hargroving · 5 years
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hargroving · 5 years
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hargroving · 5 years
testing tags !
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hargroving · 5 years
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hargroving · 5 years
okayyy thenn
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hargroving · 5 years
A small spark of the lighter and the flame lingered on the end of the cigarette, turning its crisp white end red as the tobacco started doin’ its magic— or at least, once Billy raised the filter to his lips; took a big drag and let it linger there for a moment, let the burn of the cigarette smoke sit on his tongue and in his throat before he exhaled and it all came out in a plume of grey, visible in the dark of the night sky. It was one of those quiet nights (which, in his opinion, weren’t exactly rare in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana), none of those horny high school boys rubbing up against the cows at some shitty ass party, but it hadn’t been so calm just under an hour ago when he’d had to deal with Neil screaming his head off about some shit or another. Couldn’t really remember what the hell it had been despite taking the brunt of it all; probably somehow negated whatever lesson he was trying to teach him about respect.
“Tch, respect,” he huffed under his breath as he took another drag, real deep this time so he could imagine it fillin’ up both his lungs and his head, hoping it would turn his brain to mush if the metallic taste coating his mouth wasn’t working on it already.
It wasn’t that he forgot everything that had just went down, but it got so clumped up that it was hard to distinguish what the hell his old man got so pissed off about these days. It was always either Max or Susan or just Billy’s general existence that set him off, and no matter what it was, Billy always took it. Took it like a champ, he thought, just the way his dad had said it when he clapped his hand over Billy’s shoulder when he scored his first basketball shot back when he was young and stupid, and somehow Billy hadn’t flinched that time even though he wasn’t expecting nothin’. Stupid how at times like this he thought of those fleeting moments in the past, maybe five total, where his dad had actually acted like the thing he claimed to be. All those other times were just repeats of tonight— even worse, sometimes. At least this time Billy’d walked out of the house with his goddamn face intact. Sometimes his eyes would swell shut so much that he had to fumble for the phone on the wall and call in sick to school the next day— sometimes, he wasn’t even conscious enough to do that.
He flicked the end of his cigarette, let the ashes curl up against the pavement before he dropped the whole thing and crushed it with his foot, the same way his dad had ground his heel against Billy’s ribs and shouted “fuckin’ queer!” before spitting in his face. That was this time, if his mind was workin’ right for once. The cigarette rolled underneath the pressure of his boot as he rubbed it against the asphalt like he wished he could’ve done to his old man. God, but wasn’t that the dream? Hitting his old man back until Neil was the one who was black and blue and red and Billy’s knuckles would be equally red, probably stinging under the force, just like he had beat Steve Harrington’s face until Maxine-
Billy whipped out another cigarette, thumb struggling against the lighter for a second before it sparked back up, and he took a big hit like it was going out of style. What he wouldn’t give for something stronger right now, but his weed was fresh out. His dad was for shit.
His dad was for shit, but he knew, maybe not even that deep down, that maybe he was for shit too. Maybe his dad wasn’t.
Maybe Billy was the only fucked up person around here.
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hargroving · 5 years
think i want to choose another
font or at least
i need to make it so it’s not always capitalized because
i’m not super into it? we’ll see
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hargroving · 5 years
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“In this season, I tried to treat Billy like a lacky band; he’s so taut and torn. I tried to play the flayed Billy in my physicality and the real Billy behind the eyes, and in the end we see that lacky band snap.” — Dacre Montgomery [x]
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hargroving · 5 years
Billy possessed by the Mind Flayer but still working as a lifeguard
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hargroving · 5 years
b/illy is probably one of my favourites in st
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hargroving · 5 years
more fill up tests for bil l l l l y y y y y
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hargroving · 5 years
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Dacre Montgomery as Billy Hargrove in Stranger Things 3 (2019).
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hargroving · 5 years
every season of stranger things steve harrington loses more brain cells and gains more children
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hargroving · 5 years
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hargroving · 5 years
xys this sfwaebhlgeDKg
i was
a flower
jsut wanted to make
a really long post
so i could test it on my theme
for coding purposes
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hargroving · 5 years
in this house we love and protect b/i/lly har/grove!!
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