If yours still doing the character ask thing, Denzel with I3 please?
Done! Hope you like it!
Slight blood warning ⚠️
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Death observed, then groaned. "Out of all the Sorrows to arrive...."
He approached Quinn, crossing his arms and staying a distance from the Head of Addictions for now. "Did he just arrive?" He kept his sockets on the jittery man.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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the two began to greet people as they came. Most being random employees. Mark came through, mentioning that he'd bring in his pretzel stand soon. Brad was not very long after, and was given a brief warning to not act up from Death.
Things were going well so far.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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"Not usually... but with all the company's been facing recently, I figured I might as well enjoy something."
"I hear you there boss!" Harried beamed, then seemed to notice something. "Oh shit, wimp at 7 o'clock, see ya later!" Before promptly dashing away, putting her whistle between her teeth. Assumedly off to reprimand someone she'd been training.
Death chuckled and shook his head before looking at Quinn. "Let's greet the guests then, hm?"
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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Death stopped a comfortable distance from Harriet and the front desk. She immediately began talking, leaning against the wood and tapping her fingers quickly as she did so.
"Hey!! Boss!! Great to see you really great, you seen these decorations yet? Remarkable! Pump right there had some real bright ideas for those things!!"
Patrick looked over and adjusted his glasses, smiling.
Death looked around at said decorations, then to Quinn. "Really now?" He faced Harriet. "Well they look great."
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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his sockets crinkled up in the corners again with his smile. "Good. Good. Oh, this is exciting!"
He let his voice lift up some, before clearing his throat and becoming a bit more serious once again. He continued moving towards the desk.
Harriet glanced over, then back again, before waving wildly. Energetic as always.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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He nodded and began to walk towards the desk with Quinn. "People should begin gathering around soon..."
His one hope for this, is for no fights or arguments to break out. He'll have to keep an eye on any Sorrows that come.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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He looked over them, hesitant, then sighed, taking his hand back to his side.
He nodded his skull towards the front desk. "You'll have to explain the finer details of what you've all organized to me." He had, for the most part, left the planning up to Quinn and Harriet. The best ones for organizing events.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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Standing straight death hastily returned his arms to himself. "You're fine! It isn't your fault, that was mine. I forgot to warn you, you have no blame here."
He dusts off his hands on his coat and looks at Quinn, resting a palm on their shoulder. "Are you alright?" Then nearly fell because of his thoughtlessness. He was worried.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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Death nodded. "That we are."
He stopped hovering, placing his feet on the ground and stabilizing. Sort of lost in thought, he forgot that Quinn was still floating and recalled the cloak back to its hood manifestation, which would suddenly drop Quinn. Still in his arms.
To say simply, he lost his balance.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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Death felt happy. This was the most he had laughed in ages. And it felt good. It hurt a little, because he was laughing hard, and moving fast. All with Quinn held close. But it was amazing.
it felt like it ended all too soon.
He saw the front desk up ahead and came to a stop. Slowing and stilling a fair distance away from the desk.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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he paused a moment, just looking at them. They were enjoying it? In that moment, his eyes could have sparkled.
He shook his head, clearing his mind and looked forward once more. "Alright!" He laughed, full chested, as they moved forwards once more and the crackling built up again.
And then they dashed again. And they kept moving at a rapid speed, floating fast and dashing to pick up the pace.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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once the lurch forward returned to the quick floating pace, Death looked at Quinn.
"Feeling alright? We can walk if you'd rather..." he was worried. He couldn't read their expression.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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He smiled at them. Well, the best mimicry his skull could make of it. Then, he looked forward.
The cloak began to crackle with a purple energy. Like static rippling across the surface of the fabric. "Hold on tight." He said.
And that was All the warning Quinn got before they both dashed forward, cutting through the air with a Crack and a whoosh.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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Death laughed again, shaking with the sound. He tightened his hold on Quinn just barely. He didn't mention that he had never actually done this with someone else before.
"Good job. Now, let's get going." Together, they began to simply move forward. The pace faster than previously.
He figured he'd let them adjust for a moment before dashing, as he wasn't sure how the energy or whiplash would effect them.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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Trying not to think too long or too hard on it, Death pulls Quinn closer until he's able to hold his arms around them. His cloak falling now, slightly over them as well. He'd need to thank it for being a good sport later.
"You dont have to keep standing." He chuckled. "Don't think about it too hard, just... float. It's simple I promise."
He was looking at them with something that could be identified as affection in his sockets. But he looked away, trying not to think about how close they were. Why did he do this? Right, to have fun. Let loose. Just breath, with your non existent lungs... you'll be fine.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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He laughs again. A bit louder. More confident. He holds out his second hand, as if inviting them in for a hug.
"Yes, now come on then!" He was actually really excited. He didn't quite know why regardless, he was happy.
Death exited his office. Harriet had already crashed by earlier to congratulate the anniversary and mention that the decorating was going good.
He took the elevator, making some conversation with Jocelyn as he headed for the hall of eternity. Where the celebration was being held.
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