harryprajapat · 5 years
What in the World is going on!!
I thought about it a lot, should I write on this topic or not. Will anybody be interested in reading it. Then I realised it doesn't matter if anyone reads it or not, these blogs help me to write and share my thoughts and that's what is more important to me. This is a heavy topic to share and a little grim as well. All is not well and right now it's not a pleasant scenario in the world. And by no means everything can be discussed in one blog.
From climate change to forest fires. From unrest between different groups of people to almost war like situations between countries. If I start discussing about each of the above topics even a book won't be enough and I will have to write volumes of books. Which I don't think we all have patience or time for, at least as of now.
So I thought in today's blog I will keep it general and will not discuss any issue in deep. Discussion about each topic I will leave it for my next blogs which I hope will find some readers.
Let us start with the simple question what is going on and how did we reach here? Why there is so much unrest and impatience in the world today? Why have we become so weak that we don't hear reasonings and with the slightest differences in opinion we are ready to put on a fight? Some are fighting amongst each other and for most of us these things are just too complicated to make any sense.
Before you go ahead and read I would like to clarify that I am not a religious person and I don't affiliate to any group or ethnicity. These thoughts are mine and mine only. And seriously I don't care if anyone gets offended, it will only prove my point further that these days people do tend to have thin skin.
If you ask me to simply put it in one line, I would say that Humans have become so weak, selfish and self centred now that anything which they don't agree with they will discard or destroy it without even giving a second thought. If they want something they would go to any extent to acquire it. Well that's two lines but you get my point.
Now to say that selfishness has come to the Human world in recent times would be a wrong statement. Wanting more for yourself regardless of others getting harmed, this nature was there since the dawn of Humanity. Yes restlessness and deliberate lack of understanding is somewhat new comparatively. In earlier stage of humans we use to fight for the best piece of meat, best peice of land to grow crops and fight for the prettiest women(well this still goes on). Those were good days when people were somewhat naive and these dangerous attributes were just making there ways in our lives. Things only got worse from there with the rise of population, everything got augmented. Now to say Human beings are the most selfish animal in the world won't be wrong at all. We are the most deceptive, cruel and intolerant breed ever to exist on the face of Earth.
At present some of the major incidents which are rattling the world are; unnecessary unrest in India, war situation between America and Iran, online influence and trollings, climate change/forest fires and finally income inequality. There are many more things happening in the world but these are the ones which almost everyone is aware of. Each of the above events are unique in their own way and deserve a separate individual blog, which they will get.
Now a days we as a society have become very judgemental about things and we jump to conclusions pretty fast without grasping the basic concept of things. Have you ever thought why do we refer the olden days as innocent times. Because before the technology was so advance, before when people were not so well connected online, before when not everything was available to us with just a swipe of a finger people use to talk to each other more, they were not exposed to all the fake news and propaganda floating around. We used to trust each other more. To tell you the truth for me today are the innocent times where people can be easily fooled and deceived with just a message on their phones. We are not smart anymore. We have left our brains and logic defenseless from the outside influence. Now it is only about how easily we can access to everything without leaving our safety zone, our homes. From needle to a car we can get everything online without moving our butts. If anything we have become it's lazy, selfish, uncertain and just plain stupid.
Don't get me wrong, fake news and propagandas have existed for a long time. But those days we used to talk to people and do some sort of research as that was the only option to get more first hand information. Now it is just there on our phones. With no credibility at all anyone can post or share anything. The amount of information which is accessible to us is so damn much and so frequently shown that we just don't care to check the source or its authenticity anymore. It's like Relentless Marketing where internet marketing specialists, website designers and developers create online marketing campaigns and websites to get great return on investment for their clients or products by influencing the consumer. The only difference being that instead of selling a product people sell misinformation. Sadly we are surrounded by unnecessary information which in return makes it difficult to focus on the right ones. And lets not forget that negative stories get more traction than the good ones. Unknowingly our brains have developed a habit of ignoring facts and truth because too much is available too easily. In the process of filtering huge amount of information we tend to ignore some true facts and news as well. People are unconsciously implementing this weird online behaviour in their daily lives. Think about it, why these days we get upset so easily? Why we have become so impatient? Why we judge everything so fast? Because nowadays people are applying the habit of filtering and ignoring information to their liking and comfort in real life as well. Our attention span is decreasing from generation to generation.
The uncontrollable itch of acceptance in the society has become more important than to do the right thing. Just like sheeps we are following what the society is doing. But I think it is an insult to the sheep if I compare people to them. Because unlike sheeps we are not bound to our lack of reasoning. Humans have the capability to think and to question, thanks to the evolution and Charles Darwin. But most of the time we ignore our instincts in favour of other people's opinion.
So how can we solve this? What can be done so that this planet and it's living creatures can be spared from the stupidity of humans? Well I am a realistic person. I don't sugarcoat or tell nice things just to make someone feel good when I know it won't help in any way. So to tell you the truth Humanity is doomed and because we are a selfish breed of animal, we will take down the planet earth with us. We have created irreparable differences between us which can't be resolved. Humans are too divided; religiously, economically, socially and ideologically. Even if solve one of these issues the other problems will overcome that triumph and destroy it once more. All these issues are like crabs in a bucket where every crab is trying to get out of it but then there is always another crab pulling its leg. These differences can't be resolved even if our very existence is threatened. Now even if aliens attack earth we will not be able to defend because we will get busy arguing amongst each other as to who will take the charge. Sorry to burst your bubble but like I mentioned in the beginning of the blog it is a grim story.
There is a bronze lining though(silver lining would be too optimistic). We are incapable of solving differences as a group or a society, that's established. But as individuals we can do our part. As an individual let's not get influenced easily, lets start reasoning, lets start questioning the information which is served to us, lets be more emotionally available, lets be more passionate and the most important thing, let's be more environmentally conscious.
As a human society we are incapable of resolving all our issues but we do need a planet where we can fight our battles, where we can curse each other, where we can troll someone online, where we can show hatred. Lets face it, we have to save the earth so that we can live to fight another damn day.
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harryprajapat · 5 years
A not so short introduction about me, myself and my blog
It is January, 2020. And like all the other social pressures we have to face, there is also a pressure of having a resolution for the whole year. I mean if someone has the sincerity and determination to follow a resolution throughout the year, they will not need a resolution in the first place.
But I am also a creature of this world and to my utter dismay I have succumbed to that pressure and have decided to start blogging from today.
My name is Pradeep Prajapat and I am a young man(I mean that's what I believe), no seriously I AM a young man. That's my introduction.
Those who have difficulty pronouncing my name can call me Harry. A name which was given to me by my college professor when I was in my 1st semester. According to him, my seniors and my cute appearance I looked like the movie character Harry Potter. This name got stuck with me since then and now almost no one knows my real name. Either that or they just ignore my real name as it is difficult to pronounce or remember.
I created this blog account in 2011 and never used it. I mean c'mon who needs a New Year resolution more than me. The thing is I am a passive observer or in easy term an Introvert, I watch the world quietly and without being biased I form opinions, but I never let those opinions out. Since the time I was able to understand what on earth is going on I started to keenly take notice of the things happening all around me.
In doing so I created an absurd amount of opinions and knowledge about many things. I mean my interests range from Cosmology to Sociology and everything between that. I like to read and I like to know almost everything happening in the world or has happened.
My blogs will be casual. They will be my personal opinions, thoughts and ideas. I do not associate myself with any country, religion, group or ethnicity.
I am a person of my own beliefs and I hope the readers will be able to understand that by reading my blogs.
Please feel free to criticize or give your opinions. I am all game. If you don't like my blogs or hate it and get an urge to show your hatred towards it then I would request you to take deep breath, drink cold water and close my blog.
I will try to blog very regularly, hopefully once or twice a week.
Well this was my first ever blog "technically", New Year resolution fulfilled:)
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Pradeep Prajapat(Harry)
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