#servants I want in Fate
hanatatami · 23 days
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men who feed me and women who bully me is how i love to spend my birthday
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mako-neexu · 6 months
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sharing junao's rock
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 months
Servants I Want to see in FGO
Catherine the Great (Rider/ Ruler)
Saint Olga of Kiev (Ruler/ Avenger)
Tomyris (Lancer/ Rider)
Hua Mulan (Archer/ Lancer)
George Washington (Rider)
John Henry (Lancer)
Molly Pitcher (Archer)
Harriet Tubman (Rider/ Archer)
Mary Seacole (Caster)
Harry Houdini (Caster)
Judith (Book of Judith) (Assassin)
Abhimanyu and Vrishaketu (maybe Archer for both ?)
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Caster)
Sybil Ludington (Rider)
Deborah Sampson (Archer)
Yudhishthira (Saber) - but as a Lily version of himself so that he can be the pampered little brother for once and not have to put up with his younger brothers’ BS. Duryodhana tries to make fun of him for it and Yudhi goes running to Karna, crying. While Karna chastises Dury for making fun of him, Yudhi evilly smirks at Dury from behind Karna, who faithfully plays into the Big Brother role. EVERYBODY is aware that Yudhi is basically playing Karna besides Karna!
Inspo links: (1) @krishna-premi (2) @fanfictionroxs
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miramisaki · 2 months
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38(???) days until Charlie...
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afklancelot · 5 months
literally so funny that miyamoto iori’s conversation 12 (where he talks about how there’s so many worthy opponents) can unlock with melusine or kukulkan. dude took one look at the left claw of the great dragon albion and the heart of lostbelt ORT and was instantly ready to throw hands in a duel
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aaaaamorphous-entity · 11 months
I think my biases on what irks me in fanservice or not really does just come down to whether a character realistically would dress up or show off the way that they do.
Mordred wearing practically nothing in later ascensions? Chill, dude just wants to go topless but society is weird about chest fat on afab ppl. Same with Caenis - he would probably be topless if he could get away with it, but I can also see why he wouldn't feel comfortable going all the way with the society he grew up in.
Semiramis and Nitocris outliers from the gender fuckery gang both were from societies where women being topless was just a normal part of life, so being tits out is just the norm for them.
Penthesilia could have been designed better with more time-period appropriate armor, but guess what! That armor still shows off the arms and waist and thighs, goddamn.
But then I see Artoria in the latest bunny outfit and I just fucking hiss like a goddamn cave gremlin because it's just bad! It's not how they'd choose to dress at all! You killed her and are just flaunting her puppet body around for looksies!
Like yeah yeah I know that fanservice is just a part of media but my POINT is, some fanservice is perfectly viable and in character and imo much better if it seems like something the character themself would choose, than just 'haha let's scoop out this character's soul and leave a big titty husk behind again'.
Maybe I'm just too goddamn demi for this but I think it's way sexier when a character is actually involved in their own body and sexuality rather than made into a wank puppet to bait the whales into spending more for a gacha :/
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keykidpilipili · 8 months
It's really weird that Tamamo Aria is just one buff affinity ability(with charm debuff) as a rider class while actual Caster Circe is throwing hands and staff.
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kcciny · 1 year
Wdym we get crime and punishment in fgo????? HELLO??
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My prayers were answered 🙏🏻
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lanliingwang · 10 months
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grailed squad
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vennyriz22 · 2 years
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Haven't been on here for a while. Busy making an FGO AU on Reddit where Gudako is a delinquent.
General Facts
Name: Ritsuka Madoc Fujimaru
Her mother passed away she around five and her dad left around the same time.
Raised by her grandfather and helped part-time as a bike mechanic in his shop
Joined Chaldea after being recommend by her father.
Usually runs on Black Air Force energy through every Singularity and Lostbelt
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sunmaylight · 3 months
As an NA only FGO player that loosely follows FGO news on Twitter, I have come across the next story part after the LBs and am very confused.
About the new story part that is actually a story and not and event. Especially because
(Spoiler about JP FGO below)
I’ve seen post about Dantes being a main character in it. AND GETTING A NEW CARD! LIKE, HIM!
But also, I am very confused as to why it looks like Guda is going through and emotional wringer. And something BAD happens to possibly Dantes and Jalter?!
I don’t want any MORE spoilers besides the vague things I have already found. But I need a way to give those two Avengers that have been with us since the Singularities big hugs.
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miramisaki · 3 months
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85(-ish) days until Charlie...
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homeinchaldea · 3 months
Good news: Michael came home ✨✨
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Bad news: it took almost 800+ SQs to get him my Traum + QSH funds…
So I have no choice but to put him in the Chen Gong team 😔
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getmoneyghoul · 2 years
put this here but doesnt explain anything
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