hanrolld · 16 days
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hanrolld · 26 days
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"nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them" Assata Shakur
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hanrolld · 26 days
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!!! Remember to get some rest !!!
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hanrolld · 26 days
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Japanese Sade “Love Deluxe” Poster
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hanrolld · 1 month
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I know I said I was going to be responsable but my job is really demanding, lucky for me I have big news! ITS MY BIRTHDAY! (It’s like 12:14 so it’s already not my but bday) I was so happy and excited that I forgot to write about it, I’m so grateful for my life and my accomplishments and I think I can keep getting better at everything I do, I will get better at writing here and exercising, swimming, loving everything, but I have accomplished so many thing and I have survived so many things that they just make want to keep on living and enjoying life with others, thank you, I had a small gathering so it was amazing, good night, love you! Say it back!
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hanrolld · 2 months
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What do you mean 29???? Damn… my candidate for the elections didn’t win but not bc of votes… bc of fraud… it was a busy day, i when to a near by city with my friend to do some shopping bc my mom told me I didn’t have clothes (bc I use the same every day (not literally)) so we had a great time, I buyer so much cinnamoroll trinkets… yeah… the we just came to our city and part ways, I came home showed my mom my things and she approved, the me and my mom when to the pool so I can swim, it was FULL of people, I had to share with 4 people and they weren’t so nice… I had the se sensation they were making fun of me bc they swam really nice and I do what I can I’m not going to lie lol… but the I thought “they don’t actually care bc the spotlight is not on me” that helped a lot, to stop thinking what other think of you, after swimming I came home, showered, ate, and now I’m ready to sleep at 11:00pm that’s great, love you say it back!
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hanrolld · 2 months
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home day, my new job closes Sunday and Monday it’s amazing, I felt a little lazy but managed to go to the last session of swimming of the day, the place was full and I had to share the pool but the dude was like I just didn’t exist so yeah, after that I when home to eat bqq and rest all day haha, also it was the elections of my country of origin and I prayed so hard for the right candidate to win(he didn’t) love you say it back!
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hanrolld · 2 months
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hello! I’m really really excited this day was so awesome! I woke up and got ready to go the solidarity kitchen (we cook food and serve the homeless) I worked there until my reunion with the scouts but one of the mates offered me a job!!! I was so exited and of course said yes! Then I when to the reunion and played with the kids and had a good time, after that my new boss called me to ask me if I wanted to go right there to the restaurant and I said yea without thinking, went home changed and ran to where they were to go together, it’s like a 10 minute ride to the place bc it’s a neighboring town, we didn’t have electricity but the place was full I made my sushi I was nervous so I didn’t impress much but everyone as so hearthwarming and kind I loved that, after 6:00pm no more guest came so my boss gave me a ride home i told him I was happy and grateful, he said he was happy for me helping him so it was nice, after that I wanted to go swimming but my mom said it was too late so… I didn’t go, and then zzzz, love you say it back!
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hanrolld · 2 months
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My days are following a weird routine that I don’t even like, I woke up to meet with my friend I arrived late duh, we went to the pool place I when to swim and my friend just wanted to ask some questions bc she has a lot of piercings, after that we walked a little and I came home to eat and basically be on my bed all day, I need to do something with my life I need a job or a hobbie idk, I also had a reunion with my teammates from scout and I was quite productive so yeah, now I’m crying bc a manga a read so I’m going to sleep, love you, say it back
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hanrolld · 2 months
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I woke up late but I managed to get ready at time to clean a little and excercise, yesterday my Sade shirt arrive so I got to wear it Yeppie!, I also helped my mom with lunch it was so good, I rested my food and got ready to go to the pool, I arrived a little off time but managed to get in, we had a good time but the chlorine levels of the water was too high so our face burned a lot, after that I went to the mall to see if a cd I want arrived but it didn’t damn it, then I came home and that’s all lol love my life, but I also need to look for a job, also this past days I’ve been meeting people by accident and they look so cheerful to see me and say hi to me it so cute, love you say it back!
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hanrolld · 2 months
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today was and amazing day with amazing things and I felt sooo grateful for today, I woke up and took my time to get ready to get to the pool and I was amazing I felt really like when I was 10 swimming in an Olympic pool, also everyone is so nice, I’m waiting for the to open the gym so I can get both swimming and gym Yeppie, after swimming I walked home and it was soooo good I feel so happy and thankful of everything in my life it was such a nice sensation, after I when to buy some groceries and came home to eat and start preparing for the project for my neighbor and we did what we can with the info we had, we still need to sort some thing for it’s good, I had a little argument with my mom and I felt really guilty after so I stayed home with her, love you, say it back!
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hanrolld · 2 months
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Sorry for being inactive
Sorry but not updating I’m really, this past 22 days I’ve been really hard on myself, I have felt, emotional, sad, super joyful and upbeat, it’s just a mix (I wanted to say mess but that sounds too negative) of things, but I have learn from my own mistakes and experience some new things so I will try to keep this journal as long as I can, I feel more confident and productive, I have change my diet, I already ate healthy but now I lowered carbohydrates so it’s like keto, I don’t know if I wrote it but I quit my job and now it’s always me and my mom all day in the house we get along well but we usually butt heads, the weather got a little better but it still really cold and also most of the things I’ve been experiencing it’s due seasonal depression so I don’t worry too much bc I know theses feelings are temporal so I need to focus in the now and keep going, also I took a project for my neighbor to make him a web page and it’s going sooooo good I have been doing the work and investigating so I’m happy with my work, I also started going swimming to a pool and I go walking so it’s really good exercise so I’m happy with that I have lost many of my knowledge in swimming so I just have to keep improving, I also been reminiscing a little too much of my past, it started with me buying a charger for an old console of mine and now remembering my island and wishing I was there with my nowself it would be amazing so I’ll keep praying for that, thank you for reading and remember that I love you and please say it back!
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hanrolld · 3 months
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   x GAL x  💿  ✩  °。🍡  ✮
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hanrolld · 3 months
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I didn’t wanted June to go that fast… so… yeah… I stayed home all day basically and I decided to make an effort and start a diet… yeah I know I’m crazy… anyways I literally was in my computer all day so… love you, say it back!
Another day inside of my house and day 2 of the diet I guess, I’m no longer eating bread just eating healthy, my mom bought some keratin for my hair so she put it on me and she liked it I guess, after the day focusing in a video about Java and spring (programming stuff) I decided to go out and have a walk with myself which I did but my mom wasn’t really happy about it, she doesn’t like when I go out late in the winter but I needed to go out, I bought some unnecessary things in the Chinese store and then checked some stores also I lost a pair of earring (fake ones lmao) but then I got home and ate some integral bread that was really delicious honestly, eating healthy it’s good, love you, say it back!
My relationship with my mom is going down a little bit I think it’s bc she is on the house 24/7 now… idk honestly we get along fine but out of nowhere she picks fights with me that make me sad… today I needed to go to the dentist and my mom was annoying me hard to be ready quickly, we got there 10 minutes late but no problem i got in, the doctor said there was so resin between some teeth so she fixed it and told me she was worried bc my mouth it’s the mouth of a 35 yo male… I was devastated… I don’t smoke but she told me it was bc of my pH and bacteria in my mouth… after the dentist me and my mom walked in the center of the city to buy groceries, it was raining and my jacket wasn’t waterproof so yeah… we got home and started making lunch it was amazing, salad with chicken is amazing btw I fasted today, anyways the I stayed all afternoon in my computer and exercise, after that I ate dinner some pita bread with a lot of stuffing, I cleaned the kitchen and now I’m writing this, I need to keep posting and updating, love you say it back!
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hanrolld · 3 months
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lmao a 4 days update… anyways let’s get to it I do remember what I did, I woke up and started getting ready for going to the solitary kitchen where we make food for those in need, it’s a service we do with my scout group it was amazing we did so much things and everything came up perfectly, sadly I told my boss I was going to work that day so I when home to talk to my parents bc there was a reunion about a camp in Poland that cost literally 5 thousand dollars and my dad told me that he was disappointed that I still visualize myself in this city in chile he thinks I should visualize myself in other country with better opportunities… he was right but I still wanted to go to that camp in 2027… anyways after that I got a little down so I stayed in my room I wanted to go out bc the day was amazing but I gave up I felt sick and needed to go to work so I when and did my job and at the end of the service I told my boss that I won’t be able to keep working there bc the stress that the place was giving me was astronomical so I better step aside… he took it well so… yeah, love you, say it back!
last work day, I didn’t got up until like 11 and my shift started at 12 so… yeah, I got there and started working but my boss was mad at me like I could tell, he ask me to do the most work lmao, I’m quitting and you want me to do everything??? Sorry miss thing not going to work, I did the bare minimum. By the end of the shift I was seasoning some rice and he ask me very annoyed “is that the right amount?” I look at him like “b**** tf?” U was going so say “I’m checking” but he interrupted me saying “respond me, don’t make faces at me, respond me” I bit my tongue and keep working, by the end of the day I told him bye and see him in another universe (maybe in one where he isn’t a little b****) when I got home I told my dad he was happy but told me to look for another job… lmao… love you, say it back!
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hanrolld · 3 months
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my boss ask me to come in earlier (I go to work at 5 pm on Thursdays, this time I when at 12 pm) I didn’t really do anything in the morning before work I worked out and the when to work, I ate good and I’m trying to do a kinda diet so I’m trying not to snack but it’s really difficult…
I don’t want June to go honestly I feel like I’m losing so much time… I woke up late and I work up angry idk why, like I didn’t want to do anything, my mom ask me to grab wood at 11:30 and I haven’t even shower + my boss told me to open myself bc he was in a city near by buying fish and things lmao… i when and open, after a while my coworker which k have a good relationship with came so we gossip a little, the. Came my other coworker, we talked a lot the boss came with the fish and it was so full of orders and we had lots to do it was stressful, I ate well as I told you I’m trying to regulate my hunger, after that we started to work a really stressful shift, it was a total chaos literally, my boss idk what happens to him but he treats me differently, like really different to my coworkers he is meaner and sharp to me even tho I’m the one making the most work and the least paid so… idk honestly, that place it’s the main reason of my stress… I’m mad for the way he treated me so I’m sleeping early, good night, love you, say it back!
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hanrolld · 3 months
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Keith Haring UNTITLED 1984
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