happytab · 4 years
hey guys so people like Kai too much so im starting a kickstarter to put him down. the benefits of killing him would be people would like him way less
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happytab · 4 years
to the racists.
my personal opinions.
“they’re much more violent than whites..”
tell me, if people of your skin color were enslaved, tortured, and looked down upon for ages simply because of the color of their skin, how would you act knowing that your life is still at risk in a country of freedom simply because you’re darker than someone? i’m sure you’d be frustrated. you’d be upset. the reason that black people are assumed to be more violent isn’t because they’re bad people, think about the fact that years ago, they were seen as nothing more than a tool. i’m sure that would impact how you act. white people commit crimes too, friends. 
“they’re weird.. so different”
that’s simply culture. doesn’t everyone have different preferences? there’s nothing wrong with liking something. 
seriously, why do you dislike people for common differences? you simply dislike them because you’re ignorant and selfish. i see no difference between whites and blacks in general, the only thing that makes black people different is that they had to go through so many years of injustice. how is that fair? it isn’t.
wake the fuck up and mind your own goddamn business. let people live their lives for pete’s sake.
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happytab · 4 years
i just spent like two hours looking at inspiring posts and i feel like my vocabulary increased by 19329493 i want to be a therapist  and i also know that tomorrow im going to wake up and forget everything g goodnight
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happytab · 4 years
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danganronpa ocs part 1 of this weird conflict motoko’s having with kai his stick pisses her off
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happytab · 4 years
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annnnnd here we go. uh. 
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happytab · 4 years
not that easy, but i’m trying to help bugswap be noticed. not really sure if it will ever be considered an official au, but i hope so. 
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happytab · 4 years
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ink. he is evol. 
this is edgy but i’m not. pinky promise. injk is awesome and belongs to @comyet
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happytab · 4 years
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they are having a pillow fight 
the blue haired one is mine, the other belongs to my friend bird.
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happytab · 4 years
an update on the process of bugswap.
so far, i’m still attempting to figure out a way to set up my dev team without discord, which i can’t use currently. i’m looking for music writers, artists, and people who want to help in general. sadly i have no sort of payment, so this is in no way professional, but i will credit you for everything you make being posted on any social medias. if you’d like to contact me, please find happyvials on instagram, or twitter. thank you. 
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happytab · 4 years
hey, ink here.
this is an account used for keeping up with bugswap, an undertale au i’m trying to get out there.
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