happycircumstance · 1 year
a helping hand
i just turned a year older last week. it was a very simple and quiet celebration and i was happy. but life does not seem to tire from giving us challenges, no? i guess that's the essence of living and breathing--being able to overcome your weaknesses and fight the battles that life has for you.. but as i see it now, it doesn't hurt to ask for help especially from those you know will try their best to help you.
today, i received an email about helping hands. here is the quote:
Today, God wants you to know that if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.
And a time always comes when you discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
i find myself crying when i think about my problems and how things would be lighter if my dad is still around.. his hands are what i would want to hold onto during times like these but i know that there are other people in my circle that are willing to extend theirs. today, my former boss proved that his hands are what i need to solve one of my problems. i am thankful that God put me here so that i could meet someone as willing and helpful as my former boss. i will forever remember his kindness and generosity wherever life takes me.
i can't help but cry. i'm such a softy and i hate it!! hehe. i have to hate it because there is a bigger problem that i'll have to face soon and i can't afford to be a softy and emotional right now.. i can't let my enemies see my tears! that is my battle cry.
so for those struggling, at a point of breaking down, feeling helpless and alone, please know that God is also doing something to help you in His own way--just ask Him for His hands to help you because He will always help you despite the dark clouds that surround you.
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happycircumstance · 1 year
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Like beautiful flowers in the spring time 🤍
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happycircumstance · 1 year
“So, then, well.”
“Would you consider a relationship with me, based on a premise of love?”
Excuse me? I stammered in response. What do you mean by that, Sensei? I’m already in love with you, for a while now, I blurted out, forgetting any and all restraint. I’ve loved you all along, I told you. Sensei, you already know that very well. So what, then, do you mean by this “premise”? I don’t get it.
-The Briefcase
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happycircumstance · 1 year
I, on the other hand, still might not be considered a proper grown-up. I had been very much the adult when I was in elementary school. But as I continued on through junior high and high school, on the contrary, I became less grown-up. And then as the years passed, I turned into quite a childlike person. I suppose I just wasn’t able to ally myself with time.
-The Briefcase
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happycircumstance · 1 year
Apples heaped in a basket by my pillow gave off their fragrance. The perfume was intensified by the chilly winter air. I always quartered my apples before peeling them but, as I lay there in a daze, I thought of how my mother used a kitchen knife to peel an apple whole, in one long curly piece. I once peeled an apple for an old boyfriend. I was never much good at cooking anyway, but even if I had been, I had no particular interest in packing lunches for him or going to his place to cook for him or inviting him over for home-cooked meals. I was always afraid that doing so would put me in a compromising position—trapped in the kitchen, so to speak. And I didn’t want him to think that he was the one who had put me there either. It may not have mattered whether or not I found myself trapped there, but somehow I couldn’t manage to make light of it.
-The Briefcase
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happycircumstance · 1 year
It seemed strange to be surrounded by so many living things. When I was in Tokyo, I couldn’t help but feel like I was always alone, or occasionally in the company of Sensei. It seemed like the only living things in Tokyo were big like us. But of course, if I really paid attention, there were plenty of other living things surrounding me in the city as well. It was never just the two of us, Sensei and me. Even when we were at the bar, I tended to only take notice of Sensei. But Satoru was always there, along with the usual crowd of familiar faces. And I never really acknowledged that any of them were alive in any way. I never gave any thought to the fact that they were leading the same kind of complicated life as I was.
-The Briefcase, Hiromi Kawakami
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happycircumstance · 1 year
“A person can learn all manner of things, no matter where he finds himself, provided his spirit is determined."
-The Briefcase
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happycircumstance · 1 year
so, i've come to a realization that instead of wanting to travel to places, like i used to when i was in my twenties, i'd invest in good books to teach me about life, travel as far as the antarcticas, and fall in love with people fueled by my imagination.
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happycircumstance · 2 years
Il miglior kdrama che abbia mai visto.
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happycircumstance · 2 years
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New fav kdrama
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happycircumstance · 2 years
Because This Is My First Life: The drama that reshapes your take on K-drama romcoms
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You'll see yourself searching for similar ones, and after a year, you'll end up rewatching this again
Because This Is My First Life is a story about Yoon Ji-hoo and Nam Se Hee who lived together as a tenant and landlord but agreed to get married to solve their respective problems. An inevitable bond developed soon after.
The summary sounds like any other marriage contract K-drama, but this one is not. This drama is a gem. Its beauty comes from the relatable situation of the characters, the refreshing characterization, the fresh style of comedy, and the relevant issues it tackles. I like the fact that each couple has their unique stories and different concerns surrounding marriage. I also love the fact that it didn't portray the characters as flawless. It showed their strengths and weaknesses. The drama also presented ideas concerning marriage that are worthy of pondering.
The drama is directed by Park Joon-Hwa, whose most recent work is Touch Your Heart. What's Wrong With Secretary Kim is his most popular work yet. This drama might not be his most celebrated work among fans, but admittedly, this one is a bit better. Although, there are still those unnecessary rehearsed close-up shots on hands during kissing scenes. The script was written by Yoon Nan-Joong, who also worked on Flower Boy Ramen Shop and The Queen Office. Nan-Jung has shown diverse concepts and characterization in her past works, but this is her best work so far. It's refreshing, timeless, and riveting. And I must say she did an excellent job with the dialogue.
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Jung So-min (Playful Kiss) starred as the female lead opposite Lee Min-Ki (Dal-ja's Spring). The actors have great chemistry, and both performed pleasantly. Lee Min-Ki's portrayal of the unemotional and eccentric character is admirable. He also naturally delivered the comedic scenes that will for sure have you laughing out loud. Jung So-min, on the other hand, gives justice to her role as a struggling writer. Kudos to her for slaying the Gyeongsang dialect as well. It's endearing to see how their characters slowly warmed up to each other.
The supporting casts also delivered their jobs nicely. Their characters are well-written, and there was enough screen time to tell and show the progress of their stories. Nothing feels forced.
You won't easily get over this drama, and you'll see yourself searching for similar ones. And after a year, you'll end up rewatching this again. Because This Is My First Life is truly worthy of re-runs. That's for sure.
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happycircumstance · 2 years
Because This is My First Life
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Kisses kisses kisses
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happycircumstance · 2 years
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"Can I kiss you?"
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happycircumstance · 2 years
because this is my first life really said fuck the patriarchy within the first two seconds and for that? major respect
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happycircumstance · 2 years
"Could I.. hug you?"
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happycircumstance · 2 years
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“Fine. Make me another promise just like you said you would.”
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happycircumstance · 2 years
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It’s sweet.
Black, ep15 (Korean tv series, 2017)
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