannah knew what she wanted. She was definitely the one that would say if something felt wrong, and she knew that Oli knew that as well. But she trusted Oli. If she didn’t, she would never have been in this position- alongside him.
“Never under 60 minutes? So I only caught a snippet of your singing escapade? I can’t tell if I’m more shocked or impressed. Short showers are fine, I mean that water doesn’t usually cut out if you have a short one. From experience. You could raise more money than Adele when it comes to hair, that is a fact.” Oli chuckled a little and nodded. “Indeed. To be honest nobody’s even thrown a beer in my face but I’ve seen it happen enough that I get like, second hand embarrassment.” Surprisingly, that was the truth, at least he hadn’t gotten anything in the face, mostly spilled all down his front and arms. In truth his brain had mostly switched off from all intellect, he wasn’t thinking about what he was doing and essentially, just acted on instinct. He just knew that if Hannah wasn’t comfortable she’d tell him that. At least that’s what he hoped. Oli clung onto the kiss for as long as he could, but eventually he needed to come up for air or he was gonna get extremely light headed. He took some deep breaths, pecking at areas of her skin, mostly around her cheeks, her earlobe and then the meeting of her jawline again. “If I do… anything you don’t like, just tell me, okay?” The words were breathy and throaty but he preferred to have them said than regret them later. As a young man with a fairly functional libido, he knew where he wanted this to go, even if it didn’t reach the ultimate, some build up would be nice. He just wanted to make sure it was nothing unwanted.
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hannahxclark · 8 years
Hannah rolled her eyes and nodded her head. Not in a rude manner. More so that she knew he was right. She was actually surprised she hadn’t fallen over someone in the staircase and probably knocked them back to the bottom. “I’d be scared of myself for that. One day I’ll probably cause someone else trouble with my ability of falling all the time.” Giving her neck a bit of a stretch, as it was quite still from lying on the couch she nodded once again. “It is of course. But this was more so a nap. It did. I’m quite a light sleeper so it doesn’t take much to wake me. Especially not in the day time.”
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“I’d be scared of that.” It’s almost a joke, though his voice holds no sort of cue within it to make it that, completely devoid of inflection. The only indication that he’s being facetious is the fact that he’s bigger than she is, and he shifts back, wrapping an arm over his stomach and toying with his opposite sleeve as he peers worriedly down the right side of the hall, the direction he’d been heading in. This is stupid. This is probably extremely stupid. “How is sleeping not extremely important? Also, did my knocking wake you?” He’s impressed if so. Isaac has to set three alarms in the morning to even have a hope of getting up on time. He’s awful.
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hannahxclark · 8 years
“Ain’t that quite right. I certainly hope they don’t upgrade it anytime soon- even though it would be needed. I’m quite pleased with the rent I have to pay. No need for it to be bigger.” Even though the place wasn’t the most modern house on the street, it was definitely one of the most affordable ones. She put down the cloth on a table nearby. “Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”
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Malcolm bites back both a chuckle and an approving nod as he watches Hannah compulsively clean a smudge on her doorway trim.  He can sympathize completely with the need to wipe it away.  “Somethin’ like that,” Mal concedes with a little chuckle under his breath, “It’s certainly in need of some updating, but then I guess if these digs had all the latest and greatest they wouldn’t exactly fall into the low rent category.”  It’s fairly clear that most of the residents wouldn’t be here if they had a better option.
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hannahxclark · 8 years
“No not 15 hours. But like one hour. My showers are really never under 60 minutes. Unless I’m in a rush. Which is never. Cause I hate short showers. That is true. Plus I could raise more money than her with donating hair. Seeing as I got more hair than she does.” Hannah stated, nodding her head with a proud smile. “They are disgusting. The only free drinks they get are the ones that are thrown in their faces.” Hannah had never actually thrown a drink in any of her customers face, only seen them do it to each other. Even if she had felt to urge to do it, several times. Ever since the start, they had decided to take things slow. Something that she knew was going to be healthy for the both of them, and their relationship. Hannah knew the consequences that could come from rushing things. At this point, it felt like they had taken things slow for a good amount of time, and it didn’t feel rushed. She could feel his hand, but did not feel the urge to move it, therefor letting him keep it there. 
“This is true. A matter of fact thing. A 15 hour shower sounds heavenly at any time of the day, though. I’m sure you could beat Adele at plenty of things. You’d definitely beat her if you put her behind a bar.” Oli grinned brightly. “Indeed, and then the demand for free drinks start. Totally unbelievable, they’re like animals.” Oli didn’t even think twice about what Hannah was saying, because he knew all to well that it was true. He dealt with the same thing and sometimes venting really helped. He’d also been sent off to break up sex, inside smoke, the whole works. Drunk people were savages. But he put the thoughts behind him as his mind was blurred in the moment. Oli sighed breathlessly as she tugged on his lip and crashed his lips back onto hers with a certain fire. Although Oli loved how he and Hannah had always interacted before now, this kind of physical contact, even though still early stages, was something he craved. He never admitted to it, but he could feel his heart pumping in his chest, and his lungs heaving, but he wouldn’t have changed it. He went in for a cheeky butt grab at one point, and stayed there quite contently until Hannah would push him off.
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hannahxclark · 8 years
“Yeah of course, go ahead.” She nodded at him holding up the wipes. At the moment he definitely needed them more than she did. Wet wipes were one of the things Hannah always had at spare. Seeing as she was one to spill at least one thing every day- they always came in handy. “Oh- are you studying to be a doctor?” Hannah questioned, looking over at him for a second. She put a few of her used wipes in the cardboard box, figuring he wasn’t gonna use it for much- before taking another wipe and continued to help him clean up. “You don’t have to worry about it. It’s totally fine. I wouldn’t just pass you and not help. I may be cruel sometimes. But definitely not that cruel. And I do feel quite sorry for you. Pizza is after all one of the better things in this world. I’ll order you a new one.”
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Down In the Valley|Hannah and Remi
@hannahxclark || continued from: x
“I just… this is not my day. All I wanted was the pizza and a really long almost hot shower. Thanks though,” he darts a glance in her direction before tossing a handful of cheese and sauce into the cardboard box, “for the help. I’m not usually this uncoordinated. At least I hope not, or I’m about to be the world’s worst doctor.” Remiel frowns, studying the massacre of his dinner, or what remains of it, as it sits in the box. He heaves a sigh before tugging a few wipes out of the pack she was kind enough to retrieve. “I can use these right,” he holds them up to show her just to make sure he does have permission to use them before he starts cleaning with them. 
“Hey listen miss, I can’t really afford another twenty bucks for pizza but uh, if you want I can probably get us some Taco Bell or something. Y’know, as a thank you for helping me. It’s really kind of you.” 
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hannahxclark · 8 years
hey lovelies. i will be back tomorrow to get my replies done. i’ve had my first few days off in absolute ages and guess what? i get the flu. so i’ve been trying to stay away from technology as much as possible cause my current headache isn’t making it any better. but i’ve decided to feel better tomorrow. aka i’m giving myself no other choice cause i’m sick of being sick. alright with that i am off to bed for SLEEP THANK HEAVEN. i love you all and will be back tomorrow<3
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hannahxclark · 8 years
“I know you don’t. But who does? I feel like I should stand in the shower for about 15 hours every time I come home. It’s probably the only thing I would win against her, but at least it’s something.” Hannah nodded proudly. “That is true. Once they realize no other guests wants any interaction with them, they move on and harass us with it instead.” Even though it seemed as if she complained a lot, at the end of the day it was only the truth. She had spent way too many hours listening to drunk old men talking about nothing of her interest. Hannah tugged a bit on his bottom lip as he moved her leg. Her hand now moved from his cheek to run through his hair and then connect with her other hand, locking around his neck, keeping him close. They had been in similar situations before. But nothing quite as intense. Hannah was however not one to complain at the current state they were in.
“Well I’m glad you think so, that’s also a little reassuring, because I really don’t feel that hot after working for eight hours. Sure, she has a tinge of ginger in there. Absolutely, you do win the hair game against Adele, no doubt about it.” Oli watched as her hair fell back after she pulled her fingers through it, smiling contently at the curves. “To be fair by the time they reach us they’re not particularly polite either, from experience.” He noticed the slight alteration in her tone as she said that, so he calmed down a little. “My pleasure, as always.” It felt nice to have her gently tracing different parts of his skin with her fingertips- it was light and soft. By this time, Oli was so close to Hannah’s body that there was barely an inch between them. Oli’s lips curled at the corners as she moaned into the kiss. The deepening of the kiss caused him to inhale a little deeper through his nose once, but he handled it like a champ. He let his hand surround her leg in a firm grip, guiding it to hook over him.
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