hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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I took a picture of the sunset. I wanted to make the picture underexposed. I wanted to reveal only the color of the sky. The picture showed the building as a black shade which helped in showing the color of the sky even more.
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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Test Shots
Topic: Rituals of Egyptian families
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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Assignment 4
This is an imitation of the “Alice in Wonderland” photo that was taken by Martin Parr. I captured the photo in my living room. The photo was taken with a 35mm focal length. I took it at night, using only the room light focused on the object. I used the TV screen as a black background. The problem I faced that I had a plane saucer. So I had to get coloring pens, and I tried to imitate exactly the drawings of the flowers. Also, another challenge faced is trying to imitate the position of the finger holding the saucer. Materials used in the photograph were used from the household such as the saucer, green t-shirt and the ring.
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
What makes a photograph iconic
What makes a photograph iconic? There are many photos that are famous and have a high value, but what differentiate it from others. What makes a photo iconic in my opinion is a photo that has a deep meaning to it. A photo that is worth a thousand words. I see that iconic photos should be real photos and not staged. An iconic photo must capture a certain either a certain moment in history or a certain event. The photo should have an effect on people seeing it. The photo should have a story behind it, not just an ordinary picture that can be repeated and made by several photographers. For instance, the napalm girl photo. This photo was taken in a real war which had an impact on the world. That is because it told a real story and had many meanings. To conclude, an iconic photo is a photo that should be recognized by people when they see it. It should be memorable and known not only at the time it was published, but also have an effect on people throughout the history.
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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Bonus assignment: Task 3
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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I believe that the gallery was very interesting. I learned a lot from the pictures. There was the sequence of pictures of the wall. At the beginning, I didn’t understand what the pictures trying to say until I understood that all the pictures are organized in a sequence. This sequence represents the age group and the different stages of life. Starting from a kid to an old man. This really showed me how that the pictures alone would not have had any impact or meaning on the audience. However, when you put the pictures together they actually have a meaning. This illustrates the power of connections and photography. Also, I believe that the photos were large so they can give the people the feeling of connections as the size of the pictures shows the men in the picture as the same size as in the real life.
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
Assignment 2
I see that this assignment is different than the first assignment. The main idea of the photos was capturing them using the rule of thirds. I learned a lot from taking these pictures. I knew the difference between literal and lateral pictures, and how I should not take cliché pictures that are repetitive. I believe that the photos were simple it didn’t have any complicated aspects. They were simple photos with simple background. I learned that I have to look at pictures in a different way, I need to evaluate and see if the picture I take has a true meaning. Also, I knew that the background really matters on whether the picture is good or not. The background should not distract the viewer from the focused object in the picture and that there should not be any writings in the background that would make the viewers lose focus. I think the most important aspects I the photos is composition. It really matters in changing how the eye sees the object. I should not just capture the photo like that. I should control the surroundings, such as adjusting the aperture and the shutter speed, I should adjust the amount of light that is directed on the object, and choose a suitable simple background that would allow the viewer to see the beauty and the true meaning of the photo. I really enjoyed the assignment as I learned how to be creative with capturing photos and controlling the surroundings in order to come up with a beautiful picture that would be satisfying for the viewer’s eye.
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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9. Personal vision
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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8. Point of view
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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7. Rule of thirds
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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6. Frame in frame
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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5. Color
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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4. Texture
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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3. Shape
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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2. Negative space
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hassan-helaly-74 · 3 years
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1. Light direction
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