hat-a-cake · 2 years
Resep Sayur Asem
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Resep Sayur Asem Sederhana
Resep masakan sehari hari selanjutnya adalah sayur asem yang menyegarkan. Cara membuatnya juga tidak sulit kok, berikut ini resep dan langkah-langkahnya.
Bahan Resep:
3 buah asam jawa
1 buah labu siam/jipang
100 gram kacang tanah (kupas)
10 buah melinjo
1 buah terong
1 batang jagung manis
4 batang kacang panjang
150 gram nangka muda
20 lembar daun melinjo
4 lembar daun salam
2 ruas jari lengkuas
1500 ml air matang
1/2 sdt garam (bahan bumbu halus)
1/2 sdt gula pasir (bahan bumbu halus)
1/2 sdt gula jawa (bahan bumbu halus)
1 sdt terasi (bahan bumbu halus)
6 buah cabe merah (bahan bumbu halus)
5 siung bawang merah (bahan bumbu halus)
3 siung bawang putih (bahan bumbu halus)
2 butir kemiri (bahan bumbu halus)
Petunjuk Resep Resep Sayur Asem:
Langkah 1, haluskan bahan bumbu halus:Siapkan cobek lalu ulek semua bahan bumbu halus. Setelah itu sisihkan dulu.
Langkah 2, potong sayuran:Potong bahan utama sayur asem, seperti terong, labu siam, jagung manis, kacang panjang dan nangka muda. Potong sesuai dengan selera, namun jangan terlalu besar.
Langkah 3, rebus air:Ambil panci lalu rebus air hingga mendidih. Masukkan labu siam, melinjo, jagung manis, dan nangka muda. Masaklah hingga empuk, kurang lebih 20 menit.
Langkah 4, masukkan bahan lain:Apabila sudah empuk, masukkan bahan lainnya seperti terong, asam jawa, kacang panjang, kacang tanah, daun melinjo, daun salam, lengkuas yang sudah di gepuk, dan terakhir adalah bumbu halus tadi.
Langkah 5, masak sayur asem:Masak sayur asem hingga matang. Jangan lupa untuk mengaduknya agar tercampur semua. Setelah matang, angkat dan sajikan bersama nasi putih hangat serta lauk lainnya.
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hat-a-cake · 2 years
Resep Telur Balado
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Resep Telur Balado
Banyak stok telur dirumah? Bisa dibuat telur balado yang nikmat jika disajikan dengan nasi putih hangat. Berikut ini resepnya.
Bahan Resep:
5 butir telur ayam
2 ruas lengkuas
2 ruas jahe
2 lembar daun salam
1 batang sereh
minyak goreng secukupnya
10 buah cabe merah (baham bumbu)
5 siung bawang merah (baham bumbu)
5 siung bawang putih (baham bumbu)
2 butir kemiri (baham bumbu)
2 sdm air asam jawa (baham bumbu)
1/2 sdt garam (baham bumbu)
1/2 sdt merica (baham bumbu)
gula jawa secukupnya (baham bumbu)
Cara membuat Resep Telur Balado :
Langkah 1, merebus telur ayam:Masukkan telur dalam panci yang sudah diisi air secukupnya lalu rebus hingga matang sekitar menit. Setelah matang jangan lupa kupas telur. Sisihkan sebentar.
Langkah 2, goreng telur:Panaskan minyak dalam wjaan menggunakan api sedang lalu goreng telur yang sudah dikupas tadi hingga bagian luarnya berwarma kekuningan. Angkat dan tiriskan dulu.
Langkah 3, buat bumbu telur balado:Campurkan bahan bumbu lalu haluskan. Untuk menghaluskan bisa menggunakan blender ataupun dengan diulek. Pastikan semua bumbu halus.
Langkah 4, tumis bumbu halus:Tumis bumbu halus dengan menggunakan 3 sdm minyak goreng lalu tambahkan jahe, lengkuas dan sereh yang digepuk. Tumislah hingga mengeluarkan bau harum.
Langkah 5, buat telur balado:Apabila tumisan bumbu sudah harum, masukkan telur yang sudah ditiriskan tadi. Lanjutkan dengan menumis hingga bumbu meresap, biasanya cukup 5 menit saja. Setelah itu bisa diangkat lalu disajikan.
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hat-a-cake · 2 years
Lucy's Cookie Monster Cupcakes
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So, this is my first post! This blog has been in the pipeline for a while now… Mainly because I feel a bit silly constantly posting photos of my cakes on my personal Tumblr :P But also because I think it’s nice to have a proper archive of my creations ^^
H'okay… First up are the cupcakes (FINE! Muffins. They are muffins. I just thought ‘cupcakes’ would sound cuter, ok?) which I made for my lovely friend Lucy’s birthday back in June. As with all the cakey things I make, they were a surprise. Well, I think all my friends have come to expect some kind of Hattie-birthday-cake now, but the finished designs are always kept hidden :) Lucy has never really voiced a particular love of Sesame Street, OR Cookie Monster… But come on, who doesn’t love either of those things?
lucy's cookie monster cupcakes and cakes
These are ridiculously easy to make. YOU don’t even have to bake the cake parts.
To serve 8:
8 muffins, homemade or bought. Any flavour!
Batch of chocolate chip cookies, homemade or bought (Better to use more than 8… They break pretty easily and OH NOES you might have to eat them to make space on the work surface). Any flavour!
Pack of giant white chocolate buttons.
Dark chocolate chips.
Royal icing.
Small bag of dessicated coconut (a little goes a long way!).
How to make:
Pour a LOT of blue food colouring into a bowl with the desiccated coconut. Mix it up until it turns a really vivid shade of blue. Set the bowl of coconut to one side.
Mix a little blue food colouring in with some royal icing; You want a gluey/runny consistency. Cover all of the muffin tops with the blue icing and before they set, dunk them top-first into the bowl of coconut, one at a time. Roll them around until all you can see are the beginnings of a lovely, fuzzy monster head :3
Cut a slit just under halfway, so near where the paper casing starts. This is going to be Cookie’s mouth. Be careful not to cut TOO wide or TOO deeply otherwise you’ll end up with something that looks like it belongs in the Saw series. Hold his mouth open and grab a cookie- you may need to cut a little bit off so it fits- and place it in the gaping hole :P The cookie should stay firmly in place.
Next, take two giant white chocolate buttons (giant Milkybar buttons are awesome for this) and place two spots of leftover icing near the edges. Carefully place a dark chocolate chip on the icing (try not to smoosh the icing out from under the chips too much or he’ll end up with weird, blue-ish eyes). Place the buttons on top of the cakes with the 'pupils’ on his 'eyes’ facing funky directions in order to get Cookie’s trademark googly eye effect.
And that’s it! :D Altogether now… OMMMM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM!!
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NB: Sorry for less-than-great photos… This was before I had my beloved 550D. Also, I was in a rush to get to the party and taking pictures was kind of an afterthought :P
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