havenssake · 4 years
so i want to start animating, but i dont know where to start, do you have any suggestions? if so it would be greatly appreciated!
for animating i personally use clip studio ex, (though the program isnt entirely streamlined for animation, as its original purpouse is manga and comic work)
(theres also this toolset for csp, i dont use it myself, but it seems pretty handy if you want to try it out)
and as i said in an earlier post, theres a SAI plugin that lets you animate too, though i havent used it
for editing and tweened animations after effects is a solid choice
firfilm is also an option for that, as it carries a lot of the base functions in the free version, but it doesnt have the same plugin support (the only reason i stick to ae is the abundance of plugins ngl)
i hear blender is good for compositing too (and has the grease pencil in case you wanna animate in the program itself) though the interface is confusing
on the topic of technique id say study the basic principles and remember them
as well as analyzing the work of animators you like closely, seeing what they did right, and what could flow better
(though that one is comign from someone whos often as critical of other peoples work as they are of their own, but it did lead to me absorbing a lot of the basics into intuition without too much practice)
it also helps to animate a character in seperate parts, so you dont get overwhelmed trying to do overlapping movements in one go (of the wonders of digital)
heres some process gifs from a recent animation as an example:
rough key poses:
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face and clothes (2 seperate folders):
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rough sketch of the hair (for figuring out movement without worying abt it being clean):
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cleaner sketch of the hair and scars:
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lineart (no lipsync, seriously do this last i beg of you)
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and with lipsync:
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(im also cuttently working on coloring and shading, and ive bee using blue lines to map it out, but im not finished so i cant vouch for its sucess yet)
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dont be afraid to play around with the duration of your frames. you dont have to nessecarily animate on ones and twos alone. playing around with frame length means you can keep fluid movement with as few frames as possible
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all that said it is really important you name all you animation folders or else youre not going to be able to find anything at all ever
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also: if youre looking for a solid list of animation exercises to try that are more detailed than the standard list of bouncing balls and flour sacs people keep recomending you do then this list might be useful (i vaguely recall finding it through animator island though im not sure as its been a while)
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havenssake · 5 years
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Ok so Sushi lives in a large cave called Haven 2,000 years after an apocalyptic war and in the middle of a nuclear winter. The citizens of Haven are divided into four classes. The God Class, a pale, Victorian-dressed class that are really just regular humans; so they have zero resistance to radiation and therefore do not go outside. In the religion that rules Haven, the God Class are sinless and perfect, reflected by their entirely human appearance. The second class is the Angel Class, also pale but more of a slave class despite their high status. They have naturally muscular bodies and both sexes can throw a life-ending punch. They have chains around their wrists and torsos to be led around by their "employers," the God Class. Their eyes are removed at birth because of a fear of the Angel Class possibly rebelling against their masters.  The lower classes (Angel and below) all represent certain Punishments for sins that their ancestors have committed. Angel Class represents the Punishment of Rebellion. The third class is the Prophet Class. They are the merchant class, and often have missing and/or extra limbs. Most of the Prophet Class have two hearts, which sets them apart from the God Class and also allows them to survive their high likelihood of heart disease due to physical complications. They are often greedy and will fight over goods and money. However, they are certainly not evil and really just want to get by. They have a decent resistance to radiation and can leave Haven for short periods of time to gather goods and materials. They represent the Punishment of Wealth.
The fourth class is the Demon Class, of which Sushi is a part of. They are characterized by their keratin-based horns (maintaining these horns relies on a high protein diet, so they are far more carnivorous than the other four classes), sharp teeth, pointed ears, and arrow headed tails. They are the most complicated of the classes (despite low status) and have subclasses. These subclasses are not hereditary, and are not necessarily enforced in every day life. These subclasses really only serve the purpose of separating hunting parties. Due to the unstable DNA the Demon Class has, they are highly resistant to the after effects of radiation. However, it has been observed that long periods of time outside of Haven will thin out their hair and eventually turn them bald. The subclasses are based on horn size. The larger the horns, the higher in class you are as larger horns generally makes for a more physically stronger individual, while smaller-horned individuals are generally more intelligent and have more dangerous tails. These subclasses are shown through dyed hair color, red being the highest subclass and blonde being the lowest. Within Haven, there is a rumored secret market named the Cult Market, supposedly run by the son of a Prophet Class Survivor and a Demon Class Survivor. It is rumored to sell a rare element named Demarium, which has been said to take advantage of the unstable DNA of a Demon Class Survivor and transform them entirely, oftentimes making them far more dangerous and violent. The Demon Class represents the Punishment of Violence.
 Now for Sushi, Sushi is a red haired Demon Class Survivor. Like most other Survivors in Haven, he had little concern for the inequalities of the class system in Haven. He did as he was taught, to do his job and train to do what he was born to do. At the age of 15, all Demon Class Survivors are able to go on their first hunt outside of Haven. Of course, he was excited like all other recent 15 year old Demon Class Survivors, and went on his first hunt with the sweater given to him for his birthday (the Demon Class lives and sleeps near the entrance of Haven, so the Demon Class is known for wearing warm clothing despite the lava flow under Haven making the rest of the cave much warmer). After his first successful hunt with one of the largest creatures around (larger horned hunting parties hunt the larger creatures), Sushi was excited to to share his catch with his friends and family. However, he soon found out that he was not allowed to keep the entirety of his kill, and was instead forced to give his whole catch to those of the God Class, who then turned around and gave the hunting party a tiny portion of the large animal and a miniscule amount of money as "compensation". This, in turn, forced Sushi to change his views and quickly sent him into a spiral of hatred and anger.He quickly made his way to his friends and around Haven to ask others of the injustices they received, and quickly concluded that the God Class is a leech on society that uses their perfection as a weapon against their fellow Survivors, and they needed to either be wiped out, or forced to admit the class system was wrong and needed to be changed. Thus, he created the rebellion organization Haven's Sake and vowed to change everything for the better
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havenssake · 5 years
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I’m back after like a year or something. Anyway, I’ve updated the God Class. Probably gonna change the other classes a bit, but really just redraw them. So, main difference #1, other than the garbage arms, I have changed the religion from essentially super demonized Christianity to its own, apocalypse-based religion. Unsure of what it’s called, but its origin is the original survivors that found Haven, and was slowly formed into a caste system to keep unchanged people at the top rather than a desperate attempt to explain why the bombs were dropped. The God Class is still the top tier that lives within the walls of the Inner Sanctum. The adult personalities are generally really bland, the children have a bit more color to theirs up until they are taught to be stoic adults.
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This is the original
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havenssake · 6 years
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This is Solomon Chant. He’s a merchant in the Cult Market and is a mix between the Demon class and Prophet class. Thus labeling him as Servant class due to the unholy mix of his genes.
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havenssake · 6 years
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Hello everyone! I’ve gotten around to making the sprite bases and developing the character sprites! Thanks to the new Krita update, I can make pixel art much easier now in a program I am comfortable with!
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havenssake · 6 years
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New profile pic. Finally started to work on the pixel part of a pixelated rpg. Just need to work on the sprites now!
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havenssake · 6 years
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Just some doodles and character concepts. Hope you enjoy!
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havenssake · 6 years
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((Hey look I’ve gotten better))
The Demon Class is very… well… demonized by the God Class. Their almost carnivorous diet leads some to believe they will eventually turn to cannibalism. The diet does help shape the form of a Demon class Survivor, particularly its horns. The horns are made of keratin, a substance that grows and maintains with protein. Demon class Survivors have very unstable DNA as well, leading to radiation not affecting their overall well being; but a rumored element named Demarium can dramatically alter their appearance and even their personality.
Surprisingly, however, the inner workings of the Demon class is far more complex than any other class. Within this class there is a subclass system, based on the size of horns. Although it is not necessarily hereditary, nor is it heavily enforced. If a small-horned child were born to a large-horned family, the child would be sent further down the line but the parents would remain in their subclass. This is the same if it were the opposite. There are certain hair colors assigned to the higher subclasses (due to short, but fat horns being considered large; while long, but thin horns being considered small) in order to properly assign hunting parties; blonde is the smallest horn size and red is the largest. Larger-horned Survivors (the God class however only calls them “demons” rather than group Demon class citizens among them) can be described as brutish in strength and head strong. Whilst smaller-horned Survivors are quick and cunning. Of course this varies by the individual.
Babies within the Demon class are born with pinkish skin (similar to that of a shrimp) and get darker as they get older. Demon class has the most diverse skin colors when compared to the other classes. They are also born with a small tail that grows over time and will shape according to horn size. Occasionally a baby is born with two sets of horns, and in general will automatically put them into the largest size subclass. However the second set of horns is always 50%-90% smaller than the first set. 
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havenssake · 6 years
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Little doodle/concept for when you find Melchior. The background is rushed as it’s not particularly the main focal point (also I have not exactly figured out how the outside truly looks. All I know is it’s snowy). It’s going to be nearing night, when the worst of the radiated creatures come out. And this is the only reason Melchior does not send you back to Haven
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havenssake · 6 years
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This is a new major character in Haven’s Sake. Melchior is known as “The Escapee” within Haven. No one really knows how he got out, and why he never returned. However, despite no one knowing the current whereabouts of Melchior, the God class people seem to be rather touchy about the subject of a supposedly unimportant escapee. He is part of a quest. Unlike most others in the Demon class, he does not have a reddish tint to his skin. This is due to his own genetics and the fact that he was outside longer than any other character. The radiated snow sped up his hair loss, and he is rather sensitive about it.
Melchior was always known as an angry character, he was not shown to smile much. Yet he remained kind to others. When he is found, he seems to have become a rather hardened person and takes a while to warm up to Sushi. When questioned about his left eye, he ignores the question until he mentions that Sushi is as headstrong as he used to be, and that it will get him in serious trouble one day. When prompted to rejoin Haven, and join the cause Haven’s Sake, he will blatantly refuse, telling Sushi that he will understand why soon.
After his quest, Melchior becomes a rather useful character in hunts and can also help sway Survivors to join Haven’s Sake with his story. He sits at the age of 38, and therefore will not respond to any player attempts to gain attraction or seduce him.
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havenssake · 6 years
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This is possibly what the Prophet class market could look like.
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havenssake · 6 years
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This is the middle tier class, the Prophet class. They have missing and/or extra body parts, and are generally not the cleanest. They’re a very greedy class which the God class uses against them as they represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Occasionally someone from the Prophet class will be born looking like a completely normal, God class-level human. In cases like those they are always checked for the extra heart (it is extremely rare for any other major organ to be duplicated) before the God class will consider them one of the “Saved.” They are merchants and sell their wares with a high price. 
There have even been rumors of a black market that sells preserved Angel class eyes to the Demon class for them to use as bait in their hunts. This rumored “Cult Market” sells near-unobtainable things at an incredibly high price, the most inquisitive rumor being that of the trade of an element named Demarium.
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havenssake · 6 years
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This is the Angel class.They are technically a slave class, but are known as higher in the class system because of their strength and employers, the God class. They are pale, like the god class, because they do not go outside of Haven. Each wears a uniform that does not change, not even between gender that much. Every Angel class human gets their eyes removed from birth, leaving them to be blind and needing to rely on the God class. They have immense strength. And due to the fact that their muscles are naturally massive, their metabolism is extremely fast, leading them to be fed almost every few hours. 
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havenssake · 6 years
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Here’s some character concept art - cinnamoncat23
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havenssake · 6 years
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This is the God class. Humans who have been unaffected by the radiation and do not go outside at all, leading to paleness. They have no missing or extra limbs or organs.
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havenssake · 6 years
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For some odd reason the sprites are always really blurry. I have no idea how you can get blurry pixels but you can (also I have no idea how to make the picture bigger)
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havenssake · 6 years
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The first promotional poster I’ve drawn out, although I am aware that it is one: very communist propaganda-ish. It’s kind of inetntional. And two: I still need to clean it up. It obviously features Sushi, part of the Demon class. The symbol shown is the symbol for Sushi’s rebellion, Haven’s Sake. Otherwise known as Haven’s Symbol.
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