happydayshappygays · 5 days
More Instagram posts
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Leahwilliamsonn Y/n invited me over so she could ‘introduce’ me to her bike… when she said she wanted to introduce me to someone, I didn’t think it’d be a bike
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Y/nY/l/n SHE has a name Leah, be respectful
Stephcatley I met her last week, interesting experience really. Happy to be friends with you Juliette 🫶🏻
Y/nY/l/n ^^^ Steph gets it
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Alexmorgan13 One thing you should know about Y/n.. her bike is her baby. And riding with her is terrifying
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Y/nY/l/n I did a wheelie one time!
Alexmorgan13 ^^^ You almost killed me!
Leahwilliamsonn Your attachment to JuLiEtTe is unhealthy Y/n
Y/nY/l/n They just don’t understand us Juliette. It’s okay, I love you anyway
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Leahwilliamsonn You can dance!?
Y/nY/l/n ^^^ Duh, I’ve been dancing my whole life remember?
Katie_mccabe11 Can’t lie, this is kinda hot
Caitlinfoord ^^^ Excuse me? (I agree with her)
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happydayshappygays · 10 days
Chaos - Instagram Posts
(Something small and sweet cause I’m bored)
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arsenalwfc who’s ready for todays interview?
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Bethmead_ Even I wasn’t ready for what I witnessed
Liawaelti I went for food and missed everything, this happens every time
Y/nY/l/n posted to her story
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arsenalwfc It’s out! Enjoy the show
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maanum99 Leah handles Y/n’s chaos so well
victoriapelova Never a dull moment with these two at training
leahwilliamsonn Just to clarify, she’s not always this mental
alexmorgan13 That’s not true and you know it ^^
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happydayshappygays · 3 months
Viv’s long lost brother everybody
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Tell me I’m not crazy and he does in fact look like a Miedema
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happydayshappygays · 4 months
Catfish part 2
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“I am sick and tired of you two!” I watched as a pissed off Leah paced the room, her nostrils flaring and her hands clenched into tight fists. “You just can’t help yourselves, god forbid I have a relaxing day off with my girlfriend.” She continued to pace, I wince at the tone of her voice, shrinking into myself in slight fear.
It’s been a month since Leah and I had finally met, and since then we had spent every possible moment together. Which meant I got to know her teammates extremely well, Katie is the one person Leah probably wished I had never interacted with. Leah had become the butt of jokes and the target for pranks every time we were in a room with Katie.
“I can’t believe you’d do something so stupid after I told you last week to stop.” She had stopped pacing, instead opting to stand in front of us with her arms crossed over her chest and fixing the both of us with an intense glare. Katie had to stifle her laugh, not intimidated by Leah’s glare in the slightest. Mainly because her now bright pink hair made her look like a pouty barbie.
“Katie” she said with as much venom in her tone as possible. “don’t make me call your girlfriend.” That was enough for Katie to shrink back in her seat and huff grumpily to herself. “This is blackmail” she mumbled.
“And what about it? My hair is pink!” Leah all but screamed, pointing frantically to her hair. I had managed to avoid being obliterated by her anger thus far, and I wasn’t about to put myself in the same position as Katie, so I stayed quiet.
“Yeah but it suits you so is it really that bad?” Katie smirked up at her. Big mistake. Leah took one step forward, Katie’s smirk falling from her face, most likely praying to any god that would listen to open up a hole in the ground and take her anywhere else.
“Is it really that bad?” Leah repeats, tone sharp. “Is it really that bad? Let me think…” Leah gripped the collar of Katie’s shirt and pulled her to her feet “if I dyed Coopurr green would it really be that bad?” Katie looked mortified, whether it was from the fact Leah had now lifted her off the ground, her feet barely grazing the floor, or if it was the subtle threat that soon her cat would look like a lab experiment gone wrong, I didn’t know.
“Leah, babe. Let’s put Katie back down yeah?” I say calmly, hoping my tone would break the tense atmosphere.
Leah looked back at me, her eyes flicking back and forth between my eyes before ultimately deciding to do what I said. Except she didn’t just put her down, she added a little shove in that had Katie stumbling backwards with a yelp of surprise. Leah smirked to herself before turning her attention to me. “So. Babe.” she licked her lips, eyeing me with something scarily evil glinting in her eyes. “What do you have to say about this?”
“Well” I cleared my throat, rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans. “I did participate in the prank, I think you look absolutely breathtaking and I’m sorry.” My words flew out of my mouth at a speed I didn’t know I was capable of, eyes squeezing shut as I anticipated Leah reacting in a similar way to how she had reacted with Katie.
When I heard nothing, I peeked an eye open. Leah was staring at me, head tilted slightly to the side as the corners of her mouth quirked up into a soft smile. Ultimately. Leah found it impossible to stay mad at me. Even though we had made her look like she had just escaped from a candyfloss factory and she would be hiding it underneath a hat until it washed away. “Katie.” she spared her a quick glance over her shoulder “go home before I change my mind about turning your cat into a fluffy green goblin.”
Katie might as well have thrown herself out of the room with the speed at which she scarpered away. “Baby, why did you and Katie have to become friends?” she pouted at me, throwing her arms up like a toddler having a tantrum. “I preferred it when she thought you were insufferable.”
“That was for like a week babe, and only because she thought I was catfishing you.” I run my hands up and down her arms and watch her shoulders slump into a more relaxed state.
“At least I wasn’t being ganged up on, I liked it better that way.” She leaned her body into mine, dropping her head to my shoulder.
“From what I heard, you were moping about the training grounds for weeks on end so… still prefer it that way?” She huffs and pinches my side.
We stayed like that for a while, stood in the middle of her living room, wrapped up in each others arms. A comfortable silence floated around us, neither one of us willing to break the atmosphere.
Two weeks later, Leah was still sporting her pink hair, it had faded to a pastel pink. Leah had stopped hiding it once it wasn’t as bright and she actually came to love the colour of it.
“Baby, are you ready? The girls are waiting for us.” Leah shouted up the stairs, I had been staying at her house for just over a week, she had refused to let me leave, dragging me back into bed and gripping me so tight I almost lost my breath. She had only let me leave to pick up some stuff from my house, as long as I came straight back ‘no dawdling’ as she put it.
“Yes my love, I’m ready, just putting my jacket on.” I reply, coming down the stairs as I do up the buttons on my jacket. “What are we doing again?”
“Well, since it was Katie’s turn to choose the activity today, she chose axe throwing. Alessia tried opting out cause she’s a clutz and didn't want to accidentally kill anyone but you know Katie. She’s got Lessi wrapped around her little finger.” Leah continued to ramble as we walked down the driveway and as she opened the car door for me, only pausing once the door was shut and she had to circle the car to get in.
“What was I saying again?”
“More than I asked for.” I tease, grinning as her hand dropped to rest on my thigh. “Is Katie sure this is the place she wants you in right now? I mean, you have spent the last two weeks throwing things at her every time you see her.” Leah had forgiven Katie already, the same night we died her hair to be exact. But she was thriving off of Katie’s fear every time an object was flying at her head.
“You know, one of these days she’s not gonna duck and you’re gonna have to deal with Captain mum shouting at you.” Leah groans and rolls her eyes. We had this same conversation a few days ago, her reply being ‘Kimmy would never’ which she was vehemently wrong about as Kimmy had indeed shouted at Leah yesterday. Granted, it was early and Kimmy hadn’t had her coffee yet, but it still set Leah on edge and made her pout for the rest of the day.
“Don’t start again babe, you’ve been enjoying winding Katie up as much as I have.” And she was right, I had joined in with Leah’s torture on the poor girl, it had started as a comment in passing about what colour Leah was going to dye Coopurr. The way she had paled slightly and gulped like the very thought of her precious Coopurr being violated in such a way was the worst thing she had ever imagined.
It had snowballed since then, I said and did anything I could to set her on edge. So much so that she had probably gone back to thinking I am insufferable. “Alright, let’s get this over with.” Leah sighed, axe throwing was not her idea of fun.
“You know I love you right?” I glance at her, seeing the way her eyes light up and the tips of her ears turn pink, matching her hair perfectly. “I do, and I love you too.” She leaned over, pressing her lips softly to mine “so much.”
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happydayshappygays · 5 months
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Did a bit of shooting yesterday, these two pictures were my best outcome of Plymouth 😎
(Taken on a Canon EOS 4000D and edited to give film camera vibes)
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happydayshappygays · 5 months
Catfish - Leah Williamson
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Leah stares down at her phone, that signature ‘in love’ smile plastered across her face as her fingers fly across her phone screen. Her teammates sneak looks over her shoulder in the changing room, curious as to who had caught their friends attention. The texts they had managed to see were pretty mundane, talking about what they did and are currently doing that day, their favourite things, how their families are doing, what they’re feeling, etc. No one could get a read on Leah’s new mystery girl. Even after many interrogations, Leah wouldn’t spill. She’d just walk away with flushed cheeks and a massive grin.
They watched for weeks as Leah poured every ounce of her attention and love into this person, she was always physically there at team bonding nights but never really there since her eyes never left her phone. Questions being left unanswered, her absence was striking. No one really knew how to feel about this new girl taking all of her attention, they missed their friend.
And then, slowly, the smile faded. Her phone left discarded on the bench as she finally started conversing with her friends again. They loved having her back but she wasn’t the same. She wasn’t happy. So, being the menace she is, Katie stole Leah’s phone while she was distracted and scrolled through the messages with the mystery girl.
I’m sorry Leah, I’m at work.
You’re always at work when I want to call you
Why won’t you let me call you?
I’m just busy babe. I’ll make it up to you.
Katie scoffed, the reason for her friends unhappiness becoming abundantly clear. She shakes her head and closes the messages, sliding the phone back next to Leah without her noticing. The other girls sending her questioning looks, all eager to know what had happened.
When Leah left, the girls gathered around Katie as she explained what she had read. All the girls sharing her same level of annoyance and anger. “Is she being catfished?” Beth speaks up, everyone sending weary looks to each other.
“Surely not, right? I mean… wouldn’t it be more obvious?” Steph joins in. They all devise a plan to confront the mystery girl and possibly ‘intimidate’ her while they’re at it. It just required them to steal Leah’s phone again and get the phone number. Katie takes the lead in their plan and instructs Beth and Viv to distract Leah while she grabs the phone. That plan quickly changing to Steph and Beth since Viv was not even close to a good liar.
After that, Katie would quickly put the number into her phone and sneak away to a different room where the other girls would be waiting and they would collectively come up with something to say to the catfish. The next day came around and this plan was brought into action.
“Hey Leah, can we talk to you for a second?” Leah looks up from her phone and raises an eyebrow at the two girls stood in front of her, she discards her phone on the bench and follows them to the other side of the room, no noticing Katie swipe her phone and leave the room.
“What’s up?”
“Well, we were planning a surprise party for Jen. You know since she’s leaving soon and we needed your help picking up some things.” Leah smiles and happily agrees to pick up whatever they needed, the girls give her a list and she says she’ll get everything tomorrow after training. Katie comes back in, placing the phone back on the bench and giving Beth and Steph a thumbs up before sitting down at her own cubby and pretending to do her laces up.
Leah wanders back to her phone, picking it up and slipping it into her pocket. She waves goodbye to the three remaining girls in the changing room and leaves. The girls do their best to not look conspicuous when they leave the room after her and slip down the hallway to the physio room.
“We’ve got the number. Now what do we wanna say?” Katie says, holding up her phone triumphantly with a smirk on her face as the other girls look up at her. They’re all spread around the room, they had been talking idly about anything they could think of while they waited for the three girls.
“Lets wing it, pull up the number.” Alessia chimes in.
Hello! This is Katie McCabe. Leah’s teammate as I’m sure you’re already aware.
They all stare at the phone, expecting a message to pop up straight away. When it doesn’t they look around at each other awkwardly. “How long are we supposed to wa-” Laura didn’t even finish her sentence before a notification popped up. The catfish had replied.
How can I help you McCabe?
What are you playing at? Why won’t you let Leah call you?
I don’t see how that’s any of your business honestly.
It’s my business because you’re breaking her heart
What are you talking about? She knows I’m busy with work.
Are you busy with ‘work’ or are you just catfishing her?
Woah! Hold on.. you think I’m a catfish?
What else am I supposed to think? You wont even call her!
‘Read’ pops up under the message but a reply doesn’t come. Katie groans frustrated and slams her phone down on the table. “What do we do now? We got fuck all out of her.”
“Let’s just wait, maybe she’ll get back to you later.” Alessia says, the hope in her voice clearly fake as she tries to keep everyone’s spirits up. They all say their goodbyes and walk off to their cars. All being left with a feeling of dissatisfaction.
Katie was curled up on her sofa with Caitlin when her phone pinged. She snatched it off the table as fast as she could and saw ‘mystery girl’ had messaged.
When’s your next match?
Sunday. Why?
Any tickets left?
I can get you in. If that’s what you’re implying?
I’ll be there.
Katie looks up at Caitlin with a grin. “Maybe she’s not a catfish after all.” Caitlin shakes her head with a small laugh at Katie’s reaction. “Let’s not get our hopes up yet. And let’s not mention this to anyone else yet okay? No point getting anyone excited. Especially Leah.” Katie nodded in agreement and set to work getting mystery girl a ticket, sending it to her once she had acquired it.
“Well, bring on Sunday. Hopefully she shows up.”
Over the next few days, Caitlin and Katie kept the development a secret. If anyone asked, they’d say she hadn’t replied and put on their best ‘annoyed’ faces, which had been convincing and the girls had left it at that, all feeling even more dejected than before. Leah’s mood had also gotten worse, clearly mystery girl had continued declining phone calls. Katie felt guilty keeping it a secret, but she wasn’t prepared to break Leah’s heart even more if the catfish didn’t show up on Sunday.
Sunday rolled around and Katie’s knee bounced with anxiety the entire ride over to the stadium, she received confused looks from the girls around her who had always know Katie to be calm and composed no matter who her opponents were. “Katie, you need to calm down. You’re making everyone suspicious.” Caitlin whisper in Katie’s ear, earning a groan and a roll of the eyes from Katie.
“It’s not that easy! This is stressing me out! What if she just doesn’t show? What if she does show but it’s not the person Leah thinks it is?” Caitlin puts her hand on Katie’s bouncing knee and gives her a stern look which effectively cuts off her rambling.
“It’ll be fine.” Caitlin leaves the conversation at that and they pull up to the stadium, she helps Katie gather her fingers and they step off the coach, waving at their fans before disappearing into the stadium. Katie sits at her cubby, staring at her phone, hoping and praying that you had shown up like you said you would. When a messages pops up, her mood brightens significantly.
I’m here.
Good, you better be who you say you are
You’re just gonna have to wait and see McCabe.
Katie sends Caitlin a sneaky thumbs up before they all head to the pitch to warm up. Katie scans the crowd, racking her brain to remember where she had sat you, Her eyes lock onto a figure near the back of one of the stands. She has no idea of knowing if that was the person Leah had been talking, she hadn’t managed to find a picture of the girl on Leah’s phone when she had swiped it the second time. Her only inclination that the figure was possibly the girl was when they locked eyes and the girl smirked at her, tilting her head and waving. Katie rolled her eyes at that, not appreciating the cockiness one bit, after all, this is the girl that had been blowing off one of her best friends for a long time.
“Who are you glaring at?” Leah asks as she squints up at the crowd Katie is staring into. Katie snaps out of it and looks at Leah, pushing her away playfully to bring her attention away from the crowd. “No one, what are you doing over here?”
“I came for you, Jonas has been shouting you. You were in your own little world.” Leah flicks Katie’s forehead, the girl scoffs and wraps her arms around Leah’s waist, trying to knock her over, and failing. She, instead, is the one that ends up sprawled on the floor with Leah laughing above her.
“Come on, we’ve got to warm up.” Katie forgets about the girl in the stands as Leah pulls her up and drags her over to the other girls who had already started training. Her mind now fully focused on the match ahead, the mystery girl can wait. The girls get through their warm ups and duck back into the tunnel, heading back to the changing room to prepare for the match.
Good luck McCabe, don’t get tackled by your own teammates during the match.
Fuck off
That message cements it, the girl is here. The cocky girl, she wished it was anyone else. She didn’t like the way the girl had smirked at her, it felt condescending. But of course she knew she couldn’t judge her based off of that one interaction, if she was in fact who Leah knew her as, then they’d be formally introduced and she’d have to properly get to know the girl. She guessed she was okay with that.
“McCabe! Let’s go!” The shout knocks her out of her thoughts and she rushes out of the room to catch up to the girls, sliding up to the front to take her place as captain. She led her team out, she stood for the picture, she shook hands with the other captain, and the match began.
The mystery girl sat at the edge of her seat, watching with keen eyes as the ball was passed between the players. She had never watched much football so she wasn’t quite sure what to focus on or why the referee would blow the whistle, or why Katie McCabe was so… aggressive? But she loved it, she wasn’t sure why she hadn’t payed more attention to football before today.
Her eyes dropped over to Leah, sat on the bench, wrapped up in her coat and animatedly talking to the girls either side of her. Leah, her girl, she had fantasized about this moments every night before she went to bed. She had imagined every scenario possible, except for one. The possibility that Leah could see her as a catfish had never crossed her mind, she isn’t sure why she hadn’t thought of that as a possibility. But now that she was aware, she had no intention to keep Leah at arms length.
Her excuse wasn’t always a lie. The majority of the time she was at work, and her work kept her extremely busy. Being a surgeon doesn’t necessarily give you much downtime, especially with a schedule like hers. She wanted to make it work with Leah, she loved Leah. And the times where she didn’t actually have an excuse.. well she was just nervous, she was scared of fucking it up. She didn’t want to say something stupid that made Leah pull away, she didn’t want Leah to see her as weird, she didn’t want them to sit in awkward silences when neither one of them could think of something to say.
In her mind, they were good enough reasons to avoid phone calls. Maybe she should’ve told Leah about her worries, maybe they wouldn’t be in the situation they had found themselves in now. Her sitting far back in the stands after Leah had ignored all of her messages over the past few days, feeling like a stalker as she stared at the girl.
She scrolled through the messages she sent that had ended with no replies from Leah, she hadn’t even read them.
Leah, I’m sorry. I really do want to call you.
Where are you?
I’m sorry.
please say something.
I need you.
I love you.
She sighed, letting her screen fade to black as she turned her attention back to the match. She could worry about Leah later, right now she just wanted to enjoy the match.
Leah had clocked the girl Katie had been staring at as soon as she looked up into the stands, she was proud of herself for masking her shock so well. She wasn’t sure how to feel about seeing her. Was she excited? Was she annoyed? Why now, why did it take so long for her to show her face? Was she even showing her face, or was she just hiding in the crowds and was going to slip out before Leah could talk to her?
She occasionally looked over to the girl throughout the match, she was surprised to see her actually enjoying herself. They had talked about her disliking the sport, how she had just never felt the need to watch a bunch of women run around a pitch for 90 minutes kicking a ball. It was nice, to see her glued to the scenes unfolding in front of her. She didn’t want to be but she was feeling giddy. Excited at the prospect of finally meeting the girl she had said ‘I love you’ too on so many occasions since they started talking.
She watched the minutes go by, biting her lip as her anxiety spiked. Would she be able to see you before you left? Would she get close enough to hug you? That’s all she really wanted, to see you up close, talk to you face to face, hear the voice she has been dying to hear.
When the referee blew the final whistle, she shot out of her seat. She rushed through the handshakes, keeping her eyes on the girl to make sure she didn’t leave. But she hung back, standing idly as people passed by her. She waited until the crowd started to thin out before she made her way down the stairs and approached the barrier. Leah couldn’t wait to get closer, she tried not to seem like she was uninterested in signing shirts and taking pictures with the fans that came to see her, she hoped it didn’t show and that she wouldn’t read articles later on that condemned her for her ‘rude’ attitude.
A kid that could barely see over the barrier stood nervously next to the mystery girl, his eyes scanning the pitch for the person he was looking for. “Dad, I can’t see her.” He mumbles to the man stood behind him, the girl looks down at the kid and smiles. “Who are you looking for?” She asks him, he stares up at her awkwardly. “Katie McCabe.” He mumbles in response, she looks out to the field and sees Katie not too far away.
“Katie!” She shouts as loud as she can, grinning when it grabs the woman's attention. Katie raises an eyebrow as she approaches, she follows the girls eyes and sees the reason she was shouted over. “Hey kid. What’s your name?” Katie strikes up a conversation with the child, eyes flicking to the girl every now and again. Eventually the child's dad thanks her and grabs his hand to lead him out. Katie now turning her full attention to the girl in front of her.
“Have you talked to Leah yet?” She shakes her head in response. “Not yet, she’s busy.”
“You’re going to wait right? You’re not going to leave?”
“Of course not McCabe, I want to meet her.” They smile at each other, Katie finally feeling a little less apprehensive about her. They talked for a while as they waited for Leah to finish up with the fans, their conversation halting when Leah starts walking over. Her head is down as she walks, hands in her pockets. It’s awkward and slow but the girl doesn’t mind, she’d wait forever if she had to.
Eventually, Leah comes to a stop in front her. “Hi Leah.”
“Hi Y/n.” They smile at each other, staring into each others eyes as Katie looks between the two. Katie backs away, feeling awkward and jogs away.
“It’s nice to finally meet you.” Leah leans against the barrier next to Y/n, her hand place close to Y/n’s.
“I’m sorry I made excuses. I was nervous, I thought you’d realise you don’t actually like me if I said yes to a call.” Y/n bites her lip nervously as she looks at Leah, Leah places her hand on top of Y/n’s and sighs.
“I understand, I had the same worry. But, you should’ve communicated that. I would have waited for as long as you needed me too.” The two continue to talk, both expressing their feelings and thoughts on the situation that had upset Leah. They didn’t hold back, they put everything on the line and they validated each other’s feelings.
That’s what had drawn them to each other in the first place, the way it was so easy to open up to each other because their communication was (usually) perfect. “Can I hug you?” Y/n asks. Leah nods and wraps her arms around Y/n’s shoulders, holding her close as Y/n’s arms go around her waist. They hold each other for what feels like forever when Leah hears a shout from behind her. The stadium was empty and the team needed to leave, security was waiting (not so patiently) to get rid of the last person. Y/n reluctantly pulled away and started following the two grumpy security men, walking backwards she grins at Leah.
“I’ll call you!”
“You better!”
And she did, they talked for hours about everything and nothing. And eventually, they fell asleep, lulled by the sound of each other’s soft breathing. So, safe to say Leah hadn’t been talking to a catfish and their future was bright.
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