hauntedtrainertwins · 6 years
Send “♫” and I will respond with songs that:
Describe the relationship between our muses;
Waiting on a Friend: Rolling StonesMeyla and Aizen aren’t really friends but I’d be lying if I said Meyla wouldn’t consider being his friend. As such I feel like this is appropriate enough.
Reminds my muse of yours;
Land of the Dead; Voltaire Meyla is many a things, ignorance begin one of them, However she is a pretty decent judge of character. Something to Aizen just seems very, very off; reminding her a lot of depictions of Hades in mainstream media. She’s not entirely keen on letting him know this though.
Our muses would enjoy listening together.
Out of Reach; VoltaireI am not sure if this so much a song they’d enjoy listening together as much as it’s a Song Meyla would show Aizen due to believing he’d enjoy it. 
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
@plataneprofessor from HERE
Meyla paused at the question but offered a smile and a weak shrug. “Honestly I don’t know much about them myself Professor. They’re usually given to pokemon as treats but people can eat them too, and their also used in coffee.”
Thinking for a moment she smiled a little more. “Also, I’m pretty sure you can plant these to grow your own.”
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
Send “♫” and I will respond with songs that:
Describe the relationship between our muses;
Reminds my muse of yours;
Our muses would enjoy listening together.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
Tease my muse about any crushes they have/you think they might have!
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
👗 (Ryver to Ayala) /I'll be honest and say I just wanna see if he'd be a smarass about it/
Lets Play Dress Up
“Fuck off.”
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
👗 (meyla to zomb)
Lets Play Dress Up
“I hope this is okay..”
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
👗 (Tzil to Iza)
Lets Play Dress Up
“Here you little shit. Wear this more then just this once okay?”
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
Send Me A “👗” And My Muse Will Dress Yours
They’ll put together an outfit for yours based on their personal tastes using This.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
@rocketbalor from HERE
“Death. Death is the worst that can happen. Ghosts aren’t always the nicest thiiings” Meyla muttered as she got pulled along. She hated haunted houses and anything that had to do with willingly putting herself in the way of a ghost.
"What if it's a spiritome? Their aggressive.." She offered as well, moving a little closer to the broader man, her nerves flaring up as she looked around. She knew real ghosts where existed and really didn't fancy meeting one on the night of Halloween.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
“I do actually. A Noivern. And she’s pretty sweet.” he chuckled. “Its actually been a while since she last stretched her wings, so getting her out wouldn’t be the worst idea.” he stated, reaching into his pocket for the Pokeball. 
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“Buuut I suppose a little chit chatting wouldn’t kill me. What you wanna know girly?” he asked, continuing his strides as they walked. Seeming happy with their pace. Not to mention the idea of her loosening up didn’t seem half bad either. 
Her interest seemed a little peaked by the comment of him having a Noivern. "I didn't peg you the type to have a Noivern...You seemed more of the fighting type user." She mused idly, clasping her hands behind her back as she walked beside him. He just seemed like the type who liked to get into fights given his physic.
A mild bit of panic went through Meyla as she tried to figure out a conversation topic for the two of them to go off of. "What..other pokemon do you have?" She asked after a moment looking towards Balor, a curious expression on her face. They were both trainers so this should be a safe topic of conversation.
"You can also ask me anything...if you wanted too." She muttered as an after thought, just in case he wanted to know anything about her.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
文 for Meyla :3c
Send in 文 for a confession from my character on what gets them hot
Meyla squeaked and stared at the other before covering her face a little. She really didn’t want to have to get into this right now; what if they thought it was stupid? 
“C...Collars...” Was her answer after a long moment of silence. 
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
Sexual Sunday Meme - NSFW
Send in ☎ for my character's reaction to getting sexual thought from yours
Send in ✉ for my character's reaction to getting a written sexual message from yours
Send in ♌ for my character's reaction to being spanked by yours
Send in ❤ for my character's reaction to be propositioned by yours
Send in ✿ for my character's reaction to being fondled by yours
Send in ☥ for my character's reaction to receiving nude pictures from yours
Send in ★ for my characters reaction to yours asking them where babies come from
Send in ☀ for my character's reaction to yours exposing themselves
Send in -‘๑’- for my character's reaction to yours telling them to bend over
Send in ✥ for my character's reaction to finding out yours is a dominatrix
Send in ♍ for my character's reaction to yours telling them they are a virgin
Send in ❆ for my character's reaction to being tied up by yours
Send in ♉ for my character's reaction to suddenly being kissed by yours
Send in ❣ for my character's reaction to suddenly being joined in the bath by yours
Send in 文 for a confession from my character on what gets them hot
Send in ♚ for a confession from my character on what turns them off
Send in ♛ for a confession from my character on their kinks
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
o((*^▽^*))o oshit anutha one
Compliment me :PcSend me a o((*^▽^*))o if you like my writing
[[ deers better Thank you hun~ I’m happy to know that :>
Yer writings great too~
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
(*^▽^*) ; (★^O^★) ; ´・ᴗ・` to list a few.
Compliment me :Pc Send me a (*^▽^*) if you like my muse(s)Send me a (★^O^★) if we have muses/a fandom in common (i.e we have muses from the same series)Send me a ´・ᴗ・` if I’ve ever encouraged you to write something/use a particular muse
I LOVE YOU TOO YOU DORK; You keep doin great~!]]
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
Don't chase the rabbit
Trip down memory laneMeyla
A young girl, only about the age of seven, sat in a room watching the night sky with idly bored eyes. Her and Her brother hadn’t been allowed outside to play that day because the parents were scared of more children disappearing. A pout quickly formed on her features. 
She didn’t want to be cooped up all day; it was boring. She wanted to play. What was so important about the children missing? Maybe her friends were just playing with them? Her friends were awfully nice to her and her brother. They always kept the twins company whenever no one else was around. It was great!
Suddenly her eyes lit up as she was a familiar pokemon outside her window, and she quickly threw it open. It was a Dusknoir. Waving down at it she giggled and smiled some more, before realizing it was motioning for her to jump down. There was only a brief hesitation before the young girl did so. She trusted her friends, the helped and played with them all the time! Even now the pokemon caught her with ease before going to lead her away into the forest.
She could only guess it wanted to play with her without the adults finding out. A good idea, she thought, after all what if they forced her back inside? She didn’t even hesitate as they started to reach an area that she was unfamiliar with. They just kept coaxing her along, deeper and deeper yet. The idea to Stop didn’t even occur, that the Dusknoir could fly while she could not.
The thoughts never crossed her mind until her foot slide through the air and she started to fall off of a cliff. She let out a panicked cry as she fell, hoping her friend would save her before she got hurt, but they didn’t. Her small frame crashed against the side of the cliff and she rolled down. By the time she stopped moving her form trembled and she was left bleeding and brushed, parts of her body hurting a lot more then they ever had before.
Her gaze drifted up to her friend, their form blurry from her tears. She wanted to ask why they did this, but she couldn’t say anything. Her body trembled but then her eyes widened as more pokemon came onto the scene, more of her friends. They all attacked the Dusknoir that had lured her off the cliff, none of them happy. She wished she could ask them to stop; but she couldn’t. All she could do was watch as they tore the other apart.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
Compliment me :PcSend me a (*^▽^*) if you like my muse(s)
Thank you hun! I love your muses too~! I can’t wait to fluster the poor bastards more XD]]
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
With Brio being Brio, he’s always rather judge-y of other people by first glance. So of course, he’s first to note a single fly away on the poor trainers head. He points at it, a rather snarky smile on his face, and says — “Your hair is a mess.” ... What a jerk.
Ryver paused as he looked up from his little booklet and looked to the other trainer, a rather bored expression on his face. Who did this kid think he was? The insult really didn’t bother him as Ryver really didn’t tend to care much about his appearance, to busy worrying about things that were actually important.
“And your personality belongs a trashcan. What about it?”
Shrugging a little as he spoke Ryver turned his attention back to the booklet he was thumbing through. 
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