happy-little-thought · 10 years
[ Can't be able to play in such a big group anymore. I already left it, because I won't be able to keep up, and it's better off I give someone else the chance to play Peter. I have laptop problems. So this rp blog will most likely be on hiatus until things start to look up. You're free to unfollow me, but I guess you can stick around too? Idk. I'll come back maybe one day. But until then, off to Neverland I go. ]
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
Once he received the skates, Peter's eyes were filled with wonder as he lifted one of his feet to take a closer look at the work of her magic. So these things were ice skates and help him glide across the ice? It sounded magical, and he was excited to try it out himself.
After he was done examining his own foot, Peter placed it back down and kind of wobbled a little due to not being used to ice skates, but with a determined face, he inched his way forward to the very edge of the ice rink with awkward footsteps.
It takes him a brief moment to ready himself, before he steps onto the ice with both skates. He was just so excited, he hadn't waited for Elsa for what to do next or asked how to work these skates. Instead he was moving really slow across the surface of the ice, until it started to gain speed all on it's on and Peter was having trouble trying to regain his balance.
"Whoa! WhooOOOaaaaa!" He was flailing everywhere. Leaning too far forward or back. His arms held out to his side, circling frantically to try and gain his balance, but it was just too much for his first time. Peter ended up falling over, plopping flat onto the hard ice with arms and legs outspread. "Ow!" He cried as his body slowly slid against the ice in a small spiral. This ice skating seemed a lot harder than he thought. He was definitely going to need some help.
There was a flicker of pride in her chest as Peter admired her work. After years and years of hiding her powers, of hiding who she was, it was like a breath of fresh air to have someone appreciate what she could do. And of course, it was infinitely preferable to when people reacted with fear. Sometimes it was nice to be reminded that she wasn’t a monster.
"Alright," she agreed with a laugh. "Hold still for just a moment…"
In her mind’s eye, the Queen conjured up a clear image of skates. Sleek, sharp blades, perfect for gliding across the ice with ease, and strong enough to support the weight of a person. She could perfectly picture every curve of the design, and with a small exhale, she called on her magic to replicate what she saw.
Each of Peter’s shoes were given a literal ice skate, and Elsa gave them a quick look-over to make sure everything was in order.
"Those should work nicely."
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
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Get to Know Me Meme [9/x] Disney Females Tinkerbell
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
When the lights were turned off and Mary went to bed, he waited for a good couple of minutes, confused as to why there was no story telling. So he was beginning to doubt that there would be no story-time, tonight. He was a little disappointed, but it was no fun watching someone sleep.
Just when he was about to leave, he saw the little girl stir and get out of bed. He watched curiously as he wondered what she was doing. Once she grabbed the book, all doubt washed away and he stayed exactly where he was, ready to listen to the story that was about to unfold. Peter was immediately sucked into story-time as Mary started reading. And he even rested his arms on the window-sill, while one of his arms were propped up and he rested his chin in the palm of his hand.
Tinkerbell felt that he was too close, in case the young girl was reading by the window, and therefore started pulling at the back of his shirt collar. However, Peter ignored her, too interested in listening to take notice of her warning. That was until he had been spotted.
With a surprised gasp, Peter ends up scrambling away from the window, and flew away to hide on top of the rooftop of the window. He laid low and did his best to not make any sound, and hoped she did not notice him.
Second Stars and Storybooks || Peter and Mary
On this particular night, Mary’s mother hadn’t come up to kiss her goodnight or tell her a story. Her father had said something about a party they would be attending and that they had to leave before bedtime. Mary wasn’t upset. On the contrary, she understood perfectly well that sometimes adults had more important things to take care of. She understood, but that didn’t mean that her feelings were completely unhurt either.
Nanny Margaret tucked her into bed and bade her goodnight. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Nanny Margaret. She was kind and would let Mary play in the gardens without scolding her about getting her dress dirty. The only things Nanny Margaret was strict about were bedtimes and desserts. Mary would not be able to beg to stay up past her bedtime, it was something unspeakably terrible to her nanny. So Mary had resolved that being slightly naughty was the only solution to getting her bedtime story.
So the only thing to do was wait until Nanny Margaret had clicked the nursery light off and made her way to her own room. Mary stayed in her bed, quiet as a mouse for a number of minutes. She listened for any footsteps and watched to see if any shadows would appear in the light behind the crack at the bottom of the door. 
As soon as she had determined that she was indeed alone for the evening, she all but leapt from under her blankets and switched the nursery light back on. She pulled the storybook from its place on the shelf and settled herself down in front of her stuffed animals that sat by the window. 
“Once upon a time,” Mary began, “there was a big, mean dragon who stole all the gold from a village…” Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a face in the window. Like the face of a boy! Her story trailed of mid-sentence and she scrambled up onto the seat by the window. Reaching up, she undid the latch on the window and pushed it open, leaning out into the brisk night’s air. “Hello?”
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
"Hmmm... I dunno." The boy rubs his chin, looking at her for a moment, wondering just how old she is. She looked young and appeared to have the curiosity of a child, so he guessed he could teach her. "Okay! There's not much teaching to do! All you have to do is think of a wonderful thought!" He smiled widely.
"But you gotta have faith and trust! If you don't have those, then you won't be able to fly at all!" Peter waved a finger, meaning he was serious about what he was saying. She would also need some pixie dust, and though Tinkerbell may not be here with him, he did have a small tiny pouch of it with him.
"Now, do you have your happy thought? If you don't, just think of the happiest things! It's the same as having wings!" He waved a hand and placed both of them on his hips. He'll give her the pixie dust once she had her wonderful thought.
Searching || Ariel and Peter Pan
All Ariel could do was stand there and watch as the boy named Peter spoke, prancing around her bedroom as if he owned the place. Although he did not appear to be anywhere beyond ten years of age, he seemed to act much older, as if he had been around for ages. There was something different about him, other than the fact that he could fly, but the redhead could not quite put her finger on it. It was not until he stated ever so nonchalantly that flying was easy to do that Ariel was snapped back into reality, her curiosity piqued once more.
"No, I’ve never seen anyone fly before!" The former mermaid titled her head up in order to survey the boy’s effortless ascent in the air, itching to be able to emulate his actions. "It’s easy to do? Can… can you teach me?” 
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
"Oh, sure!" He was curious to see how this ice-skating thing would work if it's not exactly what he has imagined it. If Elsa could do it, as well as many others, then maybe he could do it too. So he watches with great curiosity and interest as Elsa does her magic, and leans his head back in both shock and amazement after witnessing the stone turn to ice.
"WHOA!" That was so cool! Elsa was just full of surprises and tricks, he didn't think he could ever get tired of them. In fact, he landed back on the ground, squatted down and touched the ice-covered cobblestone with a bare finger. It was really cold, but he couldn't help but poke at it a couple more times before he focuses back on the magical girl.
"Really? You'd do that for me? I'd love some!" He beamed, and shot up to his feet. This was going to be fun!
Elsa had to stifle a giggle behind her hand at Peter’s surprise. Upon thinking about it, she realized that her explanation probably did sound rather strange to someone who knew nothing about the sport. But she honestly couldn’t think of a way to make it sound any less ridiculous.
"Would you let me show you?" she asked, thinking that would be the best explanation she could give. "I promise it isn’t as dangerous as it sounds. Not to your feet, at least."
When they reached the castle courtyard, the blonde glanced at the boy once before raising her foot slightly. As it met the ground, a brief flare of light and ice emanated from the step. A moment later, the cobblestone ground had been transformed into a thin sheet of pristine, blue ice. She looked at Peter again, this time with a small smile.
"I can make you some skates, if you’d like me to."
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
Woosh! Off the boy flew, with such a carefree attitude as his laughter filled the air. He was not sure how far he has flown now, but he wasn't sure if he was still in the Never Seas or not. No matter, he wasn't too worried about where he was right now. All that mattered to him was that he was enjoying himself, and he was sure he'd get back to Neverland eventually.
As he was flying, he catches a glimpse of something in the corner of his eye. And with an abrupt stop in mid-air, he turns himself and goes towards the direction of whatever he might have seen, as he was rather curious. Seeing new things was always fun to him.
Peter finds himself before a cave, and at the cave entrance was a girl. Now her tail may not be visible, but the first thing that came to mind was that she was a mermaid. Why else would a girl be in the water? "Hey!" He shouts excitedly. "You're pretty far from Mermaid Lagoon, aren't you? What are you doing way out here?" Peter crosses his arms behind his back while flapping his feet like wings, and tilting his head to the side. "Now that I take a closer look at ya, you don't look like one of the Mermaids back at Mermaid Lagoon... Who are you?"
Mutual || Peter Pan and Tamara
The bright morning sunlight glinted off the shiny blade as Tamara moved it, examining her latest find.  She had seen it shining at the bottom of the sea, a dagger half buried in the sand, most likely dropped overboard by a sailor passing by.  It was not very hard to clean off, indicating it must have been dropped recently, and that could only mean one thing: the sailors may still be nearby.
With a smirk at the idea, she tossed the dagger into her cave, her private cave of bones and treasures, but before she could, a large gust of wind stopped her.  It had not been the wind per se, but the feeling of something large flying by her.  Could it have been a bird?  It felt quite strong to be a mere bird…  Though some birds could be quite large. 
The blonde mermaid looked around, her tail still in the water and her chest resting on the opening of the cave, trying to see what visitor she was to expect.  Her grip on the dagger tightened as her eyes darted every which way, for she knew someone was close, she could smell him, and it was only a matter of time before he would have to reveal himself. 
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
All this happened before, and it will all happen again. Now Peter picked this particular house because of the stories he heard from the nursery. They were exciting stories, filled with adventure and wonder. They always sounded so fun, even if they weren't about him. As long as it didn't sound boring and put him to sleep, then he'd be willing to listen to other stories. Sometimes he'd like to imagine himself as the main character of the stories he heard and be the one everyone loved and looked up to. He'd even tell them to the Lost Boys back home.
Wanting to hear more stories, Peter arrived at the nursery around nightfall. That way it'll be easier to hide from wandering eyes, and stay away from those stinky grown ups! He perched himself onto the roof on light feet, along with his trusty fairy fluttering besides him, and looked about for anything that might give him away. Dogs were especially troublesome because they tended to bark loudly and alert the smelly ol' grown ups, but it was a good thing they were often told to keep quiet.
Once he felt it was safe enough to sneak about, he heads towards one of the windows to see if there was anyone telling stories. He's hovering just right above before flying around it so he's below the window. With only slight caution, Peter grabbed onto the window sill, and pulled his head up to peek inside if anyone was about.
Second Stars and Storybooks || Peter and Mary
At six years old, Mary Poppins was a rather precocious child. She had an impressive vocabulary that she used to tell stories to her dolls and stuffed animals. Sometimes she would tell stories that her mother had read to her from her storybook before bedtime. Other times she would tell stories that she had seen being played out in front of her when she took the storybook to the garden. And all the rest of the time, Mary would tell stories that she had made up right there on the spot. 
Her favorite stories to tell were the ones that she had seen in the garden. There was so much detail she could include and she would often end up reenacting the story whilst running through the nursery and dodging the blows of invisible bad guys. 
Her father liked to talk about something called “growing up.” She wasn’t sure exactly what that was or what it meant, but she didn’t think that she liked it. When father talked about “growing up” he would say that she would soon have to move into a room without so many toys. A room downstairs like her sister and brother had. 
It seemed a rather silly idea. If she moved out of the nursery, who would sleep there? And what would she do with her toys? At night, her mother would kiss the top of her head and whisper that growing up would not have to happen for another few years. That made Mary happy because growing up sounded scary. What if she didn’t like growing up? What if she didn’t do it right? It was much easier to be young and be able to play in the nursery and go on outings with whoever the current nanny was. 
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
As Elsa lead the way, Peter followed after by lifting back up into the air. Flying was much more fun than walking. In fact he floated on his back, with arms crossed behind his head, legs crossed, and his hat resting on his face as if he were having a relaxing day at the beach. However, once Elsa mentioned what ice skating is, he loses balance and drops out of the air out of pure shock, but managed to catch himself before he hit the ground.
"Blades under your shoes?" He rises back up, sitting upward, and legs crossed while scratching his head in confusion. It just sounded so bizarre to him and painful too. "Wouldn't that hurt? Can't the blades cut right through the shoes? I mean if I had blades under my shoes, they'd cut right through them! And my feet too!" Peter was all up for danger, and carelessly putting his life on the line, but he wouldn't do something if he knew he couldn't escape from it.
Elsa stood and smoothed down a few wrinkles in her nightgown. She smiled faintly at Peter’s eagerness, still amazed that people could get so excited over her powers. The only question was where to give a demonstration. A list of places ran through her mind, before the Queen settled on the castle courtyard. Even with the open gates, it was a relatively private place, and it had plenty of room to work with.
She began walking back towards the palace, glancing over her shoulder to answer the boy’s question.
"You glide around on ice, usually with blades under your shoes. It’s quite a bit of fun, although it takes some practice."
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
"It's an island! You never grow up there!" He chuckles as Simba's trying to paw at his hat. Peter ends up raising it just a little higher each time the little cub tries to bat at it.  He continues to play with him as Simba explained what molting was, and then put his hat back on his head once he was done. "That's really weird! And here I thought they didn't have feathers only when they just hatched!" Birds looked funny without any feathers. Guess you learn something new everyday! As long as it wasn't some big boring lecture, then he'd probably would have fallen asleep learning about molting.
"Sure! I never brought a lion cub to Neverland before! And you're still young so I don't see why not!" Peter hovered just a little off the ground in front of Simba. "So, you got a name? And do you have faith and trust? Because you're gonna need it if you want to fly to Neverland!"
Simba blinked upon seeing the other become so enthusiastic about seeing him. Wherever this Neverland was, it sounded rather interesting. “What’s a Neverland?” the cub piped up as he looked over his shoulder to see the human poking his tail. He was about to say something when Simba’s attention suddenly shifted. As Peter began twirling his hat about, his eyes to locked onto it, following its movements very carefully, almost as if he were gearing up to pounce in a sense.
"That’s what molting is." he giggled taking a few steps closer as he stood on his back paws trying to bat at the cap as best he could. "Zazu told me that molting is when a bird loses its feathers and grows new ones, or something like that." He wasn’t really one to pay that much attention to the bird’s lessons anyway. Back to the topic at hand. "So this Neverland place sounds pretty cool. Is there any way we can explore it? My best friend’s not around to play, so I’m pretty much bored stiff." 
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
"Got it! Tall screaming black and grey bird!" Peter wasn't aware that people and dogs saw the world differently. He was rather naive in that area, and never learned such things. He never really liked learning things anyway. It'll probably take a lot of effort to get him to learn anything, because he thought learning things were boring. Unless if it was made fun. He did learn to play his pan-flute amongst other things.
Peter didn't want to talk about 'normal' dust. The thought made him sad and he was normally never sad. If he was sad, then he wouldn't be able to fly. So he focused on their exciting treasure hunt for the large bird. He marched past many trees and plants. He looked high and low for this bird, but so far, nothing. Peter ends up popping out from a tree while hanging upside-down and looked towards Dug. "Hey, I know how to crow like a bird! Do you think that'll work to get it to come out?"
Dug watched Peter for a moment before scurrying to catch up to him. “The bird is very tall! He makes this really loud screaming noise too. It is very very loud. You cannot miss it. Though, sometimes it can be very quiet. The bird has lots of black and grey feathers! They are all different shades too! I do not think you could miss the bird if you saw the bird.”
Dug looked at Peter, waiting for him to describe pixie dust. It sounded like it would be very cool to see. And Peter had obviously seen pixie dust before. “It only works if you believe in it? Well then it is not like normal dust. Normal dust works no matter what.” Dug nodded, reassuring himself more than anything else. 
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
Once you’ve been tagged list 6 things you and your muse have in common and 6 things you don’t. Then pass this along to some other people.
Tagged by ice-crystal-queen
✧Six Similarities✧
We both never want to grow up
We're both very childish
Peter and I do love to play a lot and that's about all we ever want to do really. Haha.
Just like how Peter can't fly without a happy thought, I can't really do anything if I'm unhappy too.
We love to be surrounded by people who love us.
We both don't like to be forgotten or left behind, but won't hold anyone back from leaving.
✧Six Differences✧
Peter's a lot more energetic than I am
He's more social and outgoing, while I'm awkward and have a hard time communicating.
He's more open while I'm more inward.
Peter's better at keeping a happy little thought than I am.
I'm quiet compared to him
He's more loved? Idk.
Not going to tag anyone because I don't really do that. Haha. But feel free to do this if you'd like?
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
Once the chair was removed off him, he got back up onto his feet, rather thankful to be out from under there. "Jee, thanks!" He wouldn't have been stuck there if it weren't for his shadow. Now that he thought about it, he didn't see his shadow anywhere. It must be hiding somewhere in here or it probably left the room. Looks like he would be having to play a game of hide and seek.
His main concern was to find his shadow again, but this girl bombarded him with questions. Girls can talk a lot, huh? No matter, he decided to answer her questions one by one. "Me? I'm Peter! Peter Pan!" He places his hands on his hips as he introduced himself. "I'm looking for my shadow, that's why I came in here! He's somewhere around here..." His eyes scanned the room for a brief moment, but there was no sign of any bouncing shadow. "And yep! I sure was!" Peter crossed his arms behind his back and floated off the ground, flapping his feet like wings before landing back on the floor. "Why? Haven't seen someone fly before? It's easy to do, you know!" He tilts his head while a smile graced his lips.
Searching || Ariel and Peter Pan
Ariel was throughly confused. Just when she thought things could not get any more peculiar, a boy flew right through her window and into the bedroom, seemingly headed straight for the shadow that was still bouncing off the walls. The redhead let out an involuntary yelp in surprise, unable to do anything else but watch as the boy failed to grasp his shadow, both hands placed on her temples as she she took in the scene of absolute chaos. Ariel was so taken aback that it did not quite process for her that not only had a boy broken into her room, but he was flying. Unfortunately for the boy, his next move sent him hurtling into a chair in the corner, knocking it right on top of him. Ariel’s temporary paralyzation ended, and she found herself running right towards the boy with the intent to see if he was okay, despite the fact that he had completely intruded in her home.
"Oh my gosh, are you alright?” Ariel bent down and peeled the chair off of the figure, gently setting it down in the spot it had previously occupied before the disturbance. The former mermaid looked down upon the boy who was still sprawled across the floor, surmising that he couldn’t have been older than ten. All at once, she remembered his interesting entrance into the room, and rapidly fired a series of questions at him. “Who are you? Why did you break into my room? And were you… flying?” 
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
"Play in the snow?" He cocked his head in slight puzzlement because he never played in the snow before, but it sounded like fun! He'd be up for anything as long as it's fun! "That sounds like a great idea! Lets go!" Peter hopped to the side and held all his weight on one foot, before jumping past Elsa to get off the dock.
"I never heard of ice skating before, though! What's it like?" He asked with much curiosity, and tried to imagine what it would be like. What came to mind was pushing ice around while sitting on it, but sitting on ice sounded really cold for his bum. It didn't sound like it'll be too comfortable.
His excitement is oddly infectious, and a smile plays its way across the blonde Queen’s lips. She watches him move, all sweeping gestures and bubbling energy. Even as he rests on the land, the boy isn’t still.
Yes, he is like Anna.
"Well, my sister likes to play in the snow. And the people of Arendelle are rather proficient ice skaters."
Building snowmen was something reserved for the royal sisters, but Elsa didn’t mind sharing the other components of her powers with her subjects. Many of them had come to love the winter wonderlands she conjured up out of thin air.
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
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"Hey! A talking lion cub!" Peter completely disregarded the little lion's question for the moment, because he was surprised to see a talking lion cub. There were lions back on Neverland, but none of them possessed the power to speak. At least, not that he knew of. So this was interesting to him, that he even got up in Simba's personal space and poked at his tail out of curiosity.
"There aren't any talking lion cubs back in Neverland! That makes you special, huh?" He continues to look over Simba with childish curiosity until he remembered that it said something about the feather on his head.
"Oh this?" Peter removed his hat and twirls it in his hand. "I don't know what molting is, but I found this feather! Got it from a bird who dropped it. Neat, huh?"
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
"Huh." Peter rubbed his chin in thought, wondering what kind of treasure they could go looking for. He wasn't sure if there were any treasure chests lying around here, and he didn't have Captain Hook's treasure to hide so they can go hunting for it themselves. "I got it! The bird can be the treasure! I'm sure we can find it and catch it!" The boy in green places his hands on his hips and stands proudly. He feels pretty confident in himself to find this bird.
"You just have to tell me what it looks like, okay?" He starts marching off in a random direction and gestures Dug to follow. Treasure hunting for a bird was going to be lots of fun! He wondered just what kind of bird they were after. He has seen some on Neverland. Mainly seagulls being the common ones, but there were others around the island. "A balloon? Well that's strange!" Peter hasn't heard of anything like it. It must be some kind of magical balloon then. That's got to be it. "And uh, pixie dust is-! Well... It's uh... Hmm..." The boy was drawing a blank on how to explain it. He's never really thought about it before. It's not like the flying question. "Well, it's like magical dust that makes you fly! Yeah! But it won't work if you don't believe, and have faith and trust! You'll fall if you don't have them!"
"I can search for some treasure. I just need to know what it looks like. That way I can look for it. I am very good at looking for things. I have been looking for this bird for my master for a while. I have come close to the bird, but the bird is too fast." Dug looked at the ground, a little ashamed at how none of the dogs could catch a silly bird. 
Dug watched the boy as he flew. He shook his head. “Oh no. That is not how my master’s home flies. It is a big balloon and it lifts up into the air. I do not think you have to have faith or pixie dust. I do not even know what pixie dust is. Surely my master would have told us dogs are the pixie dust if the pixie dust was important to the home flying.” 
"What is pixie dust? Is it like the dirt on the ground?"
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happy-little-thought · 10 years
Nothing. Not a single response. Perhaps she wasn't here after all, or she must be hiding from him. He decided to look around a little more before heading off to another location to look for her.
"Tinkerbell!" He calls out her name again, just in case she did decide to show up by his call. Seeming to have no luck, he checks if she's in his room of Hangman's Tree, but there appears to be no sign of her in his room. So he heads on outside, standing on top of one of the branches of their hideout. Now where could she be? She was so tiny, it would be hard to find her. Peter placed his hands on his hips, pondering over Tink's possible location until he had an idea.
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"Gosh, Tink. If I can't find ya, then I guess I'll go play with the Lost Boys and hunt for Indians. Maybe even play with Tiger Lily too~."
Lets Play! || Tinkerbell and Peter Pan
Tink perched on a leave, watching her boyish friend race around through the trees. Her wings perked up when she heard him call her name. 
Perhaps a bit of fun. She tucked herself farther into the leafy branches and smirked to herself. A bit of hide and seek. 
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