hasyastudy · 3 years
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uts loh ini has....
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hasyastudy · 4 years
made my day
16 Januari 2021 - 19:35
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hasyastudy · 4 years
made my day
16 Januari 2021 - 19:35
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hasyastudy · 4 years
kebodohan kedua hr ini : upload sg
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hasyastudy · 4 years
Inilah salah satu jenis tumor jinak yang paling sering dialami perempuan. Ciri-ciri benjolan ini adalah bisa digerakkan atau berpindah-pindah tempat. Apabila ditekan, benjolan pun akan terasa padat atau solid, berbentuk bulat atau oval dan kenyal. Tidak seperti kondisi yang lain, benjolan yang terjadi akibat kondisi ini tidak menimbulkan rasa sakit ketika ditekan.
Fibroadenoma pun bisa dialami oleh perempuan berusia 20-30 tahun. Selain itu, benjolan fibroadenoma cenderung memerlukan waktu lama untuk bertambah besar. Namun, bukan tidak mungkin ukurannya menjadi sangat besar. Fibroadenoma tidak berkembang menjadi kanker, dan sama seperti fibrosis serta kista.
Ya Allah:( - 8 Januari 2021
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hasyastudy · 4 years
it’s second week in january but my family get a trial that I think is so heavy. First, my grandmother had reduced vision so she could not recognize people around her including her own family. second, my brother has covid and he lives in the same house with me and my parents... ya allah:(( allah lebih besar daripada masalahku:((
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hasyastudy · 4 years
Bisa bisanya tidur oadahal lg rapat aaa malu bgt😭😭😭😭😭
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hasyastudy · 4 years
Why i hate my self so much
14 november 2020
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hasyastudy · 4 years
11 November 2020
emang aku kalau lagi stress sua nangis, tapi ga cuma grgr stress juga sih. aku suka nangis tanpa alasan. sekalinya ketauan nangis dibilang “gak dewasa”. I mean drpd ngomong gitu coba tenangin atau semangatin, ayok bisa ngerjainnya, yang sabar ya ngerjain tugasnya. bener ya kata orang, yang paling bisa menjatuhkan kita tuh keluarga kita sendiri
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hasyastudy · 4 years
Serasa salah jurusan, atau emang semester 2 tuh kaya gini sih. Gakuat nilau uts kecil kecil bgt🥺
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hasyastudy · 4 years
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hasyastudy · 4 years
Ya allah😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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hasyastudy · 7 years
Life is not about ignoring the bad, but being able to see it, accept it, and grow with it.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin (via thepowerwithin)
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hasyastudy · 7 years
Jadi begini rasanya rindu karena jarak yang terpisah terlampaui jauh. Jadi begini rasanya resah tak menentu karena memikirkannya yang tak kunjung berkabar. Hal pertama yang akan kulakukan ketika bertemu sosokmu nanti adalah memandang wajahmu lekat-lekat. Tanpa jeda. Tanpa jarak. Biar saja bosan, aku hanya ingin rinduku terobati dengan baik.
Bekasi, 11 Juli 2017 20:28 (via estehmanistanpagula)
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hasyastudy · 7 years
Sometimes I’m happy & sometimes I’m sad. At the moment, I’m not feeling good. I’m a happy go lucky person. Usually I’m okay.Always happy. But today, I cried. I don’t know why I’m too sensitive. Maybe because I’m a human too and I’m bleed when I fall down. Just want to stay away from anyone. I need times. Because I’m really2 sad.Oo Allah, please let me strong. No matter what test & tribulation comes in, hopefully I can handle this.😢😢😢
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hasyastudy · 7 years
the hardest part about being tested by Allah is that you know that in the end, everything will be for the best and you have to keep reminding yourself of that all the times you are crying in sujood, struggling to keep your faith, make ends meet, or keep healthy relationships with those around you. Allah will test you like he tested the Prophets before. Have Sabr.
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hasyastudy · 7 years
You didn’t break me. I broke me. Because I believed in something that wasn’t real.
vtambrownie  (via wnq-writers)
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