hausofitachi · 1 year
We are holding an interest check for an Itachi themed fan zine! This is to test the waters on how many people could participate in this project and what content people would like to see. If you are interested in an Itachi Zine, either as a consumer of creative, please fill out this form.
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hausofitachi · 2 years
first kiss
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hausofitachi · 2 years
KisaIta week 2022 prompt voting!
The interest check for a Kisame/Itachi week was successful! It will be happening over the week of March 12-19, 2022!
In the mean time, please fill out the prompt voting form below if you are interested!
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hausofitachi · 3 years
KisaIta week interest check!!
Hi! Please consider filling out this form if you are interested in participating in a Kisame/Itachi ship week in the beginning of next year!
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hausofitachi · 3 years
Hi, I'm the author! I do have another fic in the series planned, but I can't promise how soon it will come out 😅 I'm sloooow and have a lot of other things I wanna work on too. But thank you very much for your support!! I hope you continue to enjoy the au 💕💕💕💕
Okay I feel like have a lot to say, so :
First, thank you for your art. I discovered it less than a week ago I think and I absolutely love it, you’re really talented and it really is a pleasure to see it. This a work of quality.
Second, I saw the little playlist you made about ShiIta, thanks for making me discover Pain by Boy Harsher!! :)
Then, this is my question:
I saw someone asked you if Shisui’s hair smelled like coconut and you replied that to you, it was more Itachi’s hair scent. I disagree a bit (as you said there’s no right answer, I’m here because I wanted to discuss it with someone as Itachi’s hair is now an obsession to me too!). So this is my reflection about it.
I read the Royalty AU (wonderfully) written by flameofarcana on AO3 (I am obsessed with it I keep reading it again and again for 3 days now). I said to myself:
- Itachi is a king
- Shisui takes care of his hair for him, using oils creams and royal perfumes.
- Itachi is soft as fuck
To me, I think his hair has more of a floral scent. I imagine Shisui putting some rose, violet, or jasmin scents in Itachi hair. Probably jasmin, maybe some musc too because it’s delicate but quite strong too. What do you think ? Itachi seems so pure in this story, to me he smells like flowers. This theory about his hair doesn’t applies only to this story but in general :) Can’t wait for your opinion!
Haha ooh I love how asks on tumblr can now be so long - finally the space for discussion we need :D
First of all, thank you for your your nice message! I love how you've found a new song you like, too <3
On to Itachi's hair scents: I don't think we need to define a common ground or agree in any way on that. Even I have like 20 different Itachis in my head, depending on the AU, the pairing, which personality traits I want to emphasize and much more. We are all simps digging around in our little sandbox of Itachi love, and no one's sandcastle is objectively better than anyone else's. I only have the privilege to influence headcanons more because my art is popular, but that doesn't mean they're more valid than others.
I like to imagine notes that are more 'masculine' but in a light way, and a bouquet of exclusively floral scents won't quite nail it for me, but if it sparks joy for you, that's valid! (Especially in that wonderful AU by flameofarcana which I've also read multiple times).
Your imaginery Itachi, your rules! :D
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hausofitachi · 3 years
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hausofitachi · 3 years
List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
AH i got tagged in this by @malignedaffairs like two weeks ago and told myself I would do it when I got back to my laptop and then completely forgot?? ashdjkfsaf im SORRY but thank you for the tag this was fun!! I'm also doing wips because i havent published 20 fics but I HAVE been writing :D
1. Shisui climbed the hill of soft green grass, still fresh from the passing waves of spring. (hot summer days)
2. “Why aren’t you eating your cupcake?” (frosting)
3. “Oh, they’re totally doing it.” (teacher knows best)
4. “That one.” (all that glitters is not gold)
5. Shisui approaches the guards with as much authority as he can channel, straight-spined and high-headed. (fit for a king)
6. "Ah, Commander, sir!” (royal indulgence)
7. Itachi pressed the slowly warming rim of the beer bottle to his lips. (little changes)
8. “We should just wait for Father to get here, Itachi.” (cops and robbers)
9. “It’s been years since I’ve seen you act like a toddler like this.” (you can with this battle)
10. It was strange, the way time moved when life stopped moving. (dear shisui)
11. It’s a sticky kind of heat that blankets the early June air. (of tea and sunrises)
12. It’s a lazy day, cold and damp. (strawberries dont grow in the summertime)
13. Shisui thinks that he might kill Kakashi. (kings commands)
14. Itachi rubs a hand over his eyes. (party favors)
15. If there is anything that Kisame knows, it is violence. (i know who i am when i'm alone)
16. “Itachi! Come help me with this.” (wip, modern au)
17. “Please turn that off,” Itachi grits. (wip, succubus au)
18. Itachi loves Sasuke. (wip, modern au AGAIN)
19.Itachi was like nothing else Shisui had ever experienced. (wip, college au)
20. Karin leans over the shop counter, perky chest just barely spilling over the tight hem of her white blouse. (wip, old west au)
Okay so the very obvious trend is that I start with dialogue a LOT. or I describe the weather, a lot, too. I definitely have crutches haha.
I think my favorite is 13 (bc i think its funny) or 18 (because yes, yes he does)
I'm not tagging anyone because I don't know anyone on this platform anymore, but everyone who sees it is welcome to do it!!
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hausofitachi · 3 years
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Website | Instagram | Artstation | DeviantArt | YouTube
One of my favorite characters, drew this one last year (updated!!)
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hausofitachi · 3 years
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暗部編! │ kinu (Pixiv Id 1109207)
Characters: Kakashi, Itachi & Yamato Manga/Anime: Naruto Shippuuden
※ Authorized reprint
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hausofitachi · 3 years
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·˚ ༘♡ uchiha sasuke ‘n uzumaki naruto[sasunaru/narusasu] matching icons - like or reblog if u save ·˚ ♡
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hausofitachi · 3 years
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[Suits - Itachi and Kisame]
These are more recent ones. I wanted to do a series with all of the Akatsuki members in formal/semi formal wear. As I make them, I’ll be uploading them in pairs.
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hausofitachi · 3 years
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hausofitachi · 3 years
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More Shiita because I live for this apparently.
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hausofitachi · 3 years
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Art Trade - Kisame for Cavea by *netamashii
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hausofitachi · 3 years
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hausofitachi · 3 years
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hausofitachi · 3 years
thinking about a very self indulgent modern au where itachi’s favourite coffee shop gets a new barista who is so bad at his job but he’s so nice and writes things like “have a nice day” on his cups that management can’t justify firing him when he brings business in.
this of course means that itachi hates him.
shisui has no clue what he’s done to earn this ire, and still tries to learn itachi’s name.
he does things like kiss the side of the cup, winking at itachi, and his manager screams at him and then shisui spends hours lingering around itachi’s table trying to apologise profusely.
(itachi hates him even more because he’d almost smiled at the attempts)
and itachi works so hard on his coursework that he often doesn’t realise the coffee shop is closing, that shisui’s flipped the sign and is sneaking left over sandwiches in his bag that would’ve been thrown away. even shisui sometimes forgets itachi’s there, when he’s left to close up shop. he puts on 90’s post punk, dances around his broom, sings to his hearts content.
he can’t bring himself to get embarrassed the first time itachi laughs. he’s too awed.
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