haowritings · 4 years
Ahhhhh I need to work on a masterlist
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haowritings · 4 years
Dreamcatcher reaction: their gf has curly hair
Dreamcatcher x (female) reader
Genre: Fluff!!
Note: this is late BUT it’s done! Finally had time to get it done :,) also I loved writing this because my hair is naturally curly so I’m,,, glad I’m not alone? Haha
➬ Jiu
The flash from Jiu’s phone went off as she attempted, and failed, to take a sneaky picture of you. She loved the way your curls looked, especially on you. You watched as she tried to play it off by turned away from you. “Do I atleast look good?” You cross your arms, leaning back in your chair. Jiu grinned, “always.”
➬ Sua
Your head was resting on her lap, reading something on your phone. Meanwhile, Sua had her fingers tangled in your hair, playing with each curl and admiring the way they sprung back as she let them go. “Ah!” You hissed, feeling a sting as she had accidentally pulled too hard on a piece of hair. “Sorry!” Sua apologized, leaning down to kiss your head. “I’ll be more careful!”
➬ Siyeon
“Wow! Who’s the beauty with the luscious curls?!” Siyeon smirked, clapping her hands together as you had barely walked into the room. She wrapped her arms around you, pecking your cheek while tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. She gave you a loving look, taking a curl into her hands. “Does my hair look frizzy?” You worriedly asked. She shook her head, placing the curl back into place, “you look perfect- as usual.”
➬ Handong
“I feel so bad for you guys- this seems like a lot if work.” Handong looked over all of the hair products, her voice laced with concern. You chuckled, picking up a comb. “Not everyone with curly hair does this.” You pursed your lips together, taking a piece of hair in between your fingers. “It’s just how I do it.” Handong raised her eyebrows, “All this hard work, no wonder you take long.” She teased. You turned to face her, handing her the comb. “Do you want to help me?” She took the comb, turning you around. “Do I just comb?” You hummed, nodding as she carefully put the comb through your hair.
➬ Yoohyeon
She loved your curls. She loved when you’d let them flow, she loved how the looked- especially on you, she just loved them in general. But thing was, you straightened your hair occasionally. Yoohyeon loved your hair either way but she loved when you’d have your natural hair out on display. So she hid your straightener. You looked everywhere for it and even asked her for help- which she did ‘help’ look for it. “Do you really need the straightener? I think your hair looks great!” She smiled cheekily as you had sat down in defeat. “How does a straightener get lost?” You huffed, running your fingers through your hair. Yoohyeon used her fingers to fix loose strands of hair back into place. “You look beautiful, don’t worry!” You eventually gave in and left your curls the way they were while Yoohyeon secretly felt victorious.
➬ Dami
She watched as your curls bounced with each step you took. She thought it was cute how they complimented you. You came back with both of your drinks, handing Dami her drink as you sat down. A few loose curls falling from behind your ear and in your face- again. You frowned, tucking them back behind your ear. Dami smiled, admiringly at you, finding your slight frustration with your hair to be endearing. “You’re so cute.”
➬ Gahyeon
“The queen has arrived!” Gahyeon exclaimed loudly, arm in arm with you. Gahyeon unlinked her arm from yours, smiling as the other girls looked up from what they were doing, curious but used to it at this point. Gahyeon never let you- her ‘queen’- go unnoticed. Ever. “Don’t you love what she did with her hair?” Gahyeon asked, the other girls nodded, gave you both a thumbs up, or collectively said “oh, yes!” Gahyeon grinned with contentment, “her outfit too! She could be a model if she wanted, right?” Gahyeon looked towards the girls again, tangling her hand into yours as you shyly smiled at the floor, your curls hanging low. The girls collectively said “yes!” or “definitely!” Once again, leaving Gahyeon more content. “Good. Let’s go, my queen.”
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haowritings · 4 years
could you do a dreamcatcher reaction to their gf having a curly hair? (idk if this prompt sound weird hhakshsj) thank you!
Question! Curly hair in general or like one curl that stands out? I'm sorry if I sound dumb haha
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haowritings · 4 years
Can you do a dreamcatcher reaction together gf being prego?
Yes!! Also I kinda assumed you meant it to be planned^^ but anyways, beware of typos. I did edit it but still :,) thank you for requesting
Dreamcatcher x Female! reader
Genre: fluff!!!
➬ Jiu
Each week closer to the due date, Jiu would come home with a new baby toy, piece of furniture or anything that reminded her of you- that would go to the baby, of course. “Where are we going to put this?” You stare in surprise as she walks in carrying a box that contains a baby swing. Jiu smiled widely, setting the box in the corner of the room where all the other stuff she bought temporarily sat. “We will figure that out when it’s time.”
➬ Sua
You were starting to show as the weeks went on and Sua became even more excited. “My girlfriend is pregnant!” Sua would say, adding that into any conversation she had. She even reminds the girls everyday due to the uncontained excitement she exudes. You smiled, rolling your eyes as you heard her tell Dami, again. Sua caught you rolling your eyes and grinned as she put her arm around you. “Soon, the three of us will be here to conquer the world together.”
➬ Siyeon
“How do we know the baby will like this color?” Siyeon painted the wall she ‘claimed’ with the maroon paint. You were painting the opposite wall from her, “it was your idea.” Siyeon laughed as she painted another stripe on the wall. She turned towards you, watching as you continued to paint. “You know what?” She smirked. You turned to face her, curious. She then flung paint at you, splattering the droplets across your face and shirt. You then dipped your brush into the bucket of paint, flinging paint back, starting a paint war.
➬ Handong
Handong made you her top priority to ensure your pregnancy went smoothly. As you two were sat down at the restaurant you two were at, the waiter came up to take your order. “Could I interest any of you with some wine?” The waiter asks. Handong scoffed, “Wine? She’s pregnant!”. The waiter flushed in embarrassment. Luckily, you spoke up, “no, thank you.” The waiter gave you a nod, taking the order for your drinks before leaving. “Maybe next time.” You joked, making her crack up.
➬ Yoohyeon
Yoohyeon held your hand, reassuringly as you both watched the ultrasound monitor. The doctor watched as well, turning the montior so you’d both see it better. “That’s the head right there.” You and Yoohyeon watched in awe as more features of the baby were able to be distinguished. Yoohyeon gentely squeezed your hand, tearing up. “That’s our baby..”
➬ Dami
Dami did intense research after you told her you were pregnant. She was nervous, hoping she’d be good at parenting a child. You walked in on her googling ‘how to raise a baby’. She didn’t seemed to notice you were there until you came up behind her to peck her cheek. “Don’t stress. We just have to feed, bathe, and love it.” You reassured, sitting in a spare chair. Dami looked at the computer screen, “I hear they wake up in the middle of the night.” You laughed, “we will find out when it happens.” Dami closed the tab, smiling. “We got this.”
➬ Gahyeon
Over the course of the term, Gahyeon took note of every name she thought sounded nice for the baby. Especially after you gave her the honors of naming the baby. Once the list grew long, she thought to show you in order to cross out any names and make the list shorter. “These all sound good though” you frowned, reading over the list. Gahyeon slowly grinned, “that’s the problem.” You looked up from the list, seeing her pained grin. “Let’s just use all of these names.” You joked. Gahyeon thought for a moment, folding the list. “I have an idea!”
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haowritings · 4 years
Changed my username because,,,,, I just didn't vibe with the other one lol but !! Used to be > ifi-skydive
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haowritings · 4 years
Oh dear! I'm sorry about the terrible spelling. I wasn't paying attention to what I was typing hoping autocorrect would fix it. I dont remember what I asked to be honest.. in that case can I request gyeongwon x female reader? Where the reader isnt an idol and she didnt ask to be in a relationship with an idol it just happened and its angsty but good ending? Something of the sort. Sorry again for all the typos in the previous ask! >< I'm not good with my words but that was really bad. Lol
Oh you’re fine! I’m sorry this took kinda long, I’ve been busy with work recently but!! I got it!! I’m also sorry if this isn’t what you were hoping? But I hope you enjoy :) beware of typos haha... Also, thank you for requesting!! ♡
Gyeongwon x (female) reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
W.C: 446
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It’s not that you hated dating an idol. You just didn’t think it would work out.
She was famous, you weren’t. She had tons of fans, you’re a non-celebrity. She was busy a lot and so were you.
But you always seemed to find time for eachother, even if it was for less than five minutes at a time.
“I’m so sorry! We had practice today and I couldn’t leave early!” Gyeongwon’s voice crackled through the phone.
You were waiting for her to arrive for your date that you’ve been looking forward to for a week. The restaurant began to get packed and the waiter had already came by six times to see if you were ready to order.
“It’s okay, let’s just reschedule.” You waved off the waiter, again, as you awaited Gyeongwon’s response.
“Yes, let’s reschedule. What day are you thinking of?” She spoke. The sound quality got better as you could no longer hear the background noise from her end.
“Next week, whenever you’re available.”
Gyeongwon went silent for a moment before the call picked up again. “I... Can’t next week..”
You felt your heart drop. All you really wanted was to see your girlfriend after not being able to see her and she’s still not available.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, leaving the restaurant quickly, “It’s okay. I’ll talk to you later.”
You had already hung up before she could say anything else. Figuring you’d go home and feel bad about it later so you wouldn’t cry in public, you did.
You cried and cried but then calmed down and thought about the call, feeling bad for hanging up like that. You knew it wasn’t something she could control and that made you feel worse, thinking you reacted so childishly.
A knock on the door brought you out of your thoughts, startling you a bit. Thinking of who it might be, you answer the door.
Gyeongwon stood there, a worried look on her face as she held a fairly large teddy bear in her arms.
“I’m sorry,” she held the teddy bear out towards you. “I love you.”
You shook your head, taking the teddy bear but then pulling her inside so she wouldn’t be outside in the cold any longer.
“I should be apologizing.” You replied. Gyeongwon slightly frowned, pulling you in for a hug.
“Don’t.” She whispered, wrapping her arms around you. “Let’s have a redo. Yeah?”
You managed to smile, not letting go of her.
Gyeongwon’s lips curled into a smile as well, resting her head on your shoulder and squeezing her arms around you tighter.
“Where should we go?”
“Can we stay here?”
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haowritings · 4 years
Hello I sent a request for hinapia member or group u dont remember did yiu out get one or all they all gone? I'm sorry I just cant remember aha
Which member? My inbox was empty when I got logged in :( I can do the whole group if you want? I just have to know what you wanted it to be about and I'll have it up as soon as possible :)
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haowritings · 4 years
So if anyone noticed I went M.I.A for a while, it’s because I forgot my login!! :,D so for a while I’ve been trying to remember and get back into it but eventually just decided to take a break for a while (a long while) until today, I decided to try logging in again because I missed this account and remembered I used the same email for another account (not tumblr*) and with a few logins and password changes,,, I’m back. If you requested while I was gone, PLEASE resend!! Though they might take a bit for me to complete as I recently got hired for a job and will be busy on most days.
Also, I want to kinda restart this account BUT I won’t delete anything I’ve written before!! I am gonna update the groups I’m writing for as of today though! :) (*list might be a little smaller than it used to be, which I’m sorry about!*)
-; Boy groups
Monsta x
Stray kids
The boyz
-; Girl groups
Same as before- fluff, angst, & smut (!!legal members only!!)
Might add more groups in the future but this is it for now!! ♡ thank you.
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haowritings · 6 years
Hiiii could you do a monsta x reaction when you have thigh riding kink? /-\
This made me choke I'm down let's go
Warning: I mean, if you read the ask then it's oBVIOUS SIN- but yeah smut warning
Adding gifs isn't fun when 90% of them are uwu especially the Jooheon gifs wtf
When you brought it up one day, he agreed to let you ride his thigh and would grip your hips to kind of control your pace as you held onto his arms while grinding down onto his thigh.
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You climbed onto his lap and decided to tease him by riding his thigh. But, he was enjoying himself (rather than 'teased')and flexing his thigh muscles to create more friction.
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You decided to start of riding his thigh slowly by grinding subtly every passing minute while making out. When he caught on, he moved his hands down to your hips and made you go faster to hear your moans.
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The longer you rode his thigh, the more turned on he grew and held your hips to slow you down a bit before he couldn't take it anymore and pinned you down as it became something more than just you riding his thigh.
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He sucked on your neck to increase the volume of your moans and you soon had hickey's forming on the spots where he had sucked as you pleasured yourself on his thigh.
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Thigh riding Jooheon would including a lot of butt grabbing, holding, and/or anything to do with his hands on your butt while you kissed his neck while grinding on his thigh.
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Changkyun would probably think the concept and how you looked was hot. He would roam his hands on your body as you rode his thigh and he just watched without doing anything to stop you from doing your thing.
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haowritings · 6 years
I looved your last Rena scenario and I took the courage to ask for one too where she's a cop and the reader (female) is in trouble for something she hasn't done and they end up having strong feelings for each other. I couldn't take this out of my mind since Get It i don't know why.
Ohhh cop Rena sounds intresting & thank you! Also, disclaimer, I have no idea how cops cop so anything in this is purely from the knowledge I got from crime shows & videos^^
Genre: cop! Rena, angst?, maybe some fluff don't quote me on that
Warnings: bank robbery would've been murder buT I thought that was too morbid
Word count: 845
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"Tell you what, we will lower your sentence if you tell us who else was with you that day."
You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion, "I didn't do anything though? Why am I here?" You asked as your heart raced.
The officer sighed in frustration. She's been asking you questions about a robbery you supposedly committed for about an hour now and clearly wasn't buying into the possibility that maybe it really wasn't you who robbed the bank that morning.
"We have you on film in the same hoodie you robbed the bank in with your friend." She held the same intimidating expression she had since an hour ago.
You felt your heart drop once again, "but it wasn't me! Do you know how many people have that hoodie? How do you know the robber wasn't a guy?".
She pulled up the surveillance footage. Sure enough, the robber did have the same- or a similar body type and hoodie. The officer pulled up blown up pictures and once again, it was you. Your face, your hoodie, everything except you were alone in this footage.
"I went to the bank to withdrawl some money- It was cold that day so I wore that hoodie. I swear to you I never robbed the bank!" You pleaded, tears welling up in your eyes. Another officer walked in, slightly glaring at you as he called her out.
You sat alone for a good five minutes, trying not to start bawling right then and there. The same officers came back in, handcuffing you again and taking you to a cell.
"We'll get you out tomorrow for more questioning." The female officer scowled, locking the cage.
"What? Why?" You started to freak out, wrapping your hands around the bars.
"Your DNA was found on the scene." She answered, walking away before you could say anything or even explain it.
"I'm Kang Yebin. I'm here to help you out. After hearing your interrogation recording, I think you might have an alibi." She sat infront of you across a table similar to the one you were interrogated on.
"You're my lawyer?" You asked, feeling a bit of hope. "No, No. I was assigned to your case. I believe you when you swore you didn't rob the bank."
You felt a sense of relief as she showed you what she had so far. "I'm planning to go and confirm your side of the story with the bankteller working the day you withdrew money. That would be your alibi." Yebin gave you a reassuring smile.
"Do you remember when you went to withdraw money?" She followed up. You nodded, confidently answering "Saturday!".
Yebin's smile faded as she thought to herself. "What?" You questioned. She let out a quiet sigh. "The robbery was on Monday. You'd have to had gone Monday to withdraw money if we wanted an alibi..."
You frowned at the ground, "Oh.."
Over the next few days, Yebin would visit you with any new evidence that could potentially help you get your name cleared.
"Good news, We found a ring with finger prints, and called in a witness to identify the suspects in a lineup. You'd have to come, of course. Everyone at the station is hellbent on it being you." She explained as you handed her a cup of water.
"Hopefully they catch the real suspect. It sucks being falsely accused."
Later that day, you stood next to multiple other females in the same hoodie as yours. You were nervous, hoping you didn't look exactly like the actual suspect.
A few nerve wracking moments pass and you're all let out of the room as the identified suspect is handcuffed.
Yebin put her hand on your shoulder as the suspect was taken somewhere else and the rest of the girls left.
"Does this mean I'm free?" You asked, letting out a deep breath. Yebin gave you a smile, "I'd say so. Enjoy it. You need a break after all of this." You gave Yebin a hug, showing your gratitude for helping you and you were shown out of the station.
You watched the news report of the trial, who were now well on their way to prison soon for the robbery. They found the other robber soon after the first one was identified. The one that supposedly looked like you.
You assumed she gave up her friend- Or whoever helped her, and that was how she got arrested.
Your phone rang, 'Kang Yebin' lit up on the screen. You answered.
"Hey! Are you busy?"
"No, why?"
"I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me.."
You smiled to yourself, forgetting for a moment she was still on the line. "When?"
"Tonight, maybe?"
"Alright," you agreed to the dinner but had to ask, "Is this a date?".
Yebin was quiet for a moment as you started to regret the question.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't-"
"Yes, it's a date".
You blushed, glad she wasn't there to see you. "See you later, then." You smiled widely as she hung up shortly after.
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haowritings · 6 years
could you do a scenario (any you feel like) with Dreamcatcher's Siyeon and having a butch girlfriend? thanks
You said I could do any scenario and I've *lowkey* been wanting to do a video game-y scenario, So here you go :-) I hope this turned out how you wanted? ♡
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 309
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"Hello, how is my love doing?" Siyeon entered the room suddenly wrapping her arms around your waist as you set up the game system.
"That's new." You smiled as you connected the wifi. "What is?" She asked, leaning her head on your shoulder.
"'My love'." You recited back, handing her the second controller. "Just trying out new petnames, honey bun" She giggled to herself. You couldn't help but chuckle.
You inserted the game disk and sat down next to her. "Just so you know, I'm going to win." Siyeon confidently clutched the controller, getting a feel of the buttons.
"I love you and all but that sounds fake" you joked, grinning. In return, she stuck her tongue out at you as the game loaded up.
Since you had the main controller, you chose the multiplayer mode and waited for the loading screen to go off.
Soon you and Siyeon were in the game on different teams, trying to survive the match.
"How do I jump?!" Siyeon looked down at her controller for a second. You laughed to yourself, reaching over to press the button before going back to your competitive ways.
"Thanks, sweetie." She mumbled with a small, concentrated smile.
After the match, you were proud to say your team won. Siyeon, happy that you were so proud but also slightly disappointed, sighed.
"I let you win that match..." she mumbled, looking at you with a small pout. "I got the highest score in my team too!" Siyeon leaned her head on your shoulder and looped her arms around yours.
"You asked me what button you were supposed to press to jump." You laughed. She thought about what to say before speaking quietly, "... I still let you win."
"Whatever you say, Princess." You gave her a wink and put the controller down.
She blushed, kissing you on your forehead.
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haowritings · 6 years
Ooo that airport kiss reaction for Monsta X was cute! Can I get the same type of reaction but with Red Velvet? Thank you sm~
Oi thank you :') here you go!
She wouldn't want you to leave especially after you just kissed her but wouldn't say anything and would wonder why you chose then to kiss her and basically confessed.
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Seulgi would tell you how much she'd miss you or give you an idea of it as you arrived and when you kissed her goodbye, she would suddenly become quiet and shy as she'd whisper, "Now I'll miss you more."
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Surprised that you even had the guts to kiss her. Even more when you were leaving, she'd be surprised you chose then to do it knowing you wouldn't see her for a while.
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Joy would have a slight blush and in return, would he grab your hand, giving it a kiss before you two parted ways for the time being.
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She probably wouldn't process it immediately and would let the kiss sink in before smiling widely at you and to herself before you parted ways.
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haowritings · 6 years
Psh here you go, anon & ty tk @jaehyukie for helping me w/ some of these when I had half a brain cell
Warnings: Uhhhhhhhhhhh smut let's just say its (implied) smut && angst lol idk why shownu's is so short I'm sorry
He Let it slide after you let Kihyun's name slip out of you mouth and finished until you both reached your climax before bringing it up. "You didn't mean that, did you?" He asked you.
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You don't know why you said another members name but it slipped out. He sat on the edge of the bed in silence as you slowly wrapped your arms around him from behind. "Please just get out." He removed your arms from around him and stared at the wall while you got your stuff and left him alone.
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Hearing you say Hyungwon's name rather than his, hurt him. He got off and sat on the edge of the bed, sulking quietly. "Why did you say Hyungwon's name?" He quietly broke the silence. You sat up, telling him why you said his name. "Honestly, I don't know. Maybe I just got mixed up? I don't know how but I wouldn't intentionally try to hurt you like this...". He turned to look at you and saw how worried you looked and ultimately laughs it off. "Does the lighting make me look like Hyungwon? Do I need to turn on the lamp?" He joked, as you burned red from embarrassment.
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"Hyunwoo!" You instantly widened your eyes as Kihyun furrowed his eyebrows, panting. He was confused as to what he just heard. "Wait... Did you say 'Hyunwoo'?" He would start denying himself until you answered, "I didn't mean to-". "Then... Why?". You would try to think of a reasonable answer to give him, only to sigh. He gave you a slight nod and started grabbing his clothes.
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He stopped to give you a moment as you mentally cursed at yourself for saying Minhyuk's name. Hyungwon, sitting on the side of the bed, turned towards you after a while and rested his hand on your bare knee. "I guess I was thinking about earlier when the guys came over.. I really didn't mean to... Ugh." You cringed at yourself. "So you were thinking of him." He sighed.
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"Changky- Jooheon!". Even though you tried, it was too late to save yourself from this. Jooheon let out a deep sigh and rolled off of you and onto his side of the bed, facing away from you. You looked at the back of his head, confused, until you heard him snoring. You frowned and decided to just talk to him tomorrow.
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"So you think he's better than me?" Changkyun paced the room, running his hand through his hair. "Changkyun, It was an accident- I would never-". "You just did!" He dryly laughed, hurt evident on his face. You sat quiet, squeezing your eyes shut. "If you won't tell me why you were thinking of Jooheon during a time like this, then I'll just ask him myself!" Changkyun walked out before you could say anything.
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haowritings · 6 years
Can I request (G)idle minnie with the song is there somewhere by halsey? Idk who you are but I love you ❣
I love you too anon ♡ okay a few things, for the italics, I meant it as a voicemail lol. Also this is more of a "inspired by some of the lyrics" rather than a "based on" type of thing (still sorta heavily based though even if I didn't include 99% of the lyrics like normal so idk what I'm talking about) hopefully it's alright? I tried to make it fluffy lol
Genre: Fluff & maybe a little angst
Word count: 497 (?)
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-; "Hey.. I miss you... I know, 'it's only been a few hours'. Still too long in my opinion."
"Come dance with me!" Minnie stopped twirling momentarily to reach her hand out towards you. You obliged, taking her hand and soon were dancing around the hotel room with her.
She stopped next to the window, pulling you close to her. Her eyes mesmerized you as the only lighting in the room was from the moon.
"I'm surprised no one has complained about us yet." she smiled, resting her chin on your shoulder as she swayed with you.
"Not any that we know of.." you chuckled. She hummed softly, planting a kiss on your cheek.
-; "You told me this is right where it begins. I didn't know what that meant at first because I was just happy to see you, but thinking of it, I understand now just what you meant..."
Minnie crossed her legs, facing towards the window that was framed over the busy streets of the city.
You sat next to her but were less focused on the traffic lights. Minnie looked at you as you took a picture of her off-guard.
"Hey!" She raised her eyebrows, reaching above you as you tried to hold your phone away from her reach. She laughed, practically climbing ontop of you, finally getting your phone.
She looked at the picture you took as you watched in defeat. "Hey, this isn't that bad actually..." she smiled a bit at the picture before taking one of you.
You looked at the picture she took once she gave you your phone back. "What do you think?" She curiously asked, seeing how your facial expression didn't change a bit.
You sent her a wink, "I like it". "Good," she wrapped her arms around you and pulling you down onto the bed. "Send it to me so I can set it as my lockscreen."
She then pressed her lips against yours as the ambience of cars passing by filled the air.
"This is right where it begins."
-; "I don't know if I should say it yet. I should before it's too late but until then... Is there somewhere you can meet me?"
You softly smiled at her as she slowly fell asleep in your arms. Your breathing was synced with hers as your eyes started to feel heavy.
You felt a sense of sadness, knowing your time with her would have to end as soon as you woke up.
She made you feel whole just by existing and you weren't ready to let it go yet.
You didn't want to let her go.
-; "I... I'm sorry, but I fell in love with you."
"Was your voicemail true? That you love me?" Minnie asked once you opened the door to your hotel room.
You sheepishly smiled, "I do."
She stared at you for a moment before cupping your face and kissing your lips.
She pulled apart from you, standing in the doorway.
"I love you too."
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haowritings · 6 years
Blackpink reaction to them rejecting the reader but they end up regretting it please ❤
Oi alrighty anon ♡
Warning: Angst
When you confessed your feelings, Jisoo just didn't feel the same way. Weeks later, she sat hearing your favorite song through the car radio and contemplated whether it was too late or not.
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Even though she rejected you, she wouldn't let it affect your friendship. Hanging out for the first time since your confession, she would pick up on details about you that she didn't notice before and would then start to regret rejecting you.
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She ran into you in public weeks after your confession where you drifted apart after she rejected you. After you two caught with eachother and filled her in on anything new, she would then realize her own feelings towards you but wouldn't act on them yet.
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After months of regretting it and looking for the right time to tell you about how she regret's it and wants to tell you her own feelings for you, she'd feel her heart sink when you saw you with your new s/o knowing it was too late.
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haowritings · 6 years
I was reading you tag game and it just sunk it to me.. you play guitar?!
Yep^^ for 3 years now :)
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haowritings · 6 years
Sure! 😂💕 can I tag you in some posts that I get tagged on? *wiggles eyebrows* 😂😂
Of course! I love getting tagged in things 😂💜
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