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Dredge-inspired embroidery I did last month !
I used some glow-in-the-dark yarn where I could. It's my first time doing something more "artsy".
(Dredge is a cosy horror fishing game, it's great, you should go play it)
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harmoniasvineyard · 2 months
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Harmonia paused for a moment, wiping her brow with the back of her hand before looking up at Jasmine with a slight grin.
"You think so, Jasmine? Me, a nurse? That's a thought. I've always been more about fixing fences than bandaging wounds, but hey, maybe it's not such a bad idea after all." When speaking, Harmonia continued to tidy up the scattered nails, her mind clearly mulling over the idea. Jasmine was perfect for the role of a town medic!
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"You know, Jasmine, with your caring nature and all, have you ever thought about training to be a nurse? We could surely use someone like you around here, especially with all these youngsters leaving town. What do you say?"
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"Well, if anyone could get it done, it would be you." It was one of the things Jasmine admired about Harmonia: her persistence. It was the kind of 'in your face' persistence that sometimes was a little much, but that woman knew what she wanted. And she didn't give up.
"I'm not sure if that medic is really so necessary. You all seem to be doing fine." After all, who at her age could say they'd clean up villages and fix fences? A lot of the elder folks out here were more active than the youngsters were.
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harmoniasvineyard · 2 months
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Harmonia, observing the child's peculiar reactions and lack of understanding about common things, decides to approach the situation carefully, but also compassionately.
"Well, chocolate it is then," Harmonia responds with a gentle smile, noting the child's intrigue at this new experience. She hands over a small dollop of leftover frosting on a tiny plate before continuing, "Here you go, dear. It's a little taste of sweetness."
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Leaning in slightly, she asks in a soft, inquisitive tone, "Sweetheart, where are you from? Do you have a family nearby? Someone we can contact for you?"
Anya doesn’t know what a wedding is or what frosting is, and she doesn’t know which flavor she prefers, but she has a funny feeling that she should. Something like panic flashes across her eyes - just her eyes; the rest of her is still as stone - but she’s quick to recover. There’s only two options, no wrong answers as long as she can keep any possible disgust from encroaching on her expression.
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“Chocolate,” she says, curiosity piqued from is ambiguity. Strawberries she knows as a fruit she rarely partakes of. Chocolate she does not know at all. A moment passes and then she remembers her manners. “Please.”
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harmoniasvineyard · 2 months
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"No child, I never said you were stupid. Hard-headed would be more like it," she quirked a brow when he started to run the paintbrush over his hair. Good thing it didn't have residual paint, or else it would have turned those golden locks into something charcoal black. Goodness, if she had a son, he would be just like Ilyas, she thought aggravatedly.
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"Come on, let's do it together," she offered and popped open the paint can, and laid the planks on the grass. For an old lady, she was active and got on her knees, and started making long paint strokes that filled in all the cracks and crevices of the wood. She waited, expectantly, for Ilyas to follow her lead.
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"You think I am so stupid I can't pick up on you condescending me?"
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He picked up the tool box, dug out a paintbrush and nodded. "Oh, this thing? Yeah, I know what it's for." And he ran it over his hair a couple times, as if it were a fancy comb. If sarcasm had a look, it was on his face right then. "Please, Almighty. Teach me how to do stuff, because I know nothing about no stuff not ever."
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harmoniasvineyard · 3 months
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"Goodness gracious, what unique teeth you have, if you don't mind me pointing them out, your highness. People are more beautiful because of how unique they are from one another, don't you think?" And it didn't have to be things that are traditionally considered beautiful. A splash of freckles, the shape of a nose, and even a snaggletooth can set someone apart and make them so lovely. This queen before her was unique because of the fangs, which remind her of a kitten.
Bringing her attention back to the conspiracy, she asked, "must be exhilarating! I bet you are intelligent enough to make something complex seem like a breeze. Did you punish the chap?"
Her smile grew, tips of her fangs peeking out before she snickered at how she worded that question. "Well, initially it was only a rumor. So, you see, I had to confirm that it was actually real, mind. At the same time, I had plenty of time to plot out the best way to get a full confirmation when I knew he was set to brush off my inquiry. There were so many moving parts and it's quite complex." @harmoniasvineyard
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harmoniasvineyard · 3 months
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harmoniasvineyard · 3 months
reblog if your muse goes overboard decorating for the holidays. 
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harmoniasvineyard · 4 months
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harmoniasvineyard · 4 months
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harmoniasvineyard · 4 months
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"You think I am so old that I cannot pick up on your tone and cadence of your voice? Silly child..."
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"Make yourself useful- go get the tool box for me, won't you? I have allotted today to specifically fixing the fences. Starting with mine. Have you ever held a paint brush before, Ilyas?"
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"Pardon me, mother." Oooh. That was harsh. Not just an insult. The worst kind too.
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"Yes. Why linger in the past when the future is so bright and beautiful?"
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harmoniasvineyard · 4 months
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"Just Old Man Jenkins got knocked over because of some high winds, but he's recovering. His spirit is so high. You know what, this might be a small town but it's got spirit. Such a shame all these youngsters are moving out," Harmonia kept talking as she stacked the wooden posts, then used the back of a hammer to remove the crooked nails and set them in a bucket. Talking always made things less of a chore.
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"You know what this town really needs? A good medic. But we're not getting one."
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Jasmine picked up some of the smaller posts, careful to not get her hands injured. She wasn't strong. She wasn't made for physical labor, but as always, she wanted to pull her weight. "Let's focus on one thing at the time, shall we?" Otherwise, her head would start to spin.
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The tornado had been a frightening event. Jasmine had never sen one before and after last night, she hoped she never would again. "Did anybody get hurt?"
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harmoniasvineyard · 4 months
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"Thank you, we can share some lemonade and pie afterwards. I have the pie already in the oven. I need help picking up all these fallen branches. I have recruited a few people already, and I will be doing some more later. What's your name dear?"
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"I guess I could. What do you need help with exactly?"
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harmoniasvineyard · 4 months
Get yourself a "how can I help" partner and not "you will be fine" partner
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harmoniasvineyard · 4 months
Kinda in love with the idea that different places on other sides of the world can look so similar. Something something universal human experiences
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harmoniasvineyard · 4 months
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"It was my pleasure, and if I can speak for the other ladies too- they were glad to help out," she calmly replied and recalled the events of that tempestuous evening when poor Jasmine could not be found. There was a lesson to be learned that day, and she wondered if Ulysses understood it.
"Remember Ulysses- the power of the guiding wind. No matter how difficult it feels life is directing you, it can always shift the other way, when you least expect it."
@deepseawarlock @worldofsenelfy (mentions jasmine)
"Oh? There's no need, really. You're right in assuming I'm a rogue, and I was quite as such, and it's been ages and I've long forgotten."
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A pause. "I have no idea you've been keeping it to yourself for so long. After all you've done to help me I've- I don't think I can ever, ever repay your and all the other ladies' kindness."
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harmoniasvineyard · 4 months
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"Oh, well..." Harmonia still found the random child to be well... random. There has to be a reason she showed up, and the lack of guardians were concerning. Her every instinct told her to help search for her parents. But then, she asked a question, to which Harmonia felt she shouldn't ignore.
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"Well, it's meant to be a symbol. Something made to celebrate the occasion of a wedding. And it's eaten. I have some leftover frosting- do you like chocolate, or strawberry?"
Anya’s eyes dip, an answer she won’t speak on the edge of her tongue. She told the truth once and the seemingly nice woman had called people to take her away. It was only because they were scared of her powers that she had gotten away at all.
So, she ignores that question all together.
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“What’s a wedding cake?” she asks instead, genuinely curious. “What does it do?”
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harmoniasvineyard · 4 months
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"Now that's quite a chilling revelation. After you found out about the conspiracy, your highness, might I ask what you did? I'm sure you didn't hold back."
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