hannburger · 5 years
ok so i have updates tumblr just confuses tf outta me
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hannburger · 5 years
why do the links on the masterlist keep disappearing????
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hannburger · 5 years
ngl im used to twitter aus i have No Idea how to make it look pretty on tumblr so ive resorted to reordering some parts and removing others completely also... ten pictures max?????? my first update on twitter was 30 :[
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hannburger · 5 years
most likely ill pace myself because i have a bunch in my camera roll atm but i’ll run out eventually
i can probably update daily for maybe two weeks???
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hannburger · 5 years
i can probably update daily for maybe two weeks???
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hannburger · 5 years
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(master) - profiles2 / two
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hannburger · 5 years
a little lazy rn so ill put up the first update in a little while <3
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hannburger · 5 years
if i posted a twitter au here? i have the whole plot planned and three updates completed that ive posted on twitter already. it’s hyunsung And changlix? yes? or should i make a new blog
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hannburger · 5 years
side profiles - (2/2)
1. hyunjin and changbin’s friend group
minho - seungmin - jeongin
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2. jisung’s friend group
woojin - chan (woojin, changbin, and jisung follow his private)
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3. big accs
3racha: popular anonymous soundcloud rap trio composed of chan, changbin, and jisung. only woojin knows their identities
CUP1DBOT: anonymous message sending account run by hyunjin
+ archery: felix, hyunjin and minho’s extracurricular. heads up: i know nothing about archery
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everyone is in high school
seniors: woojin, chan
juniors: minho, changbin
sophomores: hyunjin, jisung, felix (new student), seungmin
freshman: jeongin
(master) - profiles1 / one
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hannburger · 5 years
main profiles - (1/2)
1. jisung - chan and changbin follow his private
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2. hyunjin - seungmin follows his private
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3. changbin - chan and jisung follow his private
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4. felix - minho and jeongin eventually follow his private
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(master) - profiles2
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hannburger · 5 years
a hyunsung / changlix au
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jisung and felix use the anonymous message sending account, CUP1DB0T. what they don’t know is that hyunjin runs the account.
profiles1 - profiles2 - one - two - three ...
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hannburger · 5 years
5 frustrating workshop rules that made me a better writer
Throughout the 15 workshops I joined in college and grad school, I encountered two types of writing rules.
First, there were the best-practice guidelines we’ve all heard, like “show don’t tell.” And then there were workshop rules, which the professor put in place not because they’re universal, but because they help you grow within the context of the workshop.
My college’s intro writing course had 5 such rules:
No fantasy, supernatural, or sci-fi elements.
No guns.
No characters crying.
No conflict resolution through deus ex machina.
No deaths.
When I first saw the rules, I was baffled. They felt weirdly specific, and a bit unfair. But when our professor, Vinny, explained their purpose (and assured us he only wanted us to follow the rules during this intro workshop, not the others to come), I realized what I could learn from them.
1. No fantasy, supernatural, or sci-fi elements.
Writers need to be able to craft round characters, with clear arcs. While you can hone those skills writing any type of story, it can be more difficult when juggling fantastical elements, because it’s easy to get caught up in the world, or the magic, or the technology, and to make that the focus instead of the characters. So Vinny encouraged us to exclude such elements for the time being, to keep us fully focused on developing strong, dynamic characters.
2. No guns.
Weapons have a place in many stories, but when writers include a gun, they often use it to escalate the plot outside of the realm of personal experience and into what Vinny called “Hollywood experience.” He wanted us to learn how to draw from our own observations and perceptions of life, rather than the unrealistic action, violence, and drama we’d seen in movies, so he made this rule to keep us better grounded in our own experiences.
3. No characters crying.
When trying to depict sadness, writers often default to making characters cry. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, tears are just one way to show grief, and they aren’t always the most subtle or emotionally compelling. That’s why Vinny challenged us to find other ways to convey sadness — through little gestures, strained words, fragile interactions, and more. It was difficult, but opened us up to depicting whole new gradients of grief and pain.
4. No conflict resolution through deus ex machina.
This is the only one of the rules I’d say is generally universal. Meaning “God from the machine,” deus ex machina is a plot device where a character’s seemingly insurmountable problem is abruptly resolved by an outside force, rather than their own efforts. These endings are bad for various reasons, but Vinny discouraged them because he wanted us to understand how important it was for our characters to confront their struggle and its consequences.
5. No deaths.
Death is inherently dramatic and can be used to good effect, but many writers use death as a crutch to create drama and impact. Writers should be able to craft engaging, meaningful stories, even without killing off their characters, so this rule challenged us to find other methods of giving weight to our stories (such as through internal conflict).
How these rules helped me grow as a writer
First things first, I’ll say it again: apart from #4 (deus ex machina), these rules were never meant to be universally applied. Instead, their purpose was to create temporary barriers and challenges to help us develop key skills and write in new, unfamiliar ways.
For me, the experience was invaluable. I liked the way the rules challenged and stretched my abilities, driving me to write stories I’d have never otherwise attempted. They made me more flexible as a writer, and while I don’t follow the rules anymore (I LOVE me some fantasy), I’ll always be thankful for how they shaped my writing.
My recommendation to you?
Give some of these rules a shot! Follow them temporarily while writing 2-4 short stories — but remember to always keep their purpose in mind, because the rules themselves will only help if you understand what they’re trying to achieve.
Write with purpose, and you’ll always be growing.
— — —
For more tips on how to craft meaning, build character-driven plots, and grow as a writer, follow my blog.
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hannburger · 5 years
i’ve been posting a social media au on twitter and i want to post it here; i’m just so lazy about tags ahhh
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hannburger · 5 years
i started my first kpop fic with no plot, no direction other than the general idea of “tattoo au but maybe with gang members”, and honestly no idea who the tattoo artist is going to be... here’s the first 159 words aka all i have
“So in short, you’re basically telling me you want the cheesiest tattoo ever.”
“No, it’s sentimental!”
Felix fixed him with an expression that can only read as oh, honey. “You want an infinity sign… on your wrist. The door is right there.” The door in question opened, bells jingling as another customer entered.
Jisung paused his admittedly shitty latte art, having graduated from doing shapeless hearts to creating even more undefined rosettas, to mull over Felix’s objection. “I’m still going to get it.”
“Alright, bro, I won’t argue with you. But don’t come crying to Felix when the tattoo artist laughs you out of his shop.” He left to take the new customer’s order at the register.
“It’s creepy to refer to yourself in the third person!” Jisung called after him, trailing off awkwardly as a few of the shop’s more elderly patrons glanced at him in disapproval. He prayer they didn’t hear him as he muttered, “Ok, boomer.”
He did not get laughed out of the shop. But he came pretty damn close.
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hannburger · 5 years
stay 🤝 nctzens
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