hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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“ i thought dad would’ve told you. “
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“dad?! i don’t have that. what i do have is a guy whose voice i never even heard.  start explaining, stop talking in phrases.” 
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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“ hold on. you’re being completely serious here ? you’re not kidding ? you have no idea who i am ? “
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“i know that you’re a ballet dancer but something tells me you aren’t talking about that”
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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“ am i missing something here ? you’re acting like you’ve only just met me. “
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“we met two weeks ago in a waiting room, before that i think i read about you in a magazine? so i feel like i’m the one missing something.”
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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he was so close, just needed to cross that road and he would be walking into his building and could stop worrying about jinx jumping out of his arms. cats were not made for the busy roads of l.a. hartley was too concentrated on getting to the building  that he didn’t even notice the car coming his way until it hit the breaks scaring him into dropping the cat. he was a deer caught in the headlights until someone called out for him, “what? i’m fine, dude! it’s my cat!” he looked around in hopes of spotting the yellow ball of fur “you are going to help me find my cat.”
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adam was abruptly startled out of his reverie when the car came to a screeching halt, sending his body lunging forward. “ jesus, joey ” he looked over at his driver in disbelief before getting out of the car himself, looking over at the person they’d almost run over “ hey, i’m sorry about that– ” he started, stepping out from behind the car door “ are you okay ?? you’re not hurt, are you ?? ” 
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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“well to me it’s a proof of friendship to whoever my lover is it’s a threat. maybe that’s why you don’t have long term relationships. you can’t just steal flowers from someones garden, come on now. where’s the thought? you need to be wowing that special someone by sending them one of those huge bouquet of roses and also some diamonds because everyone loves diamonds.” at his words her own jaw dropped. “obviously you have never been around a golden retriever puppy because those little fluffballs are the cutest things ever. even though cats can sometimes be cool.” she couldn’t help but laugh at the reaction he had. “hmm well maybe you’re right. i don’t really know how guys think but wouldn’t be surprised. well you took back that offer of friendship so the invite i was going to offer you to go to starbucks with me is gone.”
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“if they’re ride or die it won’t be a threat, it will be a proof of friendship and they will be very happy that you have someone who’d give shovel talks in your life. and roses are totally cliche? flowers that you risk your life to get by jumping into someones backyard? true romance.” hartley laughed, “diamonds are just rocks someone put under a lot of pressure.” shaking his head he waved her away with one hand, “puppies are nothing! there’s a reason people used to see cats as gods and it’s because they are. facts!” he stuck to his guns as always when it came to this subject not backing down, it probably had something to do with the “traumatic” experience of his best friends giant german shepard jumping on him when he was five. “offer of friendship is back on the table if, any only if, we go to starbucks and grab a muffin. it’s my cheat day.” he said happily. 
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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task no.1; who are you? 
HARTLEY KURESA “really, i might be a proof that god only pays attention to drunks and fools, sure as hell would explain how i get so lucky.”
 001  ♩  what’s it like waking up with a published e.p? 
—   i’m not even sure if i’m awake so... but, really it is the dream come true. just two months ago i lived on a tour bus, now i’m in l.a, doing interviews. i don’t want to ask if it gets better than that because i’m afraid that will jinx everything. 
002  ♪  what about being a part of such an amazing, big agency? and becoming a public face? 
—  that part is crazy in a whole different way. i’m so thankful to them because they signed me and gave me a contract but still, that doesn’t mean that contract isn’t a two way street. also, you are right, it is big, however it seems no matter how big that it is, most people are somehow connected. it’s like a reality show, just take away cameras. on becoming a public face? it’s crazy, i didn’t even have a twitter until recently and now i have to smile and act totally happy even when i’m having the worst day, no big deal. 
003   ♫     ‘crossfire’ is the only song on the e.p sang, composed and written by you? with that you told us you have a voice, why not sing other songs? 
—  i’m not a singer, i leave that job to the professionals. but that song had to be sung by me, just because it’s more personal than relationships and losing yourself. it’s about my brother who is  serving in the u.s military. i wrote that song the first time he was deployed in afganistan. he’s my hero, and he told me to be someone else’s so i never stopped playing.
004  ♬  speaking of your family, you once mentioned that they’re the reason you started playing in the first place? 
—  uh, yeah. my mother was raising two boys, one of them was a giant nerd and i didn’t know what i was, so i found music. it’s the thing that gave me peace and then identity. once i picked up a guitar, i moved onto piano and then violin and cello. i’m actually thinking of meddling with a flute in the future. it just sounds so pretty. 
005  ♭  next to so many instruments how did records get involved? 
—  i may have stolen records from my friend when i was maybe fourteen? 
007 ♯   where did all that inspiration come from for ‘wake up’? 
—   there was someone. that’s all. 
008 ø is there one message tying the songs together? 
— i composed many songs in the past three years. but i chose these particular six because they all remind me to let myself be honest and vulnerable, especially songs like ‘bare’. you can’t find peace until you love yourself.
songs: wake up ; be together ; bare ; crossfire ; run away ; drugs 
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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“did you just threaten my future boyfriend or girlfriend? i can tell this romance thing is pretty important to you. i mean flowers are cool and all but if you wanna be really romantic the way to get a girl is to show up with a puppy.” phoebe laughed at her own words as she insisted what was actually her view of romance. “if i bet that it doesn’t you’re not just gonna whip it out right here right? because you see that whole any publicity is good publicity crap i gave you, yeah don’t really believe it and i’d rather not be photographed next you with your pants down. don’t want to deal with that phonecall from my mom.” the blonde laughed and nodded her head in agreement. “and here i was about to head to starbucks after this. i really am a basic bitch.”
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“shovel talk isn’t threatening? it’s a proof... of friendship. you shouldn’t date people who don’t have decency to steal flowers from someones garden and pretend they spent hours picking it.  but also please don’t listen to me, i don’t even know what a long term relationship is.” at her mention of a puppy he made a face and rolled his eyes, “ i take back that offer of friendship. cats rule, puppies drool!” hartleyy covered his mouth hanging open and shook his head, “no!” he exclaimed, cursing himself for saying such a dumb thing in the first place. “i just meant that... most people, don’t have a problem with the whole whipping it out thing. but, this talk of starbucks is really making me itch for coffee thought.” 
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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phoebe waved off his words as if what he was saying was ridiculous. “please that’s all dead. i mean don’t get me wrong personally i still think that stuff is cute but i know better than to expect that from anyone because people just don’t do that anymore.” she couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction and worked up he seemed to be over the subject. “hey it takes a lot of courage to whip it out okay?.” she tilted her head to the side, an amused look on her face. “you’re a straight fourteen on the ph scale. as basic as you can get. but it’s okay, it’s my favorite filter.”
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tilting his head, he look at her almost sadly, “whoever your next boyfriend or girlfriend is, they’re getting a shovel talk from me if they don’t buy you flowers. romance isn’t dead goddammit and you shouldn’t believe that it is.” hartley nodded confidently at his words, the hopeless romantic part of him couldn’t resist speaking up against something like that. “um... do you want to bet that it doesn’t?” laughing he asked. “damn, the puppy filter and a starbucks drink and we can with no problem call ourselves basic bitches.”
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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“ ouch. do you need a band-aid for that? i’ve got a couple in my purse. ”
“for what?” 
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“crap, i didn’t even realize my arm. yes, please, thank you. i wish a band-aid could fix the fact that my cat is an asshole.”
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
“I have this tune, just stuck with lyrics. I haven’t been inspired here lately. I usually play indie rock.”
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“what’s the last thing you wrote? take that, and switch it to the point of view of the other person in that song. there’s your lyrics.” 
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“are you in a band?”
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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“ well, that’s the nicest way i could muster up to say it. maybe, an actress thing ! “ she shrugs, as she concluded that the male is not involved in the show business until now. “ your manager doesn’t really have to know everything you do ? “
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“hm, what else is an actress thing? how long have you been an actress anyways tho?” he asked grabbing his coat. “i think she has superpowers... or planted some supernatural tracking device on me. i don’t wanna cross her, because apparently, she knows what she’s doing when she says i can’t eat.”
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
if anyone whose character is a singer wants to plot their chara being part of harts e.p i would love you a lot
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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a confused look grew on phoebes face when he questioned her words. man was he really behind on all of these things. “hey nothing says i love you like sending a dick pic.” the blonde laughed as she shrugged. “it won’t ruin you. i mean i personally wouldn’t do it but it would give you publicity and any publicity is good publicity.” a small laugh left her lips as she nodded her head at him. “okay got it, nudes are a no from you. looks like that leaves you with all the fun filters.”
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he looked at her baffled by the reply she gave me, a collection of undistinguished words came out of his mouth before he really spoke, “nothing? what happened to flowers and dinners? ... or am i the weird one for still believing in that?” he asked the girl hoping she’d giving him the truth. “any publicity is not good publicity! i’d rather publicity for my music, that actually took effort. whipping out doesn’t take effort, anyone can do it.” with a nod he gave her a small smile, “how basic am i for really liking the puppy filter?” 
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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“los angeles is pretty overrated. besides, i’ve never had much of a sweet tooth. i was thinking of something more along the lines of ‘something you’ve never said out loud before’. a secret of some sort. call me nosy or just call me curious. i just – well, i happen to remember that you had quite a lot to say once” 
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“dear god yes! like, yeah, i just wish that the management was in a city where people aren’t so... empty? uh, a secret?  i-i’m not big on those. ah, until yesterday my life was tour, same as before... if you remember. biggest thing i have to a secret is that i stole records from my friend when i was like, thirteen? oh god, i had a lot to say? i probably talked your ear off, god, i’m sorry.”
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
“ your confusion’s confused me. stop messin’ around. “
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“ yeah, but you know what managements like. they want you to have the most exposure, and that means as many social media accounts as humanly possible. “
“i really don’t mean to offend by this but... you’re weird.” 
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“but, isn’t talent supposed to be about talent and product that you make? why does it matter what coffee i have and why do people have to know about it? they’re here for my music... i hope so.”
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hartesa-blog1 · 8 years
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the blonde furrowed her eyebrows at the others words. “i don’t think they’re accidentally sending nudes. i mean everyone knows snapchat was made for nudes and photos of you doing ugly faces. people just assume that the person on the other end won’t screenshot the picture.” phoebe pointed out, shrugging her shoulders. “hey you do you man. if you send nudes out on snapchat that’s your business.”
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he was about to nod agreeing with her at first but then he looked at her with eyes wide, “what do you mean it was made for nudes? ... people are too hell-bent on seeing genitalia, as if the internet isn’t flooded with them anyways.” hartley jumped a little in his seat putting his arms up in defense, “it’s not for nudes, cross my heart!  i just got to where i am, i don’t want to ruin it, thought... technically, nudes were what started kim ks career...” he said somewhat lost in thought, “but i am not going to use it for that!”
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