hathawayduval · 2 years
Surf’s up, babes, gays, and theys! Your favorite cheerleader is back in town, whoop whoop! My plane just got in and I am READY. Speaking of ready, is anyone up and ready to come give a guy a ride from the airport?
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Welcome back! I would say it’s dangerous to solicit rides from potential strangers, but I figured it would be a weird thing to lead with since I was going to offer a ride. Also, because of the fact that I’m not a stranger. God, I’m batting zero over here. Why didn’t you text me, Mason? I’m on my way. How was your trip?
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hathawayduval · 2 years
Nah, I don’t think you’re insane bro. Coffee is a nice thing to have if you have to stay up late for something, or you’re just hanging out late with people. I don’t judge. It was so nice. I visited a buddy in Oregon and I got it at least three times while I was there. But yeah. Let’s petition to get one here. I’ll be the first to sign it. It goes really well. Just surfing like always. What about you? 
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You don’t? You might be the first, I feel like I should further document this moment! Kidding, but...Only kind of. Anyway, I’m glad I’m not alone on this late night coffee island, at least. Oregon? Now there’s a state you don’t ear much about these days. Was it nice? Overall, I mean- not just the coffee. Heck yes! We’ll get some materials together, contact the mayor, it’ll be a whole thing that will culminate in us getting exactly what we want, I’m sure of it. Good, good. That’s what we love to hear. I’m doing alright. I’m glad the school year is over, but I’ve still got so much prep to do for the next it’s not even funny. I’ve been meaning to get out to the beach to catch a few waves myself. When are you going next? 
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hathawayduval · 2 years
—  ☾  —
Definitely not. I mean, slaves to the workforce have to sleep too, you know? Or have lives. Coffee shops open at six a.m. and it’s a miracle some of them stay open past seven p.m.
My rec? Buy a coffee pot or if you’re into the cold brew craze, just buy some at the store. Those are usually open past ten.
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Of course I do. But, then there are those who are slaves to the workforce that is awake while everyone else is asleep. You’d think better accommodations would be had. But, maybe that’s just my wishful thinking. Either way, I actually was able to find a place- the 7-11. So, all is well that ends well. 
I definitely have a pot at least, I just wasn’t in the mood to make any at that point. Thank you though. You know, I’m not so sure about the cold brew myself. I mean, what’s the difference? What makes it so special? These are the answers I need. 
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hathawayduval · 2 years
It’s great to meet you, Nick Duval! Now that you have distinguished yourself as my coffee consultant, expect me to be constantly nipping at your heels to become your new best friend. Because duh, 7-11, of course that’s the answer! A friend of mine who lives in a small town swears that the coffee there is better than Starbucks. Some El Salvadorian blend, I think. I am ashamed to say I never stopped my latte-slurping, espresso-downing, bourgie butt long enough to try it. The time has come, thanks to you, my friend!
Ok, you can’t name all those coffee heaven flavors and not give me the name of the diner! Or… is there just one diner in town? 
When you run into trouble with pie, call me and I’ll come take care of it for you. Or not, if you would hate me. But if the pie is that good, maybe it will be worth sacrificing our new friendship (j/k)
“Sort of artist” is a good descriptor. I’m an actor/performer/musician between projects. Came to town to regroup and benefit from the good vibes of my uncle.  
So are you a teacher? What kind? You are a hero.
I’m from IL originally, but moved here from Los Angeles. I’m beyond grateful for the job while I had it, but it really took it out of me - long hours, a lot of energy to give it as much as I could. Hollywood sob story, I know. It was really fun, at least. 
Are you from here, or a transplant like me?
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You know what? It just so happens that I have an available best friend position currently, so no nipping necessary. Is this how this happens in adulthood? You just...Publicly declare you’re best friends and then that’s just...It? Wild. I’ll admit, I’ve only had the famed Starbucks once or twice in my life, so I’m not one to speak on that comparison. But, I know 7-11 is pretty ding dang dong good. Excellent! I’m glad you’ve decided to join the ranks. Don’t worry, you’re going to be just fine!
Well, there is kind of just one diner in town, but either way it would have been helpful for me to specify. It’s called Mom&Pop’s. Maybe I’m a little biased but...They’ve got the best of everything, in my opinion. You’ll definitely have to try that, too. Maybe we can grab dinner together one night this week, if you’re free. 
I would love to be offended at your willingness to abandon what would obviously be the best friendship of your entire life, but I would be lying. Pie is pie, and it wins ever time. I both get and respect that. But, any time I have a problem, I’ll give you a buzz. We can share, at the very least. 
Yes! You are! Wow, talk about a brain fart. You’re the Blaine Anderson. My students wore your face on their shirts for quite some time. I’m not sure if that’s flattering or not, so take it as you will. It’s incredible though, that you've managed to make your way into our little slice of paradise. Any thoughts on how long you’ll call this place home?
Haha, I don’t know about that, but thank you nonetheless. I teach high school music and choir classes. I know, super thrilling. But, I love it. 
Hey, no need to justify yourself to me. I get it. Life itself is hard and exhausting, but then to add a career on top of it- any career really, but most especially that one- you’re just asking to be burnt out early on. Good on you for taking a break like this though. It’ll help when you get back into the swing of things, if that’s what you want to do. 
Oh, I’ve been here basically since college. I went to school at the state university about half an hour away. I found a cheap apartment here early on, and commuted from there. So, it has been nearly 7 years now. I’m originally from Ohio, actually.
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hathawayduval · 2 years
Honestly, I am with you on wanting a place we can get coffee after 10 PM. When I visited Oregon, there was this coffee stand Dutch Bros. That place is open 24/7. They need to bring one over on the east coast! 
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Thank you! I was starting to think that maybe I was a little insane- everyone seemed to have such wild reactions to the question! You know, I’ve heard of Dutch Bros but I haven’t ever had the chance to visit one. I think they’re primarily Western thing, right? Yes! Maybe we should start a petition. I’ll bet we could gain some real traction! Other than missing accessible coffee, how goes it?
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hathawayduval · 2 years
Oh, I’m not the right person for this question ‘cause I do hit up Mom & Pop’s for literally everything. I can’t blame you though, their apple pie is like made with magic. I don’t know how they make it so delicious. 
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It’s funny you say that, because it sounds like you may actually the best person to ask. You get it, you know what’s up. It is! I don’t understand why they haven’t tried to sell it or something, or tried to sell the recipes. Then again, I’m really glad they haven’t. I don’t either. Sometimes I think I want to know, but then I think I don’t. I wouldn’t know what to do with that kind of power. How goes it, Max? How is work going?
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hathawayduval · 2 years
When was the last time you heard about hot chocolate keeping someone up all night? I think you might find a combo answer to why people don’t blink an eye at hot chocolate when you answer that. I’m new, chasing a vacation and hopefully a hot beach boy or two. While you’re getting your caffeine party on, I’ll be at the bar looking for my own reason to stay up.
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I mean, if we want to get technical it definitely could. But, that’s semantics I guess. Though I would counter with my own question- when was the last time you heard about decaf coffee doing the same? I do see what you’re saying, though. It was a hasty comparison, I’ll give you that at least. I thought so. Well, have fun with that. My guess is you’ll want to head towards the Red Door. It’s a nightclub and bar in town, if you haven’t found your way there already. Hopefully you find your reason. 
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hathawayduval · 2 years
… Just make your own damn coffee? This isn’t the big city.
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It’s not? Really? Man, apparently I’ve been pretty confused about where I’m at for the past several years. I know it’s not, definitely. I just think it’s fun sometimes- going out, seeing the options. Plus, I may have wanted to drink coffee at 10 PM, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I wanted to make it. I appreciate the suggestion though. You seem like a chipper fellow.
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hathawayduval · 2 years
If you get an answer PLEASE tell me. Late night caffeinated inspiration can be the best kind. 
Sorry that, as a new guy in town, that I’m of no use to you. In fact, could I even beg the names of the best Mom and Pop cups of coffee here? My uncle, who is the only person I know here, drinks tea!
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I come bearing good news- I’ve been reminded that our cozy little down does, in fact, come equipped with a 7-11. Winning! Not that the coffee at the diner would have been terrible, so don’t let that deter you from taking that road in the future. I really do just have a pie problem. Yes! I mean, coffee doesn’t have to be caffeinated, but I know exactly what you’re saying. I know some of my best ideas have come to me when I was awake and caffeinating in the wee hours of the morning. You must be some sort of artist. 
Don’t worry about it, I’m always happy just to talk to people. And, I think I’ve got us both covered now! I didn’t think you looked familiar, so thanks for clearing that up and not making me awkwardly ask. Oh, their blueberry coffee is amazing, so is their hazelnut. But, their salted caramel is just...To absolutely die for. Seasonally, as basic as my students would call this, their pumpkin spice is where it’s at. Now that’s a travesty. Maybe you’ll be able to culture him a bit while you’re here. I’m Nick Duval, welcome to Hathaway. Where are you from?
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hathawayduval · 2 years
Coffee more than once per day, or any time after approximately 2 PM, is terrible for you. If you don’t already have problems sleeping, you will after tonight. I don’t have a valid answer to your question, that’s something I would never seek out myself, therefore I have no reason to know information like that. And, I won’t wish you luck on your search, because you shouldn’t be doing that. I’m Hunter Clarington, by the way. Pleasure. 
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Oh, wow-ee. I can’t say I was expecting a response quite like that one- not that I wasn’t expecting some judgment, but you’ve got to know you aren’t being paid to do that, right? I’m kidding, at least partially. I know it’s not necessarily the best choice, but I’m okay with that. If nothing else, I’ll get decaf. Nothing wrong with that, I think. Unless it’s poisoned. Then, I’ll have a pretty big problem. It’s nice to formally meet you, Hunter. I’ve seen you around, and especially at the college. I teach over at the high school.
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hathawayduval · 2 years
Are you a recovering coke fiend? That’s the only reason why I could even imagine you’d want to drink coffee after 10 PM. Then again, stranger things have been known to happen. 
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You’ll be shocked to know that I am not recovering from anything, outside of a long day. Really, it’s just a craving I’m having. They do make decaf, too. So, there are options. That’s not to say I don’t think you’re right about that. Strange things happen all the time. You don’t look familiar, so I’ll introduce myself. Hi, I’m Nick Duval. 
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hathawayduval · 2 years
The deets, huh? That’s cute. I’m going to swing with a wild guess that you’ve already gotten your suggestions at this point. Though I do have to wonder what you’re up to that you’re so adamant about staying up for.
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Thanks, I thought so too. I did get a couple, yes. Though, the majority of them were people telling me I was insane. That’s alright- I guess I pretty well asked for that. I’m not up to anything, really. I just...Really have a craving for some coffee. Maybe that’s weird. At the same time, if it were hot chocolate people wouldn’t blink an eye. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before- though that doesn’t mean much, I don’t get out a whole lot. But, anyway, I’m Nick. It’s nice to meet you.
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hathawayduval · 2 years
Coffee after ten? I didn’t know people drunk coffee that late, but hey. No judgment here! I can only think of one place, honestly and that’s 7-Eleven. You might find yourself wanting a slurpee, though. You may end up spending twenty anyway. You might as well shell out a few extra dollars on Mom & Pops’ if it’s your favorite. It’s worth every penny. However, 7-Eleven is addictive too so either way you look at it, you’re going to be going back for more.
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Thank you, Whitley! I normally don’t, really, but with the day I had there was just something about a nice, hot cup calling my name. That’s a great suggestion! I hadn’t even thought of 7-11, that’s a “duh” moment if I’ve ever had one. Thank you for indulging me, though. I see your point there, too. Now I’m in an impossible position- I’m too indecisive. Aside from putting on a cape to rescue those of us with odd drinking habits, how has your summer been?
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hathawayduval · 2 years
I definitely feel like I should know this answer, but what I’m about to ask is so truly rare for me I’ve never really had to think about it- anyone have any suggestions for the best place to get coffee after 10:00 PM? Other than Mom&Pop’s, I mean. Not that they aren’t stellar, but...If I go in there, I’ll leave $20 lighter and having eaten wayyyyyyyy too much apple pie for a Wednesday night. Let a guy know if you’ve got the deets!
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