hathorslove · 5 years
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hathorslove · 5 years
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Carnelian Vulva waist beads are beaded with red, rose gold toned, and carnelian chip beads. They are accented with handcrafted "vulva" beads. 
Carnelian, a reddish orange hued stone, is noted for it's properties of being connected to the innumerable Great Mother Goddess Auset as a representation of sacred blood. Carnelian is also widely used for healing the sacral chakra Sacral energy charges over our emotional well being, sensuality, and creativity. 
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hathorslove · 6 years
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I just finished making "Return to Her" Goddess Statue. She is lovely for letting go what doesn't serve you. Return to Her (you).
°mother, womb, comforting.
°letting go, release.
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hathorslove · 6 years
“The intimate voice of your body is always speaking to you. Notice the sensations happening in your body. What is it saying?”
— India Ame’ye, Author
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hathorslove · 6 years
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Happy world breastfeeding week!! 👶💕 Here’s to the breastfeeding mamas out there! Through your struggles achievements, tears & joy, no matter how you breastfed or for how long for you deserve to be celebrated today & everyday! Here are some of the amazing benefits of breastfeeding:
•Breastmilk adapts to your baby’s changing needs •Breastmilk contains all the nutrients your baby needs for the first six months of life •Breastmilk is easy to digest and is easily absorbed into your baby’s system •Both colostrum and mature breastmilk contain antibodies and other agents that protect your baby from infection and diseases like gastroenteritis, respiratory tract infections, ear infections and type-1 diabetes •The good fats in breastmilk are important for baby brain and nervous system development •Breastfeeding is important for baby eyesight, speech, jaw and mouth development •Babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and fatal sleeping accidents •Breast milk contains a full range of vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible combination •Decreased risk of allergies •Breast milk is sterile, fresh and safe •Baby experiences less nappy rash and thrush •It’s convenient, cheap and always there when you need it •Fewer stomach upsets and constipation •Babies benefit emotionally, because they are held more •Breastfeeding promotes mother-baby bonding •The baby’s sucking causes a mothers uterus to contract down to normal size and reduces the flow of blood after delivery •Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to develop breast & ovarian cancer later in life For the first 2-4 days of your baby’s life, your breasts will secrete colostrum, a yellowish fluid rich in proteins. The protein is easily digested and absorbed by the body, especially by the rapidly developing brain. It provides factors that promote maturation of the gut and good digestion ost superior and is the most well-designed nutrition for your baby in the first few days of life. If you are unable to breastfeed, then feeding your baby with formula is still completely fine. If your baby is having difficulty nursing, there are steps you can take to help them. If breastfeeding has become a bit of a struggle, there’s usually a reason behind it, and there are things you can do to help you do it successfully. In reality, it’s not that you can’t breastfeed, it’s that your baby needs to be guided and shown how to breastfeed effectively. Some of the main issues that can occur can be: Improper latch Post-birth stiffness Incompatible anatomy Hard breasts Wrong position Tongue-tie See your GP, Midwife, lactation consultant or professional to assist you in breast feeding. There are also amazing herbal remedies and supplements that can help to increase your milk supply and reduce the incidence of mastitis. And remember theres also milk banks and wet nurses if it’s important for you that your baby have breast milk. Educate yourself ladies and don’t be afraid to seek out help, knowledge is power! #breastfeeding #breastfeedingmama #doula #motherhood #birth #birthwisdom #labour #pregnancy #postnatal #fertility #preconception #empowerment #selfcare #birthwithoutfear #parenthood #empoweredbirth #peacefulparenting #birthday #naturalbirth #homebirth #homebirthbaby #womb #women #melbournedoula #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #childbirth #birthsupport #worldbreastfeedingweek #normalizebreastfeeding
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hathorslove · 6 years
Magical herbal DIY’s for every part of your precious body.
For the witches (or anyone else) who are into herbs and smelling good.
The magical attributes of the DIY’S according to the herbs used are highlighted in the contents section below in brackets. You can choose one or multiple attributes to focus on while using these products to match your intent. 
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1. Floral facial steam: Leaves your face feeling fresh AF, smelling good. (Protection, love, centering and psychic power)
2. Rose & chamomile bath bags: Relaxing AF, smells good, SUPER CLENSING. (Protection, centering and meditation)
3. Clay and Lavender face mask: We all know clay is dope for our skin, and lavender can never go wrong. (Peace, protection, love, purification)
4. Peppermint foot scrub: Leaves your feet feeling and smelling FIIIINEEE. (Travel, money, healing, luck, strength)
1. Floral facial steam
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YOU WILL NEED (The ingredients below are per 6 treatments so multiply it for as many treatments as you’d like): 
-3 100ml jars
-2/3 cup of lavender buds, dried
-1/3 cup of rose petals, dried
-2/3 cup chamomile flowers, dried
Mix up the herbs ad divide them into each jar (roughly half a cup each)
• Remove make up or dirt by using a gentle cleanser • Place herbs in a heatproof bowl (use 4 tablespoons herbs per treatment – each jar is enough for 2 treatments) • Pour one pint of boiling water into a heat proof bowl (USE MOON WATER FOR EXTRA BENEFITS) • Place bowl on a sturdy surface (like a table) and lower face over the bowl (it’s usually best to sit in a chair that is pulled up close to a table) • Place a towel over your head to create a tent over the bowl (the towel helps the steam stay close to the face and not evaporate into the air so quickly) • Stay here for about 15 to 20 minutes- while you are here start by centring yourself, and then think about your intent and what you wish for the herb to bring to you, imagine the steam cleansing away any negativity. 
2. Rose & chamomile bath bags
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YOU WILL NEED (The ingredients below are per 3 treatments so multiply it for as many treatments as you’d like):
-3 Muslin bags
-¾ cup dried rose petals
-¾ cup dried chamomile flowers
-1 ½ cup epsom salts
METHOD: Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Place 1 cup of mixture in each muslin bag. Tie the top of each bag to close tightly.
To use bath tea bag, tie bag to faucet so the water runs through it as the bath fills. Once the bath is full of warm water, remove the bag from the faucet and let it float in the bath. Soak for at least 15 minutes - while doing so, remember to relax, centre yourself, remember your intent and what you wish to get out of this treatment and imagine the salts and hot water clensing away any negative energy.
3. Clay and Lavender face mask
YOU WILL NEED (once again makes 3 , adjust to your liking):
-3 100 ml jars
-½ cup lavender flower powder
-1 1/8 cup white cosmetic clay
Mix up and divide into jars, roughly half a cup per jar. 
At time of use, mix 1 tablespoon of lavender-clay mix with 2-3 teaspoons of water, cooled chamomile tea, or hydrosol, until a paste forms. Spread over the face, avoiding the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes. This mask draws out toxins and negative energy so make sure to visualise the clay mask absorbing the negative energy for maximum effect, meanwhile, pour your intent into this procedure and absorb the lavender and mother earth’s clay into your system. Wash off with warm water and a wash cloth. 
BOOOM yo face is untoxic AF super clensed, and smelling damn fineeee.
4. Peppermint foot scrub
What you need (MAKES 3):
-3 250-300(ish)ml jars
-1/3 cup fine sea salt or epsom salt
-¾ cup oil (grapeseed, sweet almond or olive)
-Few drops peppermint essential oil
-¼ cup dried peppermint leaves
Mix ingredients in bowl, divide into jars, roughly 1 cup per jar.
Rub into damp foot in circular motions. Our feet pick up alot of negative energy, and are important because they take us places in the physical world, make sure to focus on your intent and drawing out the negative energy.
Happy witching
~ @indigo-amethyst
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hathorslove · 6 years
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hathorslove · 6 years
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hathorslove · 6 years
“A sensually activated woman achieves her dreams and desires.”
— India Ame’ye, Author
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hathorslove · 7 years
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These ancient Goddess statues are from Kazakhstan. Not too long ago, I watched an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern: Kazakhstan. So when I saw these, I was happy to know where they were from. Aren’t they beautiful? ❤
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hathorslove · 7 years
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Painted faience sculpture of a tattooed woman or a priestess of Hathor. Egypt. 1850-1640 BC. I love faience🌹 Her tattoos remind me a whole lot of my own. My favorite possibility of what her body markings mean: Protection for a healthy womb and healthy pregnancy. As her belly grows, the tattoos stretches across the abdomen like a net or barrier over the baby... Thus, protecting the baby.
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hathorslove · 7 years
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Ocean Breeze
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hathorslove · 7 years
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This cat loves sitting on my back porch. I want to bring her in. She, or he, even likes walking across our living room window sill. So, you just see this shadow figure of a cat standing in the window. I truly appreciate it. ❤
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hathorslove · 7 years
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hathorslove · 7 years
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hathorslove · 7 years
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Hathor chapel at the temple of Thutmose III in Deir el-Bahari, photo from excavation by Henry Edouard Naville (1907), painted sandstone, H. 225cm, with statue of Hathor as divine cow, today exposed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (Ground Floor, Room 12), JE 38574-5
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hathorslove · 7 years
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Golden Sand and Seashells & Pearls I picked some of my shells from the shore. Its always nice to find a shell that's perfect for crafting.
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