harryp22h · 3 years
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Onwards, With Ortlinde
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Halloween Valkyrie: Witch Hildr
Hope you enjoy this little (late) trick.
Also, the green's a different shade from the Green Team, so it ought to be okay.
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Halloween Valkyrie: Vampire Seductress(?!) Thrud
You know, this is probably the first time I ever drew a Valkyrie in a could-be-considered lewd situation. Feels weird.
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Halloween Valkyrie: Spoopy Ghost Ortlinde
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harryp22h · 4 years
[FGO Fan Servant Redux] King Sejong the Great (Genderbent)
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This is a remake of last year’s attempt at making a fan Servant, intended for Hangeul Day to celebrate his legacy. (2 days late...) Probably the only Korean with an actual chance of making it into FGO, if DW ever allows that.   
Introducing, King Sejong the Great! Genderbent, of course. Because this is Fate, what were you expecting? (I know it’s not completely historical, but it makes for a fun story.) 
Name: King Sejong the Great 
Class: Caster 
Origin: Korea – Joseon Dynasty (1400s) 
Alignment: Lawful-Good 
Type: Man 
Bio: Curiosity. Generosity. Spite. The 4th King of Korea’s Joseon Dynasty.   
An insatiable thirst for knowledge, both scientific and magical, and knack for inventing that led to the kingdom’s first royal research institute. An all-giving kindness for her downtrodden people that weakened her status and health. A pure spite for the nobility, inheritance from her father and reinforced by tragedy. She sought to bring meritocracy onto an already stagnant society. Welfare for the poor. Knowledge to all. For in her eyes, all were genuinely equal.   
She who utterly shattered the status quo and changed the course of a nation with just one invention, personally handmade by the King herself. Hangeul, a written alphabet for her people that even a peasant could learn in a week. An invention that may have saved them centuries in the future. 
She truly earned the title of ‘The Great.’
[Skills, Additional Sprites, and Lore]
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Class Skills 
Territory Creation Rank A-: The Hall of Worthies, her kingdom’s first Royal Research Institute, which contained the King’s personal workshop and gave birth to many creations. 
Item Creation Rank B: Was personally involved in the creation of Hangeul and many other projects at the Hall of Worthies in the fields of agriculture, astronomy, warfare etc. 
Personal Skills 
Patronage B: Served as patron to the Hall of Worthies, when she wasn’t busying herself there already. Heavily believed in meritocracy and held the belief that anyone, regardless of status or lineage, could succeed if given the chance. Personally, she handpicked a peasant for the position of Royal Engineer, a true embodiment of her beliefs. 
Charisma C: Wildly popular amongst the populous, and able to persuade the fickle Royal Court, regardless of how many times she pissed them off. 
Humanitarianism A: Improved literacy nation-wide. Supported paternity leave for both mothers and fathers. Introduced tax reform to reduce burden on famine-stricken areas. Funded many inventions to help improve citizens’ livelihood. She truly loved her people, no matter the costs. 
Rapid Words of Casting EX: Invented an entire alphabet for the express purpose of easier and faster reading and writing. Duh? 
Entertainment Revision EX:  Gains access to skills she does not normally possess. Stronger the more dramatic and flashier the skill is. Similar to Imperial Privilege. (Blame K-Drama.)
Edison: Anyone can learn my alphabet in a week. But moving pictures need no introduction. This would have been so useful for so many reasons! Show me more films, Mr Haechi! 
Nobunaga: ...For both our sakes, that ‘monkey’ of yours better not show his face to me.   
Shakespeare: This is the epitome of western entertainment? Fascinating. You know, I too dabbled in poetry a bit. Perhaps we can share notes?   
Touta: The people are the roots of a nation, and those roots should be well-fed so as to create a peaceful nation. That rice bowl of yours is truly beautiful. May I look inside..?   
Archer Gil: How could a king who should rule over all people and all things in the country with impartiality treat those of low birth any differently from the way he treats others? I am willing to bow my head towards my people if needed. What say you? 
Babbage: ...I want that! To the Hall! 
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Bond 1: The third child of the third King Taejong (태종), three generations separated from their dynasty’s founder Taejo (태조). Ido was the apple of her father’s eye, her curiosity and (properly timed) rebellious spirit catching his eye, but was initially ignored regarding inheriting the throne. However, her two older brothers abdicated the throne to separate themselves from their father’s bloody legacy of murdering all his relatives and many more to maintain his power. With that, the path was cleared and Ido took to the throne upon her father’s surprisingly peaceful death, taking the name Sejong for herself. Contrast to the previous king’s blood-soaked reign, Sejong devoted herself to her people and to improving quality of life throughout the nation, even establishing the Hall of Worthies to advance the field of agriculture, astronomy, warfare etc. with her patronage and personal participation. She did inherit her father’s dislike for the nobility, and for good reason.   
Bond 2: She did not care for social norms and promoted meritocracy, holding the belief that if anyone, regardless of status or bloodline, could accomplish anything if they were giving a chance to prove themselves. Her embodiment of this belief would be Jang Yeong-sil (장영실), a former peasant-turned-Royal Engineer and close confidant. Having heard rumours of his cleverness, she personally invited the son of an escort to the palace, where he managed to impress the King. Excited, she took him under her wing, despite the protests of the nobility. Nevertheless, he would prove himself a worthy ally, helping to create independent advancements in the fields of astronomy and meteorology using his knack for inventing. Bonding over their love of the pursuit of knowledge, he and the King shared a very close friendship, one plagued with hijinks, ‘SCIENCE!’, and ink-soaked robes. Her trust in him was absolute, even willing to forgive him immediately when one of his inventions proved faulty and injured the test subject… who just so happened to be the King herself. Unfortunately, the nobility, jealous of the inventor and fearful for their own positions, seized upon this opportunity, having him tried and imprisoned in spite of the King’s protests. 
A betrayal unlike no other. A reminder of the callousness of the Royal Court and of her fragile power. 
Bond 3: Noble Phantasm: [훈민정음 – 한글] 
The Proper Words for the Instruction of the People. 
Rank: EX 
King Sejong’s most influential creation. The one that would forever earn her the title of ‘The Great’. Developed in secret at the Hall of Worthies, its very existence alone had the potential to put even a king’s life in danger. Penned by the King personally, it was a scientifically-designed featural alphabet with 17 constants and 11 vowels, created to replace the ill-fitting Chinese characters that had been in use up to this point, in spite of Korea having had a separate spoken language for centuries. Designed for ease of reading and writing, even a peasant could learn in a busy week, an afternoon for a noble. Upon its completion, it was initially announced to the Royal Court, who opposed its very existence. Even those loyal to the crown protested, fearful that a literate populous would prove unruly and rebellious. In spite of, or perhaps because of the protests of the nobility, it was released on October 9, 1495, immediate adopted by the public. 
Bond 4: Literacy reached an all-time high. It would kickstart a literary Renaissance that would last for generations, as even the peasants, now literate, could participate, partaking in others’ adventures while sharing their own experiences. Even the nobility, initially disdainful, would later adopt it, both in private and public affairs. But their warnings were right, in a way. An educated populace with ease of communication and plenty of grievances (for future kings) meant many rebellions to come. But it also united a nation. There were no true boundaries between the rich and poor, city and rural. All could communicate to one another, and thus all were made equal. Whether they wanted to be or not.   
It may have even saved Korea completely. During a time of both China and Japan pushing and pulling the nation apart, especially during Japan’s forced occupation and colonization, Hanguel allowed the culture and history of Korea to be safely preserved, when it might otherwise have been lost to history, losing them their future as a nation. They prevailed, all thanks to an alphabet anyone could learn, and were restored their heritage.   
Bond 5: She claimed to have lived a sheltered life in the palace, but her love for her people far exceeded that of someone who only saw them from above and beyond stone and wooden walls. Nevertheless, she truly saw all as equal, never dismissing a complaint just because it came from a peasant or allowing people with power to abuse those who were underneath them. Sadly a quality lacking even to this day... She is one of only 2 Kings of Korea to have earned the title ‘The Great’ and for good reason. Wise beyond her years and even her society, she devoted everything for her people.   
“The people are the roots of a nation, and the roots should be strong so as to create a peaceful nation.”
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Congrats, Desert Beauty!
With a time of 34h:40m:52s, the Desert Beauty have utterly crushed the competition! Not even the dominant Tyrants could snatch this well-earned victory from them.
3 long years in the making for this victory, but as they say, 'slow and steady wins the race.'
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie Finale: Happy 3rd Anniversary!
Greetings and Salutations!
Happy 3rd (Late) Anniversary, FGO! And with that, my Daily Valkyrie has come to an end.
This was so much fun! I genuinely enjoyed the opportunity to get to draw everyday. This has really helped with my stress and my self-confidence. Even during my busy finals, when I complained that I had no time, just taking a short break to draw really helped settled my nerves. They most certainly are not the best drawings ever, but I'm satisfied with myself for setting a goal and actually doing it. 1 month of constant drawing. I'm still surprised I did this.
I half-considered continuing this series beyond the Valkyries' Banner, but I decided not to. Not because I hated doing this, but because I want to focus on bigger projects. Stuff that I know I couldn't do in a day. I have the confidence to try now.
Sorry about this being really late. I'd hope to get this done last Monday when their banner ended, but... Well, it's clearly not Monday. I will admit that it's rather embarrassing to take a week-long hiatus just to end this series, but last week was a disaster for me. Still, I feel really embarrassed that after all that time, I couldn't come up with something better. But I knew that if I spent time making something that would make up for a lost week, I'd never finish. My confidence isn't that high. Still, sorry.
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie 34: Spear Maiden Thrud
Canonically, Thrud is the strongest of the Valkyrie Trios. And she knows it. 
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie 33: Couch Potato Hildr
Sleep is for the weak.
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie 32: ‘Are You My Master?’
'Come to me in my time of need, Lancer!'
Featuring for the first and last time ever, me!
After a fun month of drawing and 2 exhausting weeks of Finals, I'm finally summoning the Valkyries to Chaldea! With 280 SQs and 51 tix, I hope this works out!
As for why I took so long? First, I wanted something nice to look forward to after my finals ended. Second, I wanted both Sigurd and Bryn on rate-up cause I just wanted to roll the dice in that regard. If I get neither, that's fine, but might as well go for it?
Edit: I did it! They have arrived! Hahahaha! 270 SQs and 1 tix later, I even have them NP2! To be honest, Ortlinde showed up first multi-roll. But I wanted to NP2 her, so I went all in, which took a lot of SQs and an impulsive tix. I laughed my head off at the last bit.
This is just great!
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie 31: Thrud With A New Game
It's a bad idea to play in the dark, Thrud...
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie 30: Plain Old Hildr
Hildr's also just plain old Tsumugi Shirogane.
I couldn't figure out why she'd have a needle and thread, so I gave her a lyre.
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie 29: Zombie Idol Ortlinde
Looking up the others, I learned that Ortlinde’s VA is Lily’s. Neat.
Would the Valkyries make for good idols? They are technically dead, after all...
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie 28: Thrud’s Aqua Face
I have learned that Thrud and Aqua have the same VA. Truly, ignorance is bliss./s
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie 27: Proper Chibi Hildr
An actual Chibi Hildr that still looks like Hildr. Very cute!
I wish I had a more consistent sleep schedule...
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie 26: Chibi Thrud
Thrud being cute.
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harryp22h · 4 years
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Daily Valkyrie 25: Rainy Days
It started raining here, which I'm happy about. Rain has a lovely colour palette.
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