haugr · 23 days
This is in no way meant to make you feel pressured to post and if you're busy with other stuff there is absolutely no need to answer at all I just wanted to ask if there were any other things you had written? (porn or not). I honestly am just enamored with V&F I'm not a massive consumer of AO3 works I basically open the site once a month to check if you posted then close it again. So if any other works are hiding out there under a different name I'd love to read those too
Sadly, V&F and Fox Hunt are the only two bits of prose fiction I've managed to make myself write in the last ~10 years. (Much as I like writing, I admit it's not something I do too often.)
I want to make recommendations for things in a similar vein you might enjoy, but it's more than a little likely that you've already read them (since fics that hit a very specific intersection of interests tend to get recommended all in the same breath)... If not, I definitely rec madrastic's Opals and Ochre and sanguia's My Greatest Treasure. Both do a lot of rolling around in the lead characters' heads, which I really like and try to do when I get the chance.
I hope to have the new V&F and a whole new third thing up eventually!
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haugr · 23 days
'I shall check my favorite fic writer to see if she's doing ok' clueless fool before seeing blessed post. I'm glad you're updating but more glad you're doing ok! PeepoJoy
And then I dropped off the face of the earth for months, lol. Sorry about that. Thank you though!
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haugr · 5 months
Status update
V&F 21 should be done by the end of the week. I do a little bit here and there when my brain & life let me. I guess that's the curse of having an AO3 account at all.
I am working on stuff though! Look upon some of my WIPs and despair (as I do). Hoping to get a few done throughout the year.
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haugr · 6 months
I love your story viper and flame, will there be a new update anytime soon?
Yeah, definitely within the next month or so, + an extra stand-alone oneshot I hope. Just caught up in some nonsense that leaves me unwilling to do much other than game or goof off when I get free time, lol. Sorry about that!
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haugr · 1 year
BisonScreamingYesgif, my crops are watered, my illness cured, my soul warmed
How I felt finally getting something out, too lol
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haugr · 1 year
I had to resort to writing on my phone again, but I did it! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
V&F Update : Ch 20, Talks (Pt. II) - I'm sure this will all turn out fine.
Currently working on the next chapter, and a couple oneshots--one unrelated to Lustre. I have to get as much done as I can while my brain is cooperating!
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haugr · 1 year
Your disbelieving stare is entirely warranted but it's gonna happen. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna!!!
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haugr · 1 year
Hey I'm asking anonymously because I hate the concept of being seen, but would you be ok with Viper and Flame illustrations or comic pages being made? I have this general idea for what that one painting of the stag looks like but I also immediately think about the porny scene after that too lol
This answer is a couple months late, so the urge has probably long passed, but: sure, I don't mind at all! Considerate of you to ask.
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haugr · 1 year
I just found v&f last night and read it all by this morning. Thank you so much for writing! I really enjoy their dynamic. I was drawn in by the evil advisor/inexplicably obsessed fan thing. Like if Kissinger got sampled by BTS and then kidnapped by a kpop stan and kept as a house cat. And don't get me wrong, I'm still here for that, but you've done a really good job letting them grow, and now I just want to see where it goes.
thank you but now I am dangerously close to changing the current story summary to "Like if Kissinger got sampled by BTS and then kidnapped by a kpop stan and kept as a house cat"
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haugr · 1 year
Uhh, apologies to any subscribers if you get some odd notifications from me on ao3. I'm working on stuff that requires me to test things out before I'm confident in using them, and I'm not sure what will trigger a notification just yet.
Should have something to update with in the next month! Will also get around to answering the asks/comments I've received since I disappeared into the aether.
Hope you're all doing well.
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haugr · 2 years
I only found V&F really recently and I wanted to say thank you for the story, it’s a wonderful setting and set of characters, and it’s helped me process a lot of relationship-y/emotional stuff I didn’t even know I had to process. Dealing with breaks/burnout/other hiatus stuff sounds incredibly difficult, but even if it stays on hiatus I wanted to thank you for the writing and I hope your 2023 is amazing ~
I'm really glad to hear that. Finding some kind of emotional and/or mental handhold in fiction (even--maybe especially--when that particular work wasn't actively trying to) has always helped me get by when Real Life wasn't being too accommodating that way. However it worked for you, I hope you feel a bit more steady.
It's been more frustrating than anything (I was writing like a fiend in Oct. 2020), but I'll get there. Thank you for the well wishes, and I hope you and everyone reading this has a better year too!
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haugr · 2 years
Ok, but, I started freaking dying in my home office when I checked in on Archive after work and just saw the way you struck out November. Gave me a really good laugh when I desperately needed one. Can't wait for the next chapter!
That's a much better reaction than I expected, lol. I'm glad you got something positive out of it!
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haugr · 2 years
I just wanted to check in to say there is absolutely no pressure to finish. You are a human being and mental health is important. Regardless of when you finish it I just wanted to remind you people appreciate everything you’ve done up until now. Your work fills a very specific niche better than any other and you should be proud of what you have accomplished. Thank you for what you have written so far ^^
;_; thank you... I hope it get it going again soon!
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haugr · 2 years
december is just november again anyway
(working on it)
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haugr · 2 years
I've recently been trying to actually thank people who have created content I've enjoyed, so, I hope that regardless of what's going on in your life currently, you know that the story you are creating is amazing and I look forward to every update regardless of when it is. You have made something that has impacted many people positively, and in this shit world, that means everything. Poggers
Ah, thank you. ;_; It's a lovely thing to hear. I can only hope I can get back on it and finish up for everyone waiting...
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haugr · 2 years
Wanted to say that any wait is worthwhile for a good story. Authors on free sites, sharing their ideas with and audience who only need an internet connection to enjoy that work, deserve all the time they need. Just hope your health and well-being are stable. Thanks for the all work you do, haugr.
Thank you for the kind words. I'm mostly alright, just having a spat of Bad Brain in combination with some external drags on my time. Nothing I haven't weathered before. I just hate that it means a wait for other people!
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haugr · 2 years
Is there an update planned or is the story on hiatus for a bit?
Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to have to just admit to myself that it's on hiatus. Just one of many personal projects patiently waiting for me to get my shit together...
I'll put a note about it on AO3.
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