haresgrove · 6 months
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Billy: I always wanted a pony...
Heather: Okay, we're rapidly losing the plot. Nap time for Billy.
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haresgrove · 2 years
(Holy fuck its been a hot minute! I keep meaning to come back here, but I’ll be real, I’ve been stressed the fuck out for…a while. It’s gotten to the point again where I can’t sit down and make myself write out rp threads because I have too much irl stuff on my mind. Unfortunately, this isn’t a new thing, and I wish I was better at announcing that I’m taking a break or going on hiatus, but the truth is that I don’t have the mind to do that until I’ve disappeared for like a month. I’m sorry. Really, I am. I love y’all a lot, and I want to get back to writing Billy, but I don’t really know when that’s going to happen yet. Hopefully later in October? I can’t make any promises. I miss y’all though! And Billy, and Stranger Things, and writing in general.)
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haresgrove · 2 years
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39K notes · View notes
haresgrove · 2 years
do you ever see your sibling and just have this overwhelming urge to smack them for no reason? like my brother will walk into the room and i’m like “oh man i guess i have to end you”
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haresgrove · 2 years
Reblog if your blog is not a terf safe space
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haresgrove · 2 years
“how could you be so stupid” well you know what. its really not that hard
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haresgrove · 2 years
(Sorry for disappearing from here! I haven’t had much energy to write, lately, and my draft box gets more intimidating every time I look at it, both here and on my witch blog. I also still have a ton of work to do on my monster blog, which is daunting, to say the least…😅 I’m hoping to build the queue for this blog back up today with replies/drafts, then do the same with the witch blog, but I can’t guarantee how much I’ll get done. Please bear with me? Love y’all~)
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haresgrove · 2 years
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Steve Harrington rp blog. Loved by Shani
EST. July 2022, 10+ years of RP experience
Promo made by the lovely @whatsayyoueddiethebanished
Ask Memes
Mun is a Billy Hargrove supporter. All Billy rpers are welcome to play with Steve.
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haresgrove · 2 years
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haresgrove · 2 years
reblog to give the person you reblogged it from a little heart lollipop
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132K notes · View notes
haresgrove · 2 years
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haresgrove · 2 years
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haresgrove · 2 years
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haresgrove · 2 years
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“Ocean eyes”
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haresgrove · 2 years
A scent? A scent told this bloodsucker that someone actually gave a shit about him? That he mattered? That someone else was happy to still have him alive and kicking? Billy barked out a laugh at that, too. “A scent, huh? I wish I could smell it,” he admitted before deciding to turn it into a snide joke. “But all I’m getting right now is the putrid smell of the bullshit you’re spewing!”
Seriously, could this fucker be any more cryptic? “What do you mean, you were called here?” the boy demanded. “What could have possibly called you to this shithole from whatever crypt your undead ass crawled out of?” Billy could feel the anxiety rising up within him; if this guy was in league with the Mind Flayer, that was a huge problem, and he needed to figure out how to solve it, with or without Harrington and his band of monster fighting toddlers.
29. “You have no power over me.” ( @haresgrove to Jerry because Billy would totally sass him)
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" Oh? Is that what you think? You know how easy it be to get inside your home, kill your friends, take all and everything you hold dear? It's so simple. You think I've got no power, but let's face it I've got more than you realize. No one would believe you if you told them the truth. They would think your crazy. Think you've lost your mind.... after all I'm simply a friendly neighbor that helps out when he's home."
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haresgrove · 2 years
Billy took his time getting ready, as well, thanking god and his patron saint that Neil wasn’t home to give him grief about it. He took pride in his appearance, whether his homophobic douchebag of a father liked it or not. No one else had a problem with him being a dandy, damn it! A hot and thorough shower was had. The perfect roguish but nice outfit was picked out. Hair was primped and styled just so. His favorite cologne was applied in just the right dosage; subtle but not unnoticeable. All was done with Metallica blasting from his stereo, loud enough that he’d probably earn a complaint from the neighbors that he wouldn’t give two shits about.
He was ready right when he needed to be. Putting on his coat and grabbing his keys, Billy headed out the door. The Camaro roared to life, echoing the excitement he felt as he took off toward Jennifer’s place.
😘- Jennifer
International Kissing Day | @jonathancrane-scarecrows
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The kiss placed gently on his cheek instantly brought a smile to Billy’s face, despite his shock at who it came from. Lust was one thing, but freely given chaste affection was a rare gift for him to receive. He basked in it, not wanting to let it slip away just yet. “I guess I said something right for once, huh?” he asked, giving Jennifer a teasing smirk that was far more genuine than most. “Or are you just in an extremely good mood today?” Of course, the unofficial holiday went unnoticed by him.
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haresgrove · 2 years
His expression softened little by little as she spoke, until he was wearing more of a genuine smile than his signature cocky smirk. “Hey, I have a heart,” he insisted, a light chuckle escaping with a puff of smoke. “It might be fiery, black, and half dead inside, but it’s still there and functioning.” And possibly ready to start healing, if she was willing and able to help him. The relief of her acceptance of his friendship washed over him like the tide embracing the shoreline, refreshing him and stirring up warm feelings within.
Grinning again, he pulled her into a one armed hug, buff arm resting comfortably around her shoulders. “I’m not gonna kill you, Katie, by accident or on purpose. I like having you around too much. Who else am I gonna fuck around and raise hell with, huh?”
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from previous ask found here from @haresgrove
“You don’t scare me. If anything you annoy me.” Katie said laughing. “But, you don’t judge me when I lose it a little and you encourage my bad choices while making sure I don’t get into too much trouble.” She said shrugging. “You could probably say that Billy Hargrove has a little bit of a heart.” 
Hanging out with Billy was never planned. They just kinda fell into step. Two people both with anger issues and poorly planned ways of dealing with emotions. Nothing sexual..just two people who needed someone. 
“However, if you kill me with your driving I will come back and haunt your ass.” 
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