hapijers · 3 years
The Heart to Heart Talk.
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Hello lovelies!
How is life? I hope everyone is in a pink of health. It has been awhile since I last do blogging. But I thought of doing it again, and let’s see how it goes this time. Frankly speaking, I am doing this to run away from some toxicity in life and make this a safe space for me to share thoughts and rant random stuffs.
Why not doing it on Twitter, you ask. I don’t know... I am at the age where I start to think I am too exposing my life on social media, but really, you might think it is normal actually... but no. Haha I have 19 followers on Twitter and it is a private account. Still, I am not comfortable of sharing thoughts there because— I don’t feel secured.
On Twitter, I always have this one mindset where people might think I am desperate, of everything. To have a relationship, to stable financially and emotionally. All that. And currently, putting myself in a situation where I tweet things, posting emotions, I see myself as a desperate girl who has no stable emotions. I don’t want people to see me that way, I don’t want my friends to look at me that way.
Besides, I wanna go off social media because I somehow realised that I am addicted to it. Simply post random things daily. Gosh, what for eh? Haha. You know the situation where you have a crush on someone, and you post things just for them to notice you? Heh, I am there — in the situation I talked about.
Hence the reason why I am here.
I have a good feeling about this. To be in a place where none of you know who I am, some might but I doubt it hehe. In this platform, I just want to be freely positive. Sharing lovely experiences, flexing beautiful life. I just want to share good things. The things I am shy to share publicly as myself to friends and family.
I really hope this time I do better. I write better, I post better, I think better. Simply to make a better me. I hope to have your support and love.
15th May 2021, Hapijers.
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